
2016-10-22 07:28
中国学术期刊文摘 2016年17期


数据来源:Web of Science文献出版时间:2015-01—2016-06检索时间:2016-07-05


被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物T h e e v o l u t i o n o f m y r m i c i n e a n t s: P h y l o g e n y W a r d , P h i l i p S .;S y s t e m a t i c E n t o m o l o g y 4 3 a n d b i o g e o g r a p h y o f a h y p e r d i v e r s e a n t c l a d e B r a d y , S e a n G .;(H y m e n o p t e r a: F o r m i c i d a e)F i s h e r , B r i a n L .; e t a l . 2 0 1 5 , 4 0(1): 6 1 -8 1 S y n t h e s i s , c r y s t a l s t r u c t u r e , h e r b i c i d a l a c t i v i t i e s L i u , X i n g -H a i;P e s t M a n a g e m e n t S c i e n c e 2 9 a n d 3 D -Q S A R s t u d y o f s o m e n o v e l 1 , 2 , 4 -X u , X i a o -Y a n;t r i a z o l o[4 , 3 -a]p y r i d i n e d e r i v a t i v e s T a n , C h e n g -X i a; e t a l . 2 0 1 5 , 7 1(2): 2 9 2 -3 0 1 2 6  M u l t i o r g a n i s m a l i n s e c t s: D i v e r s i t y a n d f u n c t i o n o f r e s i d e n t m i c r o o r g a n i s m s  D o u g l a s , A n g e l a E . A n n u a l R e v i e w o f E n t o m o l o g y 2 0 1 5 , 6 0: 1 7 -3 4 S y n o n y m i z a t i o n o f k e y p e s t s p e c i e s w i t h i n t h e B a c t r o c e r a d o r s a l i s s p e c i e s c o m p l e x(D i p t e r a:S c h u t z e , M a r k K .;S y s t e m a t i c E n t o m o l o g y 2 5 T e p h r i t i d a e): T a x o n o m i c c h a n g e s b a s e d o n a A k e t a r a w o n g , N i d c h a y a;r e v i e w o f 2 0 y e a r s o f i n t e g r a t i v e m o r p h o l o g i c a l , A m o r n s a k , W e e r a w a n;2 0 1 5 , 4 0(2): 4 5 6 -4 7 1 m o l e c u l a r , c y t o g e n e t i c , b e h a v i o u r a l a n d e t a l . c h e m o e c o l o g i c a l d a t a 2 2  I n s e c t s i n f l u c t u a t i n g t h e r m a l e n v i r o n m e n t s C o l i n e t , H e r v e;S i n c l a i r , B r e n t J .;V e r n o n , P h i l i p p e; e t a l . A n n u a l R e v i e w o f E n t o m o l o g y 2 0 1 5 , 6 0: 1 2 3 -1 4 0 A n n u a l R e v i e w o f E n t o m o l o g y 1 9 I n s e c t i c i d e r e s i s t a n c e i n m o s q u i t o e s: I m p a c t , m e c h a n i s m s , a n d r e s e a r c h d i r e c t i o n s L i u , N a n n a n 2 0 1 5 , 6 0: 5 3 7 -5 5 9 1 7  C r o p d o m e s t i c a t i o n a n d i t s i m p a c t o n n a t u r a l l y s e l e c t e d t r o p h i c i n t e r a c t i o n s  B e r e n b a u m , M R A n n u a l R e v i e w o f E n t o m o l o g y 2 0 1 5 , 6 0: 3 5 -5 8 A n n u a l R e v i e w o f E n t o m o l o g y 1 7 I n s e c t h e a t s h o c k p r o t e i n s d u r i n g s t r e s s a n d K i n g , A l l i s o n M .;d i a p a u s e M a c R a e , T h o m a s H . 2 0 1 5 , 6 0: 5 9 -7 5 1 6 C r o s s -r e s i s t a n c e , t h e s t a b i l i t y o f a c e t a m i p r i d r e s i s t a n c e a n d i t s e f f e c t o n t h e b i o l o g i c a l p a r a m e t e r s o f c o t t o n m e a l y b u g , P h e n a c o c c u s s o l e n o p s i s(H o m o p t e r a: P s e u d o c o c c i d a e), i n P a k i s t a n A f z a l , M u h a m m a d B a b a r S h a h z a d; S h a d , S a r f r a z A l i; A b b a s , N a e e m; e t a l . P e s t M a n a g e m e n t S c i e n c e 2 0 1 5 , 7 1(1): 1 5 1 -1 5 8 B i o n o m i c s o f t e m p e r a t e a n d t r o p i c a l c u l i c o i d e s P u r s e , B . V .;A n n u a l R e v i e w o f E n t o m o l o g y 1 6 m i d g e s: K n o w l e d g e g a p s a n d c o n s e q u e n c e s f o r C a r p e n t e r , S .;t r a n s m i s s i o n o f c u l i c o i d e s -b o r n e v i r u s e s V e n t e r , G . J .; e t a l . 2 0 1 5 , 6 0: 3 7 3

Environmental Sciences环境科学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Understanding the rate-dependent J-VTress,W.;Energy & Environmental Science 137hysteresis, slow time component, and agingMarinova, N.;in CH3NH3PbI3perovskite solar cells: The2015,8(3):995-1004 role of a compensated electric fieldMoehl, T.; et al.Moniz, Savio J. A.;Visible-lightdrivenheterojunctionEnergy&EnvironmentalScience113photocatalysts for water splitting:Shevlin, Stephen A.;A critical reviewMartin, David James;2015, 8(3): 731-759 et al.110  Supercapacitor electrode materials:Nanostructures from 0 to 3 dimensions Yu, Zenan;Tetard, Laurene;Zhai, Lei; et al. Energy & Environmental Science 2015, 8(3): 702-730Heo, Jin Hyuck;Energy & Environmental ScienceHysteresis-less inverted CH3NH3PbI3planar 105 perovskite hybrid solar cells with 18.1%Han, Hye Ji; Kim,power conversion efficiencyDasom; et al.2015, 8(5): 1602-1608 103 A high efficiency solution processed polymer inverted triple-junction solar cell exhibiting a power conversion efficiency of 11.83% Yusoff, Abd. Rashid bin Mohd; Kim, Dongcheon; Kim, Hyeong Pil; et al. Energy & Environmental Science 2015, 8(1): 303-316High-efficiency non-fullerene organic solar Zhao, Jingbo;Energy & Environmental Science 85cells enabled by a difluorobenzothiadiazole-Li, Yunke;based donor polymer combined with a properlyLin, Haoran;2015, 8(2): 520-525 matched small molecule acceptoretal.72  A comprehensive review of sodium layered oxides: Powerful cathodes for Na-ion batteries Han, Man Huon;Gonzalo, Elena;Singh, Gurpreet; et al. Energy & Environmental Science 2015, 8(1): 81-102Kim, Byeong Jo;Energy & Environmental Science 71Highly efficient and bending durable perovskitesolar cells: Toward a wearable power sourceKim, Dong Hoe;Lee, Yoo-Yong; et al.2015, 8(3): 916-921 70  High-performance fullerene-free polymer solar cells with 6.31% efficiency Lin, Yuze;Zhang, Zhiguo;Bai, Huitao; et al. Energy & Environmental Science 2015, 8(2): 610-616Removal of hazardous organics from water Journal of Hazardous Materials 69using metal-organic frameworks(MOFs):Hasan, Zubair;Plausible mechanisms for selective adsorptionsJhung, Sung Hwa2015, 283: 329-339

