因变量财政分权同时适用收入分权(R_ DEC)、支出分权(E_ DEC)和财政自主(F_ AUTO)三种指标,以多角度、稳健地体现财政分权内容[26]。收支分权由地方预算内收支指示,捕捉中央、地方在资源配置上的对比关系。财政自主由地方对中央的财政依赖反向指示,捕捉地方在资源使用上的自由程度。
自变量地区政治影响力(P_ INF)由中央委员的政治影响力加总而来。海外中国研究已经尝试对中央委员编码,不过主要是限于权力的描述性分析和中央、地方等维度上的简单对比[27]。本文在他们的基础上,对编码结构和考察对象等作以下改进: (1)弃用简单的0、1赋分,分别为一般委员、政治局委员、政治局常委赋值1、5、9和1、9、27分,以充分体现不同委员不同等级的政治能量差异,像现有研究常用地方领导政治局委员身份的0、1赋分,这既不能充分体现大多数省份之间的差异,也不能捕捉到拥有更大政治势力的政治局常委的影响。(2)纳入非正式政治内容,分别适用0.6、0.3、0.1和0.7、0.2、0.1的加权比重,将等级得分分配于现职地、发源地(前一政治周期内的任职地)和籍贯地,以充分体现关系网络和高等级委员的影响,像现有研究主要集中于当地领导,这忽视了中国特有的关系型政治,特别是忽视了非地方领导的中央领导的影响[28]。举个例子,如果是某政治局常委,则其得分为9分或者27分,再将分值按照比例分配于现职地(中央)、发源地(中央或者地方省份)和籍贯地(地方省份),所有中央委员的得分均按照此程序分配,最后加总各省份和中央部委等得分。由于引入了发源地等非正式政治,为规避编码冲突,也是吻合政治事实,政治影响力指标的计算对应于整个党代会周期。
其他控制型等变量见表1。其中建筑业增加值比重代理指示非预算财政(N_ BUD)的影响,这是基于非预算财政与房地产发展紧密相关,国有企业工业产值比重代理指示非市场化(N_ MAR)如传统计划经济、政企关系等的影响。具体搜集的数据始自2003年,止于2007年,以对应于“十六大”党代会周期的政治影响力数据。选择“十六大”是鉴于当时中国政治生活已经基本制度化,核心表现如领导人更替可预期、政治局会议正规化、领导人分工明确化等,而政治制度化意味着基于职务测度影响力的可靠性。政治影响力数据也可以拓展至“十七大”等,但我们还不能得到关键的自2008年起的行政编制数据,故先将研究局限于“十六大”。影响力的现职地、发源地等均纳入任期权重,适应于党代会的召开日期,日期精确到半月,其中官方公布简历上精确到月的,按月中值计算,没有精确到月的,再通过搜索新华网、人民网、或者相关政府型网站等确认。省外如中央部委等的政治影响力都归集为“非地方”,个别逝世、免职、递补委员的任职期以官方正式公布的日期为准。匹配于政治影响力数据,变量都归集为五年整体的,价格型变量根据GDP平减指数折算到2003年的水平,美元价值根据当年平均汇率折算成人民币价值。
表1 变量定义
表2 描述性统计
表3 回归分析结果
本文其他变量的作用包括: (1)行政力量一般发挥正向作用,吻合行政部门扩张说。特殊的是行政政府在财政自主中的负向作用,这主要是因为我国大多数省份都属于地广人稀的落后省份,它们的县级政府数恰恰都很高,所以资源规律掩盖、乃至颠覆了政治和行政规律,像很多基层政府的运转就主要依赖于中央补助。另外行政政府与行政官员也存在部分重复测度,影响到定量检验。(2)经济发展和城镇化水平的正向作用,符合传统分权理论。(3)外向型经济的正向作用,说明了对外开放对于地方财力和公共服务等的正面效应。(4)非预算财政的正向作用,它与财政收入受到很多共同因素的影响,也有利于扩张支出。(5)非市场化对收入分权发挥负面作用,说明了国有企业不利于收入征集,但对支出分权具有正向作用,对财政自主有负向作用,说明地方凭借国有企业的关系网络可以争取到更多补助,进而扩张支出。(6)人口规模对财政自主发挥正向作用,符合传统分权理论,但对支出分权发挥负向作用,这与支出的实质内容和指标的人均性质有关,我国很多公共支出都属于基本型,而且像行政管理等活动具有明显的非竞争性特性。(7)少数民族的负向作用,符合相关地区因地理条件恶劣和经济落后而导致财力匮乏,进而需要补助。(8)西部地区对收入分权的正向作用,可能是控制了少数民族等变量的结果。
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Capital Account Opening,Exchange Rate Policy and Asset Price
WANG Bin1,TANG Guo-qiang2,3
(1.Department of Investment Banking,ICBC,Beijing 100140,China; 2.School of Economics,Central University of Finance and Economics,Beijing 100081,China; 3.General China Petroleum Institute,Beijing 100083,China)
On the Construction and Application of Chinese Financial Stress Index
CHEN Zhong-yang,XU Yue
(School of Finance,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872,China)
Monetary Policy,Wealth Management Products and the Deposit and Loan Selection of Microsubjects——Empirical Analysis Based on the Quarterly Data of Listed Banks from 2004 to 2013
ZHAI Guang-yu
(School of Finance,Dongbei University of Finance&Economics,Dalian 116025,China)
The Factors that Influence the Loaning Rate of Net Credit Platform Fund——Based on the Test of Prosper Platform Data
FANG Xian-ming1,LI Rui-wen1,LI Xiao-lin2
(1.School of Economics,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210093,China; 2.School of Management,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210093,China)
The Expansion of State-owned Enterprises,Credit Distortions and Excess Capacity——The Empirical Research Based on Industrial Panel Data
HE Jing-tong,HE Lei
(School of Economics,Nankai University,Tianjin 300071,China)
Do the Supportive Policies for Photovoltaic Industry Work?——Evidence from Chinese Stock Market
YE Fei-yang1,JIA Fan-sheng2,3
(1.School of Accounting,Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,Chengdu 611130,China; 2.Research Institute of Economics and Management,Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,Chengdu 611130,China; 3.School of Economics and Management,Hainan University,Haikou 570100,China)
Environmental Regulation Competition and Industrial Structure Adjustment from the Perspective of Decentralization
ZHENG Jin-ling
(School of Economics,Jinan University,Guangzhou 510632,China)
Decentralization,Political Connection and Corporate Performance
LI Jin-jin,YU Hong-xin
(School of International Business Administration,Shanghai University of Finance and Economics,Shanghai 200439,China)
Evaluation of the Roles Played by Employees' Training Input in Corporate Productivity——Based on the Analysis of Generalized Propensity Score Matching Model
TANG Xue-liang1,WU Wan-zong2,ZONG Da-wei1,3
(1.School of Economics,Shanghai University of Finance and Economics,Shanghai 200433,China; 2.School of International Business Administration,Shanghai University of Finance and Economics,Shanghai 200433,China; 3.Department of Mathematics,Changshu Institute of Technology,Changshu 215500,China)
Internal Governance and Debt Levels: the Empirical Analysis Based on Listed Companies
WANG Cun-li1,YUAN Xu-hong2
(1.School of Economics and Finance,Xi'an Jiaotong University,Xi'an 710061,China; 2.Business School of Xiangtan University,Xiangtan 411105,China)
Central Control or Local Independence? A Test of Fiscal Decentralization under Political Influence
CHEN Zhi-guang
(School of Governmental Administration,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023,China)
Scarcity Dualism and Institution Theory of Value: A Theoretical Explanation on Paradigms of Post-classical Economics
