
2016-12-19 08:54:38蒋焕煜张利君周鸣川施玮囡
农业工程学报 2016年9期


(浙江大学生物系统工程与食品科学学院,杭州 310058)



(浙江大学生物系统工程与食品科学学院,杭州 310058)

为了缩短喷雾植保用电磁阀的响应时间,提高变量喷雾的精准性,该文引入响应面法优化改进型脉冲宽度调制(pulse width modulation,PWM)控制参数。试验采用Box-Behnken设计方法,选取电磁阀驱动电压(10、12和14 V)、PWM延迟时间(15、40和65 ms)及PWM占空比(5%,15%和25%)作为考察因素,以电磁阀开启响应时间、电磁阀闭合响应时间和电磁阀响应时间为响应值,获取了关于3个响应值的二次多项回归模型,并对其进行了验证。经响应面法分析得出,在参数优化区间内,使电磁阀响应时间最短的参数条件为电磁阀驱动电压12 V、PWM延迟时间15 ms以及PWM占空比5%,与试验测量结果差异极小。与普通PWM控制方式相比,使用改进型PWM控制信号并优化控制参数可有效缩短电磁阀响应时间。该研究为合理选择PWM控制参数提供了参考。


0 引言

近年来,变量喷雾及对靶喷雾等环境友好型精准喷雾方式变得越来越重要[1-3],脉冲宽度调制(pulse width modulation,PWM)变量喷施是目前精准喷雾过程中的重要控制方式。电磁阀作为PWM变量喷施系统中的核心部件,其开关和闭合的响应时间是影响喷雾精准性的重要因素之一[4-5]。目前以电磁阀结构、材料等为影响因素分析电磁阀动态响应特性的研究已较多[6-10]。研究发现,电磁阀本身的线圈匝数、气隙、电阻及弹簧预紧力等结构参数对电磁阀响应特性均有一定影响。但以电磁阀控制信号为影响因素的研究往往不能引起足够重视。相比普通PWM控制方式(在阀体保持阶段采用恒定PWM信号),改进型PWM控制方式(在阀体保持阶段采用高频PWM信号)可缩短电磁阀响应时间[11],电磁阀响应时间为电磁阀开启响应时间和电磁阀闭合响应时间的和。



1 电磁阀响应时间的影响因素




2 试验平台与试验方法

2.1 电磁阀响应时间优化试验平台


图1 电磁阀响应时间优化试验平台Fig. 1 Optimization experiment platform for response time of spray solenoid valve


2.2 电磁阀响应时间的获取



运用卡尔曼滤波技术滤除传感器输出数据中的高斯白噪声可获取更准确的压力估值[19-20]。将喷雾系统压力设为0.14 MPa,控制脉冲的频率参数f设为5 Hz,占空比d设为50%,图2为经卡尔曼滤波器滤波前、后的PWM控制信号电压与喷雾瞬时压力的变化结果,对比显示,经滤波后,获取的压力数据更加可靠。

图2 经卡尔曼滤波器处理前后的波形数据Fig.2 Wave data before and after processing by Kalman filter


考虑到过高的PWM脉冲频率可能对控制电路产生干扰[14],故将高频时的PWM脉冲频率值设为定值10 kHz。设Pa和Pb分别表示电磁阀阀芯完全打开以及完全闭合时的喷雾瞬时压力值。图3中已标出电磁阀响应的临界时间点,图中t1为PWM控制信号产生的时刻,t2为喷雾压力达到Pa即电磁阀阀芯完全打开的时刻,t3为PWM控制信号消失的时刻,t4为喷雾压力达到Pb即电磁阀阀芯完全闭合的时刻。则电磁阀开启的响应时间为t2与t1的差,电磁阀关闭的响应时间为t4与t3的差。通过改变电磁阀驱动电压、PWM频率、占空比、延迟时间等参数产生的各种改进型PWM控制信号,可获取不同的电磁阀响应时间。

图3 采用改进型脉宽调制信号控制方法的波形数据Fig.3 Wave data by modified pulse width modulation control method

