The Comments on the American Constitution

2016-05-14 14:07杨丽
校园英语·上旬 2016年8期

The constitution of the United States of America was admitted by Constitutional Convention In September 1787,which is recognized by the worlds first written constitution. The Constitution not only establishes the fundamental nature of the state of the United States federal system, but also provides the legitimacy of the existence of the federal government. In generally, democracy, freedom and equality are the peoples consistent understanding of the American Constitution. However, If we make a deeper study of the 1787 Constitution of the United States, we will find that the American constitution is just a fruit of some peoples self-interest instead of all peoples self-interest. The paper concentrates on the reasons that the American constitution is just a fruit of some peoples self-interest.

The first is the background of American constitution is that some peoples interests are damaged,especially capitalists. Firstly, states commercial competitions are increasingly fierce. currencies, bonds, manufacturer and import and export trade of the four interest groups suffered heavy losses. Actually, The United States of America is only a sovereign state alliance. So the classes are desire to establish a strong central government to protect their economic interests. Secondly, the rise of political turmoil and constitutional movement is one of important factors. Small farmers were burdened by heavy rents, ruinous taxes, and low incomes.Because of social unrest and financial turmoil, the rich and the interests of the bourgeoisie are threatened again. Therefore, the Constitution not only reflect positively privileged interests, but also is the hypocrisy of democracy under a compromise.

The second is the aims of American constitution are to safeguard the interests of the rich and the bourgeoisie. The first is to resolve problems among the thirteen states regarding trade and duties. The second is to protect overseas commercial and diplomatic interests, the third is to effectively propagate the financial and commercial interests of the affluent class. The last is to defend the very wealthy from the competing claims of other classes within the society.

The third is the limitations of the people involved in the American constitution making and the way of meeting. Participate in the development of the constitution naturally try to maintain their own interests in the first.Most of them come from slave owners , plantation owners, and big capitalists which are thinking about how to exploit the interests of farmers and workers. The constitution they have made just are for the benefit of the upper class. Secondly, representatives have repeatedly been asked not to disclose the contents to the public and newspapers.

The last is the contents of the American constitution. Firstly, the elections are not democratic. For the presidential election as example, although it takes in the form of an elected, the decisive role is the electoral votes.There have been a number of times in the history that the elected president is less universal suffrage and more electoral votes. Besides, Senators are not elected by public, and elected by the States. African American and female do not have the right to vote in the beginning. Secondly,the American constitution never abolished the slave trade. It mentions that slaves who escaped from one state to another had to be delivered up to the original owner upon claim. Slave owners will catch fugitive slaves back and plate them with a felony.These fugitives fled from a state to another state (especially the Free State fled from slave states) will be recaptured by the soldiers and returned to their owners, and rule with a felony. Thirdly, that article VIII of the Constitution defines the obligations of the federal government to protect the legitimate sacred private property is a cover to protect the property of the capitalists.In the constitution, a number of specific provisions of the rights conferred, which includes as follows: import tariffs, and to determine the value of the national currency issue, management intercontinental business and diplomatic rights.We can see that these specific provisions aims to maintain the interests of investor, merchant credit bank rather than peoples. Fourthly, the purpose of separation of the three powers is to weaken democracy. In fact, the principle the representative system itself weakens democracy.

All in all, the constitution of capitalism must satisfy the interests of the upper class firstly. We can not deny the historical significance of the American constitution, but it is indeed a fruit of some peoples self-interest.




[3]Philadelphia Convention.United States Constitution.(1787).


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