XU Jin1,2
(1.Socio-Science Research Center of MIT,Boston 02139,USA; 2.China Economic Development Research Center,Xi'an Jiaotong University,Xi'an 710061,China)
Abstract:This paper provides two paradigms of post-classical economics,which are scarcity dualism and institution theory of value.Scarcity dualism shows that scarcity could be classified as relative scarcity of nature resource and absolute scarcity of social resource,and it also could be classified as relative scarcity of commodity and absolute scarcity of lifetime.The institution theory of value points out that institution means the source of value generation,labor means the formation method of value and utility means the expression of value.Institution constructs value-space,determines value-attribution,value-dimension and value-measurement.This paper analyzes the relationship between institution exportation and value plunder,and points out the non-neutrality of monetary and it's credit-foundation from institution.This paper considers institution exportation and dimension-reduction strategy as the main means of rising power to establish world order and pattern of international interest,and proves this opinion through thought experiment as vanishing assumption.As an example,this paper points out that the inner essence of intellectual property is the indirect occupation of others' wealth,and typically is the strategic method of multinational value plunder.In the last,according to the valuation of economic reform,this paper provides two standards as external sum-measurement and multi-dimensional volumemeasurement. Based on the theoretical framework of general equilibrium,this paper firstly expounds the mechanism of influence of the opening extent of capital account and exchange rate policy on asset price and the features of roles in which they play.The numerical simulation demonstrates that the opening extent change and exchange rate fluctuation are very important for the stability of asset price.In comparison with exchange rate control extent,the effects of the roles played by the opening extent of capital account in asset price show greater diversity.The empirical analysis that is based on the panel data of developed countries and emerging market countries indicates that the influences of capital account opening on the asset market of developed countries are more obvious.Exchange rate stability is more conductive to the asset market development of emerging market countries.Considering that all the countries in the world conduct capital account opening of different extents,maintaining exchange rate stability is very important for asset market,especially for emerging market countries.In addition,this paper also empirically examines the influence of basic economic aspect and monetary and financial factors on asset price.This paper thinks,under the complex background that America withdrew from quantitative easing policy and the foreign exchange market and asset market of many emerging market countriesbook=125,ebook=130were shocked,China should prudently push the opening of capital market and further enlarge the bidirectional fluctuation space of RMB's exchange rate to make it stabilized within a rational equilibrium exchange rate interval,which has active real significance for the long-term development of Chinese asset market and the prudent operation of financial system. Based on the data on 12 kinds of basic indicators on financial press that covers money,bonds and foreign market from January of 2007 to June of 2015,this paper builds weekly financial stress index (FSI) for China by using main part analysis and the relevance matrix on indicator intersection and conducts threshold and regime analysis by using TVAR model based on the relationship between FSI and macroeconomy.The results indicate that the trend of FSI basically matches the systematic events in the sample interval and the economic regime in the future seven months can be judged by comparing current numerical value and threshold value.The results of regime analysis show that there are few high stress regimes and the general economic operation is relatively stable in China. This paper statistical analyzes the economic phenomena like reserve requirement ratio and deposit growth rate and gets the theoretical inference: the rise of reserve requirement ratio causes the rise of the return rate of banks' wealth management products,deposit transfer and sluggish growth.Empirical analysis shows that: no significant correlation exists between loan growth rate and reserve requirement ratio.But the inhibitory roles played by inter-bank offered rate in loans is significant.Negative correlation exists between deposit growth and the expected return rate of wealth management products.Empirical results prove theoretical inference.When the scale growth of banks' wealth management products emerges,banks' asset-liability structure changes.The quantitative monetary policy