
2016-07-27 09:26王朝虹褚建新蒋文慧
刑事技术 2016年1期

王朝虹,张 琳,赵 蒙,刘 勇,褚建新,蒋文慧


王朝虹1,张 琳1,赵 蒙1,刘 勇1,褚建新2,蒋文慧3

(1.最高人民检察院检察技术信息研究中心,北京 100040;2.浙江省检察院,杭州 310012;3.杭州市检察院,杭州 310000)

摘要:本文建立了一种全血样品中13种苯二氮卓类安眠镇静药物及其代谢产物地西泮、硝西泮、溴西泮、氟西泮、氯硝西泮、氟硝西泮、劳拉西泮、奥沙西泮、普拉西泮、替马西泮、7-氨基硝基西泮、7-氨基氟硝西泮和氯氮卓的超高效液相色谱-串联质谱(UPLC-MS/MS)检测方法。全血样品经过Ostro96孔磷脂过滤板提取,采用电喷雾离子源正离子(ESI+)模式和多反应检测(MRM)模式进行质谱分析,13种化合物在0.2~20 ng/mL浓度范围内均获得良好的线性,该方法的提取回收率分布在65.2%~113.9%之间,最小检测限可达0.008~0.15 ng/mL。本方法灵敏、简便、快速、高通量,适用于全血样本中痕量苯二氮卓类安眠镇静类药物的定性定量分析。


苯二氮卓类药物(benzodiazepines)是目前世界上应用最为广泛的镇静催眠药,具有较好的疗效。然而很多苯二氮卓类药物的治疗量与中毒量、致死量相接近,过量使用易引起中毒乃至死亡[1-3]。此外,涉及这类药物的麻醉抢劫、麻醉强奸案件也较为多见。由于苯二氮卓类安眠镇静药物原体在体内的浓度会随着时间及代谢而逐渐降低,很多案件检材在检测时,药物在血、尿中已含量甚微,难以检出。因此,建立灵敏准确且简单快速的检测方法用于测定生物样品中痕量苯二氮卓类安眠镇静药物非常必要。目前,有很多文献报道应用超高效液相色谱-质谱法(ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry,LC-MS/MS)[4-13]检测体液中苯二氮卓类安眠镇静药物,多应用液液萃取或固相萃取法提取,其提取过程较为复杂,使用有毒化学试剂量较大。本文尝试应用Ostro磷脂过滤板对全血样品进行提取,联合UPLC-MS/MS对13种苯二氮卓类安眠镇静药物进行检测分析。

1 材料与方法

1.1 仪 器

超高效液相色谱串联四级杆质谱联用仪WATERS Xevo TQ-S(WATERS,美国),震荡器CUTE MIXER CM-1000型(EYELA,日本)。

1.2 试 剂

甲酸(HPLC级)、乙腈(LC-MS级),均购自美国Fisher Scientific公司。

1.3 标准样品

标准样品:地西泮、硝西泮、溴西泮、氟西泮、氯硝西泮、氟硝西泮、劳拉西泮、奥沙西泮、普拉西泮、替马西泮、7-氨基硝基西泮、7-氨基氟硝西泮和氯氮卓,浓度为1 mg/mL(甲醇液);内标:地西泮- d5浓度100 μ g/mL(甲醇液)。均购自美国Cerilliant公司。

1.4 液相色谱-质谱分析条件

1.4.1 色谱条件

色谱柱:ACQULTY UPLC BEH C18(2.1 mm×100 mm,1.7 μm);流动相:A为乙腈,B为5 mmoL/L碳酸氢铵溶液水溶液;柱温:35℃;流速:0.5 μL/ min;进样量:2 μ L;梯度洗脱条件见表1。

1.4.2 质谱条件

本实验在电喷雾离子源(electrospray ionization,ESI)正离子多反应监测(positive ion multiple reaction monitoring,MRM)模式下进行;毛细管电压:3 kV;去溶剂气温度:550℃;去溶剂气流速:800 L/h;碰撞气流速:0.15 mL/min;13种苯二氮卓类药物及代谢物的质谱采集参数见表2。

1.5 全血样品前处理

精密吸取100 μL全血置于Ostro 96孔磷脂过滤板(Agilent,美国)中,加入400 μ L 1%甲酸乙腈溶液,正压过滤,接收滤液,加1 μL(100 ng/mL)内标溶液,混匀,供UPLC-MS/MS分析。

