Common Fixed Point Theorems and Q-property for Quasi-contractive Mappings under c-distance on TVS-valued Cone Metric Spaces without the Normality

2016-10-12 01:46:30PiaoYongjie

Piao Yong-jie

(Department of Mathematics,College of Science,Yanbian University,Yanji,Jilin,133002)

Communicated by Ji You-qing

Common Fixed Point Theorems and Q-property for Quasi-contractive Mappings under c-distance on TVS-valued Cone Metric Spaces without the Normality

Piao Yong-jie

(Department of Mathematics,College of Science,Yanbian University,Yanji,Jilin,133002)

Communicated by Ji You-qing

Fixed point and common fixed point results for mappings satisfying quasicontractive conditions expressed in the terms of c-distance on TVS-valued cone metric spaces(without the underlying cone which is not normal)are obtained,and P-property and Q-property for mappings in the terms of c-distance are discussed.Our results generalize and improve many known results.

TVS-valued cone metric space,quasi-contractive condition,common fixed point,P-property,Q-property

2010 MR subject classification:47H05,47H10,54E40,54H25

Document code:A

Article ID:1674-5647(2016)03-0229-12

1 Introduction and Preliminaries

Huang and Zhang[1]have introduced the concepts of cone metric spaces,where the set of real numbers is replaced by an order Banach space.Du et al.[2]–[10]discussed the existence problems of fixed points and common fixed points for mappings defined on TVS-valued cone metric spaces,where the order Banach space is replaced by a topological vector space.

Fixed point results in metric spaces with the so-called w-distance were obtained for the first by Kada et al.[11],where non-convex minimization problems were treated.Further results were given in[12]–[14].The cone metric version of this notion(usually called a c-distance)was used in[15]–[16].

Wang and Guo[17]obtained a fixed point theorem for a mapping in normal cone metricspace under some contractive condition expressed in the terms of c-distance,and Djordjevi´c et al.[18]also obtained fixed point and common fixed point results for mappings in TVS-valued non-normal cone metric spaces under contractive condition expressed in the terms of c-distance.Those results generalize the corresponding results in[11]–[16]and the related results.

Here,we discuss the existence problems of fixed points and common fixed points for mappings on TVS-valued non-normal cone metric spaces under quasi-contractive condition expressed in the terms of c-distance and P-property and Q-property.The obtained results generalize the conclusions in[17]–[18]and other corresponding fixed point and common fixed point theorems.

Let(E,τ)be a topological vector space(TVS),P0a nonempty subset of E.P0is said to be a cone whenever

(i)P0is closed,nonempty and

(ii)ax+by∈P0for all x,y∈P0and real numbers a,b≥0;


In this paper,we always assume that the cone P0has a nonempty interior,i.e.,int(such cones are called solid).

For a given cone P0⊂E,we define a partial ordering≤with respect to P0by x≤y if and only if y-x∈P0.x<y stands for x≤y andx≪y stands for y-x∈intP0.

A cone P0is called normal if there exists a real number K>0 such that for all x,y∈E,

The least positive number K satisfying the above condition is called the normal constant of P0.

It is known that a metric space is a normal cone metric space with normal constant K=1.

Definition 1.1Let X be a nonempty set and E a TVS with solid cone P0.Suppose that the mapping d:X×X→E satisfies

(1)0≤d(x,y)for all x,y∈X,and d(x,y)=0 if and only if x=y;

(2)d(x,y)=d(y,x)for all x,y∈X;

(3)d(x,y)≤d(x,z)+d(z,y)for all x,z,y∈X.

Then d is called a TVS-valued cone metric on X,(X,d)is called a TVS-valued cone metric space.

Definition 1.2Let(X,d)be a TVS-valued cone metric space,x∈X and{xn}n∈N+a sequence in X.Then

(1){xn}is a Cauchy sequence whenever for every c∈E with 0≪c there exists an N∈N+such that d(xm,xn)≪c for all n,m>N;

(2){xn}converges to x whenever for every c∈E with 0≪c,there exists an N∈N+such that d(xn,x)≪c for all n>N.We denote this by

(3)(X,d)is called complete if every Cauchy sequence in X is convergent.

We shall make use of the following properties:

(P1)If u,v,w∈E,u≤v and v≤w,then u≤w.

(P2)If u≤λu,where u∈P0and 0≤λ<1,then u=θ.

