
2016-11-04 06:23郭诗琦王超群王靖茹王雪微
西北植物学报 2016年9期

郭诗琦,王超群,刘 玫,茹 剑,王靖茹,王雪微

(哈尔滨师范大学 生命科学与技术学院,黑龙江省普通高等学校植物生物学重点实验室,哈尔滨 150025)



(哈尔滨师范大学 生命科学与技术学院,黑龙江省普通高等学校植物生物学重点实验室,哈尔滨 150025)






1 材料和方法


本研究材料为变豆菜亚科(9属11种)及芹亚科基础类群(11属18种),共20属29种植物的叶片(极少数物种因未得到叶片而用其苞片或果实)。材料分别取自于中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园标本馆(HITBC-Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden Herbarium, CAS),中国科学院华南植物园标本馆(IBSC-South China Botanical Garden Herbarium),南非约堡大学植物及植物生物技术系标本馆(JRAU-Herbarium, Department of Botany and Plant Biotechnology, University of Johannesburg, South Africa),俄罗斯莫斯科州立大学生物学院标本馆(MW-Herbariun, Biological Faculty, Moscov State University, Moscov, Russia),南非康普顿标本馆(NBG-Compton Herbarium of South Africa),美国纽约植物园标本馆(NY-New York Botanical Garden Herbarium, America),中国科学院植物研究所标本馆(PE-Herbarium, Institute of Botany, CAS),南非国家标本馆(PRE-National Herbarium of South Africa),纳米比亚农业和自然保护部西南非洲植物标本馆(WIND-South-West Africa Herbarium, Department of Agriculture and National Conseration, Namibia)。物种名称及凭证标本信息见表1 (其中仅软雀花Saniculaelata和黑柴胡Bupleurumsmithii为中国产物种)。


将叶片(苞片或果实)浸泡在约90℃热水中,待材料充分吸水(约15~30 min)后将材料取出,根据Zarinkamar[26]的观察(伞形科植物叶片的气孔密度,下表皮大于上表皮),撕取植物叶片(或苞片)的下表皮(或果皮),将其放在载玻片上,加1~2滴50%甘油水溶液并加盖玻片。用具成像系统(Olympus DP 70)的显微镜(Olympus BX 51)观察气孔结构并照相。每个样品观察100个气孔并统计计算不同类型气孔数量及所占比例,根据照片用Photoshop CS2.0软件绘制气孔图。

2 结果与讨论


表1 用于研究气孔结构的伞形科变豆菜亚科及芹亚科基础类群的凭证标本信息及其采集地Table 1 Taxa of Apiaceae subfamilies Saniculoideae and basal Apioideae examined for stomatal characters, together with voucher specimen details and locality



表2 伞形科变豆菜亚科及芹亚科基础类群叶片(苞片或果实)表皮气孔类型Table 2 Summary of stomatal types of leaf (bract or fruit) epidermis in Apiaceae subfamilies Saniculoideae and basal Apioideae taxa


Note: *bract,**fruit

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图版Ⅰ 伞形科变豆菜亚科植物叶(苞片或果实)表皮气孔结构(标尺=20 μm)ano.无规则型气孔; ani.不等型气孔; pa.平列型气孔Fig. A. Actinolema eryngioides; Fig. B. Alepidea amatymbica; Fig. C. Arctopus monacanthus; Fig. D. Astrantia trifida; Fig. E. Eryngium amethystinum; Fig. F. Hacquetia epipactis; Fig. G. Polemanniopsis marlothii; Fig. H. Sanicula elata; Fig. I. Steganotaenia araliaceaPlateⅠ The stomatal structures of the leaf (bract or fruit) epidermis of the taxa in subfamily Saniculoideae. (Scale bar=20 μm)ano. Anomocytic; ani. Anisocytic; pa. Paracytic

图版Ⅱ 伞形科芹亚科基础类群叶(或果实)表皮气孔结构(标尺=20 μm)ano.无规则型气孔;ani.不等型气孔Fig.A. Anginon fruticosum;Fig. B. Annesorhiza flagellifolia;Fig.C. A. hirsute;Fig.D. Bupleurum smithii;Fig.E. Chamarea esterhuyseniae;Fig.F. C. Gracillima;Fig.G. Choritaenia capensis;Fig.H. Dracosciadium italae;Fig.I. D. Saniculifolium;Fig.J. Glia gummifera;Fig.K. G. pilulosa;Fig. L. Heteromorpha involucrata;Fig.M. H. stolzii;Fig. N. Polemannia grossulariifolia;Fig.O. Phlyctidocarpa flava;Fig.P. P. montana; Fig.Q. Lichtensteinia lacera;Fig.R. L. trifidaPlateⅡ The stomatal structures of the leaf (or fruit) epidermis in basal Apioideae taxa (Scale bar =20 μm)ano. Anomocytic;ani. Anisocytic


Stomatal Structures of Some Taxa in Apiaceae and Their Taxonomic Values

GUO Shiqi, WANG Chaoqun, LIU Mei*, RU Jian, WANG Jingru, WANG Xuewei

(College of Life Science and Technology, Harbin Normal University, Key laboratory of Plant Biology, College of Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150025, China)

The stomatal structures of leaves (bracts or fruits) from 20 genera and 29 species (9 genera and 11 species of subfamily Saniculoideae, 11 genera and 18 species of basal subfamily Apioideae). The results show that: (1) three types of stomata, anomocytic, anisocytic, and paracytic. The stomata in tribe Saniculeae of Saniculoideae are anomocytic (35%-75%) and anisocytic (25%-65%) (in the total number of stomata). The genusEryngiumhas all three types, and only anomocytic type in tribe Steganotaenieae. In the basal taxa of subfamily Apioideae (exceptBupleurum) the stomata are more anomocytic (75%-100%) and less anisocytic (5%-25%). (2)The stomatal features studied support to placeArctopusin Saniculeae and to moveChoritaeniato Apioideae confirmed by molecular data. (3) The stomata structures of Saniculoideae are similar with those of Apioideae and Azorelloideae, but differ from Mackinlayoideae.

Apiaceae; stoma; Saniculoideae; Apioideae; phylogeny






Q246; Q944.53


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