
2016-04-20 21:49赵秋翟战胜
建筑科学与工程学报 2016年2期

赵秋 翟战胜




Abstract: In order to master the design and calculation method of openrib stiffened plate better, the buckling modes and critical buckling stress of fourside simplysupported plate without longitudinal and transversestiffening ribs,fourside simplysupportedstiffened plate withlongitudinal stiffening ribs arranged by equal distance, stiffened plate with longitudinal and transverse stiffening ribs arranged by equal distance, were analyzed by elastic stabilitytheory. The results show that critical buckling stress is related to plate width, plate length and plate thickness for foursidesimplysupported plate or fourside simplysupportedstiffened plate. Critical buckling stress can be improved with the decrease of plate width and plate length, and with the increase of thickness of plate. There are 3 kinds of buckling modes of fourside simplysupported stiffened plate with changes of stiffness ratios of stiffening ribs. Stiffening ribs and stiffened plate are overall buckling in mode 1. Wave nodes are formed on stiffening ribs, stiffening ribs and stiffened plate are buckling in mode 2. Stiffening ribs will not appear instable, only stiffened plate is buckling in mode 3.Critical buckling stress increases with the increase of stiffness ratio of the stiffening rib, the increase range is maximal in mode 1, and comes second in mode 2. Critical buckling stress tends to be constant value in mode 3.

Key words: openrib stiffened plate; elastic stability; buckling mode; critical buckling stress; stiffening rib; critical stiffness ratio






有限元模型采用考虑大变形的Shell181壳单元,弹性模量为2.06×105 MPa,泊松比为0.3,模型的边界条件为四边均约束Z方向的位移,其中平行于X轴的a/2处两节点约束Y方向位移(a为加劲板长度),平行于Y轴的b/2处两边中点约束X方向位移。有限元模型如图1所示。