李广学 穆籣 刘岩 臧梦青 刘元波
目的 探讨应用预扩张的脐旁穿支皮瓣修复烧伤后肘关节瘢痕挛缩畸形的临床效果。方法 回顾性分析2012年6月至2015年6月中国医学科学院整形外科医院应用预扩张的脐旁穿支皮瓣修复烧伤后肘关节瘢痕挛缩畸形患者18例,其中男11例,女7例;左侧8例,右侧10例。术前患侧肘关节活动明显受限。Ⅰ期手术于患侧腹部脐旁埋置扩张器,10~26周(平均18周)完成扩张后Ⅱ期行肘瘢痕切除、挛缩松解,带蒂脐旁穿支皮瓣转移覆盖肘部创面,3周后皮瓣断蒂。结果 皮瓣大小为16 cm×8 cm~30 cm×14 cm,所有供区直接拉拢缝合。18例皮瓣全部成活,2例皮瓣远端由于静脉淤血部分坏死,经换药处理后伤口愈合,有轻度的瘢痕增生,其他均Ⅰ期愈合。术后随访6~38个月(平均19个月),肘关节功能恢复良好,6例患者进行皮瓣修薄手术。结论 预扩张的脐旁穿支皮瓣是一种有效的修复肘关节瘢痕挛缩畸形的方法。
Ⅰ期手术置入扩张器。首先,标记患者肘部瘢痕及挛缩畸形,根据对侧肘关节情况及患侧挛缩程度估计缺损范围,皮瓣稍微大于缺损范围。然后,手持超声多普勒探测患侧肚脐周围,确定脐旁皮瓣至少包含两条穿支血管,皮瓣轴线为肚脐到同侧肩胛下角连线。皮瓣上缘作为切口置入扩张器,对于女性患者皮瓣上缘在乳房下皱襞以下,切开皮肤、皮下组织至腹外斜肌筋膜,在筋膜表面向下剥离,向中线位置剥离时应避免损伤脐旁的穿支血管,结扎剥离过程中遇到的其他穿支血管,最终在下位肋骨水平及上腹部形成大小合适的腔穴,置入合适的长方形扩张器。置入扩张器大小为300~800 ml,注射壶放置到外侧胸壁。术后第14天开始注水,1周1次,适当过度扩张便于取得足够的皮瓣及直接关闭供区,扩张10~26周,平均18周。
典型病例:患者,男,7岁。因烧伤后右肘部瘢痕挛缩畸形2年就诊。检查发现:右肘部、右前臂瘢痕挛缩畸形,范围约13 cm×10 cm,活动明显受限。Ⅰ期全麻行右侧腹部600 ml长方形扩张器置入,术后定期注水,术后5个月全麻下行扩张器取出,右肘部瘢痕挛缩松解、瘢痕切除,范围为18 cm×12 cm,将脐旁穿支皮瓣转移到右肘部及右前臂,皮瓣成活良好,无术后并发症,3周后行皮瓣断蒂,术后皮瓣全部成活,肘关节活动良好,功能明显改善,外形良好,效果满意(图1~6)。
图1 术前右肘部瘢痕畸形及脐旁穿支皮瓣设计 图2 右侧腹部置入扩张器注水扩张5个月后 图3 肘部瘢痕挛缩松解、瘢痕切除后
图4 脐旁穿支皮瓣转移到右肘部及右前臂 图5 皮瓣断蒂拆线后即刻 图6 术后1年
1983年Taylor等[11]首次提出脐与肩胛下角连线为轴线的皮瓣,称为延伸的腹壁下动脉穿支皮瓣。之后其他学者将脐旁穿支皮瓣应用于乳房再造[12]和阴囊修复[13]。近年来带蒂脐旁穿支皮瓣转移主要应用于手以及前臂缺损的修复[14-16],因为皮瓣蒂部较短很难用于肘部的修复,而预扩张的脐旁穿支皮瓣远端可以到达腋后线位置,长度明显增加,可以用于肘部缺损的修复,甚至是用于上臂缺损的修复。本研究有6例用于上臂及肘部烧伤后瘢痕挛缩畸形的修复,取得良好的功能和美观恢复,Zang 等[17]报道应用预扩张的带蒂脐旁穿支皮瓣修复上肢缺损,取得了良好的效果。
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李广学,穆籣,刘岩,等.预扩张的脐旁穿支皮瓣修复肘关节瘢痕挛缩畸形[J/CD]. 中华肩肘外科电子杂志,2016,4(1):24-28.
