2016-10-20 06:22:43
首席财务官 2016年17期


Dufry CFO,Andreas Schneiter

Dufry’s Schneiter notes,“If you want to be successful,you need to have a good view on what really are the requirements in the organization,and not only what the requirements are for the team.” For Schneiter,that means being a good listener,among other things. He doesn’t see many hard and fast lines between finance and the rest of the enterprise,commenting,“Nowadays within the finance function,it’s so integrated with the operational part of the business,you really need to be in a position to understand what other people need from you.”

瑞士旅游零售商Dufry CFO Andreas Schneiter 指出,“检验一项工作是否成功,需要清楚认识企业的真正需求,而不是团队的需求。” 对于Schneiter来说,成为一个很好的倾听者是非常重要的。他认为,财务与其他部门之间没有绝对分明、固定不变的界限。“今天,财务部门与运营部门的结合是非常紧密的,我们真的需要在自己的位置上了解其他部门的需求。”

UPS CFO,Richard Peretz

As UPS’s Peretz sees it,“It is about understanding outside perspectives. It’s a culture that’s about helping the person grow as a leader. When I became CFO,the big change for me was opening my eyes to how much time I spend on the business side. So I would ask future leaders to have additional assignments in the direct operation of the company.”

UPS 快递CFO Richard Peretz认为,要成为企业的思想领袖,需要了解外界对企业的看法。“能够帮助人成为领袖的是文化。在我成为CFO时,最大的变化就是我开始关注自己在公司外部投入了多少时间。所以我希望未来的思想领袖能够在公司的直接运营方面投入更多。”

Mahindra & Mahindra CFO,VS Parthasarathy

Parthasarathy emphasizes the need for keeping one’s eyes open to all the possibilities. “It goes far beyond simply saying this reduces cost,or that increases revenue,” he says. “Your insight and analytics may save cost in one instance,and they may identify new business opportunities coming up in another,or they may signal a danger coming ahead.” All of these help create value,he notes,and the finance professional prepared to pitch in at any moment,on any decision,will be the one who becomes the true value creator.

印度领先汽车制造商马恒达CFO Parthasarathy强调,CFO不能放过任何可能性。“不能只简单关注如何降低成本或增加收入,CFO的视角和分析在某些情况下要关注如何降低成本,在其他情况下可能就要识别出新的商业机会,或者能够预感危机的到来。这些都能够创造价值,能够随时准备全身心投入到任何决策的财务人员才是真正的价值创造者。”

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