
2016-08-15 07:43:18胡振琪付艳华赵云肖
中国土地科学 2016年2期

胡振琪,付艳华,肖 武,赵云肖,余 洋

(中国矿业大学(北京)土地复垦与生态重建研究所,北京 100083)


胡振琪,付艳华,肖 武,赵云肖,余 洋

(中国矿业大学(北京)土地复垦与生态重建研究所,北京 100083)


美国采矿与复垦学会(American Society of Mining and Reclamation,ASMR)始建于1984年,会员来自20多个国家,通过举办研讨会、出版论文集、杂志和网站等,促进土地复垦基础理论和应用技术的发展,为全球矿物开采和复垦领域的专家学者、技术人员、企业、政府等提供了交流平台,在国际土地复垦领域做出了突出贡献。学会共7个分部:生态学、林业和野生动植物、岩土工程、尾矿、土地利用规划设计、土壤以及水管理[1]。本文简单介绍了该学会的发展历程,运用可视化文献分析软件VOSviewer,以ASMR年会收录文献为数据库,分析土地复垦研究发展的重点问题,展望未来土地复垦研究的发展趋势和重点关注的方向。

1 ASMR发展简史

ASMR的前身是1968年组建的“西弗吉尼亚露天开采研究指导委员会”(Steering Committee for surface Mine Research in West Virginia)。发起单位包括:西弗吉尼亚自然资源局复垦处、西弗吉尼亚露天开采与复垦学会、美国林务局、土壤保护局和西弗吉尼亚大学,每两年组织一次研讨会,交流研究成果,讨论共同面临的问题并寻找合作项目。指导委员会的成功,促成了1973年5月16日“阿帕拉契亚地区露天采矿与复垦委员会”(Council for Surface Mining and Reclamation in Appalachia)的成立。随着委员会得到越来越广泛的支持,1978年更名为“美国复垦研究委员会”(American Council for Reclamation Research),1982年再次更名为“美国露天采矿与复垦学会”(American Society for Surface Mining & Reclamation, ASSMR),2001年更名为“美国采矿与复垦学会”(American Society of Mining and Reclamation, ASMR)并沿用至今[2]。


2 ASMR年会论文集关键词聚类分析

将年会文献按三个时间段(1984—1993年,1994—2003年,2004—2014年)划分,用VOSviewer软件分别进行聚类分析,分析文献关键词的重要性和相关性并以图形表达,参数设置见表1。由于缺乏早期文献的信息,仅将文献题目输入文本文档,分析研究热点的变化。如能分析文献摘要或全文,结果更加准确。按照词频和相关度筛选显示词语,并用Thesaurus文件将不同表达方式的同义词用统一方式表达,如Coalbed Natural Gas, Coalbed Methane和CBNG,Minesoil和Mine Soil等。去除结果中的地名如Australia,Appalacia,时间如Year,Month,单位如Meters,Mg及其他词汇如Many,Results。

选用标签图(Label View)显示分析结果,各时间段的分析结果见图1—图3(封三)。由图可知,每个时间的分析结果都将关键词分三个聚类,分别为红色显示的“复垦评价、规划与管理(Evaluation, Planning and Management)”、蓝色显示的“酸性矿井水(Acid Mine Drainage)”以及绿色显示的“土壤(Soil)和植被(Vegetation)”。图中,关键词的字体和图斑越大说明出现频率越高,关键词间的距离越近说明其相关性越强。

表1 VOSviewer设置参数Tab.1 VOSviewer parameters

3 近10年研究热点分析



3.1.1监测与评价 矿区从开采到复垦后的持续监测与有效评价是复垦工作的重要依据,为复垦规划和管理工作提供支撑。监测方面的研究重点是数据采集与分析技术,评价方面的研究可分为开采对环境的影响评价,复垦效果及经济效益的评价。




3.1.2规划与设计 规划与设计相关研究中倍受关注的是仿自然地貌生态修复法和边采边复的方法。前者是借助3S和计算机模拟技术,仿照自然河流的形态,综合考虑自然条件、土地利用和社会需要,设计稳定的、可自持的河流生态系统。该方法可提高生态系统的稳定性,景观的可观赏性,并降低维护成本,但其推广还需要更多政策和成本控制研究[14]。常用的方法有GeoFluvTM、Trihydro、Rosgen等。目前,研究热点集中在土方平衡、岩石结构设计、水文模型、地形设计和边坡稳定评价等软件的综合利用、方法比选与改良以及新设备和技术的应用[15-16]等方面。