Definition 1.3Let(X,d)be a TVS-valued cone metric space.A function q:X×X→E is called a c-distance on X,if

(1)θ≤q(x,y)for all x,y∈X;

(2)q(x,z)≤q(x,y)+q(y,z)for all x,y,z∈X;

(3)a sequence{yn}in X converges to a point y∈X,and for some x∈X and u=ux∈P0,q(x,yn)≤u holds for each n∈N+,then q(x,y)≤u;

(4)for each c∈E with θ≪c,there exists an e∈E with θ≪e such that q(z,x)≪e and q(z,y)≪e implies d(x,y)≪c.

The following facts can be found in[17]–[18].

1.Every w-distance must be a c-distance on TVS-valued cone metric spaces.

2.There are many examples of c-distances on TVS-valued cone metric spaces but not c-distance on cone metric spaces,see[11].

3.For c-distance q,

1)q(x,y)=q(y,x)does not necessarily hold for all x,y∈X;

2)q(x,y)=0 is not necessarily equivalent to x=y.

Definition 1.4A sequence{un}in P0is said to be a c-sequence if for each c≫0 there exists an n0∈N+such that un≪c for all n≥n0.

Obviously,if{un}and{vn}are c-sequences in E and α,β>0,then{αun+βvn}is a c-sequence.

Definition 1.5Let(X,d)is a TVS-valued cone metric space,f:X→X a mapping and x0∈X.If for each c∈E with c≫0,there exists a b∈E with b≫0 such that x∈X,d(x,x0)≪b implies d(fx,fx0)≪c,then we say that f is continuous at x0.f is said to be continuous on X if f is continuous at every x∈X.

Lemma 1.1[18]Let(X,d)be a TVS-valued cone metric space,q a c-distance on X. Suppose that{xn}and{yn}are two sequences in X and x,y,z∈X.If{un}and{vn}are two c-sequences in P0,then the following properties hold:

(1)If q(xn,y)≤unand q(xn,z)≤vnfor any n∈N+,then y=z.In particular,if q(x,y)=0 and q(x,z)=0,then y=z.

(2)If q(xn,xm)≤unfor all m>n>n0,then{xn}is a Cauchy sequence in X.

Adopting the proof process of Lemma 2 in[19],we can obtain the following result:

Lemma 1.2Let(X,d)be a TVS-valued cone metric space,f:X→X a mapping and x0∈X.Then f is continuous at x0if and only if xn→x0as n→∞implies fxn→fx0as n→∞.

2 Fixed Points and Common Fixed Points under c-distance

Theorem 2.1Let(X,d)be a complete TVS-valued cone metric space,q be a c-distance,m and n be two positive integers.Suppose that two mappings f,g:X→X are commutable,fmand gnare both onto and continuous.If for every x,y∈X,

where A,B,C,D,E≥0 and A+B+C+2D+2E<1,then f and g have a unique common fixed point u∈X with q(u,u)=0.

Proof.By the subjectivity of fmand gn,we take x0∈X and constructsatisfying

For any k=0,1,2,···,by(2.1)and(2.2)respectively,one has


Adding up(2.3)and(2.4),we obtain

Similarly,by(2.2)and(2.1)respectively,we obtain

Adding up the above two formulas,we obtain

Let h=h1h2.Then 0<h<1.And from(2.5)and(2.6),we obtain

Hence,by using the mathematical induction,we obtain

Since q(x2k,x2k+1)≤ukand q(x2k+1,x2k+2)≤vk,so

Hence,for any α,β∈N+with β>α≥1,

by the continuity of fmand gn.

In view of(2.1),

q(u,u)≤Aq(fmu,gnu)+Bq(u,fmu)+Cq(u,gnu)+Dq(u,gmu)+Eq(u,fmu) =[A+B+C+D+E]q(u,u),


by(P2)(since 0<A+B+C+D+E<A+B+C+2D+2E<1).


Similarly,we have

By using(2.1)and(2.2)respectively,we obtain the following two conclusions:

Adding up the above two formulas,we obtain



But q(u,u)=0,hence,by Lemma 1.1(1),

Similarly,by using(2.1)and(2.2)respectively,we obtain

Adding up the two formulas,we obtain


and therefore


Thereby u is a common fixed point of f and g.

If v is a common fixed point of f and g,then by(2.1)and(2.2)respectively,

Adding up the two above,we obtain


Therefore,by Lemma 1.1(1),u=v.The proof is completed.

The following results is a particular form of Theorem 2.1.

