Antimycobacterial natural products from Moroccan medicinal plants∶Chemical composition,bacteriostatic and bactericidal profile of Thymus satureioides and Mentha pulegium essential oils

2016-10-22 01:08:26MarwaChraibiAbdellahFarahSaraLebraziOumaimaElAmineMohammedIraquiHoussainiKawtarFikriBenbrahim

Marwa Chraibi,Abdellah Farah,Sara Lebrazi,Oumaima El Amine,Mohammed Iraqui Houssaini,Kawtar Fikri-Benbrahim*

1Laboratory of Microbial Biotechnology,Faculty of Science and Technology Sa¨ıss,Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University,P.O.Box 2202,Fez,Morocco

2Laboratory of Aromatic Plants,Medicinal and Natural Substances,National Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,

Phytochemistry Department,P.O.Box 159,Taounate-Principal,Morocco

Antimycobacterial natural products from Moroccan medicinal plants∶Chemical composition,bacteriostatic and bactericidal profile of Thymus satureioides and Mentha pulegium essential oils

Marwa Chraibi1,Abdellah Farah2,Sara Lebrazi1,Oumaima El Amine1,Mohammed Iraqui Houssaini1,Kawtar Fikri-Benbrahim1*

1Laboratory of Microbial Biotechnology,Faculty of Science and Technology Sa¨ıss,Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University,P.O.Box 2202,Fez,Morocco

2Laboratory of Aromatic Plants,Medicinal and Natural Substances,National Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,

Phytochemistry Department,P.O.Box 159,Taounate-Principal,Morocco


Article history:

in revised form 30 Nov 2015

Accepted 27 Dec 2015

Available online 25 Aug 2016

Thymus satureioides

Mentha pulegium

Essential oil

Chemical composition

Antimycobacterial activity

Objective:To evaluate the susceptibility of Mycobacterium aurum and Mycobacterium smegmatis in vitro to the essential oils obtained from two medicinal plants:Thymus satureioides(T.satureioides)and Mentha pulegium(M.pulegium),and to study their chemical composition.

Methods:The aerial parts of T.satureioides and M.pulegium(leaves and stems)were hydro-distillated using a Clevenger-type apparatus and essential oils were analyzed and identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.Antimycobacterial screening of essential oils was performed on the basis of the inhibition zone diameter by disc diffusion method against two mycobacterial strains whereas the minimal inhibitory concentration and minimal bactericidal concentration were determined by using the micro-dilution method.

Results:Chemical analysis of their aerial part's essential oils gave as major compounds,borneol(34.26%),carvacrol(31.21%)and thymol(3.71%)for T.satureioides and R(+)-pulegone(75.48%),carvone(6.66%)and dihydrocarvone(4.64%)for M.pulegium. Thereafter their antimycobacterial effect evaluation,using the micro-dilution method,indicated that minimal inhibitory concentration values of T.satureioides essential oil ranged from 0.062%to 0.015%(v/v)and from 0.125%to 0.031%(v/v)for M.pulegium respectively against Mycobacterium aurum and Mycobacterium smegmatis.

Conclusions:It is clearly evident from the results obtained that the Moroccan medicinal plants have great potential to be used as anti-tuberculosis agents.These findings may help scientists to undertake several research projects to discover useful natural product as new anti-tuberculosis drug.

Original article


The infectious killer disease,tuberculosis(TB),is the leading death cause worldwide from a single human pathogen. It still remains a great public health problem and comes at the second rank of death causes by infectious diseases worldwide.

Mycobacterium tuberculosis(M.tuberculosis),discovered by Robert Koch in 1882,is the usually responsible organism which typically affects the lungs(pulmonary TB),but can also affect other sites(extrapulmonary TB)[1].In addition,the AIDS epidemic and the emergence of bacilli multi-resistant to antibiotics aggravates the impact of this disease.Indeed,HIV and Koch's bacillus make a dangerous combination,each of these two infectious agents helping the growth of the other[2].

According to the latest World Health Organization estimates,there were 9.0 million new TB cases in 2013 and 1.5 million TB deaths(1.1 million among HIV-negative people and 0.4millionamongHIV-positivepeople)[1].Thesealarming statistics indicate the devastating nature of TB.

