秦 宽,丁为民※,方志超,杜涛涛,赵思琪,王 朕
(1. 南京农业大学工学院,南京 210031; 2. 江苏省智能化农业装备重点实验室,南京 210031)
秦 宽1,2,丁为民1,2※,方志超1,2,杜涛涛1,赵思琪1,王 朕1
(1. 南京农业大学工学院,南京 210031; 2. 江苏省智能化农业装备重点实验室,南京 210031)
复式耕整机作业后,要求耕后沟底与地表平整,耕深稳定,耕作层膨松均匀,秸秆粉碎率高,入土均匀性好[5]。其中复式耕整机耕作稳定性直接影响整地质量,影响因素包括机组结构布置、机具悬挂状态、土壤物理特性、机器作业速度、耕前地表平整度等。因此,如何解决耕作稳定性问题成为众多学者的长期研究目标。Ryan 等[6]研究了美国西北部小麦留茬地整地机器的作业平衡性问题,提出耕作机械与牵引机械之间距离应不小于1 200 mm。孙松林等[7]从入土过程和正常耕作两部分对犁体进行受力分析,确定了犁体支持面与地平面夹角对耕作稳定性的作用关系。柳克令[8]对悬挂犁耕作稳定性进行力学、运动学分析,提出了瞬心位置对耕深稳定性的影响和以此为基础的调节原则。熊一兵[9]从牵引的角度阐述手扶拖拉机组纵向与横向平衡重心对耕作稳定性的影响。但国内外对复式整地机械耕作稳定性的研究较少。本文围绕如何提高复式耕整机耕作稳定性,重点研究影响耕作稳定性的关键因素耕深与耕宽,以期得到提高耕作稳定性的最优参数组合,为优化复式耕整机复式耕作质量提供技术参考。
复式耕整机整体结构如图1所示,主要由前置犁耕机构。后置旋耕机构。传动机构、旋耕机架、犁耕机架、悬挂机架等机构组成。犁耕机构犁铧数为4个,犁耕幅宽1 400 mm。旋耕机构动力来自于拖拉机尾部输出,通过万向轴与减速箱相配合的传动系统传输于旋耕轴,旋耕机构采用反转作业方式,旋耕刀采用弯刀,弯刀按双头螺旋线排列,旋向相反,升角相同,刀轴旋转一周内总有一把旋耕刀入土,旋耕幅宽1 800 mm。本机器采用三点式悬挂机构,可通过调节拖拉机的三点悬挂机构牵引角度与位置,实现耕深调节。机器主要参数为:外形尺寸1 650 mm×1 940 mm×1 140 mm、转弯半径≤1 700 mm、耕宽1 700~2 000 mm、耕深180~240 mm、拖拉机配套动力≥75 kW。
图1 复式耕整机结构图Fig.1 Structure schematic of plowing and rotary tillage combined machine
2.1 机器牵引角设计
2.1.1 机器质心位置的确定
复式耕整机由前置犁耕机构与后置旋耕机构组成,旋耕机构除了具有旋耕作业功能外,还具有平衡犁耕机构配重作用[15],复式耕整机总质量为1 050 kg,后置旋耕机构质量为700 kg,使机器重心置后,防止发生翘尾现象[16]。图2为纵垂面牵引线调节示意图,犁耕机架长度L1为1 250 mm,旋耕机构长度L2为700 mm,犁耕机构与旋耕机构质量均匀分布,因此按质量分步推算,重心位置O应与机架起始位置距离L3为1 287.5 mm。
图2 纵垂面牵引线调节示意图Fig.2 Schematic diagram of draft line adjustment in vertical
2.1.2 牵引角的确定
2.2 犁体配置斜角设计
图3 机器水平面受力投影Fig.3 Force projection of machine in level surface
2.3 旋耕刀升角设计
图4 土壤对旋耕刀作用力示意图Fig.4 Acting force diagram of soil to rotary blade
3.1 试验设备
试验机具为委托南通世创公司加工生产的1LFG-140型犁翻旋耕复式作业耕整机。试验器材包括:皮尺(1~100 m,0.001m)、直尺(1~600 mm,1 mm)、水平仪(上海钰诚电子有限公司,iLevel 5,精度:0.029°)、耕深尺(精度:0.01 mm)、土壤坚实度仪(浙江托普仪器有限公司,TJSD-750,±0.5‰FS)、水分测试仪(上海婉源电子科技有限公司,SK-100,0.01%)。
3.2 试验方法
2015年6月14日在江苏省常州市金坛区沙湖村对复式耕整机稳定性进行试验,平均作业时速为1.43 m/s,配套动力为久保田854。试验田块特性参数如表1所示,试验现场如图5所示。
表1 试验田块特性参数Table 1 Characteristics of experimental field environment
图5 试验现场Fig.5 Test of field
试验方法参照GB/T14225-2008《铧式犁 试验方法》与GB/T5668-2008《旋耕机械 试验方法》。具体方案如下。
1)耕深及工况耕深稳定系数试验方法。沿机组前进方向每隔2 m左、右两侧各取一点,每个行程测量20个点,用耕深尺测量每个测量点耕深度,共测3个行程。耕深按照式(5)、式(6)计算;工况耕深稳定系数按式(5)-式(10)计算,计算时,一个行程中左右两测量点各算一个单独行程。
4)碎土率试验方法。在已耕地上测定0.5 m×0.5 m面积内的全耕层土壤,土块大小按其最长边分为小于4 cm、4~8 cm和大于8 cm三级。并以小于4 cm的土块质量占总质量的百分比为碎土率,每一行程测定一点,共测3个行程。
5)植被覆盖率试验方法。在测区内对角线上取5点,每点按1 m2面积贴地面剪下露出地表的植被,称其质量,并计算出5点的平均值,每个行程测量1点,共测3个行程,按式(11)计算植被覆盖率。式中Fb为植被覆盖率,%;Wq为耕前植被平均值,g;Wh为耕后植被平均值,g。
3.3 试验设计
表2 因素水平编码表Table 2 Coding with factors and levels
3.4 多因素试验结果与分析
表3 试验方案和试验结果Table 3 Protocols and results
3.4.1 方差分析
表4 工况耕深稳定系数与工况耕宽稳定系数的二次项模型方差分析Table 4 Anova of quadratic model for working condition tillage depth stability factor and working condition tillage width stability factor
3.4.2 响应曲面分析
3.4.3 最佳参数组合的确定
图6 牵引角和犁体配置斜角对工况耕深稳定系数与工况耕宽稳定系数的响应曲面Fig.6 Response surface showing effects of angle of traction between installing bevel angle of plough to working condition tillage depth stability factor and working condition tillage width stability factor
3.5 验证试验
表5 验证试验结果Table 5 Test result of verification
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Analysis and experiment of tillage depth and width stability for plowing and rotary tillage combined machine
Qin Kuan1,2, Ding Weimin1,2※, Fang Zhichao1,2, Du Taotao1, Zhao Siqi1, Wang Zhen1
(1. College of Engineering, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210031, China; 2. Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Intelligent Agricultural Equipment, Nanjing 210031, China)
The plowing and rotary tillage combined machine developed in this study is a duplex-operation scarification machine designed with the combination of plough mechanism and rotary tillage mechanism in the front. Such a design allows the cultivator to accomplish multiple tasks simultaneously, such as plow tillage, rotary tillage, straw chopping for mulching, soil pulverization, soil covering, and surface leveling. To investigate the stability of the plowing and rotary tillage combined machine, the factors such as cultivator tillage stability were examined from 3 different aspects: traction, force analysis in the horizontal plane, and