互联网专车平台滴滴出行宣布,与Uber全球达成战略协议,滴滴出行将收购优步中国的品牌、业务、数据等全部资产在中国大陆运营。双方达成战略协议后, 滴滴出行和Uber全球将相互持股。Uber全球将持有滴滴5.89%的股权,相当于17.7%的经济权益,优步中国的其余中国股东将获得合计2.3%的经济权益。同时,滴滴出行创始人兼董事长程维将加入Uber全球董事会。Uber创始人特拉维斯·卡兰尼克(Travis Kalanick)也将加入滴滴出行董事会。根据彭博社的报道,滴滴投资10亿美元,占Uber估值680亿美元的1.47%。Uber中国和滴滴合并后的新公司,估值将达到350亿美元。
Didi Chuxing announced that it will acquire Uber. Didi will acquire Uber’s Mainland Chinese assets in the strategic agreement. Uber and Didi Chuxing will become minority interest shareholders in each other’s companies. Uber will hold 5.89% of Didi’s stocks which amounts to a 17.7% financial stake in the company. Uber’s Chinese investors will receive 2.3% interest of their investment. Didi Chuxing founder and CEO Wei Cheng will join Uber’s international board. Uber founder and CEO Travis Kalanick will join Didi’s board. Bloomberg reported that Didi will invest $1 billion in Uber’s global company. This is 1.47% of Uber’s $68 billion valuation. Uber China will be valued at $35 billion after the merge.
Ikea China announced that online shopping for their products start at the end of August, though this service will temporarily only be available in Shanghai. Customers can log on to the Ikea China website after the end of August and navigate to the online shopping page by clicking on the shopping cart logo on the right upper corner. Product catalog and prices will be synced in-store and online. Ikea has already made its products available online in over ten countries across the world.
8月15日起,在动车上吸烟被公安机关依法处罚的旅客,铁路票务部门将暂停为其提供动车组售票服务。中国铁路总公司运输局要求,全路客票系统(含售票窗口、12306网站及手机客户端、自动售票机)对在动车组列车上吸烟被公安机关依法处罚的乘客,可暂停发售全国各次动车组车票。(来源: http://www.echinacities.com/)
Starting on August 15, the high-speed/bullet train passengers that were penalized by police for smoking aboard the train would be refused sale of tickets for the same class train temporarily.China Railway Corporation requires that all ticket sales platforms (ticket booths, 12306 online and mobile ticketing website and automatic ticketing machines) temporarily suspend selling high-speed/bullet train tickets to passengers who were found to have violated the no-smoking rule aboard trains.(Source:http://www.echinacities.com/ )