
2016-07-31 17:36
中国气象科学研究院年报 2016年0期


Cooperation and Communication


On 15 March 2016, Ms. Wang Wei, research fellow from US National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR),visited CAMS State Key Laboratory on Severe Weather (LaSW) and delivered the presentation titled “Recent Enhancements in WRF Model”, in which enhancements of WRF Model in f ve aspects, including cloud computing scheme, were introduced. The presentation was presided over by Prof. Chen Fei, Scientist of the Chinese Government’s Recruitment Program of Global Experts (known as “the Thousand Talents Plan”).


On 23 March 2016, Dr. Liu Zhiquan from NCAR paid an invited visit to CAMS and delivered the presentation titled “the Atmospheric Reanalysis Program of China and Its Progress”. On the basis of development of the global atmospheric reanalysis system, Dr. Liu highlighted the research plan of global atmospheric reanalysis system in China, as well as the correlation between the global reanalysis data of China and research of atmospheric reanalysis data of East Asia. The presentation was presided over by Dr. Liang Xudong, CAMS Researcher.

2016年4月20日,韩国首尔市气象厅厅长Nam Jae-Cheol一行5人访问了气科院。端义宏院长与Nam Jae-Cheol厅长就未来双方合作内容及方式进行了交流。随后韩国代表团一行参观了大气化学重点开放实验室,王亚强副所长向来宾介绍了实验室在大气成分基础观测、实验室分析、环境模式建立及应用等方面的情况。

On 20 April 2016, a five-member delegation headed by Director-General of KMA (Korea Meteorological Administration)’s Seoul Regional Meteorological Office, Dr. Nam Jae-Cheol, visited CAMS. The President of CAMS, Dr. DuanYihong met and exchanged with Dr. Nam on future cooperation content and modalities between the two institutions. After the meeting, the KMA delegation visited the CAMS Key Laboratory on Atmospheric Chemistry and Dr. Wang Yaqiang, Deputy Director of the Laboratory, introduced the Laboratory’s observation,analysis, the development and application of environment numerical models, etc.


On 12 May 2016, a seven-member delegation headed by Mr. Herizal, Director of Education and Training Centre,the Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics of the Republic of Indonesia (BMKG), visited CAMS Key Laboratory on Atmospheric Chemistry. Dr. Wang Yaqiang, Deputy Director of the Laboratory, introduced the observation and analyses of atmospheric compositions, the development and application of environment numerical models, etc.


On 30 May 2016, the delegation from the National Centre of Meteorology and Seismology (NMSC), United Arab Emirates (UAE), visited CMA Weather Modification Centre (WMC). Dr. Guo Xueliang, Deputy Head of WMC, introduced scientific research and operation of the Centre. The NMSC delegation introduced meteorological stations, national radar network and precipitation enhancement research programs, etc. in UAE. In-depth discussions about weather modification research were held.

2016年6月28日,尼泊尔农业发展部下属气候相关灾害适应能力建设项目处处长ShibNandan Prasad Shah先生一行9人访问中国气象局人工影响天气中心。人工影响天气中心副主任郭学良向来宾介绍了我国人工影响天气管理、科研业务的总体情况,以及人工影响天气中心的主要工作。双方就人工增雨、人工消减雨作业等进行了技术交流。

On 28 June 2016, a nine-member delegation visited CMA Weather Modification Centre (WTC), which was headed by Mr. ShibNandan Prasad Shah, Division Head of Capacity Building for Climate Disasters Response, Nepal Ministry of Agricultural Development (MoAD). Dr. Guo Xueliang, Deputy Head of WMC, briefed on weather modification management, scientific research and operation in China, as well as the main responsibilities of WMC.Technical exchanges on rain enhancement, dispersal and mitigation were conducted.

2016年7月5日,美国Aerodyne Research有限公司副总裁、气溶胶和云化学中心主任Douglas Worsnop博士应邀访问气科院并做了题为“气溶胶质谱测定方法:从1 nm到1μm ”的精彩报告。报告会由大气成分研究所孙俊英研究员主持,来自气科院大气成分研究所和气候系统研究所以及中国气象局数值预报中心的有关科研人员及研究生听取了报告。

On 5 July 2016, Dr. Douglas Worsnop, Vice President of Aerodyne Research Inc, USA as well as Head of Center for Aerosol and Cloud Chemistry, was invited to visit CAMS and delivered an attractive presentation titled “Mass Spectrometry of Atmospheric Aerosol: 1 nanometer to 1 micron”. The seminar was presided over by Dr. Sun Junying, who is from CAMS Institute of Atmospheric Composition. Research staff and graduate students from CAMS Institute of Atmospheric Composition and Institute of Climate Systems as well as Numerical Weather Prediction Center of CMA attended this seminar.

