
2016-07-22 06:40:24孙祖越上海市计划生育科学研究所药理毒理学研究室中国生育调节药物毒理检测中心上海200032
中国药理学与毒理学杂志 2016年1期

周 莉,孙祖越(上海市计划生育科学研究所药理毒理学研究室,中国生育调节药物毒理检测中心,上海 200032)



周 莉,孙祖越
(上海市计划生育科学研究所药理毒理学研究室,中国生育调节药物毒理检测中心,上海 200032)

周 莉,上海市计划生育科学研究所研究员,中国生育调节药物毒理检测中心(世界卫生组织人类生殖研究合作中心)副主任,复旦大学药学院硕士生导师。从事药物生殖药理毒理学、药物非临床安全性评价和前列腺疾病药理毒理学研究;作为副组长主持十二五“重大新药创制”专项等国家和部委课题研究6项;主持药理毒理学研究项目120余项。获上海市科技进步三等奖、中国实验动物学会科技进步二等奖和中国药学会科技进步三等奖各1项;授权专利8项(3项发明专利);主编出版专著《常见实验兔和大鼠畸形图谱》和《药物生殖与发育毒理学》;发表论文80余篇。现任中国毒理学会理事、中国毒理学会生殖毒理专业委员会秘书长和中国实验动物学会理事等学术职务。






1 一般评价指标







摄食量是动物健康和潜在毒性的评价指标。断乳前,个体子代不进行摄食量评价。断乳后动物如单独饲养,则摄食量的评价比较可靠。如按每天每只动物计算,出生后28 d(postnatal day 28,PND28)开始大鼠整个生长阶段摄食量增加,但PND42时似乎处于平台期,其他实验室的结果也基本一致[4]。实际上,相对于体质量,大鼠摄食量随时间推移而逐渐减少,雄性和雌性非常相似;如按g·kg-1体质量计算,人的摄食量也在减少。设计和解释摄食量时还应考虑种属特异性,啮齿类动物的饲养模式与昼夜节律有关,大部分食物的摄入量是夜间发生,相比之下,人类、小型猪、非人灵长类动物和犬都不会受到这种方式的影响。









2 特殊的靶器官和指标

根据药物的具体特性,以及在前期研究中注意到可能会增加特定器官或系统的毒性风险,即需要考虑对特定靶器官或系统进行观测。具体有中枢神经系统(central nervous system,CNS),生殖功能检测,性发育标志,免疫功能和泌尿、呼吸、心血管、胃肠道或骨骼系统等。






(1)自发活动 自发活动可通过总体活动、精细运动和步态活动进行量化,并采用运动总次数和步态活动(仅适用于啮齿类动物)表示。总体活动一般是粗略运动和精细电机运动总和(任何试验期间光束中断的情况)。步态活动仅测量大幅度运动。

PND13大鼠,通常总体活动次数相对较低,PND17达到断乳前的最大值,PND 21后活动次数减少[14]。标准的发育神经毒性研究中,大、小鼠自发活动通常是在出生后早期(PND13,PND17和PND21)进行纵向评价,进入成年期(PND60~61)再次进行评价[15]。更多的评价在围生期发育研究中进行[16],研究一般多采用纵向的方式。

(2)听觉惊愕 听觉惊愕实验中观察到的反应,应与其他行为学或生理实验指标进行比较,这对判断药物潜在的影响十分重要。一旦观察到反应的灵敏度降低与神经运动疲劳或中断相关,可能同时也会出现活动能力和握力的不良影响。实验过程中,体质量的严重下降可能干扰药物对听觉惊愕的影响,掩盖神经运动功能的细微变化。

(3)学习和记忆 学习和记忆功能包括比尔水迷宫、Morris水迷宫、主动回避和被动回避等,每个学习和记忆测试程序都有其自身的优缺点。在对整体反应评价得出结论前,分析其他行为终点与生理评价的相关性很重要。如在比尔迷宫评价中,从直道逃避的平均潜伏期延长可能与自发活动减少、听觉刺激的反应降低以及体质量下降有关。水迷宫检测,给药组与对照组比较时,首先确定给药组是否表现出游泳能力困难。当此参数有明显变化,则评价中的所有终点都可能受影响。发育迟缓会损害游泳能力。例如,宫内暴露丙硫氧嘧啶(pro-pylthiouracil)后,幼仔发育迟缓,游泳能力明显降低[17]。如断乳早期或在后续的测试中逃避时间延长,可能显示明确的运动神经障碍。





