
2016-11-16 00:55赵惊涛于彩霞彭苏萍马德波李明张研
地球物理学报 2016年9期

赵惊涛, 于彩霞, 彭苏萍, 马德波, 李明, 张研

1 中国矿业大学(北京) 煤炭资源与安全开采国家重点实验室, 北京 100083 2 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所, 中国科学院油气资源研究重点实验室, 北京 100029 3 中国石油天然气股份有限公司勘探开发研究院, 北京 100083


赵惊涛1, 于彩霞2, 彭苏萍1, 马德波3, 李明3, 张研3

1 中国矿业大学(北京) 煤炭资源与安全开采国家重点实验室, 北京 100083 2 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所, 中国科学院油气资源研究重点实验室, 北京 100029 3 中国石油天然气股份有限公司勘探开发研究院, 北京 100083


平面波破坏; 非线性加强滤波; 地震稀疏反演方法; 不连续及非均质地质体

The core of extracting discontinuous and inhomogeneous information lies in removing strong reflections and noises. The plane-wave destruction method uses the local plane-wave model to represent seismic structures and thus is appropriate for estimating reflections. Through subtracting the predicted reflections from seismic image data, the residual containing discontinuous and inhomogeneous information and noises are obtained. Considering the sparsity property of these small-scale geological features, an L2-L1norm model is built using a nonlinear filter for promoting the inversion signal-to-noise ratio of discontinuous and inhomogeneous information. In order to guarantee the computation efficiency in solving this sparsity model, an L1norm approximation scheme and a quasi-Newton algorithm are introduced.

A numerical experiment is designed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in extracting small-scale discontinuous and inhomogeneous geologies. The used cavity-fracture model is composed of fractures, faults and cavities. The obvious geological targets are four series of cavities in the shallow part and three series of cavities in the deep part. Using the proposed sparse inversion method, a profile with reflections eliminated and noises destroyed is obtained and the edges, faults, fractures and cavities are completely resolved. In field application, a carbonate reservoir analysis is performed. The three-dimensional pre-stack time migration profile can clearly display large-scale layers but exposes a failure in describing discontinuous and inhomogeneous geologic features. Although coherency techniques can reveal discontinuous information, the small-scale tiny faults, fractures and cavities are beyond its detection. The proposed method succeeds in clarifying and locating these small-scale geologies. The attribute analysis based on seismic spares inversion data also provides a reference about the planer distribution of the small-scale discontinuous and inhomogeneous geologies.

Resorting to the sparsity-constraint model, a seismic inversion method performed on image data is proposed for extracting small-scale discontinuous and inhomogeneous geologies. The method can achieve high-resolution information by removing the interference of reflections and the elimination of noises. In method application, seismic discontinuous and inhomogeneous structures are required to be completely imaged. Otherwise, a further velocity analysis is needed. As an end, we suggest future research on individually extracting discontinuity and inhomogeneity, especially for carbonate reservoirs research.

1 引言

我国西部碳酸盐岩风险勘探研究中,“串珠状”溶洞体、断裂等小尺度地质体在油藏单元的形成过程中起着重要作用.因此,研究不连续及非均质地质体检测方法在油气资源储层评价中具有重要的应用价值.在石油工业界中,目前用于断层检测的方法有多种,其中地震相干技术的出现为断层自动识别提供了坚实的基础.第一代相干体算法由 Bahorich和Farmer(1995)提出,该算法基于经典的归一化互相关理论,对地震数据的品质要求较高.为适应低信噪比数据,Marfurt等(1998)提出第二代相干体算法,通过引入协方差矩阵多道相似计算提高了抗噪声能力,但均值效应却降低了地震解释的横向分辨率.Gersztenkorn和Marfurt(1999)通过计算协方差矩阵中的特征值提出了第三代相干体算法,该算法通过子空间运算使得地震解释结果既消除了噪声又提高了横向分辨率.地震相干技术的出现同时也推动了一批不连续性属性检测技术的发展,如地震属性方法(李春峰和克里斯托弗,2005;张国栋等,2010;李建雄等,2011;方海飞等,2013;陈海清等,2014; 霍丽娜等,2014;王洪求等,2014)、谱分解方法(廖新华等,1990;魏志平,2009;朱振宇等,2009;陈波等,2010;陈红等,2011;黄捍东等,2012;于豪等,2013;蔡涵鹏等,2014;王贻朋等,2014; 张晓燕等,2014)、蚂蚁追踪法(张欣,2010;王军等,2013;霍丽娜等,2014)等.为消除断裂带上的散射和绕射影响,一些学者引用了混沌属性(王伟,2009)用于衡量振幅值的规律性和混乱性.廖新华等(1990)提出基于谱分解的断层识别方法,后来张亚中等(2006)将谱分解技术应用于碳酸盐岩储层预测中.然而就目前国内碳酸盐岩风险勘探而言,关注点除了小断层、断裂等不连续构造之外,还有岩溶溶洞等非均质体,实际上它们与储层特性更为紧密相关.本文研究一种能够同时考虑不连续体构造与非均质体的检测方法.鉴于该两类地质特征在数学上可用L1非光滑范数统一表示,因此探讨一种基于地震成像数据稀疏反演的不连续及非均质地质体检测方法.