vibration analysis. The center of mass of the machine could be determined on the longitudinal vertical plane of the machine, where the traction line passing through the instantaneous center of rotation intersected with the vertical line passing through the center of mass. The traction angle (15°-30°), i.e., the angle between traction line and horizontal line , was a crucial factor affecting tillage stability. The forces acting on the machine on the horizontal plane during operation were analyzed to obtain the plow tilt angle (23°-30°) from the equilibrium equations of the plough, rotary blade, and traction forces on the horizontal plane; the plow tilt angle affected tillage stability by directly impacting the force balance on the horizontal plane. From an analysis of the vibrational excitation during machine operation, it was determined that alternating load in rotary blade operations was the main source of machine vibration excitation. The lift angle of the rotary blade (54°-85°) affected the alternating load, therefore influencing tillage stability. The traction angle, plow tilt angle, and lift angle of the rotary blade were used as the experimental variables, and the stability coefficient under tillage depth-based working conditions and the stability coefficient under tillage width-based working conditions were used as the experimental indicators in a 3-factor/2-level quadratic orthogonal rotating combinatorial test to determine the optimal parameter combination of the influencing factors. Subsequently, the regression equations with the stability coefficient as the objective functions as well as the response surface for the stability coefficient could be obtained by analyzing the test results using the Design-Expert software. The variance analysis showed that among the 3 variables in the test, the plow tilt angle had the greatest influence on the tillage depth and tillage width stability coefficients, while the lift angle of the rotary blade had the least influence on the coefficients. The response surface analysis showed that with a fixed lift angle of the rotary blade of 69.5°, an optimal tillage depth stability coefficient of 91.7% could be obtained with traction angle and plow tilt angle of 23.7° and 26.8°, respectively. An optimal tillage width stability coefficient of 93.2% could be achieved with traction angle and plow tilt angle of 25.2° and 27.3°, respectively. The optimal parameter combination was traction angle of 17.3°, plow tilt angle of 27.8°, and rotary blade’s lift angle of 72.6°. This optimal combination could achieve the working condition tillage depth stability coefficient of 91.8% and the tillage width stability coefficient of 93.4%, respectively. The validation experiments showed that with the optimal parameter combination of the influencing factors, the working condition tillage depth stability coefficient and the tillage width stability coefficient were 91.5% and 93.1%, respectively; these results were consistent with the ones obtained via software analysis. Other tillage performance indicators of the machine, such as tillage depth, tillage width, surface leveling degree, pulverization rate, and straw coverage rate which were respectively 1.87, 1.98, 21.20, 90.30% and 90.70%, all met the agronomic requirements.
agricultural machinery; optimization; stability; plough and rotary tillage; recombination; tilling depth; tilling width
秦 宽,丁为民,方志超,杜涛涛,赵思琪,王 朕.复式耕整机耕深与耕宽稳定性分析与试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2016,32(9):1-8.
10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.09.001 http://www.tcsae.org
Qin Kuan, Ding Weimin, Fang Zhichao, Du Taotao, Zhao Siqi, Wang Zhen. Analysis and experiment of tillage depth and width stability for plowing and rotary tillage combined machine[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2016, 32(9): 1-8. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.09.001 http://www.tcsae.org
秦 宽,男,安徽蚌埠人,博士生,主要研究方向为农业机械化装备研究。南京 南京农业大学工学院,210031。Email:qinkuan_njau@163.com
※通信作者:丁为民,男,安徽合肥人,教授,博士生导师,主要从事农业机械化装备研究。南京 南京农业大学工学院,20031。Email:wmding@njau.edu.cn