
2016-09-02 02:41:43热衣木马木提阿不都拉阿巴斯
西北植物学报 2016年7期


(1 新疆大学 生命科学与技术学院 乌鲁木齐 830046;2 新疆大学 中国西北干旱区地衣研究中心 乌鲁木齐 830046)



(1 新疆大学 生命科学与技术学院 乌鲁木齐 830046;2 新疆大学 中国西北干旱区地衣研究中心 乌鲁木齐 830046)

采用形态解剖、化学等传统分类方法,对新疆天山的鳞网衣属地衣进行了初步研究,发现该属的3个种,其中脑状鳞网衣(PsoracerebriformisW. A. Weber)和小红褐色鳞网衣[Psoraluridella(Tuck.) Fink]是中国新记录种。文中对鳞网衣属3个种进行了详细的描述,并提供了相关彩色图片。


Psorais a lichenized genus of fungi within the family Psoraceae[1].Psoracomprises about 25 species of saxicolous or terricolous lichens. It has a world-wide distribution with the main occurrences in arid or arctic-alpine areas[2], often on calciferous substrates in open habitats. The genus was formerly often included in the genusLecideaas a section comprising the squamulose species. The current narrow circumscription ofPsorawas established by Schneider[3]and Timdal[2,4-5]based on the squamulose thallus, anthraquinones in the epithecium, calcium oxalate in the hypothecium, porpidia-type ascus, immersed, laminal pycnidia, and acrogenous bacilliform pycnoconidia.

In Asia, Timdal & Zhurbenko[6]provides a key to the Asian species. In China, 6Psoraspecies have been reported[7-8]. During field work from 2003 to 2013, two additional species were found in Xinjiang in the southern Tianshan Mountains, Kunlun Mountains, Pamir Mountains, and Kurbantunggut Desert in Junggar Basin. This study is the second of a series presenting distributional data onPsorain Xinjiang, China and provides details for new localities of three taxa.

1 Materials and methods

The examined specimens are stored in XJU (Herbarium of the Lichens’ Research Center in Arid Zones of Northwest China, Xinjiang University). Morphological and anatomical illustration was made with dissecting microscope Leica ZOOM 2000 and Motic. Light microscopy on squash preparations and hand-cutting sections of thalli and apothecia that were mounded in water was measured at 1 000× magnification. Anatomical structures of lichens were photographed using a Nikon MODEL ECLIPSE Ci-L and Nikon MODEL ECLIPSE E200. The chemical analyses were carried out using thin layer chromatography (TLC) following Culberson & Kristinsson[9], Orangeetal.[10]. Extracts were run on glass TLC plates in solvent systems C. Brief Comments, distribution information for the species used the materials[2,5,11]are included. The nomenclature of taxa follows Timdal[5].

2 Results and discussion

Key to the species ofPsorain Xinjiang, China

1a. Apothecia attached marginally to the squamules, black; squamules wider than 4 mm; margin slightly downturned to slightly up-turned, entire to crenulate

2a. Thallus pale yellowish brown to olivaceous brown or rarely dark brown, sometimes entirely white pruinose; atranorin present (in upper cortex)


2b. Thallus bright red to orange brown, usually partially white pruinose; no lichen substances detected (in upper cortex)


1b. Apothecia attached laminally to the squamules, brown to black; squamules up to 4 mm wide; margin slightly up-turned to turned under; no lichen substances detected


2.1Psora cerebriformis W. A. Weber, Mycotaxon 13: 104 (1981)(Plate Ⅰ,1-3)

Thallus squamules, rounded, adnate, scattered to contiginous, somewhat convex, sometimes depression at the center, up to 10 mm wide; upperside pale yellowish brown, rarely dark brown, often heavily pruinose; margin concolorous with the upperside, slightly downturned to slightly up-turned, entire to crenulate; underside pale brown. upper cortex 70-140 μm thick, consisting of an upper epinecral layer and a lower stainable layer, the later composed of thin walled hyphae with round lumina; Medulla grayish brown; Lower cortex poorly developed or absent; Apothecia black, marginal, simple, strongly convex, immarginate, up to 2 mm diam.; epithecium (epihymenium) dark brown, hymenium brownish to hyaline, up to 150 μm; paraphyses not often branched, tips slightly thickened; asci clavate, (55-87)×(12-16) μm; ascospores colorless, simple, ellipsoid, (11-17)×(7-10) μm; Pycnidia black, laminal, immersed.