表1 个体发育反射和行为测试组合








身体发育的最初评价是性发育和青春期的启动,包括雄性睾丸的下降、龟头包皮裂开和阴道张开。睾丸下降由雄激素和重力控制,人类在出生前,犬在5~6周,大鼠在15 d;由于主观性较高,已被主观性较少的龟头包皮裂开(包皮从龟头分离)所取代。因此,目前幼龄和成年生殖研究中两个性发育的标准指标是龟头包皮裂开和阴道张开,它们因性激素的存在而启动,故在发情期开始前检查这些指标。大鼠龟头包皮裂开发生在45 d,人类一般9个月至3岁,其中雄激素发挥着关键作用。大鼠阴道口张开发生在34~36 d,此后在首次排卵后第2天促性腺激素激增,这是青春期开始的标志。




幼儿和成人组织(或器官)形态差异最显著的也许就是免疫系统(或器官)。新生和幼龄大鼠胸腺组织类似于年轻成年人的胸腺,新生大鼠脾和淋巴结细胞减少、缺乏滤泡和生发中心,意味着免疫反应性的过程相当于成人组织。而大鼠免疫系统约42 d才达到成人的组织形态[22]。造血方面,妊娠15 d的大鼠胎仔以肝为中心,妊娠20 d时不完全迁移至骨髓,但是新生大鼠肝仍然保存部分造血作用直至≥PND10。幼龄动物毒性研究如涉及发育免疫毒性,要考虑免疫系统具有延迟成熟的特点。










对于吸入制剂,大鼠最早可在出生后第1天通过全身暴露开始给药,最大暴露时间约6 h。由于母鼠可能也不得不置于吸入装置内,而随后开始的梳理活动以及通过母乳,药物可能通过皮肤和口服混合暴露,故这是一个相当不精确的暴露途径。犬在大约2周时,可进行吸入暴露研究;而此时幼鼠可离开母鼠长达4 h,大鼠一般在断乳后4周时进行。







表3 AAA小儿颗粒浸膏对幼龄大鼠骨密度的影响



3 中药非临床安全性评价的特别关注点












4 结语



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Abstract:OBJECTlVE To study the therapeutic effect and the underlying mechanism of asiatico-side on bleomycin-induced rat interstitial pulmonary fibrosis(IPF).METHODS Male Sprague-Dawley (SD)rats were divided into normal control group,bleomycin 5 mg·kg-1model group and asiaticoside 50 mg·kg-1group.The model and asiaticoside group were administrated with bleomycin 5 mg·kg-1to induce IPF,while the asiaticoside group was administrated with asiaticoside 50 mg·kg-1by gastric perfusion. Hematein eosin(HE)and Masson staining were carried out to analyze the histopathological changes in the lung.Lung homogenates were used to examine hydroxyproline(HYP)content,and serum samples were used to measure the concentration of interferon-γ(IFN-γ),interleukin-4(IL-4)and tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α).In addition,immunohistochemical methods were used to locate lung transforming growth factor-β1(TGF-β1)and adenosine 2A receptor(A2AR)expression,and Western blotting was used to examine the expression levels of TGF-β1and A2AR.RESULTS On the 7th,14th and 28th days,the scores of pulmonary inflammation were higher in model group than in control group (P<0.01),and the asiaticoside group showed mitigated alveolitis(P<0.01,P<0.05)compared with model group.Compared with control group,the scores of pulmonary fibrosis in model group were elevated(P<0.01),and the asiaticoside group showed reduced pulmonary fibrosis(P<0.05).On the 14th and 28th days,HYP content in the model group〔1.85±0.10,(2.48±0.18)mg·g-1〕was higher than in the control group〔0.79±0.07,(0.84±0.08)mg·g-1〕(P<0.01),but HYP content in the asiaticoside group〔1.32±0.131,(1.71±0.13)mg·g-1〕was lower than in the model group(P<0.05).IL-4 and TNF-α in the asiaticoside group were lower than in model group(P<0.05),but were higher in the model group than in the control group(P<0.01,P<0.05).The expression level of TGF-β1protein in the asiaticoside group was lower than in the model group(P<0.05),but was higher in the model group than in the control group(P<0.05).The expression level of A2AR protein in the asiaticoside group was higher than in the model group(P<0.05),but was lower in the model group than in the control group(P<0.05). CONCLUSlON Asiaticoside can mitigate bleomycin-induced IPF by inhibiting the expression of IL-4,TNF-α and TGF-β1,and raising the level of A2AR.