Environmental Studies环境研究

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Asseng, S.;Nature Climate Change 39Rising temperatures reduce global wheatproductionEwert, F.;Martre, P.; et al.2015, 5(2): 143-147Rahmstorf, Stefan;Nature Climate Change 36Exceptional twentieth-century slowdownin Atlantic Ocean overturning circulationBox, Jason E.;Feulner, Georg; et al.2015, 5(5): 475-480 34  Unabated planetary warming and its ocean structure since 2006 Roemmich, Dean;Church, John;Gilson, John; et al. Nature Climate Change 2015, 5(3): 240-245Waldbusser, George G.;Nature Climate Change 34Saturation-state sensitivity of marine bivalvelarvae to ocean acidificationHales, Burke; Langdon,Chris J.; et al.2015, 5(3): 273-280 32  Increased frequency of extreme La Nina events under greenhouse warming Cai, Wenju;Wang, Guojian;Santoso, Agus; et al. Nature Climate Change 2015, 5(2): 132-137Seebacher, Frank;Nature Climate Change 30Physiological plasticity increases resilienceof ectothermic animals to climate changeWhite, Craig R.;Franklin, Craig E.2015, 5(1): 61-66 29 Notes from the field: Lessons learned from using ecosystem service approaches to inform real-world decisions Ruckelshaus, Mary;McKenzie, Emily;Tallis, Heather; et al. Ecological Economics 2015, 115(SI): 11-21Pepin, N.;Nature Climate Change 28Elevation-dependent warming in mountainregions of the worldBradley, R. S.;Diaz, H. F.; et al.2015, 5(5): 424-430 27  Assessing species vulnerability to climate change Pacifici, Michela;Foden, Wendy B.;Visconti, Piero; et al. Nature Climate Change 2015, 5(3): 215-225Nature Climate Change 26Rapidly falling costs of battery packs forNykvist, Bjorn;electric vehiclesNilsson, Mans2015, 5(4): 329-332


被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物International Journal ofReliable H-infinity state estimation for 2-DLuo, Yuqiang;17discrete systems with infinite distributedWei, Guoliang;General Systemsdelays and incomplete observationsLiu, Yurong; et al.2015, 44(2): 155-168Young, Mark S.;Ergonomics 12State of science: Mental workload in ergonomicsBrookhuis, Karel A.;Wickens, Christopher D.;2015, 58(1): 1-17 et al.10  A tree-structured crash surrogate measure for freeways Kuang, Yan;Qu, Xiaobo;Wang, Shuaian Accident Analysis and Prevention 2015, 77: 137-148Accident Analysis and10Modeling crash spatial heterogeneity: RandomXu, Pengpeng;Prevention parameter versus geographically weightingHuang, Helai2015, 75: 16-25 9 The patient work system: An analysis of self-care performance barriers among elderly heart failure patients and their informal caregivers Holden, Richard J.;Schubert, Christiane C.;Mickelson, Robin S. Applied Ergonomics 2015, 47: 133-150International Journal ofReceding horizon filtering for a class of discreteDing, Derui;9time-varying nonlinear systems with multipleWang, Zidong;General Systemsmissing measurementsAlsaadi, Fuad E.; et al.2015, 44(2): 198-211 9 Event-triggered robust distributed state estimation for sensor networks with state-dependent noises Dong, Hongli;Wang, Zidong;Alsaadi, Fuad E.; et al. International Journal of General Systems 2015, 44(2): 254-266Behaviour & InformationUnderstanding driver adoption of car navigationPark, Eunil;8systems using the extended technologyKim, Heetae;Technologyacceptance modelOhm, Jay Y.2015, 34(7): 741-751 8 Optimal state estimation for networked systems with random parameter matrices, correlated noises and delayed measurements Caballero-Aguila, R.;Hermoso-Carazo, A.;Linares-Perez, J. International Journal of General Systems 2015, 44(2): 142-154International Journal of8Event-triggered synchronization control forLi, Qi; Shen, Bo;General Systems complex networks with uncertain inner couplingLiang, Jinling; et al.2015, 44(2): 212-225

Evolutionary Biology生物进化学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物RASP(Reconstruct Ancestral State inYu,Yan;Molecular Phylogenetics and56Phylogenies): A tool for historicalHarris, Alan J.;EvolutionbiogeographyBlair,Christopher;et al.2015, 87: 46-49Systematic Biology 49Model inadequacy and mistaken inferencesRabosky, Daniel L.;of trait-dependent speciationGoldberg, Emma E.2015, 64(2): 340-355 43 The evolution of myrmicine ants: Phylogeny and biogeography of a hyperdiverse ant clade(Hymenoptera: Formicidae)Ward, Philip S.;Brady, Sean G.;Fisher, Brian L.;et al. Systematic Entomology 2015, 40(1): 61-81Lam-Tung Nguyen;IQ-TREE:AfastandeffectivestochasticMolecularBiologyandEvolution42algorithm for estimating maximum-likelihoodSchmidt, Heiko A.;phylogeniesvon Haeseler, Arndt;2015, 32(1): 268-274 et al.41 Clumpak: A program for identifying clustering modes and packaging population structure inferences across K Kopelman, Naama M.;Mayzel, Jonathan;Jakobsson, Mattias;et al. Molecular Ecology Resources 2015, 15(5): 1179-1191Systematic Biology 36The unsolved challenge to phylogeneticMaddison, Wayne P.;correlation tests for categorical charactersFitzJohn, Richard G.2015, 64(1): 127-136 31  Ecological dynamics of emerging bat virus spillover Plowright, Raina K.;Eby, Peggy;Hudson, Peter J.; et al. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 2015, 282(1798): 20142124Hedges, S. Blair;Molecular Biology and Evolution 27Tree of life reveals clock-like speciation anddiversificationMarin, Julie;Suleski, Michael; et al.2015, 32(4): 835-845 26  Genetic rescue to the rescue Whiteley, Andrew R.;Fitzpatrick, Sarah W.;Funk, W. Chris; et al. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 2015, 30(1): 42-49Synonymization of key pest species within theBactrocera dorsalis species complex(Diptera:Schutze, Mark K.;Systematic Entomology 25Tephritidae): Taxonomic changes based on aAketarawong,review of 20 years of integrative morphological,Nidchaya; Amornsak,2015, 40(2): 456-471 molecular, cytogenetic, behavioural and Weerawan; et al.chemoecological data


被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Energy acquisition and allocation to egg McBride, Richard S.;Fish and Fisheries 33production in relation to fish reproductiveSomarakis, Stylianos;strategiesFitzhugh, Gary R.; et al.2015, 16(1): 23-57The seascape nursery: A novel spatial Nagelkerken, Ivan;Fish and Fisheries 22approach to identify and manage nurseriesSheaves, Marcus;for coastal marine faunaBaker, Ronald; et al.2015, 16(2): 362-371 16 The ways in which fish use estuaries: A refinement and expansion of the guild approach Potter, Ian C.;Tweedley, James R.;Elliott, Michael; et al. Fish and Fisheries 2015, 16(2): 230-239Fish and Fisheries 16Size structure, not metabolic scaling rules,Andersen, Ken H.;determines fisheries reference pointsBeyer, Jan E. et al.2015, 16(1): 1-22 15 Examining common assumptions about recruitment: A meta-analysis of recruitment dynamics for worldwide marine fisheries Szuwalski, Cody S.;Vert-Pre, Katyana A.;Punt, Andre E.; et al. Fish and Fisheries 2015, 16(4): 633-648Sarda, Francesc;Fish and Fisheries 15Overlooked impacts and challenges of thenew European discard banColl, Marta; Heymans,Johanna J.; et al.2015, 16(1): 175-180 15 Risk assessment of the environmental impact of Norwegian Atlantic salmon farming Taranger, Geir Lasse;Karlsen, Orjan; Bannister, Raymond John; et al. Ices Journal of Marine Science 2015, 72(3): 997-1021Simulation testing the robustness of stockDeroba,J.J.;Ices Journal of Marine Science 15assessment models to error: Some resultsfrom the ICES strategic initiative on stockButterworth, D. S.;2015, 72(1): 19-30 assessment methodsMethot, R. D., Jr.; et al.14  Contemporary fisheries stock assessment:Many issues still remain Maunder, Mark N.;Piner, Kevin R. Ices Journal of Marine Science 2015, 72(1): 7-18Aquaculture 12Omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fattyacids and aquaculture in perspectiveTocher, Douglas R.2015, 449: 94-107

