
2016-05-14 10:10张勋
高中生学习·高三版 2016年8期


真题回放 (2016·全国卷Ⅰ)

My uncle is the owner of a restaurant close to that I live. Though not very big, but the restaurant is very popular in our area. It is always crowded with customers at meal times. Some people even had to wait outside. My uncle tells me that the key to his success is honest. Every day he makes sure that fresh vegetables or high quality oil are using for cooking. My uncle says that he never dreams becoming rich in the short period of time. Instead, he hopes that our business will grow steady.

参考答案 1. that→where;2. 去掉but;3. times→time;4. had→have;5. honest→honesty;6. or→and;7. using→used;8. 在dreans后面加上of;9. the→a;10. our→his。

考点分布 名词2道;时态/语态2道;形容词/副词1道;冠词1道;介词1道;连词2道;代词1道。

试题分析 考查的都是基础知识,虚词和实词并重,注重考查在理解整体文章的基础上解题的能力。




1. 名词。要记住一些常用的不可数名词,如advice, equipment, money, time等,要根据具体语境辨别使用名词单数还是复数形式。

例1 One of my memory of my school in Xin Jiang is that of lunches we brought from our home.

解析 memory→memories。句意为:在新疆上学的记忆之一是我们从家里带的午餐。memory作“记忆力”解时是不可数名词,而作“记忆、回忆”解时,是不可数名词,类似的词还有experience等。one of后接可数名词的复数形式。

例2 The airs we breath in is getting dirtier and dirtier.

解析 airs→air。句意为:我们呼进的空气变得越来越脏了。air是不可数名词,没有复数形式。

2. 代词。考点涉及人称代词、物主代词和反身代词的使用,物主代词的指代对象前后的不一致,it作形式主语、形式宾语或指代时有缺漏,both, all, either, neither, every和each等词的误用。

例3 After thinking for some time, I let her copy my answers. But after the test, all of us were called to the teachers office.

解析 all→both。不定代词all指三者及以上,指两者时用both。

例4 I would like to thank my parents because you have given me life.

解析 you→they。句意为:我要感谢我的父母,因为他们给了我生命。前后指代不一致,you改成they。

例5 I was learning to express me in simple English.

解析 me→myself。句意为:我正学着用简单的英语表达我自己。句中主语和宾语是同一人,所以用反身代词。

注意 在定语从句中,关系代词和关系副词的混用也很常见。

例6 I live in Beijing, where is the capital of China.

解析 where→which。which在非限制性定语从句中作主语。



例7 Interesting, it had a connection with the British porcelain industry.

解析 Interesting→Interestingly。句意为:有趣的是,(这本书)跟英国的瓷器产业还有关联。修饰整个句子用副词。

例8 Nang is a specially kind of cake in Xinjiang.

解析 specially→special。句意为:馕是新疆的一种特殊的饼。修饰名词kind应用形容词special。


介词错误主要集中在多词、少词或搭配不当上。主要考查:固定短语和介词的搭配;时间状语中的名词前有指示代词this, that, one等;句中有序数词next, last, first等修饰时,其前不用冠词;不定式后的动词短语中介词不能省略。

例9 Unfortunately, on the development of industrialization, the environment has been polluted.

解析 on→with。句意为:不幸的是,随着社会的发展,环境已被污染了。with在这里引导伴随状语。考查介词的固定搭配。

例10 He had only a small cold room to study.

解析 study后加in。句意为:他只有一间又冷又小的房间来学习。study in some place,故应加in。

例11 On the way to home, all I did was thinking about it.

解析 去掉to。句意为:在回家的路上我一直在想这件事。home此处意为“回家”,是副词,不用加to。



例12 As result, the plants are growing everywhere.

解析 As后加a。as a result,固定搭配。

例13 Because there are more the honors and joys in my life.

解析 去掉the。句意为:因为我的人生中有更多的荣誉和快乐。此处荣誉和快乐是泛指,而非特指。

注意 修饰名词时冠词一般置于形容词之前。



例14 I bought my ticket but turned around to pick up my bag from the floor.

解析 but→and。句意为:我拿起我的票然后转身从地上拿起我的包。此处两个动作是顺承关系。

例15 The murderer managed to escape from the accident scene after the police came.

解析 after→before。句意为:凶手在警察赶到之前就成功逃逸事故现场了。after是“在……之后”,before“在……之前”。

例16 It looks as if my parents treat me as a visitor and a guest.

解析 and→or。句意为:看起来我的爸妈是把我当成游客或者客人来对待的。根据句意,and改成or。


1. “四不改”原则:单词拼写不改;大小写不改;语序错误不改;标点符号不改。

2. “五改动”原则:忠实于原文(不改动原文之意);一对一原则(一错改一词);改变形式以实词为主,亦注重虚词;添加或删除的话虚词居多;多改正少添删。

有无冠词 意义大不同