
2016-07-31 17:36
中国气象科学研究院年报 2016年0期


News and Notes


On 7–8 January 2016, the 2015 Annual Academic Meeting of CAMS was held in Beijing. Experts and scholars from the eight specialized institutes as well as the provincial meteorological services of CMA, universities and colleges,and national-level operational institutions attended the meeting and held discussions on cutting-edge issues of meteorological science and technology, key technologies in meteorological operation, as well as relevant outcomes.Scientists including Academicians Chen Dake, Zhang Renhe, He Kebin, Prof. Tan Zhemin and Researcher Duan Wansuo were invited to deliver themed reports. The Annual Meeting also covered topics on severe weather,agrometeorology, climate, atmospheric composition and urban meteorology, and weather modification in f ve subsessions, which were attended by over 100 research stafficarrying out academic exchanges.

2016年1月19—21日,国家科技部召开全国国际科技合作基地座谈会。会上公布了2015年度评估中获得优秀的国际科技合作基地名单。在参评和检查的359家国际科技合作基地中,气科院“气象科学国际科技合作基地”以前20名的优异成绩位列“优秀”名单中。On 19–21 January 2016, the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) held the discussion on National Bases of International Scientific and Technological Cooperation, during which the list of those outstanding bases elected in the year 2015 was announced. Among the 359 candidated bases that participated in peer review and supervised selection process, CAMS’ International Scientific and Technological Cooperation Base in Atmospheric Sciences won the title of Outstanding Base, ranking in the top 20 bases.


On 23 January 2016, the 2015 Annual Academic Meeting of National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program),“Observation, Forecasting and Impact Assessment of Landing Typhoons Fine-scale Structures” was held in Beijing.All task team leaders reported on the achieved research outcomes as well as future work plans. Over 50 members attended the meeting, including those from the expert advisory group, project expert group, task team leaders and cadres, etc. Dr. Duan Yihong, Project Chief Scientist, presided over the meeting.


On 1 March 2016, CMA Weather Modification Centre (WMC) held the Workshop for National Weather Modificaiton Aircrafts Test Operation, which was attended by heads of the provincial weather modification centres including Henan, Hebei, Shanxi, Anhui, Shandong and Shaanxi, as well as head of the Sichuan Sanxing Shipping Corporation.It was agreed upon during the meeting that rainfall enhancement by Modern Ark 60 aircrafts should be implemented in the above six provinces in March and April, taking advantage of the weather conditions. Mr. Wang Xiaohui,Deputy Director-General of WMC, presided over the meeting.


On 9 March 2016, CAMS and Heilongjiang Provincial Meteorological Service signed Cooperation Protocol in Beijing. Both sides expressed the desire to jointly contribute to disaster prevention and mitigation and food security of the country through cooperation in science and technology, talents development as well as resources. Dr. Duan Yihong, President of CAMS, and Mr. Yang Weidong, Director-General of Heilongjiang Provincial Meteorological Service, as well as other relevant staff, attended the signing ceremony.


On 12 March 2016, the launching meeting of a key project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), “Uncertainties in Land-Surface Modeling over the Tibetan Plateau and Their Impacts on Land-Atmosphere Interactions” was held in Beijing. The meeting was attended by project group members including Dr. Duan Yihong, CAMS President, Prof. Wu Guoxiong, Academician from Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS) and Dr. Xu Xiangde, Academician from Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), etc. as well as the entire project research staff and graduate students. The Project Leader, Prof. Chen Fei reported on the implementation plan, who is a CAMS scientist of the Chinese Government’s Recruitment Program of Global Experts (known as “the Thousand Talents Plan”).


On 18 March 2016, CAMS President,Dr. Duan Yihong presided over the Reorganization Meeting of State Key Laboratory on Severe Weather (LaSW) for change of office term. The Director-General of CMA Department of Science & Technology and Climate Change, Dr. Luo Yunfeng attended and addressed the meeting while the entire CAMS staff participated in the meeting. The Director of LaSW, Dr. Liang Xudong, introduced the reorganization plan, in which he expressed the dedication of LaSW in further explicitly identifying its scientific tasks, facing the international scientific frontiers and conducting researches in relevant theories, methodologies and key techniques regarding the mechanism of severe weather as well as its monitoring and prediction.


On 21 April 2016, the Joint Centre of Data Assimilation Research and Application as well as the Joint Centre of Subseasonal to Seasonal Research established jointly by CAMS and NUIST (Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology) held the inauguration ceremony as well as the experience sharing discussion at NUIST.NUIST President, Prof. Jiang Jianqing and CAMS Vice President, Prof. Zhao Ping, on CAMS President Duan Yihong’s behalf, attended the activities, during which Prof. Zhao Ping and NUIST Vice President, Prof. Zhou Weican together launched the inauguration of the two centres.