3.1.3政策与管理 研究主要集中在以下几个方面:一是政策与标准效果的研究,包括各管理部门、地区[18- 19],各成因损毁土地,不同用途复垦土地(包括自然保护区等)的标准,及其与科学研究和实践之间的关系[20-22]。二是各复垦环节的标准研究,例如矿井水治理、复垦材料的筛选[23-24]等。三是风险评估和管理[25]。四是技术推广,发布技术手册[26];发起复垦项目和倡议,发动各方力量,提高公众意识,完善公众参与[27- 28]。


从图1—图4可以看出酸性矿井水一直是研究的重点。该聚类中,被动处理技术(Passive Treatment)是近10年发展最为迅速也是最重要的酸性矿井水处理技术[29],2014年年会举办了5场专题论坛。相关关键词,如生物反应器(Bioreactor)、人工垂直流池/湿地(Vertical Flow Wetland, VFW)等出现频率较高。此外,酸性水的源头控制和治理技术以及酸性矿井水与市政污水的联合处理也成为学者们关注热点[30-31]。一些机构在酸性水处理的研究方面做出了突出贡献,例如,国际酸性防治网[32]及其资助下的酸性水治理技术行动[33]以及美国洲际技术管理委员会矿山废弃物小组[34]等通过发布技术手册,促进了技术推广与应用。

3.2.1被动处理技术 自20世纪80年代,被动处理技术开始应用于矿山酸性水治理[35],通过建立生态工程系统,利用自然生态系统过程来吸附金属、中和酸性,改善水质[36]。被动处理系统(Passive Treatment System,PTS)稳定且成本较低,得到了迅速推广[37]。人工垂直流湿地是酸性水垂直流过各层有机和石灰介质的生物反应器,应用广泛[38]。培养基常采用当地的高效低成本有机废弃物[39-40],另外,Peltz等提出可在培养基中加入生物黑炭以加强其固碳作用[41]。


3.2.2源头控制与治理技术 PTS占地面积大且易受季节影响,而源头控制与治理可节省空间、控制污染源,主要是对矿区酸性废石(Acid Mine Drainage,ARD)的治理。ARD的治理是通过播撒石灰以中和酸性,覆盖低成本无毒的有机废弃物建立厌氧环境防止硫化物氧化[48]。该领域涌现出一些新的技术手段,例如Gusek发明了一种可用管道输送的泡沫状细石灰粉pHoamTM[49]。



3.3.1土壤重构 近几年,除了对复垦土壤重构的剖面工程与培肥改良措施及其对土壤物理化学性质影响的相关研究外,更加关注对土壤有机质、土壤生物活性以及土壤碳库的恢复。



3.3.2植被恢复 复垦植被下土壤重构方法、改良剂,以及配种和管理方式一直是研究重点[59-61]。阿巴拉契亚地区的再造林行动(Appalachian Regional Reforestation Initiative)自2005年开始推行林业的复垦方法(Forestry Reclamation Approach),实践证明,该方法在改善土壤压实,防止水土流失,促进林木生长方面有很好的作用,得到广泛的应用[62-63]。复垦物种选择方面,Skousen等认为柳枝稷、芒草和芦竹等能源植物不仅经济价值高,环境适应能力强,还可以为诸多保护动物提供生境,在西弗吉尼亚地区得到广泛应用[64],而外来物种对本地物种的威胁和相应控制措施的研究得到了重视[65]。在植被的管理方面,自然的恢复能力引起关注,一些研究结果表明,某些区域自然恢复效果优于人工复垦[66]。

3.3.3土壤与植被碳库 复垦对土壤和植被碳库的影响越来越受到关注,在复垦方式选择的过程中开始从节能减排和增加碳汇的角度考虑。研究集中在对不同复垦方式、方法对土壤和植被碳库的长效影响及潜在的固碳能力[67]。在复垦材料选择上,优先选择生物黑炭等有较强固碳能力的材料[53]。此外,当前政策法规和技术标准对减弱矿区土地和植被变化而对碳库影响方面的要求尚不成熟,学者们对如何完善进行了探讨[68]。

3.3.4生态系统 复垦过程中生态系统的整体功能得到重视,在复垦过程中应充分考虑水文、地形、气候等自然条件,在开采的生命周期中进行科学规划,恢复一个可自持、可持续的健康的生态系统[69]。为保护复垦区的生物多样性,各类动植物[70-71]及其栖息地的保护和恢复[72]成为研究的热点。




4 结论









[1] Bylaws of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[EB/OL] . http: www.asmr.us/About/ByLaws/ByLaws.htm.