Key words:asiaticoside;pulmonary fibrosis;interferon-gamma;interleukin-4;tumor necrosis factor-alpha;adenosine A2 receptor

CLC number:R285.5Document code:AArticle lD:1000-3002(2016)01-0029-09


Biographies:YE Wen-jing,female,postgradute,main research field is interstitial pulmonary fibrosis and pulmonary hypertension;XIE Xu-ying,female,pharmacist,main research field is the pharmacology mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine monomer.

Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis(IPF)is a type of chronic inflammatory disease characterized by alveolitis,interstitial pneumonia,alveolar epithelial damage,and abnormal accumulation of collagen. However,the etiology of IPF remains unclear[1-2]. Fibrosis induced by inflammatory cascade is importanttothepathogenesisofpulmonary fibrosis.IPF is a progressive disease whose primary clinical symptoms include progressive dyspnea,wheezing,shortness of breath,coughing and difficulty breathing.Conventional glucocorti-coids and cytotoxic drugs show poor effects. Lack of a specific treatment leaves most patients to die of respiratory failure.It is of great importance to find treatments and drugs that are efficacious and have few side effects for treatment of IPF.

Centella asiatica(also known as Luo-de-da,Beng-da-wan,and Ban-bian-qian in China)belongs to the subfamily Mackinlayoideae of the family Apiaceae,and it is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).It is of a cold nature and tastes bitter and acrid and has the effect of clearing heat,removing dampness,reducing swelling,and detoxification.Shen[3]considered that interstitial pneumonia belongs to the wind-warm-dampness diseases in TCM and found that C.asiatica can alleviate the symptoms,promote lung lesions absorption,and improve lung function.Asiatico-side is the main active ingredient of Centella asiatica.It is a triterpenoid saponin.Used mainly in the treatment of wound healing,keloids,and scleroderma, asiaticosideshowsespecially good clinical efficacy in the treatment of sclero-derma skin fibrosis,but the exact mechanism is not clear.Studies have shown that asiaticoside can inhibit fibroblast proliferation and suppress protein and mRNA levels of typeⅠandⅢcolla-gens[4-5].Another study showed that asiaticoside can significantly improvelunglesions,inhibit mitogen-activated protein kinase activity,sup-press the expression of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and interleukin(IL)-6,and increase the expression of peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptor(PPAR)-γtoantagonizenuclear factor(NF)-κB activity in the lungs of mice with sepsis[6].It is here speculated that this herb may be able to prevent the progress of IPF by pre-venting lung inflammation and fibrosis.In this study,asiaticoside was found to ameliorate bleo-mycin-induced IPF in rats and a possible mecha-nism was explored.


1.1Drug,reagents and equipments

Bleomycin was purchased from Hebei Phar-maceutical Factory,Tianjin(Tianjin,China). Rat IL-4,IFN-γ and TNF-α ELISA kits were purchased from Invitrogen(California,USA). The hydroxyproline assay kit was purchased from Nanjing Jiancheng(Nanjing,China).The immunohistochemical analysis kit was purchased fromBoshideBiologicalProductsCompany (Wuhan,China).Asiaticoside was purchased from Sigma(St.Louis,MO,USA).Transforming growth factor-β1(TGF-β1)andadenosine 2A receptor(A2AR)antibodies(ab92486,ab3461)were purchased from Abcam(Cambridge,UK). Mini-PROTAN Vertical Electrophoresis Cell and xMark Microplate Absorbance Spectrophotometer were purchased from Bio-Rad(California,USA). Electric-heated Thermostatic Water Bath was purchased from HEDE Labovatory Equipment Co. Ltd(Shanghai,China).