On 1–7 June 2016, the Exhibition of S & T Innovative Outcomes for the National 12th Five-Year Plan was held at Beijing Exhibition Center, with the theme of “Innovation Drives Development; Science and Technology Lead the Future”. The haze-fog NWP system (CUACE/Haze-fog) developed by CAMS, was exhibited.


On 8 June 2016, CMA Deputy Administrator, Dr.Yu Rucong, with his colleagues visited CAMS to survey on the key working assignments of CAMS,which was presided over by CAMS President, Dr. Duan Yihong. Dr. Yu listened to the progress reports on CAMS reform, LaSW reorganization, the Third Tibetan Plateau Atmospheric Scientific Experiment, research on Weather-Climate Unif ed Model and exchanged thoughts with CAMS leaders as well as experts.


On 15 June 2016, the discussion for the project implementation plan of “Regional Atmosphere Reanalysis for East Asia” was held in Beijing, which was presided over by Dr. Zhang Guocai, a third-party expert from the National Project of Meteorological Science and Technology Innovation.The Project Chief Scientist, Dr.Liang Xudong reported on the implementation plan, which was unanimouly agreed upon by the expert group after discussion. The expert group also presented advice and suggestions for improving the plan.


On 24 June 2016, the special project of the National Key Scientific Instrument and Equipment Development, “Development of Spectrometer and Imager for Airborne Cloud Precipitation Particle”, which was led by CAMS, held its preliminary project checking-up in Beijing. The checking-up expert group considered that this project had achieved significant outcomes in the made-in-China research & development, test running and popularized application of the spectrometer and imager for airborne cloud precipation particles. Such project was also considered to have f lled the gap in measurement system of airborne cloud precipation particles in China, which has changed the situation of dependence on the import of such equipement over many years.


On 29 June 2016, a seven-member group led by Ms. Wang Yanqing, Director-General of Shenzhen Meteorological Service, visited CAMS and discussed with CAMS experts on key technical issues such as urban meteorological disasters research and urban climate service, etc. The discussion was presided over by CAMS President, Dr. Duan Yihong. Both sides expressed their desire to cooperate in disasters warning, data integration application, etc.


On 5 August 2016, CAMS LaSW organized and held the Expert Advisory Meeting on Standard-Setting of Tornado Intensities in China, which was presided over by Dr. Zhang Yijun, Director of CAMS Science and Technology Division. The Director of LaSW, Dr.Liang Xudong, introduced the international classification standards for tornado intensities, as well as the research plan for classification standards for tornado intensities in China. In-depth discussions were conducted among the experts focusing on standard setting-up process, its framework as well as relevant key scientific issues.


The paper “Sensitivity of Precipitation Extremes to Radiative Forcing of Greenhouse Gases and Aerosols” by Wang Zhili of CAMS (the corresponding and joint first author) was published in the journalGeophysical Research Lettersin September 2016 and selected to the Research Highlights column of journalNature(2016, 537 (7620)). Wang et al. (2016) indicated that the change of precipitation extremes per degree of surface warming in the 21st century markedly depends on the composition of radiative forcing in different emissions scenarios. The aerosol forcing leads to a larger increased rate than GHG forcing by a factor of 2 to 4 for various precipitation extremes indices. The aerosol forcing in the coming decades can play a critical role in inducing change in precipitation extremes if a lower GHG emission pathway is adopted. This study has implications for policymaking on global response to climate change and mitigation strategies.


In September 2016, result of the Fifth Zou Jingmeng Award for S & T Talents in Meteorology was announced and Dr. Luo Yali, CAMS Researcher,was awarded. Dr. Luo has been engaged in severe weather research such as rainstorm, strong convection, etc, who has led or participated in several national-level research projects. She is also the Chief Scientist of the South China Monsoon Rainfall Experiment (SCMREX), a Research and Development Programme (RDP) in WMO World Weather Research Programme (WWRP).


On 11 July–26 September 2016, Peng Hao and Zhang Tong from CAMS participated in the Seventh-Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition (CHINARE). They have obtained on course the atmospheric chemistry observation data such as greenhouse gases, carbon monoxide, ozone and black carbon. They also released 21 GPS sounding balloons at a long-term ice station and set up one floating Automatic Weather Station (AWS) to obtain various features of meteorological elements including temperature, humidity, pressure and wind speed of the atmospheric boundary layer and sea-ice surface in the Arctic.