Chemical tests: thallus cortex K+yellow(sometimes K+red), C-, KC-, P-, I-.

Secondary metabolites: atranorin, sometimes trace of norstictic acid.

Distribution: Canada, Western North America[2,5]. New to China.

Selected specimens examined: China. Xinjiang: Kashgar,Taxkorgan County, Mt. Pamir, alt. 3 426 m, on soil, 30 July. 2011, Abbas A & Mamut R, 20110120 (XJU); Atux, Oytag County, Mt. Southern Tianshan, alt. 2 670 m, on soil, 2 Aug. 2011, Abbas A & Mamut R, 20110234 (XJU); Atux, Oytag County, Mt. Southern Tianshan, alt. 2 850 m, on soil, 26 Aug. 2013, Abbas A & Mamut R, 20130099 (XJU); 26 Aug. 2013, Abbas A & Mamut R, 2013084 (XJU); 28 Aug. 2013, Abbas A & Mamut R, 20131096 (XJU); Atux, Bostanterak County, Mt. Southern Tianshan, alt. 1 940 m, on soil, 28 Aug. 2013, Abbas A & Mamut R, 20131211 (XJU); 28 Aug. 2013, Abbas A & Mamut R, 20131254 (XJU); Fukang, Gurbantunggut desert, alt. 536 m, on soil, 20 Sept. 2013, Abbas A & Mamut R, 20131456 (XJU).

Discussion:PsoracrenataandP.decipiensalso produce black apothecia on the margins of the squamules.Psoracerebriformisdiffers from these species in the color of upper cortex of the squamules and the presence of atranorin in the upper cortex. InP.crenatathe upper cortex is red to reddish brown, margin usually down-turned,and always contains norstictic acid.P.decipienshas bright red-brown to almost pink squamules, is generally less pruinose, and usually lacks lichen substances[2,11].

2.2Psora decipiens (Hedwig) Hoffm., Descript. Adumbr. Pl. Lich. 2, 4: 63 (1794)

Thallus squamules, rounded, adnate, dispersed to adjacent, rarely imbricate, mostly flat or cancave to convex, up to 6 mm wide; upperside bright red to orange brown, shining, usually partially white pruinose; margin white or concolorous with the upperside, slightly up-turned, entire or weakly crenulate; upper cortex 80-120 μm thick, composed of thin walled hyphae with round lumina; Medulla grayish brown; Lower cortex poorly developed or absent. Apothecia black, attached marginally to the squamules, simple, strongly convex to hemispherical, epruinose, immarginate, up to 2(-2.5) mm diam.; epithecium red-brown; hymenium up to 125 μm thick,pale brown; paraphyses not branched, tips slightly thickened; asci clavate, (55-85)×(12-17) μm; ascospores 8, colorless, simple, narrowly ellipsoid, (11-19)×(5-8.5) μm; Pycnidia laminal, immersed.

Chemical tests: Cortex K-, C-, KC-, P-, I-.Secondary metabolites: No lichen substances detected.

Distribution: Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe and North and South America[5].

Selected specimens examined: China. Xinjiang: Atux, Oytag County, Mt. Southern Tianshan, alt. 1 920 m, on soil, 28 Aug. 2013, Abbas A & Mamut R, 20131191 (XJU), Fukang County, Gurbantunggut desert, alt. 400 m, on soil, 5 May, 2003, Abbas A & Mamut R, 20030046 (XJU).

Discussion:Psoradecipiensis relatively easy to recognize because of its color, white-edged frayed squamules, and marginal apothecia. It is very widely distributed species in Xinjiang.P.crenatais closely related toP.decipiens. It differs mainly in having broader and thicker squamules which usually have a regular central depression and a down-turned, more or less entire margin, thallus often contains norstictic acid[4,5,11]. The squamules ofP.decipiensusually lack a regular central depression and have distinctly crenulate margin.Psoracerebriformisalso produce black marginal apothecia, for the differences, see comments underP.cerebriformis.