Food Science & Technology食品科技

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Nabavi, Seyed Fazel;Food Chemistry 31Role of quercetin as an alternative for obesitytreatment: You are what you eat!Russo, Gian Luigi;Daglia, Maria; et al.2015, 179: 305-310Food Chemistry 28Interactions of polyphenols with carbohydrates,lipids and proteinsJakobek, Lidija2015, 175: 556-567 27  Plants belonging to the genus Thymus as antibacterial agents: From farm to pharmacy Nabavi, Seyed Mohammad; Marchese, Anna; Izadi, Morteza;et al. Food Chemistry 2015, 173: 339-347Loutfi, Amy;Journal of Food Engineering 25Electronic noses for food quality: A reviewCoradeschi, Silvia;Mani, Ganesh Kumar;et al.2015, 144: 103-111 24 Clean recovery of antioxidant compounds from plant foods, by-products and algae assisted by ultrasounds processing. Modeling approaches to optimize processing conditions Rosello-Soto, Elena;Galanakis, Charis M.;Brncic, Mladen; et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 2015, 42(2): 134-149Heleno, Sandrina A.;Food Chemistry 23Bioactivity of phenolic acids: MetabolitesMartins, Anabela;versus parent compounds: A reviewQueiroz, Maria Joao R.P.; et al.2015, 173: 501-513 23 Aptamer-based fluorescence biosensor for chloramphenicol determination using upconversion nanoparticles Wu, Shijia;Zhang, Hui; Shi, Zhao; et al. Food Control 2015, 50: 597-604Synthesis and characterization of core-shellSu, Xiaomeng;Food Chemistry 22magnetic molecularly imprinted polymers forsolid-phase extraction and determination ofLi, Xiaoyan;Rhodamine B in foodLi, Junjie; et al.2015, 171: 292-297 22 Flavonoids and phenolic acids from cranberry juice are bioavailable and bioactive in healthy older adults McKay, Diane L.;Chen, C. -Y. Oliver;Zampariello, Carly A.;et al. Food Chemistry 2015, 168: 233-240Immunochemical and molecular characteristicsLi, Xianbin;Food and Agricultural 22of monoclonal antibodies againstImmunology organophosphorus pesticides and effect ofZhang, Hongjun;hapten structures on immunoassay selectivityJi, Ying; et al.2015, 26(1): 109-119


被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Cambi, Martina;Forest Ecology and Management 16The impact of heavy traffic on forest soils: AreviewCertini, Giacomo;Neri, Francesco; et al.2015, 338: 124-138Forest Ecology and ManagementDynamicsofglobalforestarea:ResultsfromtheKeenan,RodneyJ.;14FAO global forest resources assessment 2015Reams, Gregory A.;Achard, Frederic; et al.2015, 352: 9-20 14  Water balance and topography predict fire and forest structure patterns Kane, Van R.;Lutz, James A.;Cansler, C. Alina;et al. Forest Ecology and Management 2015, 338: 1-13Agricultural and ForestDemand for multi-scale weather data for regionalZhao, Gang;14MeteorologycropmodelingSiebert,Stefan;Enders, Andreas; et al.2015, 200: 156-171 13 Improving winter wheat yield estimation by assimilation of the leaf area index from Landsat TM and MODIS data into the WOFOST model Huang, Jianxi;Tian, Liyan;Liang, Shunlin; et al. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 2015, 204: 106-121Campelo, Filipe;Which matters most for the formation ofTrees-StructureandFunction 13intra-annual density fluctuations in PinusVieira, Joana;pinaster: Age or size?Battipaglia, Giovanna;2015, 29(1): 237-245 et al.13 Constraints on mechanized treatment significantly limit mechanical fuels reduction extent in the sierra nevada North, Malcolm;Brough, April;Long, Jonathan; et al. Journal of Forestry 2015, 113(1): 40-48Forest Ecology and Management 12Global forest resources assessment 2015: What,MacDicken, Kennethwhy and how?G.2015, 352: 3-8 11 Quantifying consequences of removing harvesting residues on forest soils and tree growth: A meta-analysis Achat, D. L.; Deleuze, C.; Landmann, G.;et al. Forest Ecology and Management 2015, 348: 124-141Temesgen,Scandinavian Journal of ForestA review of the challenges and opportunities in 11estimating above ground forest biomass usingHailemariam; Affleck,ResearchDavid; Poudel,tree-levelmodelsKrishna;etal.2015, 30(4): 326-335

Gastroenterology & Hepatology胃肠病及肝病

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物HepatologyMessina, Jane P.;124Global distribution and prevalence of hepatitis CHumphreys, Isla;virus genotypesFlaxman, Abraham;2015, 61(1): 77-87 et al.All-oral 12-week treatment with daclatasvir plus Nelson, David R.;Hepatology 96sofosbuvir in patients with hepatitis C virusCooper, James N.;genotype 3 infection: ALLY-3 phase III studyLalezari, Jacob P.; et al.2015, 61(4): 1127-1135 84 Sofosbuvir and ribavirin for treatment of compensated recurrent hepatitis C virus infection after liver transplantation Charlton, Michael;Gane, Edward; Manns, Michael P.; et al. Gastroenterology 2015, 148(1): 108-117Fibrosis stage is the strongest predictor for Ekstedt, Mattias;Hepatology 79disease-specific mortality in NAFLD afterHagstrom, Hannes;up to 33 years of follow-upNasr, Patrik; et al.2015, 61(5): 1547-1554 75  The Chicago Classification of esophageal motility disorders, v3.0 Kahrilas, P. J.;Bredenoord, A. J.;Fox, M.; et al. Neurogastroenterology and Motility 2015, 27(2): 160-174Sofosbuvir and ribavirin prevent recurrence of Curry, Michael P.;Gastroenterology 69HCV infection after liver transplantation: AnForns, Xavier; Chung,open-label studyRaymond T.; et al.2015, 148(1): 100 61 Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis is the second leading etiology of liver disease among adults awaiting liver transplantation in the united states Wong, Robert J.;Aguilar, Maria;Cheung, Ramsey; et al. Gastroenterology 2015, 148(3): 547-555Rex, Douglas K.;Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 60Quality indicators for colonoscopySchoenfeld, Philip S.;Cohen, Jonathan; et al.2015, 81(1): 31-53 59  DNA methylation downregulated mir-10b acts as a tumor suppressor in gastric cancer Li, Zheng; Lei, Huizi;Luo, Min; et al. Gastric Cancer 2015, 18(1): 43-54Ledipasvir and sofosbuvir plus ribavirin for Charlton, Michael;Gastroenterology 54treatment of HCV infection in patients withEverson, Gregory T.;advanced liver diseaseFlamm, Steven L.; et al.2015, 149(3): 649-659

Genetics & Heredity遗传学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Standards and guidelines for the interpretationof sequence variants: A joint consensusRichards, Sue;Genetics in Medicine 180recommendation of the american college ofAziz, Nazneen;medical genetics and genomics and the Bale, Sherri; et al.2015,17(5):405-424association for molecular pathologyIyer, Matthew K.;Nature Genetics 97The landscape of long noncoding RNAs in thehuman transcriptomeNiknafs, Yashar S.;Malik, Rohit; et al.2015, 47(3): 199 64  RNA-mediated epigenetic regulation of gene expression Holoch, Daniel;Moazed, Danesh Nature Reviews Genetics 2015, 16(2): 71-84Shalem, Ophir;Nature Reviews Genetics 57High-throughput functional genomics usingCRISPR-Cas9Sanjana, Neville E.;Zhang, Feng2015, 16(5): 299-311 56 RASP(Reconstruct Ancestral State in Phylogenies): A tool for historical biogeography Yu, Yan;Harris, Alan J.;Blair, Christopher;et al. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 2015, 87: 46-49Miotto, Olivo;Nature Genetics 53Genetic architecture of artemisinin-resistantAmato, Roberto;Plasmodium falciparumAshley, Elizabeth A.;2015, 47(3): 226 et al.53  DNA methylation age of blood predicts all-cause mortality in later life Marioni, Riccardo E.;Shah, Sonia;McRae, Allan F.; et al. Genome Biology 2015, 16: 25Bulik-Sullivan, BrendanLD score regression distinguishes confoundingNatureGenetics 51from polygenicity in genome-wide associationK.; Loh, Po-Ru;studiesFinucane, Hilary K.;2015, 47(3): 291 et al.48 Convergent losses of decay mechanisms and rapid turnover of symbiosis genes in mycorrhizal mutualists Kohler, Annegret;Kuo, Alan; Nagy, Laszlo G.; et al. Nature Genetics 2015, 47(4): 410Stegle, Oliver;Nature Reviews Genetics 48Computational and analytical challenges insingle-cell transcriptomicsTeichmann, Sarah A.;Marioni, John C.2015, 16(3): 133-145

