
2016-06-27 08:16:23刘大海李开南母建松兰海
中华肩肘外科电子杂志 2016年1期

刘大海 李开南 母建松 兰海



刘大海 李开南 母建松 兰海

目的 探讨自体肌腱双骨隧道重建桡侧尺副韧带(lateral ulnar collateral ligament,LUCL)治疗肘关节后外侧旋转不稳定(posterolateral rotatory instability,PLRI)的手术疗效。方法 2008年1月至2013年12月成都大学附属医院收治16例LUCL损伤患者,11例用双束编制的掌长肌腱对韧带进行重建,5例用对侧半腱肌肌腱重建LUCL治疗肘关节PLRI,移植肌腱穿过肱骨及尺骨双骨隧道带线锚钉固定。观察术后肘关节活动度、肘关节侧方轴移试验、外翻外旋应力位X线片。结果 所有患者均获随访,随访时间1~5年,平均2.5年。患者肘关节活动功能明显改善,主观满意,被动外翻、外旋活动时肘关节完全稳定12例,部分不稳定但较术前明显改善4例,优良率为75%。术后Mayo评分65~100分,平均85分,新鲜损伤患者术后功能明显好于陈旧性损伤患者(P<0.05)。结论LUCL是影响肘关节PLRI最主要的结构,采用自体肌腱肱骨及尺骨双骨隧道重建LUCL效果良好。



资 料 与 方 法





表1 16例患者一般情况







图1 临床照片可见肘关节内翻畸形 图2 肘关节X线片提示有肘关节内翻、肱桡关节间隙增宽 图3 外侧轴移试验阳性表现为外翻肘关节、对前臂施以轴向载荷后、内旋前臂,由于桡骨头半脱位可见皮肤出现凹陷,将肘关节置于头顶更易于检查 图4 自体肌腱穿过骨隧道 图5 用带线锚钉将移植肌腱固定 图6 术后3个月肘关节屈曲照片 图7 术后6个月肘关节屈曲照片,屈曲增加约10° 图8 术后肘关节内翻应力位X线片提示肱桡关节间隙恢复正常

结 果



表2 16例患者手术前、术后的Mayo评分比较±s)

讨 论

维持肘关节稳定性的韧带主要有LCLC及尺侧副韧带复合体(medial collateral ligament complex,MCLC)。LCLC是由桡骨环状韧带、桡侧副韧带、LUCL组成;MCLC则由前束、后束及斜束组成。Shukla等[5]认为,维持肱尺关节的稳定须具备三个条件:完整的关节面,完整的MCLC前束和LCLC的LUCL,任何部位的损伤都可影响肘关节稳定性。在Kim等[6]的一项研究中,LUCL的损伤即可导致肘关节PLRI,但是LCLC其他部分的损伤会加重肘关节的不稳定,因此在治疗时要考虑到LCLC的整体修复。目前虽然还没有证据证实MCLC前束的损伤会导致肘关节PLRI,但是它的损伤会放大桡骨头或冠突骨折的作用,因此也应加以重视。在Kamineni等[7]的研究中,肘关节完全伸直时,桡侧副韧带主要是抵抗肘关节内翻的应力,所起的作用只有14%,其余都是靠关节囊及骨面维持,所以肘关节的稳定性除了靠韧带的作用外,还有尺骨冠状突、桡骨头、鹰嘴。尺骨冠状突也是维持肘关节前方稳定性的重要骨性结构,且X线或CT检查往往会低估冠突骨折块的大小[8],所以对Ⅱ型以上的尺骨冠状突骨折进行固定就显得尤为重要。Hall等[9]在一项42例桡骨头切除后的回顾性研究中显示,有7例(17%)患者出现了肘关节后外侧不稳定。该组病例中2例桡骨头切除的患者,虽然进行了LUCL重建,术后也出现了轻度不稳的表现。

