【关键词】血尿酸; 骨密度; 关系
①广西壮族自治区柳州市人民医院 广西 柳州 545001
Medical Innovation of China,2016,13(15):138-141
First-author's address:Liuzhou People's Hospital,Liuzhou 545001,China
1.1一般资料 对柳州市2010年12月-2014年12月进行体检的2150例居民进行回顾性分析,其中男1050例,年龄41~69岁,平均(60.55±1.24)岁;女1100例,年龄40~70岁,平均年龄(61.01±1.02)岁;排除在过去1年内曾服用全身糖皮质激素、双磷酸盐以及近期服用过降尿酸药,如苯溴马隆、别嘌呤醇等的居民。本次研究在柳州市伦理委员会批准下进行,并且全部研究者均签署了知情同意书自愿参与研究。
1.2方法 由本院内科医生组成调查小组,通过流行病学研究员培训并合格后参与调查。根据标准方式对研究者的体重、身高进行检测,测定患者空腹静脉采血中血尿素氮、尿酸、间接胆红素、直接胆红素、肌酐、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇、甘油三酯、血清总胆固醇、胱抑素、血糖、谷草转氨酶、谷丙转氨酶、γ-谷氨酰转移酶水平。并通过骨密度测定仪对患者左侧股骨颈、Wards三角、L1~4、大转子区域的骨密度进行测定。骨密度>-1 SD则为正常骨量。骨量减小:-1~2.5 SD;骨质疏松:<-2.5 SD[3-6]。
1.3统计学处理 釆用SPSS 17.0对所得数据进行统计学分析,计量资料以(±s)表示,组内比较采用配对t检验,组间比较采用方差分析或独立样本检验,计数资料采用 X2检验,以P<0.05为有统计学意义。
2.1体检居民临床资料比较 2150例体检居民中男性与女性临床资料中年龄、血钙、胆固醇、尿ACR水平、肌酐等比较差异无统计学意义,(P>0.05)。BMI、甘油三酯、血尿酸水平,大转子、Wards三角、股骨颈、1,25(OH)2D3、L1~4等骨密度数据比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),见表1。
表1 体检居民临床资料比较(±s)
表1 体检居民临床资料比较(±s)
(mmol/L)男性(n=1050) 60.11±1.32 8.25±2.02 24.15±3.02 13.74±5.12 372.21±92.21 4.20±1.21 2.02±1.35 2.21±0.20女性(n=1100) 60.01±1.62 8.70±1.87 23.01±2.85 10.42±4.10 321.20±99.22 4.25±1.12 1.21±0.59 2.22±0.22 t/ X2值 1.55 1.72 8.89 16.40 12.20 0.98 17.81 1.08 P值 0.1211 0.0848 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3259 0.0000 0.2758性别 年龄(岁)HbA1c (%)BMI (kg/m2)1,25(OH)2D3(μg/L)血尿酸(μmol/L)胆固醇(mmol/L)甘油三酯(mmol/L)钙
2.2骨密度不同患者血尿酸水平对比情况 1050例男性体检者中,正常骨量者178例,平均血尿酸水平为(359.12±42.11)μmol/L;骨量减少者539例,平均血尿酸水平为(331.26±54.25)μmol/L;骨质疏松者333例,平均血尿酸水平为(421.25±32.25)μmol/L。正常骨量体检者的血尿酸水平明显低于骨质疏松患者的血尿酸水平,正常骨量者血尿酸水平高于骨量减少者,比较差异均有统计学意义(F=1161.43,P<0.05)。1100例女性体检者中,正常骨量者197例,平均血尿酸水平为(298.11±62.32)μmol/L,骨量减少者592例,平均血尿酸水平为(291.12±66.52)μmol/L;骨质疏松者311例,平均血尿酸水平为(365.21±85.21)μmol/L。正常骨量者的血尿酸水平也明显低于骨质疏松患者,差异有统计学意义(F=1755.00,P<0.05);而正常骨量者与骨量减少者的血尿酸水平比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。
2.3不同血尿酸水平与机体各部位的骨密度间相关性 所有患者中正常血尿酸1200例,高尿酸950例。而正常血尿酸水平者L1~4部位骨密度低于高尿酸水平者,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),见表3。
表3 不同血尿酸水平与机体各部位骨密度间(±s) g/cm2
表3 不同血尿酸水平与机体各部位骨密度间(±s) g/cm2
不同尿酸水平 大转子 L1~4 股骨颈 Wards三角正常血尿酸(n=1200)0.73±0.14 1.08±0.25 0.84±0.13 0.89±0.16高血尿酸(n=950)0.74±0.13 1.18±0.23 0.82±0.12 0.92±0.12 t值 1.69 9.54 1.83 4.80 P值 0.0898 0.0000 0.0671 0.0000
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The Relationship between Blood Uric Acid Levels and Bone Mineral Density in People of Liuzhou City
LI Rong-shan,LI Wen-jun,WANG Yong,et al
【Key words】Blood uric acid; Bone mineral density; Relationship
【Abstract】Objective:To study the correlation between blood uric acid levels and bone mineral density analysis in Liuzhou City.Method:Two thousand one hundred and fifty cases of residents in Liuzhou city for undergoing a medical from December 2010 to December 2014 were retrospectively analyzed,the correlation between residents' blood uric acid levels and bone mineral density were observed.Result:The bone mineral density in L1-4parts of residents with normal blood uric acid level were lower than which of patients with high uric acid levels,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).In the 1050 cases of male residents,178 patients had the normal bone mass in,whose average level of serum uric acid was (359.12±42.11) μmol/L.539 cases had bone loss,whose average level of serum uric acid was (331.26±54.25) μmol/L;333 cases had bone osteoporosis,whose average level of serum uric acid level was (421.25±32.25) μmol/L;the serum uric acid level of normal bone mass patients was significantly lower than the osteoporosis patients but higher than the patients with bone loss,the differences were statistically significant(F=1161.43,P<0.05).In the 1100 female residents,197 patients had normal bone mass,whose average level of serum uric acid was (298.11±62.32) μmol/L;592 cases had bone loss,whose average level of blood uric acid was (281.12±36.52) μmol/L;311 cases of osteoporosis,whose average level of serum uric acid was (365.21±85.21) μmol/L,the serum uric acid level of normal bone mass patients was significantly lower than the osteoporosis patients,the difference was statistic significant(F=1755.00,P<0.05);the difference had no statistic significant between the normal bone mass residents and patients with bone loss on the serum uric acid level(P>0.05).Conclusion:The body's blood uric acid levels are closely associated with the bone mineral density,maintaining the blood uric acid level can prevent the loss of bone mass,but excess uric acid levels will result in the decrease of bone mineral density value,hyperuricemia is associated with the occurrence of osteoporosis.
收稿日期:(2015-12-08) (本文编辑:刘蕾)