[2] Plass B, Skousen J, Barnhisel D. A short history of ASMR[EB/OL] . http: www.asmr.us/About/History/History.htm.

[3] Sen S, Zipper C E, Wynne R H, et al. Using Satellite Imagery to Characterize Locations, Ages and Woody Canopy Cover of Reclaimed Surface Mines In Appalachia, USA[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Reclamation: Sciences Leading to Success. Proceedings from 28th NationalMeeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Bismarck, ND, 2011: 567 - 590.

[4] Carter N L, Monette L J, Beaman D T. Using the RQ-11 Raven A and the T-HAWK for Oversight Inspections of Surface Coal Mines in West Virginia[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Reclamation Across Industries, Proceedings from the 30th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Laramie, WY, 2013: 56.

[5] Ward K. Field Direct, A Field Inspection Application Designed to Improve Data Integrity and Accessibility for Management Oversight [A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Reclamation Across Industries, Proceedings from the 30th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Laramie, WY, 2013: 393.

[6] Moehle J, Ranville J, Choate L, et al. Leachate and Enzyme Bioassay Toxicity Assessment Tests at the Tip Top Mine, A Marginally Impacted Site[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Proceedings from 7th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage(ICARD)[C] . Louis, OM,2006: 1314 - 1332.

[7] Schmidt T W, Milmine K L. Upper He Creek Water Balance Evaluation[A] . Exploring New Frontiers in Reclamation, Proceedings from the 31st National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Oklahoma City, OK, 2014: 105.

[8] David C P C. Assessment of ARD Effects on River Ecosystem Using Benthic AquaticMacroinvertebrates(Marinduque Island,Philippines)[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Proceedings from 7th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage(ICARD)[C] . Louis, OM,2006: 422 - 425.

[9] Buchanan B A, Musslewhite B D. Predicting Topsoil Balance from Different Levels of Soil Survey[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Reclamation:Sciences Leading to Success. Proceedings from 28th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Bismarck, ND, 2011: 78 - 88.

[10] Pokorny M L, Neuman D R, Edwards K, et al. Vegetation Inventory and Survey Methods; A Reclamation Tool[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Reclamation Across Industries[C] . Laramie, WY, USA: Proceedings from the 30th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation, 2013: 223.

[11] Smith K S, Ranville J F, Adams M K, et al. Predicting Toxic Effects of Copper on Aquatic Biota in Mineralized Areas by Using The Biotic Ligand Model[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Proceedings from 7th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage(ICARD)[C] . Louis,OM, 2006: 2055 - 2077.

[12] Bearden E D, Wooten J D. Using Texas Rapid Assessment Method for Pre-Mine and Post-Mine Wetland Evaluations[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Reclamation Across Industries, Proceedings from the 30th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Laramie, WY, 2013: 45.

[13] Dunker R E, Bullock D G, Bollero G A, et al. A System to Evaluate Prime Farmland Reclamation Success Based on Spatial Soil Properties[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Sustainable Reclamation, Proceedings from 29th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Tupelo, MS, 2012: 103 - 132.

[14] Michael P R, Superfesky M J, Uranowski L J. Challenges to Applying Geomorphic and Stream Reclamation Methodologies to Mountaintop Mining and Excess Spoil Fill Construction in Steep-Slope Topography(E.G. Central Appalachia)[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Bridging Reclamation, Science and the Community. Proceedings from 27th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Pittsburgh, PA, 2010: 610 - 634.

[15] Brown K M. Comparative Analysis of Multiple Softwares Used in Aiding Geomorphic Reclamation[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Reclamation Across Industries, Proceedings from the 30th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Laramie, WY,2013: 50.