2.3 Box-Behnken试验设计

该研究采用三因素三水平BBD(box-behnken design,Box-Behnken设计)试验方法,通过研究一种改进型PWM控制信号并优化控制信号参数,实现缩短喷雾响应时间的目的。本研究是在喷雾系统压力一定的基础上进行的,针对喷雾系统压力等系统参数对喷雾响应时间的影响将在进一步研究中完善。选取改进型PWM控制参数中的电磁阀驱动电压、PWM延迟时间、PWM占空比为3个因素,分别记为X1、X2和X3。为清楚分析出这些因素与电磁阀各个响应阶段的关系,需对电磁阀开启响应时间、电磁阀闭合响应时间和电磁阀响应时间进行分别讨论,故以这3个响应时间为响应值,分别记为Y1、Y2、Y,并建立数学模型。试验中每个因素的低、中、高3个水平分别以-1、0和+1进行编码。使用下述二次多项式方程进行拟合[21]。

式中Y为响应值;β0为常数项;βi,βii,βij为回归系数;Xi, Xj为因素水平值;ei为误差;k为因素数,该研究中k=3。

依据电磁阀工作手册,电磁阀直流线圈正常工作允许的电压波动范围为±10%左右,本研究所用电磁阀额定电压为12 V,故取10~14 V为优化范围。依据基本的电磁理论如式(1),要保证电磁阀可靠的打开需有足够的电流驱动,经预试验发现,在10 V驱动电压条件下当PWM延迟时间低于15 ms时,电磁阀无法开启,因此选择15 ms作为下限,但若延迟时间过长,产生的过高电流会造成过强的续流效应,因此选择较小的延长时间65 ms为上限。为了保证电磁阀能够完成完整的吸合动作,选择5%作为改进型PWM占空比的下限,同时由于过高的占空比影响保持电流的大小,不利于电磁阀的闭合响应,选择较小的25%作为上限,具体参数取值如表1所示。

表1 试验因素和水平Table 1 Factors and levels

试验条件设置如下:电磁阀完全打开和闭合时的临界压力值Pa和Pb分别取0.12和0.01 MPa,喷雾系统压力设为0.14 MPa,PWM频率取5 Hz。基于表2所示的BBD设计表,进行15轮次试验并用Matlab 7.9软件对所获取的波形数据进行分析。

3 试验结果与讨论


表2 Box-Behnken试验设计与结果Table 2 Box-Behnken experimental design matrix and responses

3.1 模型拟合

使用SAS 9.1.3软件对表2中的试验数据进行回归分析,拟合得出电磁阀开启响应时间、电磁阀闭合响应时间和电磁阀响应时间的二次多项回归模型如下



表3 回归模型的方差分析Table 3 Analysis of variance of models

表4 回归模型的拟合参数Table 4 Fit Statistics for models

图4 电磁阀各响应时间预测值与测量值的对比Fig.4 Comparison between predicted and measured values of each response time

3.2 PWM参数对于电磁阀响应时间的影响


3.2.1 电磁阀驱动电压的影响


3.2.2 PWM延迟时间的影响


3.2.3 PWM占空比的影响


图5 各因素对电磁阀响应时间影响的响应曲面Fig.5 Response surfaces of factor effect on response time

3.2.4 各参数之间交互作用的影响


3.3 最优PWM参数的确定

设置以下参数范围:1)电磁阀驱动电压10~14 V;2)延迟时间15~65 ms;3)占空比5%~25%,并将每个变量的取值根据范围分别划分成5级。在此参数范围内使用SAS 9.1.3软件对已验证的回归模型进行求解,得到的结果显示,使电磁阀响应时间最短的控制参数为:电磁阀驱动电压12 V,延迟时间15 ms,占空比5%,在此控制参数条件下,计算得到电磁阀响应时间可缩短至69.9 ms。

3.4 模型试验验证

通过试验对优化的控制参数进行测试,并与模型预测值进行对比,结果如表5所示。试验测得的电磁阀响应时间为69.7 ms,与预测值69.9 ms相比仅有0.29%的误差。同时经试验测得,在使用相同的电磁阀驱动电压12 V时,使用普通控制方法(在阀体保持阶段无高频PWM信号,即无延迟时间和占空比)测得的电磁阀响应时间为88.4 ms,经响应面法优化后的改进型PWM参数可将此电磁阀响应时间缩短21.2%,故可以得出该模型能够有效控制电磁阀的响应时间。

表5 响应时间的优化试验参数Table 5 Parameters of optimised experimental runs for response time