Geochemistry & Geophysics地球化学和地球物理学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Earth and Planetary SciencePotential Antarctic Ice Sheet retreat driven byPollard, David;34DeConto, Robert M.;Letters hydrofracturing and ice cliff failureAlley, Richard B.2015, 412: 112-121IEEE Transactions onA critical comparison among pansharpeningVivone, Gemine;25Geoscience and Remote SensingalgorithmsAlparone,Luciano;Chanussot, Jocelyn; et al.2015, 53(5): 2565-2586 24 Object detection in optical remote sensing images based on weakly supervised learning and high-level feature learning Han, Junwei;Zhang, Dingwen;Cheng, Gong; et al. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2015, 53(6): 3325-3337IEEE Transactions onZhang, Fan;24Saliency-guided unsupervised featureGeoscience and Remote Sensing learning for scene classificationDu, Bo;Zhang, Liangpei2015, 53(4): 2175-2184 24 Mars global ionosphere-thermosphere model:Solar cycle, seasonal, and diurnal variations of the mars upper atmosphere Bougher, S. W.;Pawlowski, D.;Bell, J. M.; et al. Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets 2015, 120(2): 311-342Geochimica et CosmochimicaDing, Congcong;23Effects of Bacillus subtilis on the reductionActa of U(VI) by nano-Fe-0Cheng, Wencai;Sun, Yubing; et al.2015, 165: 86-107 23  Infectious diseases affect marine fisheries and aquaculture economics Lafferty, Kevin D.;Harvell, C. Drew;Conrad, Jon M.; et al. Annual Review of Marine Science 2015, 7: 471-496Journal of GeophysicalSpace geodesy constrains ice age terminalPeltier, W. R.;23deglaciation: The global ICE-6G_C(VM5a)Argus, D. F.;Research-Solid EarthmodelDrummond, R.2015, 120(1): 450-487 22  Water-fluxed melting of the continental crust:A review Weinberg, Roberto F.;Hasalova, Pavlina Lithos 2015, 212: 158-188Piatak, Nadine M.;Applied Geochemistry 20Characteristics and environmental aspects ofslag: A reviewParsons, Michael B.;Seal, Robert R., II2015, 57: 236-266


被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Journal of Economic Geography 21On the notion of regional economic resilience:Martin, Ron;Conceptualization and explanationSunley, Peter2015, 15(1): 1-42Mccann, Philip;Regional Studies 19Smart specialization, regional growth andapplications to european union cohesion policyOrtega-Argiles,Raquel2015, 49(8): 1291-1302 18  Manifestations and underlying drivers of agricultural land use change in Europe van Vliet, Jasper;de Groot, Henri L. F.;Rietveld, Piet; et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 2015, 133: 24-36Progress in Human Geography 16Geographies of resilience: Challenges andWeichselgartner,opportunities of a descriptive conceptJuergen; Kelman, Ilan2015, 39(3): 249-267 16  Toward a dynamic theory of global production networks Yeung, Henry Wai-chung;Coe, Neil M. Economic Geography 2015, 91(1): 29-58Beuchle, Rene;Land cover changes in the Brazilian Cerrado andGrecchi, Rosana Applied Geography 14Caatinga biomes from 1990 to 2010 based on aCristina;systematic remote sensing sampling approachShimabukuro,Yosio2015, 58: 116-127Edemir; et al.13 Go greener, feel better? The positive effects of biodiversity on the well-being of individuals visiting, urban and peri-urban green areas Carrus, Giuseppe;Scopelliti, Massimiliano;Lafortezza, Raffaele;et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 2015, 134: 221-228Regional Studies 12Towards an evolutionary perspective on regionalresilienceBoschma, Ron2015, 49(5): 733-751 12  Social sensing: A new approach to understanding our socioeconomic environments Liu, Yu; Liu, Xi;Gao, Song; et al. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 2015, 105(3): 512-530Norton, Briony A.;Planning for cooler cities: A framework toLandscapeandUrbanPlanning 12prioritise green infrastructure to mitigate highCoutts, Andrew M.;temperatures in urban landscapesLivesley, Stephen J.;2015, 134: 127-138 et al.

Geography, Physical自然地理学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Completion of the 2011 national land coverPhotogrammetric Engineeringdatabase for the conterminous united states:Homer, Collin;35and Remote SensingRepresenting a decade of land cover changeDewitz, Jon;informationYang, Limin; et al.2015, 81(5): 345-354Isprs Journal ofGlobal land cover mapping at 30 m resolution: AChen, Jun;34Photogrammetry and RemotePOK-based operational approachChen, Jin;Liao, Anping; et al.Sensing2015, 103: 7-27 31 Comparing and contrasting the behaviour of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice over the 35 year period 1979-2013 Simmonds, Ian  Annals of Glaciology 2015, 56(69): 18-28Solomina, Olga N.;21Holocene glacier fluctuationsBradley, Raymond S.;Quaternary Science ReviewsHodgson, Dominic A.;2015, 111: 9-34 et al.20 Hydroclimatic changes in China and surroundings during the medieval climate anomaly and little ice age: Spatial patterns and possible mechanisms Chen, Jianhui;Chen, Fahu;Feng, Song; et al. Quaternary Science Reviews 2015, 107: 98-111When did the Anthropocene begin? A Zalasiewicz, Jan;19mid-twentieth century boundary level isWaters, Colin N.;Quaternary Internationalstratigraphically optimalWilliams, Mark; et al.2015, 383: 196-203 19  Is my species distribution model fit for purpose?Matching data and models to applications Guillera-Arroita, Gurutzeta;Lahoz-Monfort, Jose J.;Elith, Jane; et al. Global Ecology and Biogeography 2015, 24(3): 276-292An optimized scheme of lettered marine isotopeRailsback, L. Bruce;QuaternaryScienceReviews 18substages for the last 1.0 million years, and theclimatostratigraphic nature of isotope stages andGibbard, Philip L.;2015, 111: 94-106 substagesHead, Martin J.; et al.18  Manifestations and underlying drivers of agricultural land use change in Europe van Vliet, Jasper;de Groot, Henri L. F.;Rietveld, Piet; et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 2015, 133: 24-36Large-scale dam removal on the Elwha River, East, Amy E.; Pess, Geomorphology 17Washington, USA: River channel and floodplainGeorge R.; Bountry,geomorphic changeJennifer A.; et al.2015, 228: 765-786


被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Geology and genesis of the giant Beiya Deng, Jun;Ore Geology Reviews 17porphyry-skarn gold deposit, northwesternWang, Qingfei;Yangtze Block, ChinaLi, Gongjian; et al.2015, 70: 457-485Rooney, Alan D.;A Cryogenian chronology: Two long-lastingStrauss, Justin V.;Geology 17synchronous Neoproterozoic glaciationsBrandon, Alan D.;2015, 43(5): 459-462 et al.15  Structural control and genesis of the Oligocene Zhenyuan orogenic gold deposit, SW China Deng, Jun;Wang, Qingfei;Li, Gongjian; et al. Ore Geology Reviews 2015, 65: 42-54A genetic linkage between subduction- and Hou, Zengqian;Geology 15collision-related porphyry Cu deposits inYang, Zhiming;continental collision zonesLu, Yongjun; et al.2015, 43(3): 247-250 15 Fluid immiscibility and gold deposition in the Xincheng deposit, Jiaodong Peninsula, China:A fluid inclusion study Wang, Zhongliang;Yang, Liqiang;Guo, Linnan; et al. Ore Geology Reviews 2015, 65(SI): 701-717Tantalum-(niobium-tin) mineralisation in Melcher, Frank;Ore Geology Reviews 14African pegmatites and rare metal granites:Graupner, Torsten;Constraints from Ta-Nb oxide mineralogy,Gaebler, Hans-Eike;2015, 64: 667-719 geochemistry and U-Pb geochronologyetal.14 A review of the genesis of the world class Bayan Obo Fe-REE-Nb deposits, Inner Mongolia, China: Multistage processes and outstanding questions Smith, M. P.;Campbell, L. S.;Kynicky, J. Ore Geology Reviews 2015, 64: 459-476Geochemical and mineralogical evidence Dai, Shifeng;Ore Geology Reviews 13for a coal-hosted uranium deposit in theYang, Jianye;Yili Basin, Xinjiang, northwestern ChinaWard, Colin R.; et al.2015, 70: 1-30 13  The geochemistry of carbonate diagenesis:The past, present and future  Swart, Peter K. Sedimentology 2015, 62(5): 1233-1304CarbonandstrontiumisotopestratigraphyFrijia,Gianluca;of the Upper Cretaceous(Cenomanian-CretaceousResearch 13Campanian) shallow-water carbonates ofParente, Mariano;southern Italy: Chronostratigraphic calibrationDi Lucia, Matteo;2015, 53: 110-139of larger foraminifera biostratigraphyetal.