The majority of Mycobacterium species are resistant to the most widely used therapeutic agents in the treatment of tuberculosis which is hydrazide of isonicotinic acid(isoniazid)[3]. Thus,there is an urgent need to search for and develop new,effectiveandaffordableanti-TBdrugs.Hence,recently growing interest has focused on naturally occurring molecules;in particular plant oils and crud extracts which have been used for a wide variety of purposes for many years.

The objective of this work is to explore opportunities,for drug discovery by researchers,which are offered by Morocco represented by its rich culture,traditions and natural biodiversity.So,this investigation was aimed to study the chemical composition of Thymus satureioides(T.satureioides)and Mentha pulegium(M.pulegium)essential oils,followed by a screening of the antimycobacterial activity.Furthermore,the minimum inhibitory concentration(MIC)and minimum bactericidal concentration(MBC)were determined.

2.Materials and methods

2.1.Plant material

The plants used in this work were T.satureioides and M.pulegium,freshly harvested and collected respectively from Ljoukak(30°59′50.365′N,8°9′45.13′W,altitude 1210 m)and Oued Laou(35°26′24′′N,5°4′48′′W,altitude 69 m).The botanical authentication was confirmed at the National Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,Morocco.

2.2.Essential oils extraction

The aerial parts of T.satureioides and M.pulegium(leaves and stems)were hydro-distillated using a Clevenger-type apparatus to recover the essential oils for 3 h.The distilled essential oils were kept in dark at 4°C until further use.

2.3.Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS)analysis conditions

The essential oil was analyzed using GC-MS(Polaris Q ion trap MS).Hence,analyses were performed on a Hewlett-Packard(HP 6890)gas chromatograph(flame ionization detector),equippedwitha5%phenylmethylsiliconeHP-5capillarycolumn(30 m×0.25mm×film thickness 0.25μm).The temperature was programmed from 50°C after 5 min initial hold to 200°C at 4°C/ min.ChromatographycarriergaswasN2(1.8mL/min);splitmode was used with a flow of 72.1 mL/min and a ratio of 1/50;temperature of injector and detector was 250°C,and final hold time was48 min.Themachine wasled byacomputer systemtype“HP Chem Station”,managing its functioning and allowing to follow theevolutionofchromatographicanalyses.Dilutedsamples(1/20 in methanol)of 1μL were injected manually.

2.4.Microbial strains

The essential oils of T.satureioides and M.pulegium were tested for their antimycobacterial activity against two reference microbial strains.

MycobacteriumaurumA+(M.aurum)isanonpathogenic Mycobacterium species with a generation time of approximately 6 h.This strain was used as a model to evaluate the effect of active substances on the growth of M.tuberculosis.

Mycobacterium smegmatis mc2-155(M.smegmatis)is a non-pathogenic atypical mycobacterial strain with a generation time of approximately 3 h.

These strains were maintained in 20%glycerol at-20°C and sub-cultured before use.The mycobacteria were cultivated at 37°C on Sauton's medium for 48-72 h[4,5].The turbidity was adjusted at 106UFC/mL(estimated by absorbance at 600 nm).

2.5.Disc diffusion method

A primary antimycobacterial screening was performed using the disc diffusion method according to National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards[6].Briefly,Petri dishes containing Sauton agar culture medium were inoculated with a previously prepared mycobacterial inoculum.The discs(filter paper,6 mm ofdiameter)placedinthecenterofeachplatewere impregnated with 5μL of each essential oil.Petri dishes were placed at 4°C for 2 h to allow a better diffusion of molecules and then incubated at 37°C for 48-72 h.

The antimycobacterial activity was evaluated by measuring the diameter of inhibition zone in millimeters.All experiments were conducted in triplicates.

2.6.Determination of MIC

The MIC values,which represent the lowest essential oil concentration that completely inhibits the growth of mycobacteria,were performed in 96 well-microplate using the microdilution assay according to the protocol previously described by Bouhdid et al.[7]with slight modifications.