对肘关节韧带损伤是否进行手术,主要是根据查体及影像学检查来确定,其中又以关节镜及MRI检查最为准确,若查体及影像学都支持诊断,则有手术指征[10]。Cain等[11]介绍了一种麻醉状态下用关节镜对肘关节间隙进行检查,肘关节屈曲70°~90°外翻位,如尺骨与滑车张开距离超过1~2 mm,提示有外侧副韧带的损伤。一但发生外侧副韧带损伤,其韧带质量较差或已经发生挛缩,直接进行缝合修复的效果较差,因而需要用肌腱实施重建手术[12]。当有严重肘关节后脱位时,关节囊一般都和韧带同时损伤,所以不管是急性损伤还是陈旧性损伤,在重建韧带的同时都要对关节囊进行修复[7]。由于人群当中约有10%缺失掌长肌腱,就算有一侧掌长肌腱时,肌腱部分的长度往往也比较短。对于这种情况,只有考虑截取跖肌腱、股薄肌、肱三头肌肌腱或半腱肌等用做韧带的移植物[13]。Dehlinger等[14]用肱三头肌肌腱对47例LUCL损伤的患者进行重建手术治疗。也有学者采用同种异体肌腱重建LUCL,但效果尚不确定[15]。本组病例,对掌长肌腱缺失的患者,也可取对侧半腱肌肌腱。




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[2] Rhyou IH, Park MJ. Dual Reconstruction of the radial collateral ligament and lateral ulnar collateral ligament in posterolateral rotator instability of the elbow[J]. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 2011, 19(6): 1009-1012.

[3] Sanchez-Sotelo J, Morrey BF, O′driscoll SW. Ligamentous repair and Reconstruction for posterolateral rotatory instability of the elbow[J]. J Bone Joint Surg Br, 2005,87(1):54-61.

[4] Dehlinger FI, Ries C, Hollinger B. LUCL Reconstruction using a triceps tendon graft to treat posterolateral rotatory instability of the elbow[J]. Oper Orthop Traumatol, 2014, 26(4): 414-429.

[5] Shukla DR, O′driscoll SW. Atypical etiology of lateral collateral ligament disruption and instability[J]. J Orthop Trauma, 2013, 27(6): E144-E146.

[6] Kim BS, Park KH, Song HS, et al. Ligamentous repair of acute lateral collateral ligament rupture of the elbow[J]. J Shoulder Elbow Surg, 2013, 22(11): 1469-1473.

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刘大海,李开南,母建松,等.自体肌腱双骨隧道重建技术修复肘关节后外侧旋转不稳定[J/CD]. 中华肩肘外科电子杂志,2016,4(1):29-34.





Background The concept of posterolateral rotatory instability (PLRI) of the elbow was proposed in 1991 by O′Driscoll for the first time. The pathogenic mechanism of PLRI is injury to the radial collateral ligament complex at the elbow, among which the lateral ulnar collateral ligament (LUCL) plays a major role. However, because most physicians know little about the elbow dysfunction caused by such ligament injury, missed or delayed diagnosis often prevents timely and effective treatment, leading to seriously impact on the quality of life of patients. Surgical treatment is often very effective, but surgical approaches vary a lot. Rhyou et al established a horizontal bone tunnel cross the humerus for passing through the tendon, but this approach doesn′t allow attachment of the upper end of this ligament on the lateral condyle of the humerus. Sanchez-Sotelo et al. established bone tunnel on ulna and humerus perpendicular to the ligament, and passed longer tendon through the tunnel at an "8" shape, which was immobilized by suture knot. This procedure requires that the tendon have to be a long and thin one while problems such as tendon breakage and suture slippage often happen. The way Dehlinger et al. established the bone tunnel was similar to the present study, i.e., after passing the bone tunnel; the tendon was only fixed to the bone marrow with suture. This method also has the disadvantage of poor stability and delayed functional exercise. This study used autologous tendon and established humerus and ulna double bone tunnel for ligament reconstruction in 16 patients and the treatment effect is reported below.Methods From January 2008 to December 2013, orthopedics division of our hospital admitted and diagnosed 16 cases of elbow LUCL tear with PLRI patients, of which 11 males and 5 females, aged 19-43 years old, average age of 28.8 years old, 7 cases of fresh injuries and 9 cases of old injuries, 4 cases of simple ulnar coronoid process fracture, 3 cases of elbow dislocation, 5 cases of coronoid fracture with elbow dislocation, and 4 cases of "terrible triad injury of the elbow" after internal fixation (all