[16] Hutson H H, Thoman B. The Llionkol Project, Practical Application of Geomorphic Mine Land Reclamation Method[A] . ExploringNew Frontiers in Reclamation, Proceedings from the 31st National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Oklahoma City, OK, 2014: 70.

[17] Hu Z, Xiao W. Optimization of Concurrent Mining and Reclamation Plans for Single Coal Seam: A Case Study in Northern Anhui,China[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Sustainable Reclamation, Proceedings from 29th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Tupelo, MS, 2012: 1247 - 1254.

[18] Brenner F J. Impact of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act on Species of Special Concern in Pennsylvania[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. 30 Years of SMCRA and Beyond, Proceedings from 24th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation, Gillette, WY, 2007: 707 - 714.

[19] Testa S M. The California State Mining and Geology Board: Regulation of Mine Reclamation in California[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. 30 Years of SMCRA and Beyond, Proceedings from 24th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation, Gillette, WY,2007: 646 - 657.

[20] Curran M, Staha P l. Bridging the Gaps between Policy, Practice, and Science[A] . Exploring New Frontiers in Reclamation,Proceedings from the 31st National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Oklahoma City, OK, 2014: 41.

[21] Nichols O G, Grant C, Bell L C. Developing Ecological Completion Criteria to Measure the Success of Forest and Woodland Establishment on Rehabilitated Mines in Australia[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Proceedings from 22th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Breckenridge, CO, 2005: 67.

[22] Lindbeck K, Clark B. Mining Project Approvals in Western Australia[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Bridging Reclamation, Science and the Community. Proceedings from 27th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Pittsburgh, PA, 2010:570 - 580.

[23] Amezaga J M, Younger P L. Mine Water Management in European Environmental Policy: An Assessment of Recent Legislative Developments[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Proceedings from 7th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage(ICARD)[C] . Louis, OM,2006: 1 - 12.

[24] Daniels W L, Wick A, Carter III C, et al. Screening Criteria for Beneficial Utilization of Dredge Sediments in Virginia, USA[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Sustainable Reclamation, Proceedings from 29th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Tupelo, MS, 2012: 100.

[25] Nahir M, Aanhout M V, Reinecke S. Application of Risk Management to Abandoned Mine Sites in the Canadian North[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Proceedings from 7th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage(ICARD)[C] . Louis, OM, 2006: 1358 - 1370.

[26] Eggerud S D. The Appalachian Regional Reforestation Initiative, A Year Five Progress Report[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Bridging Reclamation, Science and the Community. Proceedings from 27th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation [C] . Pittsburgh, PA, 2010: 1471.

[27] Taylor W. Jennings Environmental Learning Center[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Bridging Reclamation, Science and the Community. Proceedings from 27th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Pittsburgh, PA, 2010: 1464.

[28] Lindgren L, Fanello S, Carlson B, et al. Community Engagement in Reclamation[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Bridging Reclamation, Science and the Community. Proceedings from 27th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Pittsburgh, PA,2010: 1457.

[29] Mahony M, Page B J, Denholm C F, et al. Rehabilitation of Pennsylvania Passive Treatment Systems[A] . Exploring New Frontiers in Reclamation, Proceedings from the 31st National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Oklahoma City, OK,2014: 82.

[30] Hughes T A, Gray N F. Co-Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage with Municipal Wastewater Using the Activated Sludge Process: Impacts on Wastewater Treatment Performance[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Reclamation Across Industries, Proceedings from the 30th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Laramie, WY, 2013: 97 - 103.

[31] Peer R, Labar J, Winfrey B, et al. Passive Co-Treatment of Polymetallic Acid Mine Drainage at Cerro Rico de Potos í, Bolivia [A] . Exploring New Frontiers in Reclamation, Proceedings from the 31st National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Oklahoma City, OK, 2014: 93.

[32] Kleinmann R L, Chatwin T. The Gard Guide and its General Applicability to Mine Water Issues[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Reclamation:Sciences Leading to Success. Proceedings from 28th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Bismarck, ND, 2011: 317 - 325.

[33] Block F, Parsons S C, Williams R D, et al. The Acid Drainage Technology Initiative[A] . Proceedings from 21th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation and The 25th West Virginia Surface Mine Drainage Task Force[C] . Morgantown,WV, 2004: 18.