2016年7月13日,法国国家气象研究中心的Jean-Louis Roujean教授和美国科罗拉多州立大学的刘术艳博士访问了气科院,分别做了题为“极端天气事件中微波集成检索系统(MIRS)的应用”和“MSG气溶胶和太阳辐射卫星产品反演与验证”的学术报告,并与气科院相关科研人员围绕气溶胶、降水卫星产品的不确定性以及应用前景进行了热烈讨论。大气成分研究所郭建平研究员主持了报告会。

On 13 July 2016, Prof. Jean-Louis Roujean from Centre National de la Recherche Meteorologique (CNRM) of France and Dr. Liu Shuyan from Colorado State University of US visited CAMS and gave academic presentations titled“The MIRS Application for Extreme Weather Events” and “Solar Radiation and Aerosol Products from MSG:methods and validation” respectively. The two experts also conducted in-depth and heated discussions with CAMS research staff on the uncertainty of aerosoland precipitation satellite products as well as application prospects. The presentation was presided over by Dr. Guo Jianping, Researcher from CAMS Institute of Atmospheric Composition.

2016年7月14日,美国农业部农业研究中心水文与遥感实验室Martha Anderson等一行4人访问气科院。代表团在生态环境与农业气象研究所副所长王培娟陪同下参观了固城生态与农业气象实验站,随后在气科院与相关科研人员进行了学术交流。Martha Anderson和Feng Gao研究员分别做了题为“基于数据融合方法监测从田块到全球尺度的农作物蒸散和水分胁迫”和“基于时空信息融合技术监测作物长势”的报告,2个报告提供了很好的农业气象灾害监测方法及思路。

On 14 July 2016, a four-member delegation from Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service,United States Department of Agriculture led by Martha Anderson visited CAMS. The delegation paid a visit to Gucheng Ecological and Agri-Meteorological Integrated Observation Experiment Station in the accompany of Wang Peijuan, Deputy Director of CAMS Institute of Ecological Environment and Agricultural Meteorology and after the visit, exchanged with CAMS research staff on academic issues. Dr. Martha Anderson and Dr. Feng Gao gave presentations titled “Monitoring ET and Crop Stress at Field to Global Scales Using Data Fusio” and “Spatial and Temporal Information Fusion for Crop Condition Monitoring” respectively, which provided thought-provoking methods for agrometeorological disasters monitoring.

2016年7月18日,欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)主任Florence Rabier一行3人在中国气象局国际司周恒司长陪同下访问气科院。院长端义宏向来宾简要介绍了气科院概况,科技处于飞副处长做了第3次青藏高原大气科学试验进展报告,大气成分研究所王亚强所长介绍了气科院雾-霾数值预报模式。随后端义宏院长带领ECMWF代表团参观了大气化学重点开放实验室。

On 18 July 2016, a three-member delegation from European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) led by its Director, Dr. Florence Rabier, visited CAMS accompanied by Mr. Zhou Heng, Director-General of CMA Department of International Cooperation.Dr. Duan Yihong, CAMS President, briefed on CAMS work and Yu Fei, Deputy Director of CAMS Science and Technology Division, introduced the progress of the Third Tibetan Plateau Atmospheric Scientific Experiment.Dr. Wang Yaqiang, Deputy Director of CAMS Institute of Atmospheric Composition, introduced CAMS’ fog-haze NWP model, after which the ECMWF delegation visited the CAMS Key Laboratory on Atmospheric Chemistry accompanied by Dr. Duan Yihong.

2016年7月12日,美国科罗拉多州立大学电子和计算机工程学院V. Chandrasekar教授和陈浩南博士应邀访问气科院,分别做了题为“高分辨率极化雷达网的降水粒子分类和降雨估测”和“双偏振雷达的现状:从系统到应用”的学术报告。Chandrasekar教授介绍了双偏振雷达的主要特性、优势及其应用。陈浩南博士介绍了Dallas-Fort Worth高分辨率城市气象雷达网的观测及其应用。灾害天气国家重点实验室副主任吕伟涛主持了报告会。

On 12 July 2016, Prof. V. Chandrasekar and Dr. Chen Haonan from School of Electronic and Computer Engineering,Colorado State University, paid an invited visit to CAMS and delivered presentations titled “Hydrometeor Classification and Rainfall Estimation with High-Resolution Polarimetric Radar Network” and “Current State of Dual-Polarization Radar: from System to Applications” respectively. Prof. Chandrasekar introduced the features,advantages and applications of dual-polarization radars and Dr. Chen Haonan introduced the observation and application of Dallas-Fort Worth high-resolution urban meteorological radar network. Dr. Lü Weitao, Deputy Director of LaSW, presided over the presentation.