Geosciences, Multidisciplinary地球综合科学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Le Quere, C.;Earth System Science Data 49Global carbon budget 2014Moriarty, R.;Andrew, R. M.; et al.2015, 7(1): 47-85Yao, Z. T.;Earth-Science Reviews 37A comprehensive review on the applications ofcoal fly ashJi, X. S.;Sarker, P. K.; et al.2015, 141: 105-121 36  An exotic Mesoarchean microcontinent: The coorg block, southern India Santosh, M.;Yang, Qiongyan;Shaji, E.; et al. Gondwana Research 2015, 27(1): 165-195Completionofthe2011nationallandcoverPhotogrammetricEngineeringHomer, Collin;35database for the conterminous united states:and Remote Sensing Representing a decade of land cover changeDewitz, Jon;informationYang, Limin; et al.2015, 81(5): 345-354 34  Global land cover mapping at 30 m resolution: A POK-based operational approach Chen, Jun;Chen, Jin;Liao, Anping; et al. Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 2015, 103: 7-27Sitch, S.;Biogeosciences 34Recent trends and drivers of regional sources andsinks of carbon dioxideFriedlingstein, P.;Gruber, N.; et al.2015, 12(3): 653-679 32 No growth stimulation of tropical trees by 150 years of CO2fertilization but water-use efficiency increased van der Sleen, Peter;Groenendijk, Peter;Vlam, Mart; et al. Nature Geoscience 2015, 8(1): 24-28Compositional polarity of Triassic granitoids in Gondwana Research 31the Qinling Orogen, China: Implication forLi, Nuo; Chen, Yanjing;termination of the northernmost paleo-TethysSantosh, M.; et al.2015, 27(1): 244-257 31 Comparing and contrasting the behaviour of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice over the 35 year period 1979-2013 Simmonds, Ian Annals of Glaciology 2015, 56(69): 18-28Avouac, Jean-Philippe;Nature Geoscience 29Lower edge of locked Main Himalayan Thrustunzipped by the 2015 Gorkha earthquakeMeng, Lingsen; Wei,Shengji; et al.2015, 8(9): 708

Geriatrics & Gerontology老年医学和老年学

2015, 70(2): 216-222


被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Three-year follow-up of treatment-naive Byrd, John C.; Furman,Blood 77and previously treated patients with CLL Richard R.; Coutre,and SLL receiving single-agent ibrutinibSteven E.; et al.2015, 125(16): 2497-2506Molecular basis of cardioprotection signal Circulation Research 63transduction in ischemic pre-, post-, andHeusch, Gerdremote conditioning2015, 116(4): 674-699 45 Gut microbiota-dependent Trimethylamine N-Oxide(TMAO) pathway contributes to both development of renal insufficiency and mortality risk in chronic kidney disease Tang, W. H. Wilson;Wang, Zeneng;Kennedy, David J.; et al. Circulation Research 2015, 116(3): 448-455International phase 3 study of azacitidine vs Dombret, Herve;Blood 44conventional care regimens in older patientsSeymour, John F.;with newly diagnosed AML with >30%Butrym, Aleksandra;2015, 126(3): 291-299 blastsetal.44 Endogenous drp1 mediates mitochondrial autophagy and protects the heart against energy stress Ikeda, Yoshiyuki;Shirakabe, Akihiro;Maejima, Yasuhiro;et al. Circulation Research 2015, 116(2): 264CME information: Polycythemia vera andAmerican Journal of Hematology 39essential thrombocythemia: 2015 update onTefferi, Ayalew;diagnosis, risk-stratification, and Barbui, Tiziano2015, 90(2): 163-173 management39  Reproducibility in science improving the standard for basic and preclinical research Begley, C. Glenn;Ioannidis, John P. A. Circulation Research 2015, 116(1): 116-126Hematopoietic SCT in Europe 2013: RecentPassweg,J.R.;Bone Marrow Transplantation 36trends in the use of alternative donorsshowing more haploidentical donors butBaldomero, H.;2015, 50(4): 476-482 fewer cord blood transplantsBader, P.; et al.36  Inflammation, immunity, and hypertensive end-organ damage McMaster, William G.;Kirabo, Annet;Madhur, Meena S.; et al. Circulation Research 2015, 116(6): 1022-1033Regulation of signal transduction by Circulation Research 36reactive oxygen species in theBrown, David I.;cardiovascular systemGriendling, Kathy K.2015, 116(3): 531-549


被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Theoretical and Applied25Advances in Setaria genomics for geneticMuthamilarasan,Mehanathan;Genetics improvement of cereals and bioenergy grassesPrasad, Manoj2015, 128(1): 1-14Genome-wide association study for grain yield Theoretical and Appliedand related traits in an elite spring wheatSukumaran, Sivakumar;14Dreisigacker, Susanne;Genetics population grown in temperate irrigatedenvironmentsLopes, Marta; et al.2015, 128(2): 353-363 13  Training set optimization under population structure in genomic selection Isidro, Julio; Jannink, Jean-Luc; Akdemir, Deniz; et al. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 2015, 128(1): 145-158Theoretical and AppliedMolecular characterization of a new powderyHao, Yuanfeng;12mildew resistance gene Pm54 in soft red winterParks, Ryan; Cowger,GeneticswheatChristina; et al.2015, 128(3): 465-476 12 Construction of genetic map and QTL analysis of fiber quality traits for Upland cotton(Gossypium hirsutum L.)Tang, Shiyi;Teng, Zhonghua;Zhai, Tengfei; et al. Euphytica 2015, 201(2): 195-213Theoretical and AppliedGenome-wide association study(GWAS) ofDhanapal, Arun Prabhu;11carbon isotope ratio(delta C-13) in diverseRay, Jeffery D.; Singh,Geneticssoybean [Glycine max(L.) Merr.] genotypesShardendu K.; et al.2015, 128(1): 73-91 10 Effect of postharvest application of chitosan combined with clove oil against citrus green mold Shao, Xingfeng;Cao, Baoying;Xu, Feng; et al. Postharvest Biology and Technology 2015, 99: 37-43Liquid corn and fish fertilizers are good options Fernandez-Salvador,Hortscience 9for fertigation in blackberry cultivars grown inJavier; Strik, Bernadinean organic production systemC.; Bryla, David R.2015, 50(2): 225-233 9 The effect of alginate-based edible coatings enriched with essential oils constituents on Arbutus unedo L. Fresh fruit storage Guerreiro, Adriana C.;Gago, Custodia M. L.;Faleiro, Maria L.;et al. Postharvest Biology and Technology 2015, 100: 226-233Huang, B. Emma;Theoretical and Applied8MAGIC populations in crops: Current statusVerbyla, Klara L.;Genetics and future prospectsVerbyla, Arunas P.;et al.2015, 128(6): 999-1017