表 1 梯度洗脱条件Table 1 Conditions of gradient elution

表 2 13种苯二氮卓类安眠镇静药物及代谢物的质谱采集参数Table 2 Monitored ions, cone voltage and collision energy of 13benzodiazepines and metabolites

2 结果与讨论

2.1 线性及检出限

在空白全血中添加不同浓度的13种苯二氮卓类安眠镇静药物及代谢物的对照品溶液,浓度分别为0.2、0.5、1、2、5、10、20 ng/mL,按照全血样品前处理方法提取,按1.4项的条件下进行测定,全血中13种苯二氮卓类安眠镇静药物在0.2~20 ng/mL浓度范围内线性关系良好。取线性最低点溶液逐倍稀释,以S/N=3计,计算13种苯二氮卓类安眠镇静药物及代谢物的检出限为0.008~0.15 ng/mL。按照上述条件测得13种二氮卓类安眠镇静药物的MRM谱图见图1,结果见表3。

2.2 提取回收率、基质效应和精密度



表 3 13种苯二氮卓类安眠镇静药物及代谢物的线性范围、相关系数和检出限Table 3 The linear range, correlation coeffi cient and detectionlimit of 13 benzodiazepines and metabolites

图 1 全血中13种苯二氮卓类安眠镇静药物及代谢物的MRM谱图Fig.1 MRM chromatograms of 13 benzodiazepines and metabolites in whole blood samples

表 4 全血样品中13种苯二氮卓类安眠镇静药物及代谢物的加样回收率、基质效应和精密度Table 4 Extraction recovery, matrix effect, precision and accuracy of 13 benzodiazepines and metabolites


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作者简介:王朝虹,研究员,博士,研究方向为滥用药物分析。 E-mail: wangzhaohong27@163.com

Simultaneous Quantifi cation of Thirteen Benzodiazepines and Metabolites in Whole Blood by UPLC-MS/MS

WANG Zhaohong1, ZHANG Lin1, ZHAO Meng1, LIU Yong1, CHU Jianxin2, JIANG Wenhui2(1.Procuratorial Technical Information Center of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, Beijing 100040, China; 2.Zhejiang Provincial Procuratorate,Hangzhou 310012, China; 3. Hangzhou Procuratorate, Hangzhou 310000, China )

ABSTRACT:A rapid and sensitive method has been developed for simultaneous determination of 13 benzodiazepines and metabolites including diazepam, nitrazepam, bromazepam, fl urazepam, clonazepam, fl unitrazepam, lorazepam, oxazepam,prazepam, temazepam, 7-amino-nitragepam, 7-aminoflunitrazepam and chlordiazepam in whole blood samples by ultraperformance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS). The separations were carried out on an ACQULTY UPLC BEH C18 column (2.1 mm ×100 mm, 1.7 μm) at 35°C and with a constant fl ow rate of 0.5 mL/min and the gradient-elution consisting of acetonitrile and 5 mmoL ammonium hydrogen carbonate buffer. The MS parameters were set as capillary voltage (3 kV), desolvation gas temperature (550°C), desolvation gas flow (800 L/h), cone gas flow (150 L/h) and collision gas fl ow (0.15 mL/min). OstraTM96-well plate was used to extract the samples. 100 μL of human whole blood containing target drugs and D5-diazepam as internal standard was transferred into the OstraTM96-well plate, followed by 400 μL of 0.1% formic acid in acetonitrile. Phospholipids were removed from the whole blood via the OstraTM96-well plate effectively, and the fi ltrate was collected under a constant pressure of 20 psi. Thereafter, the 96-well receiving plate was capped and placed on the suitable position in sample manager and was analyzed with UPLC-MS/MS system coupled with an electrospray ionization (ESI) source. The samples were measured in the mode of electraspray positive ionization (ESI+)and multiple reaction monitoring (MRM). 13 benzodiazepines and metaboli tes were linear in the range of 0.2~20 ng/mL with coeffi cients higher than 0.99. The extraction recoveries ranged from 65.2% to 113.9% for all analytes, and the limits of detection (LODs) were 0.008~0.15 ng/mL. The method presented here is validated to be simple, rapid, sensitive and accurate for the determination of trace benzodiazepines and metabolites in whole blood samples.

KEY WORDS:benzodiazepines; UPLC-MS/MS; whole blood; OstraTM96-well plate

超高效液相色谱 串联质谱法测定鸡皮及脂肪组织中抗球虫类药物残留