4 结论

本文采用响应面法优化改进型脉冲宽度调制(pulse width modulation, PWM)控制参数以缩短喷雾植保用电磁阀的响应时间。选取了电磁阀驱动电压

PWM延迟时间、PWM占空比为考察因素建立了关于电磁阀开启响应时间、闭合响应时间、响应时间的二次多项回归模型并进行了验证,分析了3个参数对这3种响应时间的影响。对电磁阀响应时间回归模型进行分析求解后得出,参数优化区间内使电磁阀响应时间最短的控制参数为:电磁阀驱动电压12 V,延迟时间15 ms,占空比5%,此时电磁阀响应时间为69.7 ms,与试验测量值基本一致。同时试验发现,与普通控制方式相比,经响应面法优化后的PWM参数可将电磁阀响应时间缩短21.2%,这表明使用改进型PWM控制信号并优化控制参数后对于缩短电磁阀响应时间是有效的。

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Optimization for response time of solenoid valve through response surface methodology

Jiang Huanyu, Zhang Lijun, Zhou Mingchuan, Shi Weinan
(College of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China)

Solenoid valve driven by PWM (pulse width modulation) control signal is used as interface between electronic control and fluid flow in precision spraying, the response time of which has huge impact on the performance of precise spray system. Longer response time would reduce the accuracy of spraying and increase the overuse of chemical. A modified PWM technology (with much higher frequency for controlling the holding current) was applied and 3 parameters of PWM control signal containing driving voltage, delayed time and duty cycle were optimized by RSM (response surface methodology) to shorten the response time, which was composed of opening response time and closing response time. The optimization of parameters was carried out through the BBD (Box-Behnken design) with 3 factors and 3 levels. The critical factors (and their values) selected for the research were driving voltage (10, 12 and 14 V), delayed time (15, 40 and 65 ms) and duty cycle (5%, 15% and 25%). In order to better explore the influence of factors on each response phase of solenoid valve, the opening response time, closing response time and response time were discussed separately. The experiment was performed on an optimization experiment platform which consisted of human-machine control module, pressure supply module and PWM module. On the platform, the wave data that could reflect the relation between voltage of PWM control signal and instantaneous spray pressure near the nozzle were acquired through digital oscilloscope and then processed by Kalman filter. By analyzing the wave data, the opening and closing response time of solenoid valve with different parameters were calculated. After 15 runs of experiments under different parameter conditions, the mathematical regression models for the opening response time, closing response time and response time were built, respectively. Then the models were tested by the analysis of variance and statistical parameters of the model for response. The test indicated that the relations between response variables and independent variables were significant and the regression models were thought to be appropriate. Through the analyses of 3 tested models and response surfaces showing the effects of process parameters on response time, the effects of driving voltage, delayed time and duty cycle of PWM signal on 3 kinds of response time of solenoid valve were obtained. Firstly, the voltage had a significant effect on all response models and a positive effect on reducing response time. Secondly, the delayed time had a negative effect on reducing response time and the effect it brought was not so significant; in addition, longer delayed time could accelerate the opening phase but detain the closing phase. Thirdly, the duty cycle had a negative effect on reducing response time and had more remarkable influence on the closing response time than opening response time. Lastly, the interaction between driving voltage and duty cycle on closing response time was significant. After that, the optimal control parameter combination for the minimum response time of solenoid time was obtained by analyzing the regression model of response time, which was 12 V voltage for driving solenoid, delayed time of 15 ms and duty cycle of 5%. The predicted optimal control parameters were tested in the laboratory using the modified PWM control method and normal PWM control method which had stable voltage, respectively. The results showed that the measured value by the modified PWM control method was very close to the predicted value and 21.2% of response time could be reduced compared to the normal control method. The result indicates that the RSM is useful for optimizing the parameters of modified PWM control signal to improve the response characteristics of solenoid valve.

valves; optimization; models; response surface methodology; agricultural spraying; response time; solenoid valve





蒋焕煜,张利君,周鸣川,施玮囡. 基于响应面法的电磁阀响应时间优化[J]. 农业工程学报,2016,32(9):67-73.

10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.09.010 http://www.tcsae.org

Jiang Huanyu, Zhang Lijun, Zhou Mingchuan, Shi Weinan. Optimization for response time of solenoid valve through response surface methodology[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2016, 32(9): 67-73. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.09.010 http://www.tcsae.org




蒋焕煜,男,浙江宁海人,教授,博士生导师,主要从事农业装备智能化技术与机器人方面的研究。杭州 浙江大学生物系统工程与食品科学学院,310058。Email:hyjiang@zju.edu.cn


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