1. 方位
东西南北:north, south, east and west
华北:North China
华东:East China
例句:The Ming Tombs are located about 50 km to the northwest of Beijing. 十三陵位于北京西北50公里处。
2. 前后
左顾右盼:look right and left
前后:back and forth
例句:He looked right and left, waiting for Marry. 他左顾右盼,等待玛丽的到来。
She passed the needle through the rough cloth, back and forth. 她一针一针地缝那块粗布。
3. 晴雨
不论晴雨:rain or shine
例句:Rain or shine, well have to go tomorrow. 不论晴雨,我们明天必须出发。
4. 衣食:food and clothing
例如:衣食住行food, clothing, shelter and transportation
5. 水陆:land and water
例句:The convenient land and water transport is conducive to the development of export-oriented economy. 水陆交通便利,有利于外向型经济的发展。
6. 迟早:sooner or later
例如:Sooner or later, well succeed. 我们迟早会成功的。
7. 三三两两:twos and threes
例如:To practice English conversation, the teacher had the students sit in twos and threes. 为了练习英语会话,老师让学生三三两两坐在一起。
8. 血肉:flesh and blood
例如:Im only flesh and blood, like anyone else. 我只是个凡人,和其他人一样。
The Party and the masses of the people are always as close as flesh and blood. 党和人民群众永远血肉相连。
9. 其他
水火:fire and water
贫富:rich and poor
新旧:old and new
长短:short and long
细长:long and thin
男婴:baby boy
女婴:baby girl
雌雄:male and female
冷热:hot and cool
凉爽:nice and cool
软硬:hard and soft
轻重:heavy and light
钢铁:iron and steel
手臂:arms and hands
河流湖泊:lakes and rivers
山水:waters and mountains
中小型:small and medium sizes
中青年人:young and middle-aged people
文艺:art and literature
文武:military and civilian
物理化学:chemistry and physics
工农业:agriculture and industry
田径(运动):track and field (events)
水土流失:soil erosion and water loss
新郎新娘:the bride and the bridegroom
手疾眼快:quick of eye and deft of hand
喜怒哀乐:anger, grief, joy and happiness
水乳交融:as well blended as milk and water
责任编辑 蒋小青