1.2Animals,group and treatment

Male Sprague-Dawley(SD)rats,aged 2 to 3 months,180-250 g,were purchased from ShanghaiExperimentalAnimalCenterand housed there and fed standard food.Animal experiments were approved by the Institutional Animal Ethics Committee for Experimentation on Animals of Wenzhou Medical University and complied with the animal management rule of theex-Ministry of Health,China and the US National Institutes of Health Guide.The rats were randomly divided into three groups:normal control group,model group,and asiaticoside group.Each group had 15 rats.The rats were anesthetized by chloral hydrate.The model group and the asiaticoside group were given bleomycin5 mg·kg-1and normal control group was given 1 mg·kg-1saline by intratracheal perfusion.From the 1st day of the experiment,the control group and model group were given saline 10 mg·kg-1per day and the asiaticoside group was given asi-aticoside 50 mg·kg-1per day by gastric perfusion. After bleomycin administration,5 rats were anes-thetized by chloral hydrate per 7 d,blood samples were taken from abdominal aorta,and trachea and lungs were isolated.Lungs were rinsed with saline.The left lung was stored at-80℃to prevent RNase contamination;the right lower lung was fixed in 4%paraformaldehyde,embedded with paraffin,sectioned for HE,Masson staining and immunohistochemical analysis.

1.3Alveolitis and fibrosis grade for semiquantitative pathological analysis

Sections of the right upper lobe of the lung were checked by Hematein eosin(HE)and Mas-son staining.The extent of alveolitis and fibrosis was determined using methods described by Szapiel et al[7].It was dividedinto four grades for semi-quantitative pathological analysis.

1.3.1Alveolitis grade criteria

None(0),no alveolitis;mild(1+),thickening of the alveolar septum by a mononuclear cell infiltrate,with involvement limited to focal,pleuralbased lesions occupying less than 20%of the lungs and with good preservation of the alveolar architecture;moderate(2+),a more wide-spread alveolitis involving 20%to 50%of the lungs,although still predominantly pleural based;severe(3+),a diffuse alveolitis involving more than 50%of the lungs,with occasional consolidation of air spaces by the intra-alveolar mononuclear cells and some hemorrhagic areas within the interstitium and/or alveolus.

1.3.2Fibrosis grade criteria

None(0),no evidence of fibrosis;mild (1+),focal regions of fibrosis involving less than 20%of the lungs.Fibrosis involved the pleura and the interstitium of the subpleural parenchyma with some distortion of alveolar architecture;moderate(2+),more extensive fibrosis involving 20%to 50%of the lung and fibrotic regions mostly extending inward from the pleura and still focal;severe(3+),widespreadfibrosis, involving more than 50%of the lungs.Confluent lesions withextensivederangementofparenchymal architecture,including cystic air spaces lined by cuboidal epithelium.

1.4Hydroxyproline content in lung tissue by biochemical method

HYP content of lung tissue was measured bycolorimetryusingbiochemicalmethods according to kit instructions.Results are presented as HYP(mg)per gram of lung tissue.

1.5Concentration of lFN-γ ,lL-4 and TNF-α in serum by ELlSA

The levels of IFN-γ,IL-4 and TNF-α in serum were measured by ELISA according to the manu-facturer′s instructions(eBioscience).Data were quantified using a standard curve.

1.6Location of TGF-β1and A2AR expression in lungs by immunohistochemistry

Paraffin-embeddedsectionsof the right lower lobe of the lung were used for immunohisto-chemical analysis using the streptavidin-biotinperoxidase(SABC)method according to the man-ufacturer′s instructions.The first antibodies were anti-TGF-β1and A2AR,both of which were poly-clonal antibodies,and the secondary antibody was goat anti-rabbit.

