2016 年新项目

2016-07-31 17:36
中国气象科学研究院年报 2016年0期

课题名称Title项目类别Project/Fund执行期间Duration负责人Principal Investigator植物对地质封存二氧化碳泄漏的耐受机理研究The vegetation tolerance mechanism to carbon dioxide leakage from CCS基金委:青年科学基金项目NSFC:youthprogram 2017—2019张雪艳Zhang Xueyan中国东北样带与以色列北南降水梯度生态系统的干旱生理调节与弹性Physiological adjustments and resilience to drought in ecosystems across Northeast China transect and the Israel north-south precipitation gradient基金委:国际(地区)合作与交流重点项目NSFC:key program,International cooperation and exchange project 2017—2020周广胜Zhou Guangsheng应用三维完全Stokes冰流模型诊断模拟东南极Lambert-Amery冰川流域系统的热力学特征Diagnostics and simulation of the thermodynamic features of the Lambert-Amery Glacier Drainage System, East Antarctica, using a three dimensional full stokes ice sheet model基金委:青年科学基金项目NSFC:youth program 2017—2019 张通Zhang Tong中国华北雷暴降雪动力和云微物理机制的模拟研究Simulation of the dynamical and microphysical mechanism of the thundersnow in North China基金委:青年科学基金项目NSFC:youth program 2017—2019 徐良韬Xu Liangtao云雷达功率谱密度数据识别高原云相态方法研究Cloud phase classification method using cloud radar powder density data over the Tibet Plateau基金委:青年科学基金项目NSFC:youth program 2017—2019 庄薇Zhuang Wei东亚-太平洋遥相关和欧亚遥相关对江淮持续性极端降水的影响机理Mechanisms of persistent precipitation extremes in the Yangtze-Huai River Valley triggered by both East Asia-Pacific teleconnection and Euro-Asia teleconnection基金委:青年科学基金项目NSFC:youth program 2017—2019 陈阳Chen Yang全球陆面碳、水通量模拟误差的量化和归因Quantification and attribution of errors in simulated carbon and water fluxes from land surface NSFC:youth program 2017—2019 李剑铎Li Jianduo基于地面雷达资料对青藏高原那曲地区夏季对流云时空分布和垂直结构特征的研究Characteristics of temporal-spatial distribution and vertical structure of summer convective clouds over Naqu over the Tibetan Plateau based on surface radar dataset基金委:青年科学基金项目基金委:青年科学基金项目NSFC:youth program 2017—2019 汪会Wang Hui北京地区持续性大雾的微物理结构观测研究Observational study on microphysical structure of persistent fog in Beijing region基金委:青年科学基金项目NSFC:youth program 2017—2019 郭丽君Gu Lijun

