
2016-08-15 05:25:19岳武成陈娇慈元吉黄姝王军王成辉

岳武成, 陈娇, 慈元吉, 黄姝, 王军, 王成辉

(上海海洋大学农业部淡水水产种质资源重点实验室,上海 201306)


岳武成, 陈娇, 慈元吉, 黄姝, 王军, 王成辉*

(上海海洋大学农业部淡水水产种质资源重点实验室,上海 201306)


中华绒螯蟹; 断肢再生; 增质量率; 蜕壳周期; 基因表达

Summary Limb regeneration is a regrowth phenomenon when limbs of animals are truncated by external forces or self-cut in response to predation, which is a self-protection mechanism formed during the long-term evolution process. Currently, amphibians with tails, and crustaceans belonging to arthropods were intensively studied. The results indicated that the feeding ability, growth and development were greatly affected by regeneration. Molting could be accelerated and the ovary development could be promoted by limb regeneration, inducing expression of the related genes. Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheirsinensis) has the ability of limb regeneration like other crustaceans in its life cycle. However, the molecular mechanism of regeneration forE.sinensiswas still unclear. Therefore, study on limb regeneration ofE.sinensiscan supplement basic biological knowledge for Chinese mitten crab, and provide practical guidance for development of aquaculture industries.

A total of 80 juvenile Chinese mitten crabs (40 males and 40 females) were randomly sampled to autotomy treatments with four walking legs (the first and third legs on the left, the second and fourth legs on the right), and the same number of male and female individuals were employed as the control group without any treatment (intact crab). They were separately reared in forty tanks with each of 60 L for two molt cycle, and two crabs with cut limbs (one male, one female) and two intact crabs (one male, one female) were kept in each tank. Body mass, carapace length and carapace width were measured and recorded at the initial stocking stage, and 48 h after the first and second molting, respectively. Meanwhile, the eyes and muscle tissues (regeneration limbs and intact limbs) were collected quickly after the second molt and were stored at -80 ℃ for quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) analysis of myostatin geneMSTN, insulin-like growth factor-2 geneIGF2, molting hormone receptor geneEcR, retinoid X receptor geneRXR, and molt-inhibiting hormone geneMIH.

The results showed that limb regeneration rate was only 7.6% after the first molt, but reached 91.6% after the second molt; the survival rates of the amputated crabs and intact crabs were roughly equal. Longer inter-molting days (P<0.05) were observed for the amputated crabs than intact crabs, and the body mass-gaining rate was higher than intact crabs (P<0.05) after the first molting. Shorter inter-molting days (P<0.05) were observed for amputated crabs than intact crabs, and no significant difference (P>0.05) was observed for the body mass-gaining rate of the amputated and intact crabs after the second molting. Overall, there was no significant difference of average inter-molting days between the amputated and intact crabs after the two molting. The related gene expression analysis indicated that there were no significant difference (P>0.05) between the amputated and intact crabs inIGF2,RXRandMIHgenes. However, there were significant higher expression (P<0.05) ofEcRgene and lower expression ofMSTNgene for amputated crabs (P<0.05) than the intact crabs.

In conclusion, Chinese mitten crab can regenerate new legs in two molt cycles; there are no significant differences on the survival rate, mass-gaining rate and molt cycles between the amputated and intact crabs. TheEcRandMSTNgenes play important roles in promoting the leg regeneration, and the amputated crab can be kept for further aquaculture.