2.3Psora luridella (Tuck.) Fink, Lich. Fl. U.S.: 213 (1935)(PlateⅠ,4-8)

Thallus squamules, up to 4 mm long, adnate, dispersed to adjacent, sometimes irregularly imbricate. Upperside brown to dark brown, plane to slightly convex, somewhat areolate, epruinose to partly or entirely white pruinose; margin erect, concolorous with the upperside or white pruinose, slightly up-turned to turned under, entire or becoming deeply lobed; underside pale brown; upper cortex 75-100 μm thick, composed of thin walled hyphae with round lumina; Medulla grayish brown; Lower cortex poorly developed; attached by rhizinal hyphae. Apothecia up to 1 mm, dark brown to black,laminal, convex, epruinose; ephithecium red brown; hymenium brownish, 70-95 μm; paraphyses rarely branched, capitate; asci clavate, (45-57)×(13-17) μm; ascospores 8, colorless, simple, ellipsoid, (8-15)×(5-7) μm; Pycnidia not seen.

Chemical tests: Cortex K-, C-, KC-, P-, I-.Secondary metabolites: No lichen substances detected.

Distribution: U.S.A.[2]. New to China.

Specimen examined: China. Xinjiang: Atux, Oytag County, Mt. Southern Tianshan, alt. 2 850 m, on soil, 26 Aug. 2013, Abbas A & Mamut R, 20130078 (XJU).

Discussion:Psoraluridellais easily distinguished by brown to darkish brown rather small squamules, faintly white pruinose, slightly up-turned to turned under margins and laminal, simple, convex and dark brown to black apothecia.


We are very grateful to Bruce Bartholomew (California Academy of Sciences) for discussion and critical comments on the manuscript and helpful suggestions to improve this paper.


[1]LUMBSCH T H, HUHNDORF S M. Outline of Ascomycota-2007[J].Myconet, 2007,13: 1-58.

[2]TIMDAL E. A revision ofPsora(Lecideaceae) in North America[J].TheBryologist, 1986, 89(4): 253-275.

[3]SCHNEIDER G. Die Flechtengattung Psora sensu Zahlbruckner[J].BibliothecaLichenologica, 1980,13: 1-29.

[4]TIMDAL E. The delimitation ofPsora(Lecideaceae) and related genera, with notes on some species[J].NordicJournalofBotany,1984, 4: 525-540.

[5]TIMDAL E.Psora[M]// TH Nash IIIetal.LichenfloraofthegreaterSonoranDesertregionVol. 1. Tempe: Lichens Unlimited, Arizona State University, 2002:418-430.

[6]TIMDAL E, ZHURBENKO M.Psoraindigirkae, a new species from eastern Siberia, with key to the Asian species ofPsora[J].ActaUniversitatisUpsaliensisSymbolaeBotanicaeUpsalienses, 2004, 34(1): 25-29.

[7]WEI J C. An Enumeration of Lichens in China[M]. Beijing: International Academic Publishers, 1991.

[8]ABBAS A, WU J N. Lichens of Xinjiang[M]. Urumqi: Sci-Tech & Hygiene Publishing House of Xinjiang, 1998.

[9]CULBERSON C F, KRISTINSSON H. A standardized method for the identification of lichen products[J].JournalofChromatography,1970, 46: 85-93.

[10]ORANGE A, JAMES P W, WHITE F J. Microchemical Methods for the Identification of Lichens[M]. London: British Lichen Society, 2001.

Plate Ⅰ Psora cerebriformis(1—3)and Psora luridella(4—8)Fig. 1. Thallus; Fig.2. Thallus and Apothecia; Fig.3. Ascus and ascospores;Fig.4. Thallus; Fig.5. Thallus and Apothecia; Fig.6. Ascus; Fig.7. Ascus and Paraphyses; Fig.8. Ascospores


Prelimilary Study on the Lichen GenusPsorain Xinjiang, China


(1 Life Science and Technology College, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046, China; 2 Lichens’ Research Center in Arid Zones of Northwest China, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046, China)

Specimens for this study were collected from Mt. Tianshan in Xinjiang, China. In the laboratory standard methods of morphological, anatomical and chemistry analyses were used. As a result, three species of the Lichen GenusPsoraHoffm. were found. Among them,PsoracerebriformisW. A. Weber, andPsoraluridella(Tuck.) Fink are new to China. Detailed descriptions with comments and photos are provided.

lichen;Psoracerebriformis;Psoraluridella; taxonomy









[11]BROM, SHARNOFF S D, SHARNOFF S. Lichens of North America[M]. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2001.

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