2 方法原理


2.1 地震数据光滑信息预测方法



其中,d表示剩余地震数据, s=[s1,s2,…,sN,]T表示地震成像数据,R(σ)为线性平面波算子,σ表示地震倾角斜率,公式可详细表示为






考虑到断层、裂缝、溶洞等地质异常体倾角斜率无法准确估计,因此在上述预测方法中该类信息被分离出来.经过上述平面波破坏滤波后,得出的剩余地震数据d中包含了地震数据中的不连续及非均质地震信息.2.2 基于稀疏反演的不连续及非均质地质体检测方法

由于不连续及非均质地震信息为非线性构造,因此要想从剩余地震数据d中分离出有效信息,需要利用非线性构造加强滤波方法(Liu et al.,2010; 刘洋等,2014),这里用算子D(σ)表示,它可以是高斯相似均值滤波(Liu et al.,2009)或下-上-中滤波(Hardie and Boncelet,1993),本文选用下-上-中滤波(Liu et al.,2010),公式为











设目标函数Jα(m)的Hessian矩阵为H(m),由于地震数据规模较大,因此本文采用拟牛顿法求解.拟牛顿法只需要计算一阶偏导数, 计算简单且运算量小, 比解析求得Hessian矩阵更加高效稳定.














(1) 给定初始值m0、常数r及单位矩阵B0=I,并令k=0.

(2) 若k≠0,计算mk及Bk.

(3) 计算g(mk),若‖g(mk)‖<ξ×max{1,‖g(m0)‖},ξ<0.1,则停止迭代,否则执行步骤4.



3 缝洞模型算例测试

图1 缝洞模型深度偏移结果Fig.1 Depth migration of a fracture-cavity model

图2 反射信息平面波预测结果Fig.2 Reflection information predicted by plane-wave method

图3 基于稀疏反演提取出的不连续及非均质地质信息Fig.3 Discontinuous and inhomogeneous geological information extracted by sparsity inversion-based method



4 实际资料应用





图4 三维叠前时间偏移剖面Fig.4 Three-dimensional pre-stack time migration profile

图5 平面波预测剖面Fig.5 Profile predicted by plane-wave method

图6 基于稀疏反演方法提取的不连续及非均质信息Fig.6 Discontinuous and inhomogeneous geological information extracted by sparsity inversion-based method

图7 奥陶系沿层地震属性(a) 相干属性; (b) 分离出的不连续非均质数据的均方根振幅属性.Fig.7 Seismic attributes along the Ordovician layer(a) Coherence attribute; (b) RMS (Root-Mean-Square) amplitude attribute of separated data containing discontinuous and inhomogeneous information.

5 结论


(1) 本文在线性平滑信息预测上,采用平面波破坏滤波器,其他方法如F-K滤波、中值滤波等能够达到类似技术效果;

(2) 为提高不连续及非均质地质体分离信噪比,本文构建L1稀疏模型,并采用分段函数逼近策略和拟牛顿数值方法求解,该算法适用于三维高密度地震数据处理.

(3) 方法应用要求地震数据中不连续及非均质信息成像,如果速度模型不准确,需要进一步速度分析.

(4) 如何将小尺度不连续信息与非均质信息分开,单独应用非均质特征研究“串珠状”储层,可作进一步探讨.

致谢 感谢编辑部老师的辛勤工作,感谢审稿专家百忙之中对本文的热心审阅!

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(本文编辑 张正峰)

Seismic sparse inversion method implemented on image data for detecting discontinuous and inhomogeneous geological features

ZHAO Jing-Tao1, YU Cai-Xia2, PENG Su-Ping1, MA De-Bo3, LI Ming3, ZHANG Yan3


The small-scale discontinuous and inhomogeneous geological features, such as tiny faults, cavities and fractures, play an important role in reservoir analysis. However, to effectively identify them from seismic data is a challenging problem because of their weaker energy than reflections. On the other hand, the seismic responses of these small-scale bodies are generally contaminated with noises, which can make their analysis difficult to perform if there is no proper strategy adopted for removing noises. By combining a non-linear filter and sparsity-constraint model, a seismic extraction method implemented on seismic image data is developed for inverting these discontinuous and inhomogeneous geological bodies.

Plane-wave destruction; Nonlinear enhancing filter; Seismic sparse inversion method; Discontinuity and inhomogeneity

10.6038/cjg20160923.Zhao J T, Yu C X, Peng S P, et al. 2016. Seismic sparse inversion method implemented on image data for detecting discontinuous and inhomogeneous geological features.ChineseJ.Geophys. (in Chinese),59(9):3408-3416,doi:10.6038/cjg20160923.






赵惊涛, 于彩霞, 彭苏萍等. 2016. 基于地震成像数据稀疏反演的不连续及非均质地质体检测方法.地球物理学报,59(9):3408-3416,

5G OTA测量宽带平面波模拟器的高效优化方法与应用