tools represented by reserve requirement ratio have limited capacity in freezing funds.The correlation between credit and reserve requirement is weakened and the effects of monetary policy is also weakened.Monetary policy should transfer from relying on quantitative tools to price control. P2P platform finishes fund borrowing and loaning after fund raisers apply for loans,the plat-book=126,ebook=131form audits and publishes loan information and investors bid.The borrowing and loaning rate of funds are the core factors that affect the prudent operation of P2P platform.Because the fund loaning rate of Net Credit Platform is sensitive to liquidity premium,credit spread,debt repaying capacity,investors 'emotion and so on,this paper builds econometric test model and conducts empirical test based on Prosper platform data.The results find: generally speaking,the effects of liquidity,credit standing,debt repaying capacity and investors' emotion on the borrowing and loaning rate of platform funds are basically the same with theoretical analysis.However,the sensitivity of the borrowing and loaning rate of platform funds to all kinds of influencing factors is different,among which those that can produce more obvious effects are : term variable,credit rating among credit variables,the credit enquiry frequency in the past six months,debt-to-income ratio in debt repaying capacity and loan amount,friends 'investment amount and whether they have joined the group among investors' emotion variables.Based on this,this paper puts forward policy suggestions on promoting the healthy development of Chinese P2P platform. This paper theoretically explores and empirically tests the mechanism between the expansive and excess capacity of SOEs.The nature of SOEs makes them have the internal stimulation that leads to excessive capacity expansion.After the economic crisis,the economic stimulating policy dominated by the government stimulated the expansive capacity of SOEs internally and externally and aggravated excess capacity problem.This paper empirically tests the relationship among SOEs,credit distortion and capacity utilization rate by using the panel data model of 36 Chinese 36 SOEs in industrial sector from 2000 to 2011.The empirical results indicate that: the state-owned stock controlling proportion of the industry and the credit scale of SOEs have significant negative effect on the capacity utilization rate of the industry and the negative effects will be strengthened after 2008. From 2012 to 2013,the two successive governments made the relevant policies for promoting the development of photovoltaic industry in order to deal with the inside and outside difficult situation of Chinese photovoltaic industry.However,there is controversy about the rationality of these policies.Do these policies work? This paper chooses the listed companies of A-share photovoltaic industry as sample and uses event study methods to examine the market performance of the relevant companies' stocks before and after these policies are published and test the effects of the policies from this perspective.The research finds that the market has different reactions to different policies.This paper further analyzes the causes for different reactions and role mechanism.and further proves by using the corresponding industrial data. Based on the economic decentralization and regional disparity of environmental regulation,this paper uses the panel data of 279 Chinese cities from 2003 to 2013 and examines the industrial structure effects of environmental regulation and environmental regulation competition.The research finds that: (1) the greater strength of Chinese environmental regulation is conductive to the industrial structure upgrading without considering environmental regulation competition.(2) After the environmental regulation competition is pictured by using spatial Durbin model,environmental regulation plays smaller promoting roles in local industrial structure upgrading.The environmental regulation competition that focuses on simulation strategy will produce positive spillover effect on the industrial structure level of nearby regions.The accumulative spillover effects on the nearby regions are nearly 4 times as much as that on local area.Seen from regions,the promoting roles played by environmental regulation in local industrial structure upgrading are more outstanding in the middle and west region.The negative spatial spillover effect of east region shows that the environmental regulation competition of east coastal cities is not conductive to the general industrial transformation upgrading of the region.The local government is more inclined to adopt differentiation strategy rather than the simulation strategy of the middle and west region. Through the empirical analysis of Chinese A share listed companies from 2010 to 2013,we find that the political connection of enterprises produces two kinds of effects: creative productive inhibitory effect and relational