Due to the immiscibility of essential oils with water and thus the culture medium,each essential oil was serially diluted in Sauton broth supplemented with agar 0.15%(w/v),used as an emulsifier,in which the final concentration of the essential oil was between 8.000%and 0.007%(v/v)for T.satureioides and M.pulegium.The 12th well was considered as growth control(it contained only the culture medium and strain).Then,50μL of bacterial inoculum was added to each well at a final concentration of 106CFU/mL.After incubation at 37°C for 48-72 h,10μL of rezasurin were added to each well as mycobacterial growth indicator.After further incubation at 37°C for 2 h,the bacterial growth was revealed bythechangeofcolorationfrompurpletopink[7]. Experiments were carried out in triplicates to minimize experimental error.

2.7.Determination of MBC

The MBC was determined by inoculating 3μL from each negative well,which were spotted on Sauton plates and incubated at 37°C for 48-72 h.The MBC corresponded to the lowest concentration of the essential oil at which the incubated microorganism was completely killed[8].Tests were performed in triplicates.


3.1.Composition of essential oils

The results of chromatographic analysis of M.pulegium essential oils are presented in Table 1,which showed that 18 volatile compounds accounting for 98.77%of this essential oil were detected.The main components were R(+)-pulegone(75.48%),carvone(6.66%)and dihydrocarvone(4.64%).Beside other compounds with relatively low levels,including pmentha-3,8-diene(2.44%),limonene(1.88%),pinocarvone(1.27%),α-peperitone(1.13%),octanol-3(1.86%)were found.

Chemical analysis of T.satureioides essential oil revealed 20 different compounds accounting for 96.17%of its composition(Table 2).This essential oil contained a complex mixture consisting mainly by oxygenated monoterpenes,such as borneol(34.26%),carvacrol(31.21%),thymol(3.71%)andα-terpineol(1.16%),with borneol,carvacrol and E-caryophyllene(6.32%)as the major constituents.

Table 1 Chemical composition of M.pulegium essential oil.

Table 2 Chemical composition of T.satureioides essential oil.

3.2.Antimycobacterial activity of essential oils

The antimycobacterial activities of T.satureioides and M.pulegium essential oils against mycobacteria were examined in the present study and their potency were qualitatively and quantitatively assessed by the presence or absence of inhibition zones and their diameter,the MIC and the MBC values.

The study of antimycobacterial power of the two essential oils had shown their effect on M.smegmatis and M.aurum.This effect resulted in the inhibition of bacterial growth around the disc containing the pure essential oil.

The essential oil of T.satureioides showed an important activity against mycobacterial studied strains,inhibition zone diameters ranged from 18.5 to 28.0 mm for M.smegmatis and M.aurum respectively,likewise M.pulegium essential oils had a remarkable activity against the two tested mycobacterial strains,but less important than that of T.satureioides oil,with inhibition zone diameters of(12.50±0.07)and(19.50±0.07)mm for M.smegmatis and M.aurum respectively.

Indeed,theinhibitionzonediametersobtainedfor T.satureioides were higher than those obtained for M.pulegium and inhibition zone diameter corresponding to M.aurum(28.00±0.28)mm were more important than those of M.smegmatis(18.50±0.21)mm.

The results of the essential oil's MIC and MBC against M.aurum and M.smegmatis represented in Table 3 showed that all tested essential oils had an important antibacterial effect. Indeed,the MIC values of T.satureioides essential oil ranged from 0.062%to 0.015%(v/v)and from 0.125 to 0.031%(v/v)for M.pulegium oil against the mycobacterial studied strains. Hence,T.satureioides essential oil exhibited a higher antibacterial effect with MIC values 2 fold least compared to M.pulegium essential oil against M.aurum and M.smegmatis. Furthermore,M.smegmatis was more resistant than M.aurum to M.pulegium oils tested with MIC value of 0.125%(v/v).

Regarding the MBC values of both essential oils tested(Table 3)it seems that they could be similar to their MIC values against M.aurum and M.smegmatis.In fact,the MBC values ofT.satureioides and M.pulegium essential oils were 0.062%,0.015%and 0.125%,0.031%(v/v)against M.smegmatis and M.aurum respectively.So,these essential oils can have a bactericidal action against the studied strains.

Table 3 Determination of MIC and MBC values of T.satureioides and M.pulegium essential oils against M.smegmatis and M.aurum.


