(中国科学院植物研究所,系统与进化植物学国家重点实验室,北京 100093)
(中国科学院植物研究所,系统与进化植物学国家重点实验室,北京 100093)
In 2011,in a paper on the genusElatostema(Urticaceae)[1],Lin et al.ascertained that they “found no difference in morphological characters” betweenElatostemaramosissimumReinecke endemic to Savaii Island[2]of Oceania andE.glochidioidesW.T.Wang endemic to southern China[3~4],and reduced the latter into the synonymy of the former.Recently,I fortunately got the type specimens ofE.ramosissimum,and can make comparisons between two species.After my observing all the specimens available to me,I did find out that between two species there were certain important morphological differences.E.glochidioides,though it really has a strong resemblance in habit toE.ramosissimum,certainly differs from the species in its trinerved,not ciliate leaves,with strigillose adaxial surfaces and glabrous abaxial surfaces,and with secondary nerves 1 at leaf narrow side and 2 at broad side,in its pistillate capitula with conspicuous receptacles,in its pistillate flower lacking tepals,and in its longitudinally ribbed achenes[3~4].InE.ramosissimum,the leaves are ciliate at margin,adaxially glabrous and abaxially on midrib strigose,semi-triplinerved,with the lateral basal nerve at leaf narrow side near its base connate with midrib by a length of 0.8-1 mm,and in each leaf with 3 secondary nerves at leaf narrow side and 4 seondary nerves at broadside;the receptacles of pistillate capitula are very small,inconspicuous;the pistillate flower has 3(-4) tepals;and the achenes are minutely tuberculate,not ribbed.On the basis of the morphological differences just mentioned I would restore the specific status ofElatostemaglochidioidesW.T.Wang here,and provide new descriptions of two species as follows.
ElatostemaglochidioidesW.T.Wang in Acta Phytotax.Sin.31(2):172,fig.2:5-7.1993;Q.Lin et al.in Fl.China 5:140.2003;H.N.Qin & Y.Liu,Checklist Vasc.Pl.Guangxi 233.2012;W.T.Wang in Fu et al.Paper Collection of W.T.Wang 2:1091.2012;etElatostemain China 85,pl.24:A-C.2014.Holotype:Guizhou:Libo County,from Wengangmegon to Dongduo,Alt.800 m,1984-04-27,Q.H.Chen et al.2217(HGAS)(Fig.1:A-F).
E.ramosissimumauct.non Reinecke:Q.Lin et al.in Nordic J.Bot.29:591.2011,p.p.quoad syn.E.glochidioidesW.T.Wang et specim.Sin.cit.
Perennial herbs.Stems ca.25 cm tall,above base 1.8 mm across,glabrous,ramous,below sparsely furfuraceous.Leaves alternate,sessile or shortly petiolate;blades papery,lanceolate,oblong-lanceolate,narrowly ovate or elliptic,1.1-3(-4)×0.4-0.9(-1.4) cm,apex acute or attenuate,base at leaf narrow side cuneate and at broad side obtuse,rounded or auriculate,margin entire,appressed-ciliolate;surfaces adaxially on midrib strigillose,abaxially glabrous;nervation trinerved,with inconspicuous secondary nerves 1 at leaf narrow side and 2 at broad side;cystoliths conspicuous,bacilliform,0.4-0.7 mm long;petioles 0-0.8 mm long,glabrous;stipules narrowly triangular,ca.0.6 mm long,glabrous.Staminate capitula unknown.Pistillate capitula singly axillary,2.5-4 mm in diam.;peduncles ca.0.5 mm long,glabrous;receptacles discoid,ca.1.8 mm in diam.,glabrous;bracts 10,1-seriate,triangular or narrowly triangular,ca.1 mm long,apex cucullate,ciliolate,or 12,2-seriate,outer bracts 2,opposite,depressed-deltoid,ca.0.6×1 mm,inner bracts ca.10,triangular,0.8-1×0.5 mm,ciliate,apex rostrate-cucullate;bracteoles numerous,dense,linear or linear-lanceolate,0.7-1 mm long,above ciliate.Pistillate flower:tepals wanting;ovary ellipsoidal,0.3-0.5 mm long,glabrous;stigma depressed-globose,ca.0.1 mm in diam.Achenes yellowish,ellipsoidal,0.6-0.9 mm long,longitudinally 7-ribbed.
Distribution:Endemic to China:Karst regions of northern Guangxi and southeastern Guizhou.Growing under forests in limestone hills.
Additional specimens examined:Guizhou:Libo County,Q.Lin 1036(PE),L.D.Duan & Q.Lin 2002121(PE),Y.G.Wei & F.Wen 1061(IBK,PE).