Imaging Science & Photographic Technology成像科学与摄影技术

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Completion of the 2011 national land cover Homer, Collin;Photogrammetric Engineering and 35database for the conterminous united states -Dewitz, Jon;Remote Sensing representing a decade of land cover changeYang, Limin;informationetal.2015, 81(5): 345-354Chen, Jun;Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry 34Global land cover mapping at 30 m resolution: AChen, Jin;and Remote Sensing POK-based operational approachLiao, Anping;et al.2015, 103: 7-27 25  Evaluation of the ESA CCI soil moisture product using ground-based observations Dorigo, W. A.;Gruber, A.; De Jeu, R. A. M.; et al. Remote Sensing of Environment 2015, 162: 380-395Vivone, Gemine;IEEE Transactions on Geoscience 25A critical comparison among pansharpeningAlparone, Luciano;and Remote Sensing algorithmsChanussot, Jocelyn;et al.2015, 53(5): 2565-2586 24 Object detection in optical remote sensing images based on weakly supervised learning and high-level feature learning Han, Junwei;Zhang, Dingwen;Cheng, Gong; et al. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2015, 53(6): 3325-3337Zhang, Fan;IEEE Transactions on Geoscience 24Saliency-guided unsupervised feature learningand Remote Sensing for scene classificationDu, Bo;Zhang, Liangpei2015, 53(4): 2175-2184 20 Using satellite remote sensing data to estimate the high-resolution distribution of ground-level PM2.5Lin, Changqing;Li, Ying;Yuan, Zibing; et al. Remote Sensing of Environment 2015, 156: 117-128The soil moisture active passive validation McNairn, Heather;IEEE Transactions on Geoscience 19experiment 2012(SMAPVEX12): PrelaunchJackson, Thomas J.;and Remote Sensing calibration and validation of the SMAP soilWiseman, Grant;moisture algorithmsetal.2015, 53(5): 2784-2801 19  NL-SAR: A unified nonlocal framework for resolution-preserving(Pol)(In)SAR denoising Deledalle, Charles-Alban; Denis, Loic;Tupin, Florence;et al. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2015, 53(4): 2021-2038A comparison of STARFM and an unmixing-Gevaert, Caroline Remote Sensing of Environment 19based algorithm for Landsat and MODIS dataM.; Javier Garcia-fusionHaro, F.2015, 156: 34-44


被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Musso, Didier;Emerging Infectious Diseases 90Potential sexual transmission of zika virusRoche, Claudine;Robin, Emilie; et al.2015, 21(2): 359-361Takala-Harrison,Independent emergence of artemisinin resistance Journal of Infectious Diseases 70mutations among plasmodium falciparum inShannon; Jacob,southeast asiaChristopher G.;2015, 211(5): 670-679 Arze, Cesar; et al.66  Zika virus outbreak, bahia, brazil Campos, Gubio S.;Bandeira, Antonio C.;Sardi, Silvia I. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2015, 21(10): 1885-1886Current Opinion in58The evolution of checkpoint blockade as a cancerShin, Daniel Sanghoon;Immunology therapy: What's here, what's next?Ribas, Antoni2015, 33: 23-35 58 TREM2 deficiency eliminates TREM2+inflammatory macrophages and ameliorates pathology in Alzheimer's disease mouse models Jay, Taylor R.;Miller, Crystal M.;Cheng, Paul J.; et al. Journal of Experimental Medicine 2015, 212(3): 287-295C-Myb+erythro-myeloid progenitor-derived Hoeffel, Guillaume;Immunity 57fetal monocytes give rise to adult tissue-residentChen, Jinmiao;macrophagesLavin, Yonit; et al.2015, 42(4): 665-678 57  The immunology of asthma  Lambrecht, Bart N.;Hammad, Hamida Nature Immunology 2015, 16(1): 45-56Nature Immunology 56Control of adaptive immunity by the innateIwasaki, Akiko;immune systemMedzhitov, Ruslan2015, 16(4): 343-353 55 Transcriptional programs define molecular characteristics of innate lymphoid cell classes and subsets Robinette, Michelle L.;Fuchs, Anja; Cortez, Victor S.; et al. Nature Immunology 2015, 16(3): 306McNab, Finlay;Nature Reviews Immunology 54Type I interferons in infectious diseaseMayer-Barber, Katrin;Sher, Alan; et al.2015, 15(2): 87-103

Infectious Diseases传染病学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Musso, Didier;Emerging Infectious Diseases 90Potential sexual transmission of zika virusRoche, Claudine;Robin, Emilie; et al.2015, 21(2): 359-361Spread of artemisinin-resistant Plasmodium Tun, Kyaw M.;Lancet Infectious Diseases 75falciparum in Myanmar: A cross-sectionalImwong, Mallika;survey of the K13 molecular markerLwin, Khin M.; et al.2015, 15(4): 415-421 70 Independent emergence of artemisinin resistance mutations among Plasmodium falciparum in southeast asia Takala-Harrison, Shannon; Jacob, Christopher G.;Arze, Cesar; et al. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2015, 211(5): 670-679Campos, Gubio S.;Emerging Infectious Diseases 66Zika virus outbreak, bahia, brazilBandeira, Antonio C.;Sardi, Silvia I.2015, 21(10): 1885-1886 64 Effect of use of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in children on invasive pneumococcal disease in children and adults in the USA:Analysis of multisite, population-based surveillance Moore, Matthew R.;Link-Gelles, Ruth;Schaffner, William;et al. Lancet Infectious Diseases 2015, 15(3): 301-309Emergence of plasmid-mediated colistin resistanceLancet Infectious Diseases 63mechanism MCR-1 in animals and human beingsLiu, Yiyun; Wang, Yang;in China: A microbiological and molecular Walsh, Timothy R.; et al.2016, 16(2): 161-168 biological study52  Detection of zika virus in urine Gourinat, Ann-Claire;O'Connor, Olivia;Calvez, Elodie; et al. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2015, 21(1): 84-86Absence of putative artemisinin resistance Taylor, Steve M.;Journal of Infectious Diseases 48mutations among Plasmodium falciparum inParobek, Christian M.;sub-saharan africa: A molecular epidemiologicDeConti, Derrick K.;2015, 211(5): 680-688 studyetal.46 A case-control study to estimate the effectiveness of maternal pertussis vaccination in protecting newborn infants in england and wales, 2012-2013 Dabrera, Gavin;Amirthalingam, Gayatri;Andrews, Nick; et al. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2015, 60(3): 333-337Ledipasvir-sofosbuvirwithorwithoutribavirintoBourliere,Marc;treat patients with HCV genotype 1 infection andLancetInfectiousDiseases44cirrhosis non-responsive to previous protease-Bronowicki, Jean-Pierre;inhibitor therapy: A randomised, double-blind,de Ledinghen, Victor;2015, 15(4): 397-404phase 2 trial(SIRIUS)etal.

Information Science & Library Science图书情报学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Journal of the AmericanThe influence of social networking sites onLaranjo,Liliana;Medical Informatics 21health behavior change: A systematic reviewArguel, Amael;Association and meta-analysisNeves, Ana L.; et al.2015, 22(1): 243-256International Journal of19Beyond the hype: Big data concepts, methods,Gandomi, Amir;Information Management and analyticsHaider, Murtaza2015, 35(2): 137-144 16  Social media research: Theories, constructs, and conceptual frameworks Ngai, Eric W. T.;Tao, Spencer S. C.;Moon, Karen K. L. International Journal of Information Management 2015, 35(1): 33-44Telematics and Informatics 16Mobile banking adoption: A literature reviewShaikh, Aijaz A.;Karjaluoto, Heikki2015, 32(1): 129-142 13 Growth rates of modern science: A bibliometric analysis based on the number of publications and cited references Bornmann, Lutz;Mutz, Ruediger Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 2015, 66(11): 2215-2222Mis Quarterly 12Service innovation: A service-dominant logicLusch, Robert F.;perspectiveNambisan, Satish2015, 39(1): 155-175 12 Validating drug repurposing signals using electronic health records: A case study of metformin associated with reduced cancer mortality Xu, Hua;Aldrich, Melinda C.;Chen, Qingxia; et al. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2015, 22(1): 179-191Journal of the AssociationMoohebat, Mohammadreza;for Information Science and 11Identifying ISI-indexed articles by theirlexical usage: A text analysis approachRaj, Ram Gopal; Kareem,Technology Sameem Binti Abdul; et al.2015, 66(3): 501-511 10  Knowledge-based dietary nutrition recommendation for obese management Jung, Hoill;Chung, Kyungyong Information Technology & Management 2016, 17(1): 29-42Nicholas, David;Learned Publishing 10Peer review: Still king in the digital ageWatkinson, Anthony;Jamali, Hamid R.; et al.2015, 28(1): 15-21