On 28 September 2016, the expert discussion on the CAMS-led key task of “Weather-Climate Unif ed Model Key Technologies” was held in Beijing. The task focuses on proactive research on key scientific and technological issues of research on Weather-Climate Unified Model such as dynamic framework of atmospheric model, parameterization of atmospheric physical process, seamless forecast and prediction, etc. The expert group which was headed by Prof. Wu Guoxiong, Academician of CAS, unanimously approved the task plan and raised advice and suggestions for the implementation of the plan.


During the 33rd International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP)held on 24–30 September 2016 in Portugal, Dr. Zhang Yijun,CAMS Researcher, won the ICLP Scientific Committee Award. Dr. Zhang Yijun has been engaged in the research of lightning monitoring, warning and protection. He has put forward the development concept and technical roadmap for the new-generation three-dimensional detection technique of full lightning and also established lightning strike mechanism test platform as well as promoted the development of field lightning protection experiment. The abovementioned work has made great contribution to the improvement of theory and experiment quality of lightning protection in China.


On 24 October 2016, the launching meeting for National Key Research Project of MOST, “Research and Application Demonstration of Cloud-Water Resource Assessment”, was held in Beijing. This research project focuses on cloudwater resource (hydrometeor) as well as its variation pattern and carries out studies on how to make good use of cloud and water resources combining the coupled application of water resources on the land. The meeting was presided over by CAMS Vice President, Mr. Li Jiming and attended by over 90 members including CMA Deputy Administrator, Dr. Xu Xiaofeng; CAS Academicians, Zhou Xiuji, Chou Jifan, Lü Daren and NAE Academicians, Li Zechun, Xu Jianmin, Ding Yihui, Xu Xiangde, etc; as well as experts from related areas and project staff.


On 29 October 2016, during the National Meeting of Directors for Weather Modification Centres,CMA Administrator, Dr. Zheng Guoguang and Deputy Administrator, Prof. Jiao Meiyan, paid a visit to the weather modification integrated operation system and internet of things system exhibited at CMA S & T building. They had heated discussions on information processing of weather modification rockets and shells, etc. with experts at the meeting, and also presented requirements for future modernization of weather modification operations.

2016年11月4—5日,由中国气象科学研究院与英国林肯大学等合作申请的科技部中英国际合作重点项目“基于高分雷达遥感和快中子水分传感技术发展近实时的高时空分辨的区域土壤湿度监测方法”学术研讨会暨项目启动会在北京召开。林肯大学的Simon Pearson、Richard Turner,亚伯大学的George Petropoulos,以及英国生态与水文中心的Jonathan G.Evans 4位专家以及气科院、南京信息工程大学等30多位科研人员参加研讨会。房世波研究员主持了会议。

On 4–5 November 2016, the academic workshop i.e.launching meeting of MOST China-UK joint Key Project, “Synthesis of Remote Sensing and Novel Ground Truth Sensors to Develop High Resolution Soil Moisture Monitoring”, jointly applied by CAMS and UK University of Lincoln as well as other institutions, was held in Beijing. Over 30 experts and research staff attended the meeting,including four UK experts as Simon Pearson and Richard Turner from University of Lincoln, George Petropoulos from Aberystwyth University and Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) and research staff from CAMS, NUIST,etc. The meeting was presided over by Dr. Fang Shibo, CAMS Researcher.


On 9–10 November 2016, CAMS LaSW and CMA Chengdu Institute of Plateau Meteorology jointly held the Academic Meeting of National Tibetan Plateau Scientific Experiment in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. The meeting focused on f ve agenda items including integration techniques for data of Tibetan Plateau and surrounding areas,surface and boundary layer physical processes of Tibetan Plateau, etc. CAS Academicians, Prof. Wu Guoxiong, Prof.Zhang Renhe and NAE Academician, Dr. Xu Xiangde delivered invited presentations. “The Third Tibetan Plateau Atmospheric Scientific Experiment—Boundary Layer and Troposphere Observation” Project Chief Scientist, Prof.Zhao Ping, introduced the updates of the project on the meeting.


On 13–14 November 2016, the 2016 Annual Academic Meeting, i.e. Member Conference for Specialized Committee on Agricultural Disasters Risk of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning was held in Qionghai, Hainan Province. The meeting held exchanges and discussions with focus on scientific theories and methods of agricultural disasters risk.CAMS Researcher, Dr. Huo Zhiguo was elected as Chairperson of the First Council of Specialized Committee on Agricultural Disasters Risk. Over 130 representatives attended the meeting, including those from CAMS, China Agricultural University, Zhejiang University and provincial meteorological services.

