甘肃省兰州市教育科学研究所 田 黎
基于人教版《英语》八年级上册Unit 3 Section A1a-1c听说课的教学实录分析
甘肃省兰州市教育科学研究所 田 黎
田黎 硕士研究生,中学一级教师,骨干教师,甘肃省教育学会中小学外语教学专业委员会理事。兰州市第八届教学新秀,先后获得兰州市初中英语课堂教学竞赛一等奖、甘肃省初中英语优质课比赛一等奖、甘肃省第一届中小学教师教学技能大赛初中英语学科组一等奖、第七届全国中学(初中)英语优质课比赛一等奖,并被评为“首届全国中小学外语教师名师”和“甘肃省技术标兵”。
2015年兰州市初中英语优质课比赛于2015年9 月21日在兰州市外国语学校举行。本次由兰州市教育科学研究所主办的现场教学比赛吸引了全市200余名教师前来观摩。大赛的参赛选手是经过逐级竞赛、由各教学片区推荐的优秀教师,其授课基本能够代表本市英语教学的水平。大赛采取统一抽取课时、分批次抽取课题的抽签方式,以同一版本教材(人教版初中英语教科书)为载体,以初一、初二学生人数基本相同的教学班为授课对象,最大程度地体现比赛的公正与公平。大赛以“在同科异构中探索初中英语课堂教学的实效”为主题,践行“认真备课、个性上课、集体观摩、专家引领”为赛课流程,充分体现“观念新、思维活、实效强、易操作”的课堂特色。本次大赛评分结合选手的教学设计和实际授课。从6位参赛者中决出1位一等奖、2位二等奖和3位三等奖。此次赛课、观课活动虽然密度高、节奏快,但通过此次活动,对我市初中英语课堂教学现状(亮点及问题)与对策带来了很多思考。下文所选课例为一等奖课例。
Step 1: Greeting Time
T: Good afternoon, everybody!
Ss: Good afternoon, Miss Liu!
T: It’s a little cold today, isn’t it?
Ss: Yes, it is.
Step 2: Music Time
T: What time is it? (Point to the screen)
Ss: Music Time.
T: Good! Let’s sing and dance together. —The More We Get Together. Please stand up. Let’s stand in a circle hand in hand. Are you ready?
Ss: Yes, ready!
The teacher and the students danced and sang the song together.
T: Are you happy now?
Ss: Yes.
T: The more we get together, the happier we will be.
评析:因为“借班上课”的缘故,教师和学生往往都需要时间相互熟悉(“破冰”环节),刘小萍教师以“谈论天气”这种常见形式与学生进行了第一轮的互动;然后又以歌曲为活动载体,以“站起来、手拉手、听音乐、一起唱”为活动形式,让学生尽快地进入了英语学习的氛围中。一动一跳中,师生之间的关系被拉近了,学生学习英语的兴趣被点燃了。此“破冰”环节中歌曲的选择The More We Get Together与本课目标语言紧密关联, 体现了教师教学设计的细致性。
Step 3: Tongue Twister Time
T: What time is it?
Ss: Tongue Twister Time.
T: Let’s move our tongues. The more we practice English, the better our English will be. First, follow me please! Betty beat a bit of butter to make a better batter. OK, now, please try to read it as fast as you can. Who’d like to have a try?
S1: Betty beat a bit of butter to make a better batter.
T: Good! Give her a big hand.
S2: Betty beat a bit of butter to make a better batter.
T: Excellent! Give him a big hand. OK, Let’s look at the saying: It is easier said than done. Practice it with your partner. (Students practice the saying with their partners.)
T: It is easier said than done. So we should work hard every day, and believe in yourself !
Step 4: Game Time (Showing fash cards)
T: What time is it?
Ss: Game Time!
T: There are many fash cards in my hand. They are the description words about people. Please try to catch my cards and read it aloud. If you can, try to make a sentence using the description word. I believe you can. Which team will get the most cards?
S1: Tall. Mike is a tall boy!
S2: Outgoing. My friend Jenny is outgoing.
S3: Easy. I don’t think math is easy.