2016年7月13日,日本情报通信研究院(NICT)Toshio Iguchi教授和大阪大学Tomoo Ushio教授应邀访问气科院,分别做了题为“ TRMM卫星PR降水雷达和GPM卫星DPR雷达介绍: PR/DPR算法发展历程”和“国际空间站全球闪电测量以及相控阵天气雷达的发展”的学术报告,实验室吕伟涛副主任主持了报告会。Toshio Iguchi教授详细介绍了卫星雷达资料在台风、龙卷等灾害性天气预警预报中的应用。Tomoo Ushio教授介绍了日本闪电探测方面的现状以及国际空间站闪电观测计划等。

On 13 July 2016, Prof. Toshio Iguchi from National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)and Prof. Tomoo Ushio from Osaka University, Japan, paid an invited visit to CAMS. The two professors delivered presentations titled “Understanding of TRMM/PR and GPM/DPR: History of PR/DPR Algorithms Development”and “Global Lightning and Sprite Measurements from International Space Station (GLIMS) and Development of the Phased Array Weather Radar” respectively. Dr. Lü Weitao, Deputy Director of LaSW, presided over the presentation.Prof. Toshio Iguchi introduced in detail the application of satellite and radar data in the warning and forecasting of severe weathers such as typhoon, tornado, etc and Prof. Tomoo Ushio introduced current status of lightning detection in Japan as well as lighting observation plans of international space stations.


On 29 July 2016, Prof. Zhang Renyi from School of Atmospheric Sciences as well as School of Chemistry,Texas Agricultural and Mechanical University, visited CAMS Institute of Atmospheric Composition and delivered the presentation titled “The Formation and Mechanism of Urban Fine Particulate Matter: Progress and Challenges”.The seminar was presided over by Dr. Sun Junying, and heated discussions were conducted between Prof. Zhang and participants on the correlation of aerosol with climate, extreme weather events, etc.

2016年8月3日,美国NASA戈达德航天中心(GSFC)的Brent Holben博士和日本地球观测中心(EORC)的Teruyuki Nakajima教授应邀访问气科院,分别做了题为“全球气溶胶监测网3.0版气溶胶光学厚度滤云方案和质量控制”和“基于日本温室气体观测卫星和葵花8号卫星遥感气溶胶新方法”的学术报告。大气成分研究所副所长车慧正研究员主持了报告会。报告结束后,两位来宾参观了大气化学重点开放实验室,并就中国气溶胶遥感观测网(CARSNET)未来的发展给出了宝贵的建议。

On 3 August 2016, Dr. Brent Holben from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center and Prof. Teruyuki Nakajima from Japan’s Earth Observation Research Center (EORC) were invited to visit CAMS Institute of Atmospheric Composition, and delivered academic presentations titled “AERONET Version 3 Database AOD Cloud Screening and Quality Controls” and “A new Aerosol Remote Sensing with GOSAT/CAI and Himawari-8 Satellite-Borne Imagers” respectively. The presentation was presided over by Dr. Che Huizheng, Deputy Director of CAMS Institute of Atmospheric Composition. After the presentation, the two experts visited Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratory and provided constructive advice on the future development of China’s Aerosol Remote Sensing Network (CARSNET).

2016年8月4日,美国国家大气研究中心(NCAR)的Michael Barlage博士访问气科院灾害天气国家重点实验室并做了题为“用于改进WRF季节性预测的简单作物模型的发展和评估”的学术报告。实验室主任梁旭东研究员主持了报告会。预测农作物产量是WRF模型的未来发展方向之一,Michael Barlage博士介绍了一个简单的农作物模型WRF-Crop及其应用效果。

On 4 August 2016, Dr. Michael Barlage from US National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) visited CAMS State Key Laboratory on Severe Weather (LaSW) and delivered the presentation titled “Development and Evaluation of a Simple Crop Model for WRF Seasonal Forecast Improvement”. Dr. Liang Xudong, Director of LaSW presided over the presentation. With crop yield prediction being a developing trend of WRF model in future, Dr. Michael Barlage introduced a simple WRF-Crop model and its application effect.


On 11 August 2016, Dr. Liu Shun from National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) visited CAMS State Key Laboratory on Severe Weather (LaSW) and delivered the presentation titled “Assimilation of WSR-88D Radar Data and Lightning Data at NCEP”. The presentation covered comprehensive application of radar data and lightning data in NCEP operation, in particular the improved forecast for small to meso-scale strong convective weather with much stronger radar data quality control after the upgraded reconstruction of US WSR-88D polarized radar network. The presentation was presided over by Dr. Liang Xudong, Director of LaSW.