1.7Expression level of TGF-β1and A2AR by Western blotting

Frozen tissue samples were homogenized in lysis buffer followed by three pulses of sonication and a centrifugation at 1509×g for 20 min.Total protein concentration was determined by Bradford assay.Proteins were separated by SDS-PAGE andtransferredtoapolyvinylidenefluoride membrane.The membrane was blocked in skim milk and incubated overnight with primary anti-body at 4℃.The next day,the membrane was incubatedwithsecondaryantibodyatroom temperature for 1 h and then with a chemilumi-nescent substrate.The membrane was exposed to an X-ray film,which was developed in a dark-room.Relative TGF-β1and A2AR protein levels were calculated according to the intensity ofWestern blotting bands using GAPDH as the internal control.Two replicates were performed for each protein.Data were represented by the histogram.

1.8Statistical analysis

All statistical data were presented as±s. Between-group means comparisons were performed using one-way analysis of variance(ANOVA)followed by a Student-Newman-Keuls test.P-values less than 0.05 were considered statisti-cally significant.


2.1Histopathological analysis of interstitial pulmonary fibrosis

2.1.1HE staining

As shown in Fig.1A, compared with the normal control group,the model group showed varying degrees of alveolitis at different time points:on the 7th day after bleomycin perfu-sion,there was a large number of inflammatory cells infiltrating pulmonary alveolar and intersti-tial lung,apparent inflammation,but no alveoli and severe epithelial loss in the lungs;on the 14th day,alveolitis was alleviated,fibroblasts began to increase,and alveolar septa were widening;on the 28th day,alveolitis was signifi-cantlyreduced,somealveolicollapsedand were replaced by collagen fibers and fibroblasts,alveolar septa widened,diffuse inflammation of lung tissue was significantly reduced,and lung tissue structures were severely damaged.Over the three days,the scores of pulmonary inflam-mation were more higher in model group than in control group(Fig.1B)(P<0.01).The asiaticoside groupshowedsignificantlyreducedalveolitis compared with model group,and semi-quantita-tive scoring results found that the difference was significant(P<0.01,P<0.05).

2.1.2Masson staining

As shown in Fig.2A,the model group showed more collagen fibers position than the normal control group.On the 28th day,pulmo-nary fibrosis was more obvious.The scores of pulmonary fibrosis in the model group were higher than in normal control group(Fig.1B)(P<0.01). Theasiaticosidegroupsignificantlyreduced pulmonary fibrosis compared with the model group (P<0.05).

Fig.1 Effect of asiaticoside on interstitial pulmonary alveolitis of rats by HE staining(×400).

2.2Hydroxyproline content in lung tissue

As shown in Fig.3,on the 7th day after bleo-mycin administration,HYP content of lung tissue of the model group showed no significant differenceswith normal control group.On the 14th and 28th days,HYP content was higher in model groups 〔1.85±0.10,(2.48±0.18)mg·g-1〕than that in control group〔0.79±0.07,(0.84±0.08)mg·g-1〕(P<0.01).On the 7th day,HYP content in asiaticosidegroupshowednosignificant differenceswithmodelgroup.Therewas significantly lower HYP content in the asiaticoside group〔1.32±0.131,(1.71±0.13)mg·g-1〕than in model group on the 14th and 28th days (P<0.05).

Fig.2 Effect of asiaticoside on interstitial pulmonary fibrosis of rats by Masson staining(×400).A:See Fig.1 for the rat treatment.Arrows showed different levels of collagen fibers in different groups at different time.B:scores of lung fibrosis.±s,n=15,**P<0.01,compared with the normal control group;#P<0.05,compared with the model group.

Fig.3 Effect of asiaticoside on the rat hydroxyproline content in lung tissue of rats.See Fig.1 for the rat treatment.±s,**P<0.01,compared with the normal control group;#P<0.05,compared with the model group.

Fig.4 Effect of asiaticoside on concentration of inter-feron-γ (lFN-γ )(A),interleukin-4(lL-4)(B)and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α )(C) in serum of rats by ELlSA.See Fig.1 for the rat treatment.±s,n=15.*P<0.05,**P<0.01,compared with the normal control group;#P<0.05,compared with the model group.

