
2016-11-28 01:53:09也圆
意林(绘英语) 2016年5期




OMG,I Have Become More Chinese

I have now lived in China longer than it took to get my bachelor's degree. While no one is going to confuse①confuse 英 [kən'fjuːz] 美 [kən'fjʊz] vt. 使混乱;使困惑me with any of my Chinese colleagues or friends, the experience has definitely made a difference in my daily routine and how I see the world. In my estimation②estimation 英 [estɪ'meɪʃ(ə)n] 美 [,ɛstɪ'meʃən] n. 估计;尊重, it has been a positive change.

Some ingrained③ingrained 英 [ɪn'ɡreɪnd] 美 [ɪn'ɡrend] adj. 根深蒂固的;彻头彻尾的;生染的v. 使根深蒂固(ingrain的过去分词);生染;就原料染色laowai(foreigner) habits are hard to break: I still sometimes forget to ask if I should take off my shoes when visiting another person's home. Yet, it was a revelation to make a list of 21 ways I have become more Chinese, and in particular, more of a Beijinger, in ways big and small:

⒈ While mystified④mystified adj. 困惑的 v. 使迷惑(mystify的过去分词);使难解the first time I was served a glass of hot water, I now like it, especially in winter.

⒉ I have an English name and a distinct Chinese name (Ma Wen Tao) that's not just a phonetic⑤phonetic 英 [fə'netɪk] 美 [fə'nɛtɪk] adj. 语音的,语音学的;音形一致的;发音有细微区别的version of the former.

⒊ I know the Chinese zodiac⑥zodiac 英 ['zəʊdɪæk] 美 ['zodɪ'æk] n. 黄道带,十二宫图sign I was born under (rooster).

⒋ Don't hug acquaintances⑦acquaintance 英 [ə'kweɪnt(ə)ns] 美 [ə'kwentəns] n. 熟人;相识;了解;知道anymore.

⒌ Have a new favorite breakfast food: jian bing,Shandong style, a crunchy⑧crunchy 英 ['krʌntʃɪ] 美 ['krʌntʃi] adj. 易碎的;发嘎吱嘎吱声的,eggy, spicy crepe of goodness.

⒍Go to Wumart more than Wal-Mart, and love the lively atmosphere.

⒎ Have a son who speaks good Chinese - my youngest studied Mandarin in college,including a summer in Chengdu.

⒏Have a new favorite snack: chuanr, or as my wife calls it,meat-on-a-stick.

⒐ Seldom worr y about personal safety, even walking in big cities at night.

10. Keep a large metal carafe⑨carafe 英 [kə'ræf; -'rɑːf] 美 [kə'ræf] n. 玻璃水瓶on my desk for hot water for the day's tea.

11. Have friendly relationship with Jing Dong delivery guy.

12. No longer have coffee on balcony - that's where I hang wet clothes.

13. Love tearjerker Chinese history dramas on TV.

14. Check air pollution conditions several times a day.

15. Keep mask in my coat pocket, humidifier by my bed.

16. Calculate, automatically,yuan equivalents of dollar prices in my head.

17. I'm amazed at how much stuff costs in Western countries.

18. Check WeChat throughout day; make phone calls on WeChat.

19. Think ganbei (dry cup)when someone proposes a toast⑩toast 英 [təʊst] 美 [tost] n. 干杯;烤面包;接受敬酒的人;(在某领域)广受赞誉的人vt. 向……祝酒,为……干杯 vi. 烤火,取暖;使暖和;烘烤(面包片等).

20. Celebrate two New Year's days and two Valentine's days.

21. Read celebrity news of Jackie Chan and Fan Bingbing,ignore Kardashians.



1. 第一次接到一杯热水时我困惑不解,而如今我却爱上了热水,尤其在冬天。

2. 我有一个英文名和一个发音完全不同的中文名(马文涛),中文名不是英文名的音译。

3. 我知道自己的生肖是鸡。

4. 不再见人就拥抱。

5. 早餐有了新的最爱:山东煎饼,一种加蛋的香辣脆饼,好吃到爆。

6. 去物美超市比去沃尔玛去得更勤,喜欢那里的生气勃勃。

7. 有个中文说得很溜的儿子——我最小的孩子在大学里学过普通话,还在成都待过一夏天。

8. 零食也有了新的最爱:烤串儿,或者用我妻子的话来说,串烧肉。

9. 不怎么担心个人安全了,晚上也敢在大城市里行动了。

10. 桌上准备了一把不锈钢水壶,用来放白天泡茶的热水。

11. 和京东快递小哥的关系挺不错的。

12. 再也不在阳台上喝咖啡了——那可是我晾衣服的地方。

13. 酷爱电视上催泪的中国古装剧。

14. 一天能查上好几次空气污染情况。

15. 外套口袋里备有口罩,床边备有空气加湿器。

16. 自动心算将人民币换算成美元。

17. 为西方国家的高物价所震惊。

18. 一整天时不时就检查微信,用微信语音聊天。

19. 别人祝酒时我就想着干杯。

20. 每年庆祝两个新年和两个情人节。

21. 看成龙和范冰冰的八卦新闻,而不再理会卡戴珊姐妹。

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