resource bias effect.Creative productive inhibitory effect hinders the rise of corporate performance; but relational resource bias effect improves corporate performance by helping enterprises to obtain key resources.Generally speaking,the positive effect of relational resource bias produced by the political connection of Chinese enterprises on performance should be greater than the negative effect of creative production inhibitory effect on performance.But decentralization,continually reducing governmental intervention,raising governmental efficiency and cutting relational resource bias effect lead to that political connection is not conductive to the rise of the long-term corporate performance. Employees' training input is not the more the better.Based on the generalized propensity score matching method,this paper evaluates the roles played by employees' training input in corporate productivity and finds that: (1) a reverse N-shaped relationship exists between training input and corporate productivity,that is,with the rise of training input,corporate productivity has the trend of“rise-fall-rise”.Thus,relativelybook=128,ebook=133small or large amount of training input is invalid.The corporate efficiency can't be raised and there is no optimal employees' training input.(2) These conclusions are robust under two kinds of efficiency indicators (i.e.labor productivity and total factor productivity) and under three subsamples (i.e.classified by region,industry and ownership).(3) But the treatment effects and the optimal scale of employees' training input are different in different subsamples. On the basis of theoretical analysis,this paper,selects 2389 A-share listed companies in Chinese Shanghai and Shenzhen stock market in 2013 as sample and conducts the empirical research on the relationship between internal governance and debt levels.The results indicate that the effects of the scale of the board of directors,the scale of independent directors and the percentage of the independent director on the debt level of listed companies are uncertain.But the coefficient sign difference can reflect the internal check and balance mechanism inside the board of directors.The bigger scale of the board of directors and the internal structure that board chairman acts as the general manager can cause higher corporate debt level in the normal operation course of the company.The more the general meeting of stockholders,the higher the debt level of listed companies; fewer meetings of board of supervisors are conductive to reducing the debt level of listed companies and can better protect the rights and interests of listed companies over debtors. This paper takes three fiscal decentralization indicators including income,expenditure and independence as dependent variables,introduces the indicator on local political influence from central committee members and examines the determinants on fiscal decentralization that are rarely studied in China.Political influence plays a directive negative role in fiscal decentralization,which indicates that the central government makes fiscal resources centralized on the central government by the aid of the influence of political committee members' political power.Political influence plays an in directive positive adjusting role in administrative government and administrative bureaucracy,which shows that under the stimulation and guarantee of related political powers,administrative power can grab more fiscal resources.These evidences prove that promoting fiscal decentralization reform and optimizing the relationship between the central government and the local government can't ignore the in-depth political and administrative system reform.
Key words:Economics Paradigm; Scarcity Dualism; Institution Theory of Value; Dimension Reduction Strategy; Vanishing Assumption; Intellectual Property Capital Account; Exchange Rate; Asset Price; Monetary Policy Financial System; Financial Stability; Financial Stress Index; Systematic Risk Reserve Requirement Ratio; Loan Growth Rate; Deposit Growth Rate; Wealth Management Product Net Credit Platform; Loaning Rate of Funds; Risk Premium; Investors' Behavior Excess Capacity; Capacity Utilization Rate; State-owned Enterprise; Credit Distortion; Industrial Panel Data Photovoltaic Industry; Policy Support; Event Study Environmental Regulation Competition; Industrial Structure Upgrading; Spillover; Spatial Durbin Model Decentralization; Political Connection; Corporate Performance; Political Intervention; Governmental Efficiency Employees' training Input; Corporate Productivity; Generalized Propensity Score Matching; Treatment Effect Internal Governance; Debt Level; Empirical Analysis Fiscal Decentralization; Fiscal Independence; Political Influence; Central-Local Relationship; Central Committee Member; Administrative Power
基金项目:国家社科基金重点项目“政治权力影响下中央对地方财政转移支付配置研究”(15AZZ011) ;教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目“基于治理视角的我国地方政府财政支出效率研究”(13YJA630009) ;国家留学基金委访问学者项目。