课题名称Title项目类别Project/Fund执行期间Duration负责人Principal Investigator ENSO与气候平均态的相互作用——基于海气耦合模式的数值模拟研究Interaction between ENSO and the climatological mean state—based on the numerical simulations of coupled models基金委:青年科学基金项目NSFC:youth program 2017—2019 华莉娟Hua Lijuan层云闪电的发生和发展与回波亮带关系的研究Study on the relationship between the initiation and propagation of stratiform lightning and the brightband of radar reflectivity基金委:青年科学基金项目NSFC:youth program 2017—2020 王飞Wang Fei闪电初始阶段特征与雷暴结构的时空配置关系Space-time relationships between lightning initiation characteristics and thunderstorm structures基金委:面上项目NSFC:general program 2017—2020 郑栋Zheng Dong产生地面大风的华南强对流系统中小尺度精细结构和演变的相控阵天气雷达观测研究High-temporal resolution X band phased-array Doppler observation of severe convective fine structure and evolution with gale force wind in South China基金委:面上项目NSFC:general program 2017—2020 刘黎平Liu Liping初生对流的地基综合观测和微波辐射模拟研究Study on ground-based comprehensive observations and microwave radiation simulation of convective initiation基金委:面上项目NSFC:general program 2017—2020 杨俊Yang Jun双台风相互作用对中国极端降水的影响Impacts of binary tropical cyclones on extreme precipitations over mainland of China基金委:面上项目NSFC:general program 2017—2020 任福民Ren Fuming热带气旋过台湾岛后路径偏折与结构变化的机理研究Study on the mechanism of track deflection and structural changes of tropical cyclones after crossing Taiwan Island基金委:面上项目NSFC:general program 2017—2020 徐晶Xu Jing东亚季风区季节内振荡的年际变化及其对中国东部夏季降水异常的影响Interannual variations of intraseasonal oscillation and its impact on summer rainfall over eastern China基金委:面上项目NSFC:general program 2017—2020 齐艳军Qi Yangjun地形强迫对中国东部降水气候分布的影响研究The effect of topographic forcing on rainfall distribution over Eastern China基金委:面上项目NSFC:general program 2017—2020 宇如聪Yu Rucong高分辨率观测和放射性C-14分析技术的含碳气溶胶源识别研究The source identification of carbonaceous aerosol by high resolution measurement and carbon-14 technology基金委:面上项目NSFC:general program 2017—2020张养梅Zhang Yangmei

课题名称Title项目类别Project/Fund执行期间Duration负责人Principal Investigator我国背景区域关键气溶胶光学参数及其对辐射强迫影响研究Study of key aerosol optical parameters and their effects on radiative forcing at background sites基金委:重点项目NSFC:key program 2017—2020 孙俊英Sun Junjing不同气候背景条件下气溶胶对云雾滴谱特征影响机制的观测研究Observational study on the impacts of aerosol on cloud and fog droplet spectrum characteristics over different climate conditions基金委:重点项目NSFC:key program 2017—2020 段婧Duan Jing国际理论物理中心气溶胶与云相互作用学术活动Academic activities on aerosol-cloud interactions at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics(ICTP)基金委:国际(地区)合作与交流项目NSFC:international cooperation and exchange project 2016—2016 徐良韬Xu Liangtao基于高分雷达遥感和快中子水分传感技术,发展近实时的高时空分辨率的区域土壤湿度监测方法Synthesis of remote sensing and novel ground truth sensors to develop high resolution soil moisture monitoring mothed基金委:国际(地区)合作与交流重点项目NSFC:key program,international cooperation and exchange project 2016—2019 房世波Fang Shibo青藏高原水汽“源汇”结构的多尺度变化及其对区域降水影响研究The multi-scale variability of the moisture sourcesink over the Tibetan Plateau and its effects on the precipitation over its surrounding areas基金委:面上项目NSFC:general program 2017—2019 陈斌Cheng Bin大气环流模式对青藏高原陡峭地形区降水模拟的改进研究Study on improving the simulation of precipitation over the steep edge of the Tibetan Plateau基金委:重点项目NSFC:key program 2017—2020 李建Li Jian青藏高原大气动力、热力过程对中国东部大气污染时空变异影响的机理The effects of atmospheric dynamics and thermodynamic processes over the Tibetan Plateau on the spatial and temporal variation of air pollution in eastern China and the associated mechanisms基金委:重点项目NSFC:key program 2017—2020 徐祥德Xu Xiangde云水资源评估研究与利用示范Study on cloud water resources assessment and demonstration of utilization科技部:重点研发专项MOST:key program 2016—2020 周毓荃Zhou Yuquan北京市霾污染条件下PAN的变化特征及其源汇研究The variation characteristics and formation mechanism of PAN under hazy conditions in Beijing科技部:重点研发专项(青年项目)MOST:key program 2016—2020 徐婉筠Xu Wanyun

MOST:Ministry of Science and Technology(科技部)NSFC:Natural Science Foundation of China (国家自然科学基金)MOE:Ministry of Education(教育部)

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