[34] Eger P, Baysinger C, Cates D, et al. Biochemical Reactors for Treating Mining Influenced Water[A] . Exploring New Frontiers in Reclamation, Proceedings from the 31st National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Oklahoma City, OK,2014: 53.

[35] Behum P T, Jr., Kim K(Min). Passive Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage in the Midcontinental U.S. -Construction Problems and Possible Solutions[A] . Proceedings from 21th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation and The 25thWest Virginia Surface Mine Drainage Task Force[C] . Morgantown, WV, 2004: 13.

[36] Furneaux B, Nairn R W. Biodiversity Assessment of an Ecological Engineered Treatment System for Metals-Contaminated Mine Drainage[A] . Exploring New Frontiers in Reclamation, Proceedings from the 31st National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Oklahoma City, OK, 2014: 61.

[37] Hedin R S, Weaver T, Wolfe N, et al. Effective Passive Treatment of Coal Mine Drainage[A] . Exploring New Frontiers in Reclamation,Proceedings from the 31st National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Oklahoma City, OK, 2014: 65.

[38] Labar J A, Nairn R W. Determination of Dominant Trace Metal Sequestration Processes in Two Vertical Flow Bioreactors Using Modified Tessier Extractions[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Reclamation Across Industries. Proceedings from the 30th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Laramie, WY, 2013: 170.

[39] Eger P, Jones P, Green D. Getting the Lead out(and other Trace Metals)- Solving Mine Water Problems with Peat-Based Sorption Media[A] . Exploring New Frontiers in Reclamation, Proceedings from the 31st National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Oklahoma City, OK, 2014: 54.

[40] Uster B, Sullivan A D O, Pope J, et al. The Use of Waste Mussel Shells to treat Acid Mine Drainage Inupward-Flow Sulfate-Reducing Bioreactors[A] . Exploring New Frontiers in Reclamation, Proceedings from the 31st National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Oklahoma City, OK, 2014: 118.

[41] Peltz C D, Zillich C, Brown K L. A Combination of Alumina Refining Residue(Bauxsol Acid B Extra(™))and Biochar to Reduce Metal Concentrations in Acid Mine Drainage[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Reclamation Across Industries. Proceedings from the 30th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Laramie, WY, 2013: 206.

[42] Mahony R M, Page B J, Denholm C F, et al. Rehabilitation of Pennsylvania Passive Treatment Systems[A] . Exploring New Frontiers in Reclamation, Proceedings from the 31st National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Oklahoma City, OK,2014: 82.

[43] Danehy T P, Leavitt B R, Page B J, et al. Passively-Enhanced Lime Mixing and Dissolution[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Reclamation Across Industries. Proceedings from the 30th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Laramie, WY, 2013:71.

[44] Landers S, Maj S, Mackey A, et al. Steel Slag Leach Bed Longevity Analysis[A] . Exploring New Frontiers in Reclamation, Proceedings from the 31st National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Oklahoma City, OK, 2014: 79.

[45] Oxenford L R, Nairn R W. Seasonality of Iron Removal within the Initial Oxidation Cell of a Passive Treatment System[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Reclamation Across Industries[C] . Laramie, WY, USA: Proceedings from the 30th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation, 2013: 401.

[46] Furneaux B, Nairn R W. Biodiversity Assessment of an Ecological Engineered Treatment System for Metals-Contaminated Mine Drainage[A] .Exploring New Frontiers in Reclamation, Proceedings from the 31st National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Oklahoma City, OK, 2014: 61.

[47] Nairn R W, Strevett K A. Off-the-Grid Aeration to Address Nuisance Constituent Production from Specific Passive Treatment System Process Units[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Reclamation Across Industries. Proceedings from the 30th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Laramie, WY, 2013: 197.

[48] Kleinmann R L. Creating Anaerobic Environments to Control Acid Generation in Pyritic Material[A] . Exploring New Frontiers in Reclamation, Proceedings from the 31st National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Oklahoma City, OK,2014: 74.

[49] Gusek J J. Land Application of Biochemical Reactor Effluent: an Innovative Method for Mitigating Acid Rock Drainage[A] . Exploring New Frontiers in Reclamation, Proceedings from the 31st National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Oklahoma City, OK, 2014: 63.

