
2016-07-31 17:36
中国气象科学研究院年报 2016年0期


Education and Training


In May 2016, CAMS established its Tenth Diploma Conferring Committee consisting of 25 members, with Xu Xiangde, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, as the Chair of the Committee, DuanYihong and Zhou Guangsheng, CAMS President and Vice President, as the Deputy Chairs. On 7 June, the Committee discussed and approved the conferring of Graduate Degree for graduates of 2016 while on 13 September, conf rmed the candidate list of tutors for PhD and Master graduates.


In June 2016, Ministry of Science and Technology of China (MOST) released “the Announcement of Candidates for Innovation Talents Promotion Plan in 2015” by which CAMS was successfully nominated as a Demonstrative Training Base of Innovation Talents, among the overall 34 bases over the whole country. Being elected as a base of innovation talents training, CAMS will continue to provide the important platform for advancing the development of young cadres, scientific and technological innovation talents as well as innovation teams in key areas.


Under the framework of the Cooperation Protocol between China Meteorological Administration and China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), CAMS signed with China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) the Agreement for Joint Establishment of Elite Class in Atmospheric Science. According to such agreement, CAMS research staff will be fully involved in the teaching and development of atmospheric science undergraduates at China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), which is of great significance to the improvement of CAMS graduate students’ quality.On 9 October 2016, University of Geosciences (Wuhan) held the School Opening Ceremony for First Elite Class in Atmospheric Science.



In 2016, 45 Master Degree Candidates, 18 Doctoral Candidates and five Post Doctors were recruited by CAMS while 44 got Master Degree and seven received PhD Degree. At present, there are altogether 221 graduates at CAMS, among whom 134 are Master Degree Candidates, 70 are Doctoral Candidates and 17 are Post Doctors.

On 24 June 2016, the Graduation Ceremony for CAMS Graduates of 2016 was held in Beijing, during which a number of awards were conferred, including the Annual Scholarship of 2016, Huafeng Prize for Outstanding Graduates, Huafeng Prize for Outstanding Supervisors, Huayun Prize for Excellent Performance of Graduates,Huayun Prize for Outstanding Graduates, and Huayun Prize for Outstanding Student Cadres, etc.


On 7–12 August 2016, Summer School for Outstanding Undergraduates in Atmospheric Science over the Country hosted by CAMS was held in Beijing. Six CAMS experts were invited to give lectures for the Summer School,including Prof. Zhang Dalin, Prof. Gong Shanling, Dr. Zhang Yijun, Dr. Shen Xueshun, Dr. Guo Jianping and Dr.Li Jian. Head of the Summer School, Dr. Zhou Xiuji who is an Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences,had discussions with the students and conferred them graduation certificates. During the Summer School, visits were also organized to the Central Meteorological Observatory (CMA National Meteorological Centre), Beijing Meteorological Observatory as well as Gucheng Ecological and Agri-Meteorological Integrated Observation Experiment Station, etc.

Game Theory in Climate Change Economics
The Foundations of Physics
罗云 中国地质大学(北京)教授、博士生导师
菁英汇聚 思想碰撞