Flash cards: tall, short, heavy, thin, long, big,friendly, happy, slow, fast, late, fat, easy, early, funny,lazy, hot, wet, nice, outgoing, hard-working, wide,good, well, expensive
评析:学生对“新知” 的了解、学习和掌握往往建立在他们的“旧知”之上,故刘教师这一环节的设计,为“旧知(已知)”向“新知”的迈进搭建了桥梁。通过游戏的方式,学生就“谈论人的特征”这一话题的“旧知(已知)”被激活,为学习“新知”打好基础,减轻压力。刘教师除了让学生说出能够描述人物特质的单词之外,还要求学生用词造句,体现了“词汇从语境中来,到语境中去”的语言观和语言教育观。此活动以“游戏”的形式展开,这样能够帮助学生继续保持良好的参与度与兴趣点。活动以“独立回答问题”为学生主要的参与方式,因此如果想通过此活动达到“激活大部分学生的已知知识”的目的,还应该扩大参与度。如果教师能在个别学生独立回答问题的同时,对其余学生的学习路径给予指引,如:请学生认真聆听他人的表述,并将好句子或自己不知道的(没想起来)的“新词”“新句”尝试记下来,然后与小组成员分享自己学到的或仍不理解的内容,这样,此活动就做到了让学生“人人有事做、人人能做事”,活动的效果将得到更大的提升。
Step 5: Presenting Time
T: OK, everyone has at least one card. Let’s look at the screen. They are Miss Black and Mr. Black. Miss Black is 1.7 meters tall. She is tall. How about Mr.Black? Mr. Black is 1.83 meters tall. So, (pause) Mr. Black is taller than Miss Black. Follow me, please. Tall -taller. Mr. Black is taller than Miss Black.
Ss: Tall - taller. Mr. Black is taller than Miss Black.
T: Next picture. Yaya and David. They are little kids. Yaya is young, and how can we describe David?
S1: David is younger.
T: Yes! David is younger than Yaya. Follow me,please. Young - younger. David is younger than Yaya.
Ss: Young - younger. David is younger than Yaya.
T: Picture 3. Tom and Tom’s father. What’s wrong with Tom and his dad? In pairs, talk about them according to the picture. Please describe Tom and his dad.
S2: Tom is late. Tom’s dad is later than Tom.
T: Very good! Give her a big hand. Follow her,please.
Ss: Tom is late. Tom’s dad is later than Tom.
T: Picture 4. There are two cats. Supercat and Garfeld. Supercat is fat. How about Garfeld?
S3: Garfeld is fatter than Supercat.
T: Good! How do you spell “fatter”?
S3: F-a-t-t-e-r, fatter.
T: Very good. Follow him, please. Fat - fatter,Garfeld is fatter than Supercat.
Ss: Fat - fatter, Garfeld is fatter than Supercat.
T: Picture 5. Fan Wei and Pan Changjiang are famous actors. Look, Fan Wei is funny. And…
S4: Pan Changjiang is funnier than Fan Wei.
T: Yes. Funny - funnier. Pan Changjiang is funnier than Fan Wei. Together.
Ss: Funny - funnier. Pan Changjiang is funnier than Fan Wei. Together.
T: OK. Look at the last picture. Who are they?
Ss: They are Jack and Linda.
T: Yes, They are good at English. Can you compare them?
S5: Linda is…er…than Jack.
T: Who can help him?
S6: Sorry, I don’t know. Can you help me, Linda?
S7: Hard-working, more hard-working , Linda is more hard-working than Jack.
T: Wow, fantastic! Follow her, please.
Ss: Hard-working, more hard-working, Linda is more hard-working than Jack.
T: We have learned some comparatives, such as tall - taller, late - later, fat - fatter, funny - funnier,hard-working - more hard-working.
Step 6: Game Time
T: In your hands, there are many description words. Can you fnd the family for your cards? S1, S2,S3, S4, S5, S7, please stand up and raise your cards. Here are “tall family” “late family” “fat family” “funny family” “hard-working family”. Now, everybody, please try to fnd your family.
All the students were looking for their own family.
Students formed five different families. Each family stood together.
T: Let’s welcome “tall family” to the front. Hey,“long”, why do you come to the “tall family”?