Several substances extracted from plants have been widely used in traditional medicine worldwide for the treatment of various diseases.About 60%of the population use medicinal plants to heal themselves[9].Indeed,the plants represent a rich source of several biologically active compounds that can serve as treatment against several diseases including TB.In fact M.tuberculosis and humans have always cohabited because the natural reservoir of this bacterium is the human species. So,the eradication of TB is therefore a potential target in the medium term future then the discovering of effective new drugs is an indispensable priority.

Many works have been consecrated in recent years to the medical properties of herbs and especially the antibacterial properties of their fragrant extracts:essential oil[9-11].These volatiles were scientifically proven active against several pathogenicstrainsandhavingmanyactivitiessuchas antioxidant,anticancer and antifungal activities[12-16].

Therefore,this study aimed to determinate the chemical composition and antimycobacterial activity of two endemic plants commonly used in the traditional medicine in Morocco.

Regarding the chemical composition of M.pulegium essential oil,18 volatile compounds accounting for 98.77%were detected.Similar chemical composition has been found for this essential oil in Iran,India,Portugal and Turkey especially for the content of pulegone which is reported as its major component,but in different proportions[17-19].

Nonetheless,there is a great variability in the chemical composition of M.pulegium essential oil among the studies performedsofar[20-22].Suchvariabilitymayberelatedwithdifferent plant's vegetative phases and also with environmental conditions(seasonal and geographical variations,soil composition)[23]. However,volatiles of T.satureioides essential oil revealed 20 different compounds accounting for 96.17%of its composition whose majority compounds are borneol(34.26%),carvacrol(31.21%)andE-caryophyllene(6.32%).Thischemical composition of T.satureioides essential oil is broadly similar to that of T.satureioides from Ourika mainly composed by carvacrol(26.5%),borneol(20.1%),E-caryophyllene(5.7%)and α-pinene(4.6%)[24]and significantly analogue to the results obtained by El Bouzidi et al.[25]who found camphen(at a percentage of 8%)which haven't been detected in our tested essential oil.

The essential oil of T.satureioides have a more important inhibitory activity than M.pulegium against the two mycobacterial studied strains,especially for M.aurum which have shown a high sensitivity and a very low MIC value:0.015%(v/v). Moreover,the concentration of 0.062%(v/v)was sufficient to stop the growth of M.smegmatis.

This antibacterial activity is mainly attributed to various chemical compounds isolated by hydrodistillation.Hence,monoterpenes hydrocarbon,oxygenated monoterpenes such as borneol,pulegone and carvacrol were reported to be responsible for the antimicrobial activity of several essential oils[26]. In fact Sarrazin et al.[27]have demonstrated that the thymol is able to alter the outer membrane and the carvacrol can destabilizethecytoplasmicmembrane,actonproton exchange and induce depletion of the adenosine triphosphate pool,thereby reducing the pH gradient across the membrane and conducting to cell death.In addition,terpineols are known for their higher efficiency and broader spectrum of antimicrobial activity[28-30].

The importance of the hydroxyl group has been confirmed and its relative position on the phenolic ring does not appear to strongly influence the degree of antibacterial activity[31,32]. However the essential oil's activity is due not only to the major compounds but also to the synergistic effect of minor compounds[33,34]andthemajorconstituentsarenot necessarily responsible for the total antimicrobial activity;hence,theconsiderationofantimicrobialpowerofthe minority compounds should be taken into consideration[10].

Conflict of interest statement

We declare that we have no conflict of interest.


This work was co-funded by the Cooperation for Innovation in the Agro-Food Domain Project within the 7th Research and Development Framework Programme FP7-INCO-2013-9(Grant agreement number 609495).

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12 Nov 2015

Kawtar Fikri-Benbrahim,Laboratory of Microbial Biotechnology,Faculty of Science and Technology Sa¨ıss,Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University,P.O.Box 2202,Fez,Morocco.

Tel:+212 661 216 598

Foundation Project:Supported by the Cooperation for Innovation in the Agro-Food Domain Project within the 7th Research and Development Framework Programme FP7-INCO-2013-9(Grant agreement number 609495).

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