[50] J.Priest, J. Stovall, D.Coble, B.Oswald and H.Williams. Pine Plantations on Reclaimed Minelands: Growth Rates Versus Unmined Lands[A] . Exploring New Frontiers in Reclamation, Proceedings from the 31st National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Oklahoma City, OK, 2014: 98.

[51] Orndorff Z W, Daniels W L, Reiter M S, et al. Prime Farmland Crop Yields from Four Soil Reconstruction Treatments Following Mineral Sands Mining: A 9 Year Summary[A] . Exploring New Frontiers in Reclamation, Proceedings from the 31st National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Oklahoma City, OK, 2014: 88.

[52] Wells L G, Bodapati S. Corn Yield from and Physical Properties of Soil Reconstructed by The University of Kentucky Soil Regenerator [A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Sustainable Reclamation, Proceedings from 29th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Tupelo, MS, 2012: 520 - 536.

[53] C.D. Peltz. A Comparison of Different Volumes of Biochar on Acidic Soils to Increase Plant Growth and Reduce Soil Acidity[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Reclamation Across Industries, Proceedings from the 30th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Laramie, WY, 2013: 205.

[54] Harley A, Mcmullen B, Williams M. Biochar for Reclamation in the Rocky Mountains: Context, Science and Policy-Can We Find a Nexus that Works?[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Reclamation Across Industries, Proceedings from the 30th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Laramie, WY, 2013: 91.

[55] Wick A F, Stahl P D, Daniels W L. Organic Matter Dynamics in Reclaimed Mine Soils[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Reclamation Across Industries, Proceedings from the 30th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Laramie, WY, 2013:395.

[56] Brooks J P, Adeli A, Read J J, et al. Microbial Quality of Reclaimed Mine Soils Following Time and Treatment Based Influences[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Sustainable Reclamation, Proceedings from 29th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Tupelo, MS, 2012: 50.

[57] Strom C. Compost Rates for Remediating Reclaimed Saline Soils[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Reclamation Across Industries, Proceedings from the 30th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Laramie, WY, 2013: 367.

[58] Vicklund L E, Schuman G E, Mortenson M C. Effects of Wyoming Big Sagebrush Seeding Rate and Grass Competition on Long-Term Density and Canopy Volume of Big Sagebrush and Wildlife Habitat[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Reclamation: Sciences Leading to Success. Proceedings from 28th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Bismarck, ND, 2011: 678 - 689.

[59] Wilson-Kokes L, Skousen J. Gray Sandstone as a Topsoil Substitute on Surface Coal Mines in Appalachia[A] . Exploring New Frontiers in Reclamation, Proceedings from the 31st National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Oklahoma City, OK, 2014: 122.

[60] Zipper C E, Burger J A, Evans D M, et al. Young Forest Composition and Growth on A Reclaimed Appalachian Coal Surface Mine after Nine Years[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Sustainable Reclamation, Proceedings from 29th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Tupelo, MS, 2012: 557 - 585.

[61] Franklin J, Buckley D. Tree and Ground Cover Establishment over Seven Years as Affected by Seeding and Fertilization Rates [A] . Exploring New Frontiers in Reclamation, Proceedings from the 31st National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Oklahoma City, OK, 2014: 59.

[62] Victor M. Davis. Appalachian Regional Reforestation Initiative and the Forestry Reclamation Approach[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. 30 Years of SMCRA and Beyond, Proceedings from 24th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation, Gillette, WY,2007: 646 - 657.

[63] C.E. Zipper, J.A. Burger, C.D. Barton, and J.G. Skousen, Rebuilding Soils for Forest Restoration on Appalachian Mined Lands[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Reclamation Across Industries, Proceedings from the 30th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Laramie, WY, 2013: 400.

[64] Franklin J, Frouz J. Vegetation and Soil Development in Planted Pine and Naturally Regenerated Hardwood Stands 48 Years after Mining[A] . Exploring New Frontiers in Reclamation, Proceedings from the 31st National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Oklahoma City, OK, 2014: 60.

[65] Byrd S M, Cavender N D, Peugh C M, et al. Sustainable landscapes: Evaluating strategies for controlling autumn olive (Elaeagnusumbellata)on reclaimed surface mineland at the Wilds conservation center in Southeastern Ohio[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Sustainable Reclamation, Proceedings from 29th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Tupelo,MS, 2012: 73 - 81.