1 材料与方法


取本实验室中华绒螯蟹配套选育系A的同一家系Ⅴ期仔蟹160只,随机分为2组:断肢组(试验组)和正常组(对照组),每组雌雄各40只。断肢前测量试验蟹体质量、壳长、壳宽等性状指标,然后对断肢组采用压力法迫使其自切掉左侧第1、3步足和右侧第2、4步足,共4个步足。将断肢组与对照组分别放养在40个容积为60 L的水族箱中,每个水族箱放养4只中华绒螯蟹(断肢组和正常组雌雄各1只)。在水族箱内种植伊乐藻(Elodeanuttallii),每天早晚各投喂1次饲料,每3天换水1次,试验期间保持各个水族箱的养殖环境基本一致。


试验期间,每天观察中华绒螯蟹的蜕壳情况,记录蜕壳时间。蜕壳2 d(48 h)后测量中华绒螯蟹的体质量、壳长、壳宽3个生长性状。试验时间为2个蜕壳周期,即供试中华绒螯蟹在水族箱内完成2次蜕壳后结束。

当全部供试中华绒螯蟹个体完成第2次蜕壳并测定其生长性状后,立即采集每只中华绒螯蟹个体的眼柄和肌肉组织,经液氮速冻后保存于-80 ℃冰箱中,备用。


随机挑选断肢组和正常组各5只雄蟹,用RNA提取试剂盒(美国Axygen公司)提取其眼柄、正常蟹步足肌肉、断肢蟹再生步足肌肉的总RNA。使用大连宝生物公司的反转录试剂盒(PrimeScriptTMRT-PCR Kit)进行反转录。根据本实验室已有的肌肉生长抑制素基因MSTN、蜕皮激素受体基因EcR、维甲类X受体基因RXR、蜕皮抑制激素基因MIH、胰岛素样生长因子2基因IGF2的定量实时聚合酶链式反应(quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, qRT-PCR)引物(表1)进行PCR扩增。

表1 定量实时聚合酶链式反应引物信息


利用SPSS 20.0、Excel 2013等软件对生长性状进行单因素方差分析和显著性检验。采用2-ΔΔCT方法[13]对定量实时PCR数据进行基因表达差异检验。

2 结果



表2 断肢蟹和正常蟹的断肢再生率与蜕壳后增质量率差异


通过对平均蜕壳周期(中华绒螯蟹所有个体完成一次蜕壳所经历的平均天数)分析发现,断肢组在去步足后到完成第1次蜕壳所需的平均天数(10.38 d)显著高于正常组(6.73 d)(P<0.01,图1A),而断肢组第2次平均蜕壳周期(18.25 d)显著短于正常组(23.47 d)(P<0.01,图1B),但前后2次蜕壳整体上不存在统计学上的显著差异(P>0.05,图1C)。以上结果表明,中华绒螯蟹在受到断肢刺激后会延长当期的蜕壳时间,随着断肢再生和步足的重新生长,则会显著缩短蜕壳周期,即附肢再生有刺激蜕壳的作用。

A:第1次蜕壳周期差异;B:第2次蜕壳周期差异;C:2次蜕壳周期平均差异。♀:雌性;:雄性。短栅上的不同大写或小写字母分别表示在P<0.01或P<0.05水平差异有统计学意义。A: Difference in the first inter-molting period; B: Difference in the second inter-molting period; C: Mean difference in the two molting periods. ♀: Female; : Male. Different capital or lowercase letters above bars show statistically significant differences at the 0.01 or 0.05 probability level, respectively.图1 断肢蟹和正常蟹的蜕壳周期差异Fig.1 Molt cycle difference between leg-amputated crabs and intact crabs


短栅上的不同小写字母表示在P<0.05水平差异有统计学意义。Different lowercase letters above bars show statistically significant differences at the 0.05 probability level.图2 断肢蟹和正常蟹的相关基因表达差异Fig.2 Gene expression difference between leg-amputated crabs and intact crabs


3 讨论




4 结论


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YUE Wucheng, CHEN Jiao, CI Yuanji, HUANG Shu, WANG Jun, WANG Chenghui*


Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheirsinensis); limb regeneration; mass-gaining rate; molt cycle; gene expression


Corresponding author):王成辉(http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6523-7610),Tel:+86-21-61900439, E-mail:wangch@shou.edu.cn


2015-09-10;接受日期(Accepted):2015-12-16;网络出版日期(Published online):2016-07-18

S 917.4



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