ElatostemaramosissimumReinecke in Bot.Jahrb.25:624.1898;Q.Lin et al.in Nordic J.Bot.29:591,fig.2.2011,p.p.excl.syn.E.glochidioideW.T.Wang et specium.Sin.cit.Type:Samoa.Savaii Island:Lepaega,Oct.1894,Reinecke 610(holotype,WU,non vidi;isotypes,two sheets,WU)(Fig.1:G-K).
Perennial herbs.Stems 32-34 cm tall,above base 3-5 mm across,near nodes and stipules with 1-4 hairs,elsewhere glabrous,much branched,on some branches furfuraceous.Leaves alternate,sessile or very shortly petiolate;blades thinly papery,lanceolate or narrowly ovate,rarely ovate or obliquely elliptic,0.4-2.2×0.3-0.7 cm,apex attenuate,acute or obtuse,base obliquely broadly cuneate,margin entire and ciliate;surfaces adaxially glabrous,abaxially on midrib strigose;nervation semi-triplinerved,with lateral basal nerve at leaf narrow side near its base connate with midrib by a length of 0.8-1 mm,and with secondary nerves 3 at leaf narrow side and 4 at broad side;cystoliths slightly dense,conspicuous,bacilliform,0.15-0.4 mm long.
Petioles 0-0.5 mm long,glabrous;stipules linear,0.8-1 mm long,glabrous.Staminate capitulum axillary,shortly pedunculate.Staminate flower:tepals 4,at base connate,below apex shortly aristate;stamens 4,with filaments slightly adnate to tepals.Pistillate capitula singly axillary,ca.3.5 mm in diam.;peduncles ca.0.5 mm long,glabrous;receptacles very small,inconspicuous;bracts ca.9,1-seriate,linear-triangular or linear,1.6-2×0.3-0.5 mm,with thick long hairs;bracteoles numerous,linear,1-1.2 mm long,above with thick hairs.Pistillate flower:pedicel ca.0.4 mm long,glabrous;tepals 3(-4),linear,ca.0.2 mm long,glabrous;ovary ellipsoidal,ca.0.3 mm long,glabrous;stigma subglobose,ca.0.05 mm in diam.Achenes yellowish,narrowly ovoid,ca.0.4 mm long,minutely tuberculate.
Fig.1 Elatostema glochidioides A.Branch; B.Leaf,abaxial view; C.Pistillate capitulum,seen from bereath; D.Inner bract; E.Pistillate bracteole and pistillate flower(from Y.G.Wei & F.Wen 1061); F.Achene(from Wang,1993); G-K.E.ramosissimum G.branch; H.Leaf,abaxial view; I.Piatillate capitulum,seen from beneath; J.Piatillate bracetole and pistillate flower; K.Achene(from isotype)
Distribution:Endemic to Savaii Island,Oceania.
In observing two isotypes,I failed to seek out a staminate capitulum.So,the descriptions of it and the staminate flower are translated from the original description in Latine.
AcknowledgementsI am grateful to the director and curator of WU for sending the type specimens ofElatostemaramosissismumon loan,to Mr.Fu Long-Fei for providing the paper written by Lin et al.in 2011,to Dr.Yang Zhi-Rong for arranging the loan of specimens,and to Mr.Sun Ying-Bao for making the line drawings.
1.Lin Q,Yang Z R,Duan L D,et al.Miscellaneous taxonomic notes onElatostema(Urticaceae) from China and its adjacent area[J].Nordic Journal of Botany,2011,29(5):590-597.
2.Reinecke A.Die flora der samoa-inseln.Ⅱ[J].Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik,Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie,1898,25:619-626.
3.Wang W T.Four new species ofElatostema(Urticaceae) from China[J].Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica,1993,31(2):170-175.
4.Wang W T.Elatostema(Urticaceae) in China[M].Qingdao:Qingdao Publishing House,2014.
WANG Wen-Tsai
(State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany,Institute of Botany,Chinese Academy of Scienses,Beijing 100093)
In 2011,ElatostemaglochidioidesW. T. Wang, a species endemic to southern China, was reduced into the synonymy ofE.ramosissimumReinecke, a species endemic to Savaii Island of Oceania. Two species have rather similar habit, but there are important morphological differences. InE.glochidioides, the leaves are adaxially strigose, abaxially glabrous, and trinerved; the pistillate capitula have conspicuous receptacles; the pistillate flower lacks tepals; and the achenes are longitudinally ribbed. InE.ramosissimum, the leaves are adaxially glabrous, abaxially on midrib strigose, and semi-triplinerved; the receptacles of pistillate capitula are very small, inconspicuous; the pistillate flower has 3(-4) tepals; and the achenes are minutely tuberculate. On the basis of the morphological differences just mentioned the specific status ofE.glochidioidesis restored here.
Urticaceae;ElatostemaglochidioidesW.T.Wang;ElatostemaramosissimumReinecke;restoration of specific status