2.3Concentration of lL-4 and TNF-α in serum

Compared with normal control group,con-centration of IFN-γ was decreased in model group (Fig.4A)(P<0.05),but there was no significant dif-ference between model group and asiaticoside group.Compared with normal control group,concentration of IL-4 and TNF-α was higher than that in model group(P<0.01 or P<0.05),but was significantly lower in the asiaticoside group than thatinthemodelgroup(Fig.4Aand4C)(P<0.05).

2.4Expression and location of TGF-β1and A2AR in rat lung

As shown in Fig.5,TGF-β1expression was mainly detected in pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells and more pronounced in the model group than in normal control group.A2AR was mianly detected around pulmonary artery and decreased in the model group,but increased in the asiatico-side group.

Fig.5:Effect of asiaticoside on location of transforming growth factor-β1(TGF-β1)and adenosine 2A receptor (A2AR)detected by immunohistochemistry(×400).See Fig.1 for the rat treatment.Arrows for the expression and location of A2AR and TGF-β1.

2.5Expression level of TGF-β1and A2AR in rat lung

As shown in Fig.6,TGF-β1expression in lung tissue was significantly higher in model group than that in normal control groups(P<0.05)and lower than that in the asiaticoside group(Fig.6A).A2AR levels were lower in mod-el group than in normal control group(P<0.05) and asiaticoside group(P<0.05)(Fig.6B).

Fig.6 Effect of asiaticoside on the expression level of TGF-β1and A2AR by Western blotting.A1 and B1:West-ern blotting.A2 and B2:semi-quantitative of A1 and B1.±s,n=15.*P<0.05,compare with the normal control group;#P<0.05,compared with the model group.


A variety of factors including pathogenic microorganisms,dust,and certain drugs can induce pulmonary fibrosis.Bleomycin is an anti-cancer peptide drug,and can induce a dosedependent pulmonary fibrosis in both humans and animals.Rat models of pulmonary fibrosis induced by intratracheal injection of bleomycin share similarities with the human disease[7].In the present study,bleomycin was used to generate rat models.HE and Masson staining of lung tissue revealed that 7 d after bleomycin adminis-tration,there was significant inflammatory cell infiltration in the alveoli and the interstitial lungs of model group rats and that 28 d after bleomycinadministration,alveolar interstitial fibroblasts and collagen were increased significantly,and alveo-lar septa widened,which is consistent with the pathologicalprocessofIPF,indicatingthat animal models of pulmonary fibrosis had been successfully generated.The asiaticoside group showedsignificantlybetterinflammationand fibrosis than model group,suggesting that asiati-cosidecaneffectivelyamelioratepulmonary fibrosis.HYP content is an indicator of collagen metabolism and the extent of tissue fibrosis. HYP content was consistent with the pathological results of the present study.

Recent studies have shown that Th1/Th2 imbalance may play an important role in the development of pulmonary fibrosis[8].Th2-type cytokines can cause or aggravate pulmonary fibrosis.It is believed that in the process of lung damage repair and the accompanying inflamma-tory reactions,type 1 cytokines,such as IFN-γ,can inhibit lung fibroblast proliferation and extracellular matrix(ECM)formation,thus promoting the repair of normal tissue structure.Type 2 cyto-kines,such as IL-4,can promote activation and proliferation of fibroblasts and causing excessive damage repair response,resulting in deposition of ECM proteins and fibrosis.Many studies have shown the presence of Th2 advantage during pulmonary fibrosis[9-10].Reversing this advantage can reduce pulmonary fibrosis[11].The current study showed that pulmonary fibrosis induced by bleomycincancauseTh1/Th2imbalancein rats,as indicated by IFN-γ down-regulation and IL-4 up-regulation.Asiaticoside had an inhibitory effect on IL-4 expression but no significant effect on IFN-γ.

TGF-β is a pleiotropic factor secreted by various cells,and studies have indicated that the expresssion of TGF-β1mRNA is significantly elevated in pulmonary fibrosis of rats[12-13].TGF-β induces fibroblasts to secrete ECM molecules such as collagen and cadherins.As a member of TGF-β family,TGF-β1plays an important role in the PIF process[14].Studies have shown that the TGF-β soluble receptor has high affinity for TGF-β and can decrease proline levels and proline hydroxylase activity,but significantly reduce the extent of bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis[15-16]. Our previous study showed that asiaticoside can prevent the thickening of the pulmonary arteries and inhibit fibrosis of the media wall in hypoxiainduced pulmonary hypertension rats[17].In this study,immunohistochemistry and Western blot results revealed that TGF-β1expression levels of lung tissue in the asiaticoside group were signifi-cantly lower than in the model group,suggesting that the antifibrotic effect of asiaticoside may have been achieved at least in part through inhibition of TGF-β1expression.