Reconstruction of elbow scar contracture using pre-expanded perforator-based paraumbilical flaps
Background The scar contracture of elbow joint is a common postburn deformity, limiting the joint range of motion, influencing beauty and the patient′s quality of life. For elbow scar contractures, the main surgical treatment is contracture release by removing the scar tissue and covering the defect with sufficient tissue. But it is still highly challenging to restore the functional and aesthetic elbow for large defect. Skin grafting is the simplest option to resurfacing the elbow defect, but it usually lead to poor functional and aesthetic results due to skin contraction and pigmentation. Various types of flaps have been suggested for reconstruction of elbow scar contracture. A Z plasty, V-Y flaps or a transpositional flap technique can be used to release a simple scar contracture. However, local and regional flaps are difficult to restore the large elbow defect after releasing the scar constracture due to the limited available surrounding tissue and limited skin flexibility. Therefore, a distant flap sometimes is needed to reconstruct the extensive defect of the elbow. The anterior truck provide abundant well-pefused flap, such as superficial inferior epigastric artery (SIEA) flap, intercostal artery flap and perforator-based paraumbilical flaps. However, the usage of these flaps was limited because of insufficient soft tissue when dealing with large defect, thick abdominal portion and limited pedicle length. The pre-expanded perforator-based paraumbilical flaps overcome these limitations and provide thin, reliable coverage with the best functional and aesthetic results. We present our experience in reconstructing elbow scar contracture using pre-expanded perforator-based paraumbilical flaps.Methods The elbow scar contracture was corrected in 18 cases with pre-expanded perforator-based paraumbilical flaps, with 8 cases in the left side and 10 cases in the right side including 11 male cases and 7 female cases. Aged 4 years to 46 years with an average age of 18.8 years. Burn injury causes: 13 cases were injuried with hot liquid and 5 case were flame burns, the median time was 18 months from 6 months to 6 years after burn. Elbow joint movement was obviously limited preoperatively, and there were no abundant skin surrounding the elbow to repair the defect after the scar contracture release.Operative method: During the first-stage procedure, the expander was implanted into the ispilateral normal abdominal subcutaneous tissues. First of all, the elbow scar and contracture deformity was marked, and the extent of the defect after scar contracture release was estimated according to the contralateral elbow joint and the extent of the ispilateral side. The flap for reconstruction was slightly larger than the defect. Then two large perforators were detected in the ipsilateral paraumbilical area with hand-held ultrasound Doppler, the axis of the flap was oriented along the axis between the umbilicus and the ipsilateral inferior angle of scapula. The incision was made at the superior edge of the flap. In women, the incision was made under the inframammary fold to prevent breast deformation. Then, we cut the skin, subcutaneous tissue to the superficial external oblique aponeurosis, stripping down along the fascia. We should carefully dissect medially beyond the lateral border of the rectus abdominis to avoid damage to the main paraumbilical perforators, the perforators encountering during the dissection were ligated with suture or bipolar coagulator. At last, an appropriate pocket was formed between the lower ribs and upper abdomen, a proper rectangular expander was implanted, the size of expander was 300 ml to 800 ml, and the expander valve was put at the lateral chest wall routinely. Expander was begun to inject with normal saline two weeks postoperatively, once a week until enough volume was achieved. The flap was usually over-expanded to obtain sufficient flap and direct closure of the abdominal donor site. The expansion time was 10 weeks to 26 weeks with an average time of 18 weeks. During the second-stage procedure, the expander was removed and the expanded perforator-based paraumbilical flaps was elevated and transferred to repair elbow skin defect after scar contracture resection and release. The paraumbilical perforators were relocated with hand-held ultrasound Doppler, transillumination test was used to observe the running situation of the flap vessel. The dimension of flap was marked and the previous incision served as the superior edge of the flap. Firstly, the expander was removed with capsule preserving to avoid damaging the underlying perforators. The pedicle was wide enough to include the identified perforators and facilitate the tube formation. However, there was no need to dissect the perforators intraoperatively. The elbow contracture was completely released, the flap transferred to repair elbow skin defect with part or entire scar tissue resection. The proximal part of flap was sutured to form the skin tube. The abdominal donor site was closed directly after wound drainage placement. The pedicle clamping test was done to confirm the good flap blood supply and the pedicle was divided 3 weeks postoperatively. The rest scar was excised and repaired. The extra proximal flap was re-inserted back to the abdominal donor site.Results There were no wound hematoma, infection and other complications after expander implantation. There were no expander rupture, leakage of injection pot and other complications during injection period. The size of expanded perforator-based paraumbilical flaps ranged from 16 cm × 8 cm to 30 cm × 14 cm, and all abdominal donor sites were closed directly. The donor sites were closed directly in all cases. All flaps survived, except for partial necrosis in two cases due to venous congestion, and they healed after dressing change with mild scar hypertrophy. After 6 months to 38 months (mean 19 months) follow-up, the function of elbow joint recovered well postoperatively. Flap debulking was done in 6 cases.Conclusion The pre-expanded perforator-based paraumbilical flap is an effective procedure for elbow joint scar contracture with extensive defect.
Elbow joint;Scar contracture;Pre-expanded;Perforator-based paraumbilical flaps