Theorem 2.2Let(X,d)be a complete TVS-valued cone metric space,q be a c-distance,m and n be two positive integers and α,β,γ≥0.Suppose that two mappings f,g:X→X are commutable,fmand gnare both onto and continuous.If for every x,y∈X,

Proof.Let A=α,B=C=β,D=E=γ.Then the conclusion follows from Theorem 2.1.

Next,we give the non-commutable version of Theorem 2.1.

Theorem 2.3Let(X,d)be a complete TVS-valued cone metric space,q be a c-distance,m and n be two positive integers.Suppose that two mappings f,g:X→X satisfy that fmand gnare both onto and continuous.If(2.1)and(2.2)hold for every x,y∈X,where A,B,C,D,E≥0 with A+2B+2C+2D+2E<1,then f and g have a unique common fixed point u∈X with q(u,u)=0.

Proof.Just as the proof of Theorem 2.1,there exist a Cauchy sequence{xn}and an element u∈X satisfying xn→u as n→∞and fmu=gnu=u with q(u,u)=0.

By(2.1)and(2.2)respectively,we have

Adding up(2.7)and(2.8),we obtain




Similarly,by(2.1)and(2.2)respectively,we have

Adding up the above two formulas,we have



So u is a common fixed point of f and g.

The rest is similar to the proof of Theorem 2.1.The proof is completed.

The following result is a particular case of Theorem 2.3 and also a non-commutable version of Theorem 2.2.

Theorem 2.4Let(X,d)be a complete TVS-valued cone metric space,q be a c-distance,m and n be two positive integers and α,β,γ≥0.Suppose that two mappings f,g:X→X satisfy that fmand gnare both onto and continuous.If for every x,y∈X,

3 Another Class of Common Fixed Point and P(Q)-property

A mapping f:X→X is said to have P-property if f satisfies

where F(f)denotes the set of fixed points of f.Two mappings f,g:X→X are said to have Q-property if f,g satisfy

Theorem 3.1Let(X,d)be a complete TVS-valued cone metric space,q be a c-distance. Suppose that two onto and commutable and continuous mappings f,g:X→X satisfy

where λ∈(0,1).Then f and g have a common fixed point u∈X with q(u,u)=0 and Q-property.

Proof.Take x0∈X and construct a sequencesatisfying

For any n=1,2,···,by using(3.1)and(3.2)respectively,we obtain

Hence,by the mathematical induction,

Therefore,for any m>n≥1,

So{xn}is Cauchy by Lemma 1.1(2).Hence,there is a u∈X such that xn→u as n→∞by the completeness of X.Therefore

by the continuity of f and g,i.e.,F(f)∩F(g)̸=∅.


we know q(u,u)=0 by(P2).


Fix any n∈N+and take u∈F(fn)∩F(gn).For any k=1,2,···,n,by(3.1)and(3.2),we have



Similarly,we have

By(3.3),for any k=1,2,···,n,we have


Similarly,by(3.4),we have

By using(3.1)and(3.6),we obtain





Hence fn−2u=u.

Repeating this process,we obtain

Hence fu=u.

Similarly,by(3.2)and(3.5),gu=u.Hence u∈F(f)∩F(g).Thereby


Theorem 3.2Let(X,d)be a complete TVS-valued cone metric space,q be a c-distance. Suppose that a onto and continuous mapping f:X→X satisfies

where λ∈(0,1).Then f has a fixed point u∈X with q(u,u)=0 and P-property.

Proof.Let f=g in Theorem 3.1.Then(3.1)and(3.2)deduce to(3.7).

Example 3.1Let E=C1R[0,1]and define a norm on E as

Let P0={x∈E:x≥0}.Then E is a Banach space with a non-normal cone P(see[20] and[21]).

Let X=[0,∞)and define d:X×X→E as

Then(X,d)is a TVS-valued cone metric space with a non-normal cone P0.

Define q:X×X→E as

Then it is easy to know that q is a c-distance on X by Example 2.14 in[22].

Let f:X→X,fx=2x for all x∈X and take.Then,for any x∈X,


So f and λ satisfy all conditions of Theorem 3.2,therefore f has a fixed point 0.Obviously,q(0,0)=0 and f has P-property.

Remark 3.1The condition(3.7)in Theorem 3.2 is equivalent to the following condition

where k>1.Hence Theorem 3.2 is a new fixed point theorem for a generalized I-expansive mapping(see[23])under c-distance on TVS-valued metric spaces.


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date:July 2,2015.

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