2016' International Summer School on Naval Architecture,Ocean Engineering and Mechanics

2016-04-06 08:21:27
水动力学研究与进展 B辑 2016年2期

2016' International Summer School on Naval Architecture,Ocean Engineering and Mechanics


Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering covers a wide range of knowledge,and lays equal stress on both theory and practices.New concepts,new technologies and new methods on naval architecture and ocean engineering are continuously emerging.Since 2009,the international summer school on Naval Architecture,Ocean Engineering and Mechanics have provided a valuable learning and communication opportunity for the students to expand their fields of vision,and have comprehensive understanding of the naval architecture and ocean engineering,have already become a well-known brand in the field of Naval Architecture,Ocean Engineering and Mechanics as well as have got good reputation among the students.From July 26,2015-August 9,2015,we successfully organized 2015' international summer school on Naval Architecture,Ocean Engineering and Mechanics.During the two weeks international summer school,300 graduate students and senior undergraduates from China,UK,Italy,Germany,Japan,Korea,India,Pakistan,Vietnam,Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,UAE Taiwan and 12 domestic universities enrolled in the summer school.Participants attended lectures given by specially invited 29 distinguished experts and scholars from USA,UK,France,Japan,Korea,UAE and domestic universities and also joined various outdoor professional practice and experienced culture experience activities.

Based on the good experiences of 2015 Summer School,the 2016 Summer School will continue to offer high quality academic short courses and lectures in a wide range of subjects including the latest development of theory and application practices on naval architecture,ocean engineering and mechanics given by specially invited distinguished experts and scholars from all of the world.A good number of both formal and informal academic discussions and poster seminars are scheduled as part of the summer school.

II.Date and Venue

Date:July 24,2016-August 7,2016

Venue:Ruth Mulan Chu Chao Building,laboratories,museums,shipyards,Yangshan Deep-water Port,etc.

III.To apply

If you are interested in the summer program,please click on the link (http://apply.sjtu.edu.cn) to apply before Jun 20th; if you want to know more information,please click the link (http://naoce.sjtu.edu.cn/bkstz/3936.html)

Contact:Ms Rao

Email:summerschoolsjtu@sina.com Tel:+86 21 34207195

Organized by School of Naval Architecture,Ocean and Civil Engineering,Shanghai Jiao Tong University Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Ship and Deep-Sea Exploration Editorial Board of 《Journal of Hydrodynamics》Young Scholars and Students Working Committee of Shanghai Society of Mechanics

Sponsored by Graduate School of Shanghai Jiao Tong University