S(“long”): Because of long - longer, tall - taller.
T: Thank you. All the “tall family” members, please say aloud your description words and comparatives.
Ss(“tall family”) : tall - taller, long - longer, short - shorter, slow - slower.
T: Thank you. Go back to your seats. Let’s welcome “late family”. Could you please tell us why you stand together?
Ss( “late family” ): We are the same. Our last letter is “e”, we add “r” after “e”.
T: Good! Please show your words for us.
Ss( “late family” ): late - later, large - larger, nice - nicer, wide - wider.
T: Thank you. Oh, Wait, there are “good ”and “well” in your family, are they your members?
Ss( “late family” ): No.
T: Where is your family, “good ”and “well” ?Don’t worry. We can help you. Please wait a moment. Let’s welcome “fat family” . Show your words, please.
Ss( “fat family” ): fat - fatter, big - bigger, thin -thinner, hot - hotter, wet - wetter.
T: Why are they in the same family?
Ss( “fat family” ): Because they double the last letter , then add “er”.
T: Great! Are “good ”and “well” in your family?
Ss( “fat family” ): No.
T: What a pity! Just wait! Let’s welcome “funny family”. Show us your cards.
Ss( “funny family” ): funny - funnier, happy -happier, easy - easier, lazy - lazier, heavy - heavier
T: Do you know why they are in the same family?
Ss ( “funny family” ): Because they change “y”into “i”, then add “er”.
T: Correct! Let’s welcome “hard-working family”. Why do you stand together? Because you are hardworking, aren’t you?
Ss( “hard-working family” ): Because we use “more” before hard-working.
T: Everybody, do you agree with them?
Ss( “hard-working family” ): Yes.
T: OK, show us your cards, please.
Ss( “hard-working family” ): hard-working, more hard-working; outgoing, more outgoing; expensive,more expensive.
T: Good, thank you! Are “good ”and “well” in your family?
Ss( “hard-working family” ): No.
T: We have fve families now, but where is your family, “good ”and “well”? Which family can help them?
S8: They are different from us. They are family six.
T: Do you know their comparatives?
S8: good - better, well - better.
T: Great, thank you very much! “good ”and “well”are irregular, they are family six.
Step 7: Listening Time
T: What time is it?
Ss: Listening Time!
T: There are three pairs of twins in a family. They are a little different from each other. Let’s listen for the frst time and number them in the picture.
Students listened and checked their answers in groups.
T: Let’s listen for the second time, please fll in the blanks with the words you hear.
(In groups, students checked the answers and practiced the conversations, then talked about their own classmates.)
A: That’s…isn’t it?
B: No, it isn’t. It’s…/… is…than…/…has…than…./And he/she also plays/sings /runs…/…than…
Step 8: Guessing Time
T: Try to write at least 3 sentences in your paper to describe one of your classmates or your teachers. And let us guess who she/he is.
S1: My best friend has long hair. She is taller than me. She wears glasses. She is more hard-working than me. Who is she?
Ss: Is she…?
评析:此活动设计贴近生活,学生参与热情高,充分体现了语言的活学活用及语言教学“learning by doing;learning for using(做中学,学中做)”的特点。
Step 9: Relaxing Time (video)
T: What time is it?
Ss: Relaxing Time!
T: Let’s watch a video about Tom and Jerry. I believe you can be Tom and Jerry. Let’s act the play!
Students role-played the conversation between Tom and Jerry.
Step 10: Summary Time
The teacher and the students chanted together.
To write a short passage to compare two cities,Beijing and Lanzhou. You can start like this: I like Beijing very much. It is bigger than Lanzhou, but I think Lanzhou is more beautiful…
评析:英语语言的发音位置与汉语发音的位置有差异,因此在英语课堂教学中,“英语绕口令”的使用,既可以帮助学生提升学习英语的兴趣,长期坚持还可以对学生的口语表达起到积极的促进作用。刘教师本环节材料的选择也是围绕本课的目标语言,尽可能地加大学生的语言输入;与此同时,利用谚语“It’s easier said than done.”,刘教师对学生德育的引导也“润物无声”地进行着。