琼·里斯(Jean Rhys, 1890~1979)出生于英属西印度群岛的多米尼加,父亲是来自威尔士的医生,母亲是当地的克里奥人。她在当地接受教育,16岁时离开故乡来到英国求学,19岁就读于皇家戏剧艺术学院,因地方口音重而被劝退学,当演员的梦想就此破碎。之后她打过各种零工,1924年遇到了文学上的伯乐——英国作家福特·麦多克斯·福特(Ford Madox Ford),在他的鼓励下从事小说写作。她的作品以无根的现代人尤其是夹在加勒比海文化和英国文化之间的移民为主人公,描绘了他们的漂泊经历和彷徨内心,代表作有《黑暗中的航程》(Voyage in the Dark)、《早安,午夜》(Good Morning, Midnight)和《茫茫藻海》(Wide Sargasso Sea)。其中,《茫茫藻海》被称为是《简·爱》的前篇。
It was getting hot and I was tired when I reached the path to Christophines two-roomed house, the roof shingled2), not thatched3). She was sitting on a box under her mango tree, smoking a white clay pipe and she called out, “Its you, Antoinette? Why you come up here so early?”
“I just wanted to see you,” I said.
She helped me loosen Preston4)s girth5) and led him to a stream near by. He drank as if he were very thirsty, then shook himself and snorted. Water flew out of his nostrils. We left him cropping grass and went back to the mango tree. She sat on her box and pushed another towards me, but I knelt close to her touching a thin silver bangle that she always wore.
“You smell the same,” I said.
“You come all this long way to tell me that?” she said. Her clothes smelled of clean cotton, starched6) and ironed. I had seen her so often standing knee deep in the river at Coulibri, her long skirt hitched up, washing her dresses and her white shifts7), then beating them against the stones. Sometimes there would be other women all bringing their washing down on the stones again and again, a gay busy noise. At last they would spread the wet clothes in the sun, wipe their foreheads, start laughing and talking. She smelled too, of their smell, so warm and comforting to me (but he8) does not like it). The sky was dark blue through the dark green mango leaves, and I thought, “This is my place and this is where I belong and this is where I wish to stay.” Then I thought, “What a beautiful tree, but it is too high up here for mangoes and it may never bear fruit,” and I thought of lying alone in my bed with the soft silk cotton mattress and fine sheets, listening. At last I said, “Christophine, he does not love me, I think he hates me. He always sleeps in his dressing-room now and the servants know. If I get angry he is scornful and silent, sometimes he does not speak to me for hours and I cannot endure it any more, I cannot. What shall I do? He was not like that at first,” I said.
Pink and red hibiscus9) grew in front of her door, she lit her pipe and did not answer.
“Answer me,” I said. She puffed out a cloud of smoke.
“You ask me a hard thing, I tell you a hard thing, pack up and go.”
“Go, go where? To some strange place where I shall never see him? No, I will not, then everyone, not only the servants, will laugh at me.”
“Its not you they laugh at if you go, they laugh at him.”
“I will not do that.”
“Why you ask me, if when I answer you say no? Why you come up here if when I tell you the truth, you say no?”
“But there must be something else I can do.”
She looked gloomy. “When man dont love you, more you try, more he hate you, man like that. If you love them they treat you bad, if you dont love them they after you night and day bothering your soul case out. I hear about you and your husband.” she said.
“But I cannot go. He is my husband after all.”
She spat over her shoulder. “All women, all colours, nothing but fools. Three children I have. One living in this world, each one a different father, but no husband, I thank my God. I keep my money. I dont give it to no worthless man.”
“When must I go, where must I go?”
“But look me trouble, a rich white girl like you and more foolish than the rest. A man dont treat you good, pick up your skirt and walk out. Do it and he come after you.”
“He will not come after me. And you must understand I am not rich now, I have no money of my own at all, everything I had belongs to him.”
“What you tell me there?” she said sharply.
“That is English law.”
“Law! The Mason boy10) fix it, that boy worse than Satan and he burn in Hell one of these fine nights. Listen to me now and I advise you what to do. Tell your husband you feeling sick, you want to visit your cousin in Martinique. Ask him pretty for some of your own money, the man not bad-hearted, he give it. When you get away, stay away. Ask more. He give again and well satisfy. In the end he come to find out what you do, how you get on without him, and if he see you fat and happy he want you back. Men like that. Better not stay in that old house. Go from that house, I tell you.”
“You think I must leave him?”
“You ask me so I answer.”
“Yes,” I said. “After all I could, but why should I go to Martinique? I wish to see England, I might be able to borrow money for that. Not from him but I know how I might get it. I must travel far, if I go.”
1. 节选部分以女主人公安托瓦内特(Antoinette)的口吻,讲述了她找女仆克里斯托芬(Christophine)谈心的情节,她想让克里斯托芬帮其解决情感问题。
2. shingled [????ɡ(?)ld] adj. 用木瓦覆盖(屋顶)的
3. thatched [θ?t?t] adj. 用茅草覆盖(屋顶)的
4. Preston:普勒斯顿,小说中女主人公骑的一匹马
5. girth [ɡ??(r)θ] n. (固定马鞍或鞍上货物的)肚带
6. starched [stɑ?(r)t?d] adj. 上过浆(用淀粉浆硬衣服)的;硬挺的
7. shift [??ft] n. 直筒连衣裙
8. he:这里指小说中的男主人公罗切斯特先生。
9. hibiscus [h??b?sk?s] n. 木槿;芙蓉花
10. the Mason boy:指小说中女主人公安托瓦内特的哥哥,她的继父梅森的儿子。