coronoid fracture internal fixation). There were two cases of radial head resection, 7 patients with varus deformity and 5 cases of varus stress position with visible varus. Valgus stress was shown as widened humeroulnar interval, and positive Lateral Pivot Shift for Elbow test under anesthesia. Elbow MRI of all patients showed radial ulnar collateral ligament injury or breakage.Surgical Methods: The patients were in prone position. Modified Kocher approach was used. The origin of the common extensor tendon was released from epicondyle. The proximal and distal origin of LUCL and ulna supinator ridge was prepared. Then the unlar extensor carpi muscle was pulled medially and anconeus muscle pulled laterally. The tear patterns of the LUCL were explored (13 cases of distal LUCL injury, and 3 cases of proximal LUCL injury). The palmaris longus tendon (alternatively the contralateral semitendinosus tendon) was harvested from volar wrist. The length of graft was about 12-15 cm. The tendon was fold and prepared with No.1 nonabsorbable suture. A V-shape bone tunnel on lateral humeral epicondyle and the supinator ridge was drilled. A 6-8 mm distance was between the two holes on the ulna and the connecting line between the two holes was in line with the direction of LUCL. The graft was passed through tunnels and sutured by suture anchors. The graft should be tensioned in 30° of flexion and maximal supination. The graft could be further strengthened by LUCL remnant. The coronoid fracture should be reduced and fixed. The stability of elbow was checked. Drainage tube was routinely used. The wound was closed in layers. The elbow was immobilized in neutral rotation and 90° of flexion by plaster cast. Post-operative treatment: rubber drainage tube is removed two days after the surgery based on the status of drainage. Patients are encouraged to get out of bed, and guided to flex and extend fingers. Upper arm muscle painless isometric exercise is started 1 week after the surgery. The plaster cast is removed after 2 weeks. Passive elbow flexion exercise is began and gradually increased the magnitude of passive exercise and the strength of the muscle force training, but active flexion of the elbow should be avoided, heavy lifting, supporting, medial and lateral rotation movements also should be avoided. Active flexion exercise is begun after 3 months, and gradually increased the intensity to reach normal activity level after 6 months.Efficacy evaluation: the Mayo elbow performance index was used to evaluate elbow function. Out total of 100 points, pain accounts for 45 points, mobility for 20 points, stability for 10 points, and daily activities for 25 points, ≥90 as excellent, 75-89 as good, 60-74 as acceptable and <60 as poor.Results All patients achieved primary healing of the incision. Hospitalization time ranged 10-17 days, with an average of 14.4 days. All patients are received outpatient follow-up of 1-5 years, with an average follow-up time of 2.5 years. The patients′ elbow motion improved significantly, and patients are generally satisfied. There were 12 cases of patients achieved total stability at passive valgus and lateral rotation, partially instable but significantly improved after the surgery in 4 cases, with a good to excellent rate of 75%. All the 4 patients with partial instability received LUCL reconstruction with suture anchors using the palmaris longus tendon graft. X-ray film can reflect their slight instability at valgus and lateral rotation stress position. Two of these 4 patients were diagnosed as terrible triad injury and received internal fixation plus radial head resection, 1 case of old typeⅡ coronoid fracture patient who did not undergo surgery and 1 case of fresh type Ⅲ coronoid fracture patient.Postoperative pain relief, elbow mobility and Mayo scores of the fresh injury group were all significantly better than those of the old injury group (P<0.05).ConclusionRadialulnarcollateralligamentisthemainstructuretoaffectelbowPLRI,anduseofautologoustendonandhumerusandulnadoublebonetunneltoreconstructtheradialulnarcollateralligamentachievesgoodresults.






