
2016-10-19 08:22赵红伟韩华岳月红
山东医药 2016年34期

赵红伟, 韩华, 岳月红

(河北省人民医院, 石家庄050051)


赵红伟, 韩华, 岳月红

(河北省人民医院, 石家庄050051)

目的观察1,25-二羟基维生素D3[1,25-(OH)2VitD3]对肠黏膜屏障的保护作用,并探讨其可能的机制,为其在结肠炎治疗中的应用提供依据。方法培养结肠癌Caco-2细胞,模拟人小肠上皮细胞单层细胞屏障;将细胞随机分为3组,A组不处理,B组加2%右旋葡聚糖硫酸钠(DSS)1 mL模拟结肠炎损伤,C组先用10-8mmol/L的1,25-(OH)2VitD3处理24 h再加入DSS 1 mL,干预后培养1 h。透射电镜下观察Caco-2单层细胞屏障超微结构变化,采用免疫荧光染色法检测紧密连接蛋白claudin-1、zo-1和occludin的表达。结果透射电镜下,A组细胞顶部出现排列整齐、分化良好的微绒毛状结构,相邻细胞间的顶端呈现紧密连接样结构;B组细胞局部微绒毛消失或减少,紧密连接样结构消失;C组细胞微绒毛分化较B组好,相邻细胞间的局部微绒毛消失不明显。免疫荧光染色显示,A组3种紧密连接蛋白荧光条带连续完整,荧光强度高;B组紧密连接蛋白荧光条带断续不完整,荧光强度弱;C组紧密连接蛋白荧光条带较清晰连续,且荧光强度增强。结论1,25-(OH)2VitD3可通过增加细胞间紧密连接蛋白的表达发挥其对肠黏膜屏障的保护作用,为其在结肠炎中的应用提供了理论依据。



1 材料与方法

1.1细胞培养与模型建立Caco-2细胞购自中科院上海生命科学研究细胞资源中心,从液氮中取出Caco-2细胞进行复苏。将复苏后的细胞接种在培养液中(含10 %的DMEM),于37 ℃、5% CO2条件的细胞培养箱中培养,每2 d更换培养液1次。第5天后细胞融合达85%~90%时进行细胞传代,传代比例为1∶3。将传代细胞接种在24孔Millicell插入式培养皿(Transwell小室)中,接种密度为4×105/ mL,每孔200 μL;基底侧加入培养液600 μL。接种24 h后更换培养液,隔天换液1次,细胞培养第21~30天体外肠上皮屏障模型形成。

1.2细胞分组与处理 将细胞分成3组,A组不处理,B组加2 %右旋葡聚糖硫酸钠(DSS)1 mL模拟结肠炎损伤,C组先用10-8mmol/L的1,25-(OH)2VitD3处理24 h再加入DSS 1 mL。

1.3单层细胞的超微结构观察取形成体外肠上皮屏障模型的细胞,分组处理同1.2,干预后培养1 h。用4 %戊二醛将单层Caco-2细胞进行固定,以二甲砷酸钠缓冲液进行3次漂洗;漂洗后再用1 %饿酸固定约50 min,在蒸馏水中浸泡20 min;依次用50%、70%、95%、100 %丙酮进行脱水,把细胞浸透在EPons12环氧树脂中过夜;包埋、切片后应用5%乙酰双氧铀镁及柠檬酸铅进行双染,在透射电镜下观察单层Caco-2细胞与细胞之间紧密连接超微结构的变化。

1.4 细胞紧密连接蛋白claudin-1、occludin、zo-1检测采用免疫荧光染色法。取1.1中的传代细胞,分组处理同1.2,干预后培养1 h。用消毒过的PBS漂洗Caco-2细胞3次,每次约5 min;以4 %多聚甲醛固定15~20 min,用PBST漂洗5 min×3次;于5% BSA封闭1 h,用PBST洗5 min×3次;加入浓度为1∶100的鼠抗claudin-1单克隆抗体、occludin单克隆抗体及兔抗zo-1多克隆抗体后4 ℃过夜,用PBST漂洗5 min×3次;孵育对应的荧光二抗(浓度为1∶250的CY3标记的山羊抗小鼠lgG抗体及浓度为1∶50的FITC标记的山羊抗兔lgG抗体),室温避光孵育1 h,PBST漂洗5 min×3次;最后加入DAPI复染,PBST漂洗10 min×3次;应用防淬灭封片剂封片,在荧光显微镜下进行观察及拍照。claudin-1及occludin蛋白发红光,而zo-1蛋白呈现绿光。

2 结果





3 讨论





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Protective effect of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3on intestinal mucosa barrier and its mechanism



ObjectiveTo observe the protective effect and the mechanism of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3[1,25-(OH)2VitD3] on intestinal mucosa barrier and to provide the basis for its application in the treatment of colitis. Methods Caco-2 cells were cultivated for human intestinal epithelial cell monolayer cell barrier. These cells were randomly assigned to three group: groups A, B and C. Group A was not treated, group B was treated with 2% DSS to establish colitis model and group C first was treated with 1,25-(OH)2VitD3(10-8mmol/L) for 24 hours, then was incubated with 1 mL DSS for one hour. Caco-2 cell monolayers were observed in ultrastructural features by a transmission electron microscope (TEM); and the expression levels of zo-1, claudin-1 and occludin proteins in Caco-2 cells were detected by immunofluorescence. ResultsThere were well-differentiated microvilli structures which were also in good order at the top of cells in the group A, and there was also closely connection between adjacent cells at the top of the structure; while part of the microvilli disappeared or reduced in the group B; the microvilli of cells in the group C were more well-differentiated that those of group B, but part of microvilli disappeared. Immunofluorescence staining showed that in the group A, three kinds of tight junction protein fluorescence strips were complete, and had high fluorescence intensity; those in the group B were incomplete, and the fluorescence intensity was weak; and those in the group C were clear and continuous, and the fluorescence intensity was enhanced. Conclusion1,25-(OH)2VitD3may protect the intestinal mucosa barrier by increasing intercellular tight junction protein expression which also provides the basis for its application in the treatment of colitis.

colitis; 1, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3; tight junction; barrier function

赵红伟(1979-),女,博士研究生,主治医师,主要研究方向为消化系统疾病的诊断与治疗。E-mail: hongweizhao788@126.com






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