
2016-05-14 14:05张爱娟
中学生英语·阅读与写作 2016年7期





常见的将来时间状语有:tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, tomorrow morning/ afternoon/ evening; in 2020, in two days; next week/ Sunday/ month/ term/ year; this Monday/ week/ month/ year; in a minute/ moment;at once;today;in the future, soon, some day, one day; before long等。


1. “be going to + 动词原形”。be要根据主语人称和数的需要转换为is, am或are。此结构表示将要发生的事情或打算、计划、决定在最近或将来要做的事;也可以表示主观意愿,即表示事先经过考虑之后做出的计划或安排。例如:

Miss Li is going to be a doctor in the future. 李小姐将来想当医生。

They have bought some cloth, and they are going to make themselves coats. 他们买了些布料,准备自己做外套。

Im going to leave for Canada next year. 我计划明年去加拿大。

Hes going to reach America in a few hours. 几个小时后他将到达美国。

“be going to + 动词原形”表示根据已有的迹象判断要发生的某种事态。这种场合往往不需要有时间状语与之连用。例如:

Be careful!You are going to run into the tree. 小心!你快要撞到树上了。

Look at the dark clouds. It is going to rain. 看这乌云,像是要下雨了。

I feel dizzy. Im going to faint. 我感觉头昏。我就要昏倒了。

2. “助动词will/ shall + 动词原形”。shall用于主语为第一人称的I和we, will适用于其他任何人称和数。但在美国英语中,不管主语是什么人称,一般都用will。


Im tired. Ill go to bed. 我累了,我去睡觉了。

Im sure you will enjoy yourself. 我确信你会过得愉快的。

—Where is the telephone book? 电话号码本在哪儿?

—Ill get it for you. 我去拿给你。

We shall finish working tomorrow. 明天我们将完成这项工作。

Im afraid she wont come back. 恐怕她不会回来了。

—That box is quite heavy for me. 对我来说,那个箱子很重。

—Ill help you to carry it. 我来帮你提吧。


What shall I do? (你说)我该怎么办呢?

Will you please open the window? 请你打开窗子,好吗?

【温馨提示】there be句型的将来时间表达法:

“There will be.../ There is going to be + 单数名词/不可数名词”或There are going to be + 复数名词”,意为“将有……”,试译:明天将有一场足球赛。

【误】There is going to have a football match tomorrow.

【误】There will have a football match tomorrow.

【正】There is going to be a football match tomorrow.

【正】There will be a football match tomorrow.

3. 一般现在时表示将来时间

由when, as soon as, after, before, whenever, till/ until等引导的时间状语从句和由if, unless等引导的条件状语从句中可用一般现在时表示将来时间。主句表示将来意义的情况有三种:


We shall wait for him until he comes back tomorrow. 我们将一直等到他明天回来。

If everyone gives a little love to the others, our world will become much better. 如果人人献出一点爱,世界将会变得更加美好。

Mary will call you as soon as she arrives in Beijing. 玛丽一到北京就会打电话给你。

Her mother is going to talk with her before she goes to Beijing. 她去北京前,她妈妈准备和她谈谈。

Whenever we get in trouble, he will help us. 无论什么时候我们有困难,他都会帮助我们。

(2)主句是陈述句,其谓语动词含有must, should, may和can等情态动词或含有一般现在时的hope, want, wish, would like/ love时,时间状语从句和条件状语从句中用一般现在时表示将来时间。例如:

She wants to be a teacher when she grows up. 她长大想当教师。

You may go home after you finish your test. 你做完测试后就可以回家。


Dont cross the street when the traffic light is red. 交通灯呈红色时,别过马路。

Please hands up if you have any question. 假如你有什么问题,请举手。

4. 现在进行时表示将来时间,用“助动词is/ am/ are + v-ing形式”表示将来时间。

(1)此结构主要用来表示按计划、安排马上将要发生的动作。这种表达通常只适用于come, go, leave, start, begin, arrive, take off, move, fly, travel, sail等动词,且通常要与将来的时间状语连用。在特定的情景中,可以不用时间状语。例如:

Mary is leaving for Shanghai soon. 不久玛丽将前往上海。

—Tom, supper is ready!Its time for it. 汤姆,晚饭准备好了!该吃饭了。

—Oh, Mum!Im coming. 哦,妈妈!我马上就来。

The Smiths are moving to Kunming tomorrow. 明天史密斯一家就要搬到昆明去了。

Hurry up!The bus is starting. 快点!公交车快要开了。

(2)be, come, go, leave, retire, start, arrive, take off, move, fly, travel, sail, turn等动词的一般现在时可以在简单句中表示按既定计划或时间表将要发生的事件。例如:

Tomorrow is Saturday. We should have two days off. 明天就是星期六了,咱们该有两天假日。

The train leaves at eight this evening. 火车今晚八点开车。

Next Teachers Day falls on a Friday. 明年教师节是星期五。

The doctor retires next year. 这个医生明年就要退休了。

The new school year starts on September the first. 新学年九月一日开始。

Baba Yaga邪恶女巫——芭芭亚加
语法学堂 助动词怎么"助"?
多 种 感 谢