TNF-α is asecretedpolypeptidemainly producedbythepulmonaryalveolarmacro-phages(PAM),and studies have found that infliximab,a TNF-α inhibitor,can attenuate bleo-mycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis,which means TNF-α upregulationisrelatedtopulmonary fibrosis[18].Intravenous injection of TNF-α can cause diffuse alveolar damage,which was mainly manifested by alveolar epithelia and endothelial cell necrosis[19].Prior studies have shown that asiati-coside can improve sepsis-induced lung injury by inhibiting lung tissue and serum inflammatory factors like TNF-α and IL-6[6].This is consis-tent with the results of this study.A2AR,an ade-nosine receptor,is widely distributed in the lung. It has been reported that adenosine binding to A2AR can lead to inhibition of inflammatory cyto-kines such as TNF-α,regulate endothelial cell function,and slow down the inflammatory pro-cesses,which causes pulmonary fibrosis[20]. A2AR-/-mice were found to be more sensitive than A2AR+/+mice to bleomycin-induced lung injury[21].The study showed there to be less A2AR expression in bleomycin-inducedpulmo-nary fibrosis in rats,but asiaticoside was found to mitigate this decrease.

In summary,asiaticoside is found to inhibit the expression of IL-4,TNF-α,and TGF-β1,raise the level of A2AR,and inhibit pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis,thus ameliorating bleo-mycin-induced interstitial pulmonary fibrosis.Theunderlying mechanism is also briefly explored,thus paving a way for the revelation of more therapeutic indications of asiaticoside and providing patients with pulmonary fibrosis new treatment options.


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Determination of parameters of developmental toxicity study on pediatric drugs and focus of attention for safety evaluation of traditional Chinese medicine

ZHOU Li,SUN Zu-yue
(Shanghai Institute of Planned Parenthood Research,National Evaluation Center for Toxicology of Fertility Regulating Drugs,Shanghai 200032,China)

Abstract:There is an increasing demand for neonatal and juvenile animal toxicity studies during the research and development of new drugs.In this paper,we discussed general evaluation parameters of pediatric non-clinical safety with pediatric drugs,such as growth and development and food intake,and paramenters of other organs and systems,such as the central nervous system,reproductive system,behavior evaluation in combination with our own experience.In addition,the characteristics of non-clin-ical safety evaluation of new traditional Chinese medicine materia medica used for juvenile animals were analyzed.This paper is intended reference for non-clinical safety evaluation of pediatric drugs and to gain some experience related to formulation of new guidelines.

Key words:pediatric drugs;juvenile animal;non-clinical safety evaluation;developmental toxicity;traditional Chinese materia medica

Asiaticoside attenuates bleomycin-induced interstitial pulmonary fibrosis

YE Wen-jing1,ZHU Xiao-chun1,WANG Xiao-bing1,WANG Liang-xing2,XIE Xu-ying3
(1.Department of Rheumology,2.Department of Respiratory Medicina,3.Pharmaceutical Department,the First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University,Wenzhou 325000,China)




Foundation item:The project supported by Shanghai Technical Services Platform for Non-clinical Evaluation of Drug Against Male Reproductive and Urinary Diseases(15DZ2290400);and Shanghai Experimental Animal Scientific and Technological Innovative Action Plan(14140901302) SUN Zu-yue,E-mail:sunzy64@163.com The project supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(81470250);National Natural Science Foundation of China(81270110);National Natural Science Foundation of China(81473406);Zhejiang Natural Science Foundation(Q16H010010);and Science and Technology Project of Wenzhou City(Y20140048) XIE Xu-ying,E-mail:386178454@qq.com,Tel:13967743354,Fax:(0577)88805703




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