杨春虹 刘成 李阳 刘华英 涂文凤
摘 要:化石能源目前仍是人类利用的主要能源,而化石能源的日益枯竭已经成为可以影响社会发展和国家安全的关键问题。同时人类对化石能源的过度依赖也带来了严重的环境污染和全球变暖问题。因此,提高可再生清洁能源的利用,掌握可再生能源利用中的关键技术,实现可再生清洁能源利用的独立自主是关系到我国国计民生的关键。太阳能是地球上一切可再生能源的主要来源,而植物光合作用则是地球上唯一可以在常温常压下捕捉、转化和储存太阳辐射能量的过程。在光合作用过程中高等植物叶绿体中的光合膜蛋白主要负责捕捉和转化太阳能。人工模拟这一系列的过程是目前国际上的研究热点之一。解析光合膜蛋白的结构与功能关系以及光合膜激发能传递的机理是模拟光合膜蛋白的功能的基础。该研究将在光合膜色素蛋白复合体现有结构信息的基础上,基于光合作用理论研究的最新进展,比如:对于捕光天线三维结构的解析的基础上,进一步认知光合膜蛋白的功能,在植物细胞水平及个体水平上,探索光合膜蛋白的结构与功能间的关系,并在此基础上,进行以提高光合膜蛋白的结构稳定性为目标的分子设计和组装,通过设计光合膜蛋白的关键结构域和最佳介质环境,探索提高光合作用量子效率的途径,提高光合膜蛋白的结构稳定性;以具有较高工作效率和高稳定性的短命植物团扇荠为材料,着重研究团扇荠光合膜蛋白的结构和功能的关系展开研究;同时,设计、合成和组装能进行全波长吸收的体外组装的光合膜色素蛋白复合体的超分子体系。最后与其他研究合作,对于光合膜蛋白进行化学修饰及纳米颗粒修饰,拓宽光合膜蛋白的吸收光谱和电荷分离特性,以实现具有高效率和高稳定性特征的以光合膜色素蛋白复合体超分子体系为主体的光合作用模拟元件,为利用光合作用原理,寻求取得新型的固定太阳能,产生人类所需的能量的提供理论依据,为构建未来的生物太阳能电池提供新思路,新材料及新技术。
关键词:光合作用 捕光色素蛋白复合体 分子设计 稳定性 多样性
Abstract: The fossil energy was still the main part of world energy consumption. It has been a critical problem to social development and national security that the fossil energy gradually exhausted. The fossil energy consumption also brings about serious environmental pollution and global warming problem. Therefore increasing utilization of renewable clear energy, mastering key technology and keeping independence in making use of renewable clear energy are very important to the nation's economy and the people's livelihood.Solar energy is main resource for most renewable clear energy and photosynthesis is the only way to harvest, convert and store solar energy at ambient temperature and pressure conditions on the earth. Photosynthetic membrane proteins in plants are responsible for harvesting and converting solar energy. The simulation of such processes is one of hot points in scientific research. Studies about the relationship between structure and function of photosynthetic membrane proteins and the mechanism of excitation energy transfer are the basis of such simulation. This project will be based on the new achievement in photosynthetic researches, for example, the atomic resolution crystal structure of major light harvesting complexes, to explore the functions of photosynthetic membrane proteins and further unveil the relationship between structure and function on different levels. Finally, we can (1)accomplish molecular design and modification for stability improvement;(2)increase photosynthetic quantum efficiency and stability by modifying key domains and environment;(3) study the relationship between structure and function in Berteroa incana, which contains a series of photosynthetic membrane proteins with high stability and efficiency;(4)design, and reconstitute photosynthetic proteins which can absorb light at all wavelength in visible region. Collaborating with other project, we plan to modify photosynthetic membrane proteins with organic or nano particles to improve absorption or create functions such as charge separation of photosynthetic membrane proteins. In this way, we hope to construct bio-inspired elements, the main parts of which are photosynthetic membrane proteins, to mimic photosynthesis. This project will contribute to theory support for searching for photosynthesis-based ways for convert solar energy and also the work will help in creating new idea, new material and new technology for the construction of bio-inspired solar cells in future.
Key Words: Photosynthesis; Light harvesting pigment-protein complexes; Molecular design; Stability; Diversity