Instruments & Instrumentation仪器与仪器仪表

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物IEEE Transactions onData-based techniques focused on modern industry:Yin, Shen;152Industrial ElectronicsAnoverviewLi,Xianwei;Gao, Huijun; et al.2015, 62(1): 657-667IEEE Transactions onImproved PLS focused on key-performance-Yin, Shen;110Industrial Electronics indicator-related fault diagnosisZhu, Xiangping;Kaynak, Okyay2015, 62(3): 1651-1658 33 A sensitive molecular imprinted electrochemical sensor based on gold nanoparticles decorated graphene oxide: Application to selective determination of tyrosine in milk Yola, Mehmet Lutfi;Eren, Tanju;Atar, Necip Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 2015, 210: 149-157Sensors and ActuatorsAwual, Md. Rabiul;32Efficient selenium(IV) detection and removal fromB-Chemical water by tailor-made novel conjugate adsorbentHasan, Md. Munjur;Khaleque, Md. Abdul2015, 209: 194-202 31  Intelligent particle filter and its application to fault detection of nonlinear system Yin, Shen;Zhu, Xiangping IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2015, 62(6): 3852-3861Chemometrics andJaumot, Joaquim;Intelligent Laboratory 31MCR-ALS GUI 2.0: New features and applicationsde Juan, Anna;Systems Tauler, Roma2015, 140: 1-12 29  Carbon nanotube based biosensors Yang, Ning;Chen, Xianping;Ren, Tianling; et al. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 2015, 207: 690-715Sensors and ActuatorsCarbon quantum dots/octahedral Cu2OLi, Yancai;29nanocomposites for non-enzymatic glucoseZhong, Yanmei;B-Chemicaland hydrogen peroxide amperometric sensorZhang, Yayun; et al.2015, 206: 735-743 28 Molecularly imprinted polymer nanoparticles in chemical sensing: Synthesis, characterisation and application Wackerlig, Judith;Lieberzeit, Peter A. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 2015, 207: 144-157IEEE Transactions onA survey of fault diagnosis and fault-tolerantGao, Zhiwei;27techniques-part I: Fault diagnosis with model-Cecati, Carlo;Industrial Electronicsbased and signal-based approachesDing, Steven X.2015, 62(6): 3757-3767

Integrative & Complementary Medicine中西医结合与补充医学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物African Journal of Traditional15Rp-HPLC determination of ginsenosides rg1Liu,Ying;He,Complementary and Alternativeand rb1 in panax ginseng fruitsQingnan; Liu,Donghai; et al.Medicines2015, 12(2): 12-16Butt, Maryam Akram;11Ethnomedicinal uses of plants for the treatment Journal of Ethnopharmacologyof snake and scorpion bite in Northern PakistanAhmad, Mushtaq;Fatima, Anam; et al.2015, 168: 164-181 11 Meta-analysis of the effect and safety of berberine in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus, hyperlipemia and hypertension Lan, Jiarong;Zhao, Yanyun;Dong, Feixia; et al. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2015, 161: 69-81Romenets, Silvia Rios;Complementary Therapies inTango for treatment of motor and non-motorAnang, Julius;9manifestations in Parkinson's disease: AFereshtehnejad,Medicinerandomized control studySeyed-Mohammad;2015, 23(2): 175-184 et al.9 Medicinal plants used by traditional healers for the treatment of malaria in the Chipinge district in Zimbabwe Ngarivhume, Talkmore; van't Klooster, Charlotte I. E. A.; de Jong, Joop T. V. M.; et al. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2015, 159: 224-237Anti-inflammatory effects of water extractof Taraxacum mongolicum hand.-Mazz onMa, Chunhua;8lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammationZhu, Lingpeng;Journal of Ethnopharmacologyin acute lung injury by suppressing Wang, Jing; et al.2015, 168: 349-355PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway8 An ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants in western part of central Taurus Mountains:Aladaglar(Nigde - Turkey)Ozdemir, Ebru;Alpinar, Kerim Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2015, 166: 53-65Bmc Complementary andApoptosis induction associated with the ERKrajarng, Aungkana;8stress response through up-regulation of JNKImoto, Masaya;Alternative Medicinein HeLa cells by gambogic acidTashiro, Etsu; et al.2015, 15: 26 8 Syzygium cumini(L.) Skeels essential oil and its major constituent alpha-pinene exhibit anti-Leishmania activity through immunomodulation in vitro da Franca Rodrigues, Klinger Antonio;Amorim, Layane Valeria; Dias, Clarice Noleto; et al. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2015, 160: 32-40Hosseini, Mahmoud;Chinese Journal of IntegrativeEffects of the hydro-alcoholic extract of Nigella 7sativa on scopolamine-induced spatial memoryMohammadpour,Medicineimpairment in rats and its possible mechanismToktam; Karami,Reza; et al.2015, 21(6): 438-444


被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Time-variable transit time distributions and Water Resources Research 26transport: Theory and application to storage-Harman, Ciaran J.dependent transport of chloride in a watershed2015, 51(1): 1-30Zarfl, Christiane;Aquatic Sciences 23A global boom in hydropower dam constructionLumsdon, Alexander E.;Berlekamp, Jurgen; et al.2015, 77(1): 161-170 22  CO2wettability of seal and reservoir rocks and the implications for carbon geo-sequestration Iglauer, Stefan;Pentland, C. H.;Busch, A. Water Resources Research 2015, 51(1): 729-774Clark, Martyn P.;Water Resources Research 19A unified approach for process-basedNijssen, Bart;hydrologic modeling: 1. Modeling conceptLundquist, Jessica D.;2015, 51(4): 2498-2514 et al.17  Quantifying renewable groundwater stress with GRACE Richey, Alexandra S.;Thomas, Brian F.;Lo, Min-Hui; et al. Water Resources Research 2015, 51(7): 5217-5238Ruehland, Kathleen M.;Journal of Paleolimnology 15Lake diatom responses to warming: Reviewingthe evidencePaterson, Andrew M.;Smol, John P.2015, 54(1): 1-35 15 A unified approach for process-based hydrologic modeling: 2. Model implementation and case studies Clark, Martyn P.;Nijssen, Bart;Lundquist, Jessica D.;et al. Water Resources Research 2015, 51(4): 2515-2542DebatesPerspectives on socio-hydrology:Water Resources Research 14Changing water systems and the “tyranny Sivapalan, Murugesuof small problems” Socio-hydrology2015, 51(6): 4795-4805 14 DebatesPerspectives on socio-hydrology:Socio-hydrologic modeling: Tradeoffs, hypothesis testing, and validation Troy, Tara J.; Pavao-Zuckerman, Mitchell;Evans, Tom P. Water Resources Research 2015, 51(6): 4806-4814Journal of Great LakesLight and nutrient co-limitation of phyto-Dubourg, Paul;13plankton communities in a large reservoir:North, Rebecca L.;ResearchLake Diefenbaker, Saskatchewan, CanadaHunter, Kristine; et al.2015, 41(SI): 129-143

Marine & Freshwater Biology海洋与淡水生物学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Marine Pollution Bulletin 30The impact of debris on marine lifeGall, S. C.;Thompson, R. C.2015, 92(1-2): 170-179Metacommunity organisation, spatial extent Heino, Jani;Freshwater Biology 24and dispersal in aquatic systems: Patterns,Melo, Adriano S.;processes and prospectsSiqueira, Tadeu; et al.2015, 60(5): 845-869 23  Infectious diseases affect marine fisheries and aquaculture economics Lafferty, Kevin D.;Harvell, C. Drew;Conrad, Jon M.; et al. Annual Review of Marine Science 2015, 7: 471-496Zarfl, Christiane;Aquatic Sciences 23A global boom in hydropower dam constructionLumsdon, Alexander E.;Berlekamp, Jurgen;2015, 77(1): 161-170 et al.21 Reinventing residual reserves in the sea: Are we favouring ease of establishment over need for protection?Devillers, Rodolphe;Pressey, Robert L.;Grech, Alana; et al. Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 2015, 25(4): 480-504Ecosystem impacts of the invasive bivalve Hydrobiologia 19Limnoperna fortunei(golden mussel) inBoltovskoy, Demetrio;South AmericaCorrea, Nancy2015, 746(1): 81-95 18 How do freshwater organisms cross the “dry ocean”? A review on passive dispersal and colonization processes with a special focus on temporary ponds Incagnone, Giulia;Marrone, Federico;Barone, Rossella; et al. Hydrobiologia 2015, 750(1): 103-123Copper-induced tight junction mRNA expressionWang,Biao;changes, apoptosis and antioxidant responsesAquaticToxicology 17via NF-kappa B, TOR and Nrf2 signalingFeng, Lin;molecules in the gills of fish: PreventiveJiang, Wei-Dan;2015, 158: 125-137role of arginineetal.15  Risk assessment of the environmental impact of Norwegian Atlantic salmon farming Taranger, Geir Lasse;Karlsen, Orjan;Bannister, Raymond John; et al. Ices Journal of Marine Science 2015, 72(3): 997-1021Simulation testing the robustness of stock Deroba, J. J.;Ices Journal of Marine Science 15assessment models to error: Some resultsButterworth, D. S.;from the ICES strategic initiative on stockMethot, R. D., Jr.;2015, 72(1): 19-30 assessment methodsetal.