On 19 August 2016, Dr. Zheng Bangyou from Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization(CSIRO) visited CAMS Institute of Ecological Environment and Agricultural Meteorology and delivered the presentation titled “Adaptation of Cereals to Future Climate: Exploring Complexity Using Crop Model and Genetic Simulation”, which was presided over by Dr. Fang Shibo, Resercher from Institute of Ecological Environment and Agricultural Meteorology. In his presentation, Dr. Zheng Bangyou mainly covered APSIM model, selection of modeling data as well as model verification, etc.


On 30 August 2016, Dr. Liu Chengsi from Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms (CAPS), University of Oklahoma, visited CAMS State Key Laboratory on Severe Weather (LaSW) and delivered the presentation titled “Comparison between Assimilation Systems of ARPSEn3DVar and ARPS-EnKF in Radar Data Assimilation”, which was presided over by Dr. Liang Xudong, Director of LaSW.


On 5 September 2016, an eight-member delegation from the Computing Centre of Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitor, Russian Federation (Roshydromet) led by Dr. Sergey Lubov visited CAMS Key Laboratory on Atmospheric Chemistry and CMA Key Laboratory for Cloud Physics and Weather Modification, accompanied by Mr. Hu Xiaoping, Deputy Director for Bilateral Cooperation from CMA International Cooperation Department. Dr. Wang Yaqiang, Deputy Director of CAMS Institute of Atmospheric Composition,introduced the observation of atmospheric compositions, the development and application of prediction models, etc.Dr. Su Zhengjun from WMC introduced the research equipment of CMA Key Laboratory for Cloud Physics and Weather Modification and its application.

2016年9月13日,美国劳仑斯利弗莫尔国家实验室郑雪博士访问气科院灾害天气国家重点实验室并做了题为“利用外场观测数据识别CAM(Community Atmosphere Model)模式在洋面大气边界层云模拟中的缺陷”的报告。他介绍了其所在团队利用亚速尔群岛的站点观测数据对CAM模式及其更新版本进行的对比和验证情况。报告会由实验室副主任徐晶博士主持。

On 13 September 2016, Dr. Zheng Xue from the US National Laboratory of Lawrence Livermore visited CAMS State Key Laboratory on Severe Weather (LaSW) and delivered the presentation titled “Using Field Observations to Identify Deficiencies in the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) Simulations of Marine Boundary Layers Clouds”, in which he introduced the inter-comparison and calibration of the observation data from Azores collected by his team with that of CAM model as well as its updated version. The presentation was presided over by Dr. Xu Jing, Deputy Director of LaSW.

2016年11月9日,英国气象局Kalli Furtado博士访问气科院灾害天气国家重点实验室并做了题为“基于对流尺度模拟改进英国气象局统一模式的微物理参数化方案”的学术报告。Kalli Furtado博士介绍了英国气象局对流尺度模拟的研究现状和进展。实验室罗亚丽研究员主持了报告会。

On 9 November 2016, Dr. Kalli Furtado from UK Met Office (UKMO) visited CAMS State Key Laboratory on Severe Weather (LaSW) and delivered the presentation titled “Using Convective-Scale Simulations to Improve Microphysics Parameterization in the Met Office Unified Model”, in which he introduced the current status and progress of convective scale modeling at UKMO. The presentation was presided over by Dr. Luo Yali, Researcher from LaSW.


On 15 November 2016, Dr. Zhang Pengfei from US National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL), paid an invited visit to CAMS State Key Laboratory on Severe Weather (LaSW) and delivered the presentation tilted “Utilization of Specific Attenuation for Dual Polarimetric Radar QPE”, which was presided over by Dr. Liu Liping, Researcher from LaSW. Research staff and graduate students from LaSW attended the presentation.


On 23 December 2016, Dr. Wang Jinfeng from US Georgia Institute of Technology (GIT) visited CAMS State Key Laboratory on Severe Weather (LaSW) and delivered the presentation titled “Modeling Earth-Atmosphere Exchange of Energy and Water Using Maximum Entropy Production Theory”, in which Dr. Wang gave a detailed introduction on the verification of Maximum Entropy Production Methods as his newly developed flux calculation scheme.The presentation was presided over by Prof. Zhao Ping, CAMS Vice President.


On 23 December 2016, Prof. Pu Zhaoxia from US University of Utah visited CAMS State Key Laboratory on Severe Weather (LaSW) and delivered the presentation titled “Data Assimilation: An Independent and Collaborative Science for Weather and Climate Studies”, in which she pointed out that data assimilation was both independent and cooperative research in weather and climate and raised the assimilation concept of “Big Data”, with an introduction of application areas and advantages of data assimilation. The presentation was presided over by Prof. Zhang Dalin,Scientist of the Chinese Government’s Recruitment Program of Global Experts (known as “the Thousand Talents Plan”).