观测(OBSCMO,TRMM)和模拟(CAM5,SPCAM5)的东亚子区域降水频次-强度关系分布Observed (OBSCMO, TRMM) and simulated (CAM5, SPCAM5) precipitation frequency-intensity structures over a sub-domain of East Asia.

东亚的降水模拟预测问题长久以来是数值模式面临的一大困难。气科院张祎和陈昊明博士利用当前先进的多尺度模拟系统,针对东亚降水模拟问题进行了全面深入的研究。研究指出,模式中降水的负偏差、高频次、低强度的降水结构以及午后降水峰值出现时刻过早等问题,存在着内在的联系。其系统性原因在于模式普遍对午后对流发展的渐进过程模拟欠佳。该研究成果发表于Journal of Climate 杂志,并被美国多尺度模拟中心(CMMAP)列为2016最新研究进展。

Simulation and prediction of precipitation over East Asia have long been a main obstacle for weather and climate numerical models. Drs. Zhang Yi and Chen Haoming of CAMS thoroughly studied the precipitation simulation problem based on a state-of-the-art multiscale modelling framework. This work pointed out that negative precipitation biases, high-frequency-low-intensity precipitation structures and earlier peaks of later afternoon precipitation, are tightly connected. The fundamental issue is that models cannot well simulate the gradual transition stage of convection development. This work is published byJournal of Climate, and is highlighted by Centre for Multiscale Modelling Atmospheric Process in 2016.


On 21 December 2016, CAMS Key Open Laboratory on Atmospheric Chemistry held its Third Meeting of the Academic Committee. Director of the laboratory, Dr. Xu Xiaobin reported on CMA’s assessment result of its key laboratory for the period of 2012–2015 conducted in 2016, with a highlight of the working progress and outcomes of the laboratory in 2016. The committee members appraised the achievements of the laboratory over the past few years and presented pertinent suggestions for its future development.


On 20–21 December 2016, the 2016 Workshop on Theories and Methodologies of Subseasonalto-seasonal Climate Prediction was held in Beijing by Institute of Climate System, CAMS. The workshop focuses on the features of intraseasonal oscillations in East Asia monsoon region, the causes and mechanisms of persistent heat wave or extreme cold events, the novel methods and techniques of short-term climate prediction, etc. Several experts, from Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IAP/CAS), Peking University,Beijing Normal University and CMA National Climate Centre, etc, were invited to attend this workshop and give guidance.


On 21 December 2016, Director-General of Henan Provincial Meteorological Service, Mr. Zhao Guoqiang, together with two of his colleagues,visited CAMS and they were met by CAMS President, Dr. Duan Yihong, Deputy Secretary of CAMS CPC Committee as well as Secretary of Discipline Inspection Commission, Mr. Li Hui and other CAMS colleagues. The two sides discussed about research outcomes transfer and application, joint disasters prevention and mitigation, as well as further improvement of construction plan for CAMS sub-branch in Henan Province, etc.


On 26 December 2016, the key research team of Weather-Climate Unified Model held its 2016 Annual Academic Meeting in Beijing. The Chief Scientist of the team, Drs. Zhou Tianjun, Li Jian and Liang Xudong, team members from CAMS, IAP/CAS and NUIST, specially invited experts including Prof. Zhang Dalin,attended the meeting and conducted in-depth discussions with focuses on how the unif ed model should be combined with large-scale field observation experiment and East Asia region reanalysis.


In the year of 2016, CAMS won an Award for Fundamental Research Outcome in Atmospheric Sciences granted by Chinese Meteorological Society (Yu Rucong, Li Jian, Chen Haoming); a First Prize of Science &Technology Advancement awarded by Sichuan Province (Xu Xiangde, Zhang Shengjun, Chen Bin, etc.); a Scientific Committee Award of the 33rd International Conference on Lightning Protection (Zhang Yijun); a First Prize of Ocean Engineering Science &Technology; and a Zoujingmeng Award for Talents in Meteorological Science and Technology (Luo Yali).


In the year of 2016, CAMS won 6 patents (Guan Liyou, Su Zhengjun (2 patents), Yao Wen, Yang Jun, Yao Bo, etc.)and 6 software copyrights (Yao Zhanyu, Wang Yaqiang (2 copyrights), Yang Jianying, Cheng Siyang, Yao Wen, etc.)

国家防总水利部中国气象局联合会商 贯彻落实汪洋副总理重要批示精神安排部署下一阶段防汛抗旱工作