Materials Science, Biomaterials生物材料学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物36 Li, Jingchao;Hyaluronic acid-modified Fe3O4@Au core/shell nanostars for multimodal imagingHu, Yong;Biomaterialsand photothermal therapy of tumorsYang, Jia; et al.2015, 38: 10-21TPGS-stabilized NaYbF4: Er upconversionnanoparticles for dual-modal fluorescent/CTTian, Gan;26 Biomaterialsimaging and anticancer drug delivery toZheng, Xiaopeng;2015, 40: 107-116 overcome multi-drug resistanceZhang, Xiao; et al.24 Tumor microenvironment sensitive doxorubicin delivery and release to glioma using angiopep-2 decorated gold nanoparticles Ruan, Shaobo;Yuan, Mingqing;Zhang, Li; et al. Biomaterials 2015, 37: 425-435Suppression of hepatocellular carcinoma byChen Chiuling;23baculovirus-mediated expression of long Biomaterialsnon-coding RNA PTENP1 and MicroRNATseng Yenwen;2015, 44: 71-81 regulationWu Jawching; et al.23 Inorganic photosensitizer coupled Gd-based upconversion luminescent nanocomposites for in vivo magnetic resonance imaging and near-infrared-responsive photodynamic therapy in cancers Zhang, Ling'e;Zeng, Leyong;Pan, Yuanwei; et al. Biomaterials 2015, 44: 82-90Journal of BiomedicalNanocomposite hydrogels and theirSong, Fangfang;23applications in drug delivery and tissueLi, Xiaoqiong;NanotechnologyengineeringWang, Qun; et al.2015, 11(1): 40-52 22 Bioactive glasses beyond bone and teeth:Emerging applications in contact with soft tissues Miguez-Pacheco, Valentina; Hench, Larry L.; Boccaccini, Aldo R. Acta Biomaterialia 2015, 13: 1-15Bioprintable, cell-laden silk fibroin-gelatin Das, Sanskrita;22hydrogel supporting multilineagePati, Falguni;Acta Biomaterialiadifferentiation of stem cells for fabricationChoi, Yeong-Jin;2015, 11: 233-246 of three-dimensional tissue constructsetal.22 Controlled dual delivery of BMP-2 and dexamethasone by nanoparticle-embedded electrospun nanofibers for the efficient repair of critical-sized rat calvarial defect Li, Long;Zhou, Guangliang;Wang, Yi; et al. Biomaterials 2015, 37: 218-229CD40-targeted dendritic cell delivery of Rosalia, Rodney A.;21PLGA-nanoparticle vaccines induce potentCruz, Luis J.; vanBiomaterialsanti-tumor responsesDuikeren, Suzanne; et al.2015, 40: 88-97

Materials Science, Ceramics陶瓷材料学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Transferring lead-free piezoelectric ceramicsRoedel, Juergen;Journal of the European Ceramic 68SocietyintoapplicationWebber,KyleG.;Dittmer, Robert; et al.2015, 35(6): 1659-1681Journal of the European CeramicAdvances in transparent glass-ceramicChen, Daqin; Xiang, 48phosphors for white light-emitting diodes:Weidong; Liang,SocietyA review Xiaojuan; et al.2015, 35(3): 859-869 23 Fabrication and characterization of copper doped TiO2nanotube arrays by in situ electrochemical method as efficient visible-light photocatalyst Momeni, Moharnad Mohsen; Ghayeb, Yousef;Ghonchegi, Zohre Ceramics International 2015, 41(7): 8735-8741Plectranthus amboinicus leaf extract-assisted Ceramics International 23biosynthesis of ZnO nanoparticles and theirFu Li; Fu Zhuxianphotocatalytic activity2015, 41(2): 2492-2496 21  Substituted hydroxyapatites for biomedical applications: A review  Supova, Monika Ceramics International 2015, 41(8): 9203-9231Journal of the European CeramicPreparation and enhanced electrical propertiesZhang, Haibo;21of grain-oriented(Bi1/2Na1/2)TiO3-based Xu, Peiwei;Societylead-free incipient piezoceramics Patterson, Eric; et al.2015, 35(9): 2501-2512 18  Electrical characteristics of flash sintering:Thermal runaway of Joule heating Todd, R. I.;Zapata-Solvas, E.;Bonilla, R. S.; et al. Journal of the European Ceramic Society 2015, 35(6): 1865-1877Journal of the European CeramicEnhanced energy storage properties of 17NaNbO3modified Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3basedXu, Qi; Li, Tianming;SocietyHao, Hua; et al.ceramics2015, 35(2): 545-553 16  Relaxor ferroelectric BaTiO3-Bi(Mg2/3Nb1/3)O3ceramics for energy storage application Wang, Tong;Jin, Li;Li, Chunchun; et al. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 2015, 98(2): 559-566Xu, Shaohua;Preparation of ZnO flower/reduced grapheneCeramicsInternational 15oxide composite with enhancedFu, Li; Pham,photocatalytic performance under sunlightTien Song Hiep;2015, 41(3): 4007-4013 et al.

Materials Science, Characterization & Testing材料科学,表征和测试

Materials Science, Coatings & Films材料科学,涂料和薄膜

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Journal of the ElectrochemicalBrousse,Thierry;91To be or not to be pseudocapacitive?Belanger, Daniel;SocietyLong, Jeffrey W.2015, 162(5): A5185-A5189Isoelectric point and adsorption activity Zhu, Bicheng;Applied Surface Science 40of porous g-C3N4Xia, Pengfei;Ho, Wingkei; et al.2015, 344: 188-195 38  Photocatalytic conversion of CO2into value-added and renewable fuels Yuan, Lan;Xu, Yijun Applied Surface Science 2015, 342: 154-167Schwenke, K. Uta;Electrochemical Society 31T he influence of water and protons on Li2O2crystal growth in aprotic LiO2cellsMetzger, Michael;Restle, Tassilo; et al.2015, 162(4): A573-A584 27 On the heterostructured photocatalysts Ag3VO4/g-C3N4with enhanced visible light photocatalytic activity Wu, Sizhan;Li, Kui;Zhang, Weide Applied Surface Science 2015, 324: 324-331Applied Surface Science 23Nickel-based cocatalysts for photocatalyticXu, You;hydrogen productionXu, Rong2015, 351: 779-793 20  Redox electrolytes in supercapacitors Akinwolemiwa, Bamidele;Peng, Chuang;Chen, George Z. Electrochemical Society 2015, 162(5): A5054-A5059Tungsten-based nanomaterials(WO3&Applied Surface Science19Bi2WO6): Modifications related to chargeKumar, S. Girish;carrier transfer mechanisms andRao, K. S. R. Koteswara2015, 355: 939-958 photocatalytic applications19 Functionalized graphene sheets with poly(ionic liquid)s and high adsorption capacity of anionic dyes Zhao, Weifeng;Tang, Yusheng;Xi, Jia; et al. Applied Surface Science 2015, 326: 276-284Reduced graphene oxide wrapped ZnS-Ag2Sternary composites synthesized viaReddy, D. Amaranatha;Applied Surface Science 19hydrothermal method: Applications inMa, Rory; Choi, Myongphotocatalyst degradation of organicYong; et al.2015, 324: 725-735pollutants

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