
2016-09-21 02:13:48
生态学报 2016年14期

高 猛

中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所,海岸带环境过程与生态修复重点实验室,烟台 264003






植物种群空间分布格局是指特定时间内, 植物群落中某一种群的个体在空间的分布状况[1-3]。空间分布格局分析对于确定种群特征、种群间相互关系以及种群与环境之间的关系具有非常重要的作用, 对于了解种群空间分布规律以及种内与种间关系具有重要的意义[4-7]。按照种群内个体的聚集程度和方式, 种群分布格局一般可分为随机分布、均匀分布和聚集分布3种类型[8]。以频度/密度为基础的样方法和以距离为基础的无样地法属于两大类确定植物空间分布格局的研究方法[3-5,9]。植物群落调查实践表明无样地法比于样方法在成本和可操作性两方面均有一定的优势[10]。

最近邻体法(nearest neighbor method, NN)属于无样地法之一,它最早由Clark 和Evans[11]提出,以观测点与个体之间的距离(或者个体与个体之间的距离)为原始数据获取分析指标,用统计检验的方法考察实际值与理论期望值之间的差异显著性,进而判断种群的空间分布类型。Stoyan和Penttinen[12]指出最近邻体距离特别是高阶邻体距离的概率分布比一般的分析指标可以更好地量化空间分布格局。Thompson[13]早在1956年便推导出了随机分布格局中邻体距离的概率分布模型,Eberhardt[14]则给出了聚集分布格局中随机观测点到相邻个体距离的概率分布模型,Magnussen[15-16]等基于Eberhardt的概率分布模型提出了植物空间密度的点估计方法。在随机分布格局中,任意选择的观测点到其相邻个体距离与任意选择的个体到其相邻个体距离在统计学意义上是一致的,因此二者的概率分布模型也是一样的[6]。聚集分布格局中,任意选择的观测点到相邻个体距离和个体到个体距离并不一致,二者的概率分布模型也不相同。Gao[5]利用条件概率的极限法推导出聚集分布格局下的个体到相邻个体的概率分布模型,并以巴拿马Barro Colorado岛(Barro Colorado Island, BCI)样地183个热带雨林树种的空间分布数据进行了验证,结果表明该概率分布模型可以较好地拟合大多数树种的邻体距离分布。Gao[6]等利用该模型研究了BCI样地中树种分布多尺度特征,并总结出5类空间聚集指数-邻体距离阶数曲线。BCI样地属于热带雨林,物种丰富且大多数树种被证实在空间中聚集分布[17],这与Gao[5]模型的基本条件一致。本文的第一个研究目标是利用Gao[5]的邻体距离概率分布模型拟合加拿大西海岸南温哥华岛3个寒温带树种的空间分布数据,以检验该模型在北方森林的适用性。

Eberhardt概率分布模型含两个参数,概率密度函数的表达式较复杂。Magnussen[15-16]等在利用Eberhardt模型进行密度估计时采用了极大似然法(maximum likelihood),参数优化则基于Nealder-Mead算法。Gao模型与Eberhardt模型的概率密度函数的表达式相似,并通过求解极大似然数值方程来完成参数估计[5-6]。以上两种参数估计方法均属于极大似然法的范畴,当模型样本较少时,其求解过程可能只得到局部最优解而非全局最优解[16]。遗传算法(genetic algorithm)是一种通过模拟自然进化过程搜索最优解的方法,其主要特点是:直接对结构对象进行操作,不存在求导和函数连续性的限定,具有更好的全局寻优能力;采用概率化的寻优方法,能自动获取和指导优化的搜索空间,自适应地调整搜索方向,不需要确定的规则。遗传算法的这些性质,使其成为现代智能计算中的关键技术。本文的第二个研究目标是采用遗传算法估计Gao模型的两个参数,解决极大似然法数值优化不能得到全局最优解的问题。

1 模型








2 数据与方法


本文以加拿大西海岸3个寒温带树种的空间分布数据验证概率分布模型(3)。研究区位于不列颠哥伦比亚省的南温哥华岛(48°38′ N,123°43′W),样地大小为102m×87m(0.8874hm2),平均海拔382m[20](图1)。3个树种分别为西部红柏(Western red cedar,Thujaplicata),美国花旗松(Douglas-fir,Pseudotsugamenziesii),以及西部铁杉(Western hemlock,Tsugaheterophylla)。在统计个体到个体的邻体距离时,为避免边缘效应,在样地边界设置5m的缓冲区,即靠近样地边界5m内的个体不作统计,共计西部红柏337棵,美国花旗松508棵,西部铁杉767棵。