[66] Skousen J, Brown C, Mcmichael D. Establishment and Growth of Switchgrass and other Biomass Crops on Surface Mines[A] . Exploring New Frontiers in Reclamation, Proceedings from the 31st National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Oklahoma City, OK, 2014: 109.

[67] Craig N G, Strahm B D, Burger J A, et al. Long-Term Carbon and Nutrient Accrual in Coal Mine Topsoil Substitutes in Southwest Virginia[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Sustainable Reclamation, Proceedings from 29th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Tupelo, MS, 2012: 97.

[68] Humphries R N. Understanding the Implications of Emerging Soil Carbon Land Use Policies for Surface Mining in the United Kingdom [A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Sustainable Reclamation, Proceedings from 29th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining andReclamation[C] . Tupelo, MS, 2012: 269 - 285.

[69] Burger J A. Ecosystem Restoration: A Critical Component of Sustainable Mining and Reclamation[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Sustainable Reclamation, Proceedings from 29th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Tupelo, MS, 2012: 72.

[70] Walker C, Hubbs D, Chance S, et al. Translocation of Cumberlandian Mussels to Achieve Species Conservation[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Bridging Reclamation, Science and the Community. Proceedings from 27th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Pittsburgh, PA, 2010: 1469.

[71] Humphries R N. The Contribution of Active Surface Mines in the Conservation of Lower Plant Communities in the South Wales Coalfield, United Kingdom[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Reclamation Across Industries[C] . Laramie, WY, USA: Proceedings from the 30th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation, 2013: 104 - 123.

[72] Frouz J, Pižl V, Tajovský K, et al. Soil Biota Development in Post Mining Sites on Climatic Gradient from East to Mid-West of USA[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Sustainable Reclamation, Proceedings from 29th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation [C] . Tupelo, MS, 2012: 212 - 225.

[73] Curran M F, Wolff B J, Stahl P D. Defining Oil and Gas Pad Reclamation Success on Wyoming BLM Lands[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Reclamation Across Industries, Proceedings from the 30th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Laramie, WY, 2013: 68.

[74] Minnick T J. Quantitative Monitoring in Oil and Gas Reclamation: What Can it Do For You?[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Reclamation Across Industries, Proceedings from the 30th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Laramie, WY, 2013:180.

[75] Curran M F, Wolff B J, Stahl P D. Approaching Oil and Gas Pad Reclamation Using Data Mining: A Framework for the Future[A] . R.I. Barnhisel. Reclamation Across Industries, Proceedings from the 30th National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Laramie, WY, 2013: 58 - 67.

[76] Penn C, Whitacker A. Land Application of Drill Cuttings[A] . Exploring New Frontiers in Reclamation, Proceedings from the 31st National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Oklahoma City, OK, 2014: 94.

[77] Fisher J B. Assessment and Remediation of Salt Contamination at Oil and Gas Well Drilling Sites[A] . Exploring New Frontiers in Reclamation, Proceedings from the 31st National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation[C] . Oklahoma City, OK,2014: 58.


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Research Progress on American Society of Mining and Reclamation (from 1984 to 2014) based on Bibliometric Mapping Study

HU Zhen-qi, FU Yan-hua, XIAO Wu, ZHAO Yun-xiao, YU Yang
(Institute of Land Reclamation and Ecological Restoration, China University of Mining and Technology,Beijing 100083, China)

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the international land reclamation research focus and trend based on the statistical analysis of 31 years’ proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation. Divided into three periods, the key words in the proceedings have been analyzed by VOSviewer, a bibliometric mapping software. The results show: 1)the cluster analysis has divided the key words into three clusters, “land reclamation evaluation, planning and management”, “acid mine drainage” and “soil and vegetation”; 2)the key words are stable with subtle changes, and the amount increases gradually. We conclude that the research became more specific, the research objects became more diverse, and connotation extended consistently. Besides, the innovative reclamation notions,techniques and materials sprang up. It is clearly that the ecology impact and its research methods have become and will continue to be the focus.

land reclamation; reclamation planning; review; American Society of Mining and Reclamation (ASMR); acid mine drainage; soil; vegetation








胡振琪(1963-),男,安徽五河人,教授,博士生导师。主要研究方向为土地整治、土地复垦与生态重建。E-mail: huzq1963@163.com

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