图1 3个树种的空间分布点格局Fig.1 Spatial distribution point patterns of three tree species



图2 遗传算法的计算流程图Fig.2 Computation flowchart of Genetic Algorithm









3 结果

表1 西部红柏(T. plicata)的邻体距离概率分布模型的参数估计和检验结果

图3 西部红柏(T. plicata)的邻体距离概率密度函数(左侧纵坐标)及概率分布函数(右侧纵坐标)Fig.3  Probability density (left y-axis) /distribution functions (right y-axis) of nearest neighbor distance of Western red cedar (T. plicata)

表2 美国花旗松(P. menziesii)的邻体距离概率分布模型的参数估计和检验结果

图4 美国花旗松(P. menziesii)的邻体距离概率密度函数(左侧纵坐标)及概率分布函数(右侧纵坐标)Fig.4  Probability density (left y-axis)/distribution functions (right y-axis) of nearest neighbor distance of Douglas-fir (P. menziesii)

表3 西部铁杉(T. heterophylla)的邻体距离概率分布模型的参数估计和检验结果

图5 西部铁杉(T. heterophylla)的邻体距离概率密度函数(左侧纵坐标)及概率分布函数(右侧纵坐标)Fig.5 Probability density (left y-axis) /distribution functions (right y-axis) of nearest neighbor distance of Western hemlock (T. heterophylla)

4 结论与讨论






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Nearest neighbor distance in spatial point patterns of plant species-probability distribution model and parameter estimation

GAO Meng*


In ecology, the spatial point pattern, which is obtained by mapping the locations of each individual as points in space, is a very important tool for describing the spatial distribution of species. There are three generally accepted types of spatial point patterns: regular, random, and aggregated. To detect spatial patterns, quadrat sampling is commonly applied, where quadrats are randomly thrown on the space and then the number of individuals in quadrats is used to fit Poisson model or NBD model, respectively. Distance sampling is an alternative method for spatial point pattern analysis, which is flexible and efficient, especially in highly dense plant communities, and in difficult terrain. Nearest neighbor method is one effective distance sampling method in spatial distribution pattern analysis. There are two kinds of nearest neighbor distances (NND): point-to-tree NND, distances from randomly selected points (sampling points) to the nearest individuals; and tree-to-tree NND, distances from selected individuals to their nearest neighbors. In this paper, we show a probability distribution model of higher order nearest neighbor distance (tree-to-tree). As we see the expression of this model is complicated; therefore, parameter estimation using conventional method is not a trivial task. In statistics, there are many numerical methods for estimating the parameters of complicated probability distribution model such as moment method, empirical method, graphical method, and maximum likelihood method. In previous literature, maximum likelihood method has been applied for parameter estimation and the optimized estimates on the log-likelihood surface were searched by Nelder-Mead algorithm. However, maximum likelihood estimation was fraught with nontrivial numerical issues when the samples of tree-to-tree distance were rare. In this paper, we use an alternative method, genetic algorithm, to estimate the two model parameters. The computation can be further simplified by defining a suitable objective function based on the expectation and variance. The probability distribution model is then used to fit spatial distribution data of three tree species on southern Vancouver Island, western coast of Canada. It is found that the proposed probability distribution model can fit nearest neighbor distance samples well for Douglas-fir (Pseudotsugamenziesii) and western hemlock (Tsugaheterophylla). For tree species western red cedar (Thujaplicata), the fitting is not so satisfied because individuals of western red cedar are usually distributed as small clusters. As Douglas-fir is almost randomly distributed in space, the estimated parameter representing spatial aggregation nearly does not change. However, the estimated parameter increases when spatial scale increases for the other two tree species, western hemlock and western red cedar. A short discussion about the advantages and limitations of the probability model and its parameter estimation methods is also presented. Theoretically, the probability distribution model presented in this study is applicable to all kinds of spatial point patterns ranging from highly aggregated to complete random. However, as the actual point patterns of tree species usually deviate from theoretical assumptions, the probability distribution model has a few shortcomings such as scale dependence. To gain a better fitting, higher orders of nearest neighbor distances are needed. A balance between field work burden and performance of model fitting should be considered. We suggest that ideal orders of nearest neighbor distances are from 2 to 6. Another potential that can improve the fitting performance is using mixed probability distributions.

spatial point pattern; aggregated distribution; parameter optimization; genetic algorithm

国家自然科学基金项目(31000197, 31570423);中国科学院知识创新工程项目(KZCX2-EW-QN209)

2014-12-18; 网络出版日期:2015-10-30

Corresponding author.E-mail: mgao@yic.ac.cn



Gao M.Nearest neighbor distance in spatial point patterns of plant species-probability distribution model and parameter estimation.Acta Ecologica Sinica,2016,36(14):4406-4414.

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