
2016-03-21 12:38:16郑晓伟农业部渔业装备与工程重点开放实验室中国水产科学研究院渔业机械仪器研究所国家水产品加工装备研发分中心上海上海200092
农业工程学报 2016年2期

郑晓伟,沈 建(农业部渔业装备与工程重点开放实验室,中国水产科学研究院渔业机械仪器研究所,国家水产品加工装备研发分中心(上海),上海 200092)


(农业部渔业装备与工程重点开放实验室,中国水产科学研究院渔业机械仪器研究所,国家水产品加工装备研发分中心(上海),上海 200092)

摘要:为了验证南极磷虾挤压脱壳设备的生产效果、完善并优化船上挤压脱壳生产工艺,该文开展了不同进料速度、原料放置时间和预冷时间对得肉率和虾壳残留率影响的研究。结果表明,对于刚捕捞后未经处理的磷虾,试验设备脱壳效果理想,得肉率约为25%、虾壳残留约为5%;放置时间在120 min以内的磷虾均可用作脱壳磷虾肉的生产,越新鲜的磷虾脱壳后得到的磷虾肉品质越好;对原料进行预冷来延长品质保持时间是保证产品质量的有效方法;冷冻后磷虾得肉率明显降低,实际生产中不建议采用。研究结果可为南极磷虾脱壳技术的应用和产业化提供参考。


郑晓伟,沈建. 南极磷虾捕捞初期适宜挤压脱壳工艺参数[J]. 农业工程学报,2016,32(2):252-257.

Zheng Xiaowei, Shen Jian. Appropriate shelling process parameters of Antarctic krill at initial stage of fishing[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2016, 32(2): 252-257. (in Chinese with English abstract)doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.02.036http://www.tcsae.org

0 引 言




1 材料与方法


本试验所用冷冻磷虾由辽宁远洋渔业有限公司“福荣海”轮于2014年4月在南极CCAMLR 辖区48.1区拖网捕捞所得,−20℃低温冷冻,试验前流水化冻。所用新鲜磷虾由上海开创远洋渔业公司“开利”轮于2015年4月在南极CCAMLR 辖区48.1区拖网捕捞所得。上述试验原料虾为体长在36~44 mm的南极大磷虾,倒入平板冻结机专用冻盘并称量以备用,每盘磷虾原料质量10 kg。以6冻盘原料为一组进行脱壳试验,每次3组,取其平均值。其中,鲜虾脱壳试验在船上完成,冷冻虾脱壳为对照组,在岸上实验室加工。

试验仪器:SJ9-2Ⅱ型电子秒表,精度0.01s;Marel CP9140型电子称,精度0.01 kg;VICTOR 303B型红外线测温仪,购自深圳市胜利高电子科技有限公司;(0~150)mm带表游标卡尺,精度0.01 mm。



图1 南极磷虾脱壳设备Fig.1 Antarctic krill shelling equipment

表1 南极磷虾脱壳设备基本参数表Table 1 Basic parameters of antarctic krill shelling equipment

图2 南极磷虾脱壳生产线Fig.2 Antarctic krill shelling production line



生产工艺说明:由人工控制投料速度,将原料小批量持续均匀地投入料槽;磷虾与水搅拌均匀后由泵送至脱壳机进行脱壳;脱壳后得到的虾仁置于纱布上滤水2 min,再由人工进行分拣,将虾肉中残留的虾壳去除;最后称量并冷冻。



物料质量:使用电子称分别对试验原料虾、脱壳并滤水后的虾肉以及人工分检后得到的虾仁进行称量,数值精确到0.01 kg。

处理时间:使用秒表记录每组6盘磷虾原料的进料时间,以控制投料速度。记录磷虾捕捞后在原料仓的放置时间以及在平板冻结机内的预冷时间,数值精确到1 min。





在设备参数固定的条件下,进料速度和原料新鲜度是影响脱壳虾肉品质的主要可控因素。由前期试验可知,进料速度大于70 kg/h时,脱壳效果较差,应适当降低进料速度。而南极磷虾在捕捞上岸后2 h后便会迅速酶解,因此捕捞后放置时间应控制在2 h以内。平板冻结是船上保持磷虾新鲜度的有效方法,为避免原料完全冻结,预冷时间也不易过长。




用Microsoft Excel 2010软件对磷虾基础数据、加工数据及感官评价分数进行统计分析并绘图。应用SPSS19.0.0统计软件,对数据进行方差分析,P<0.05表示差异显著,P>0.05表示差异不显著。

表2 南极磷虾感官评定表Table 2 Sensory evaluation standard of antarctic krill

2 结果与分析


以得肉率和虾壳残留率为指标,分别在30、40、50、 60、70 kg/h的进料速度下比较刚捕获、未经放置和预冷的磷虾的脱壳效果,试验数据如图3所示。不同进料速度下得肉率差异不显著(P>0.05),而不同进料速度下虾壳残留率差异显著(P<0.05)。总体而言,脱壳效果比较理想,随着进料速度的提升,虾肉间摩擦的增加使得肉率缓慢下降,当进料速度控制在50 kg/h以下时,保持在25%左右。同时,随着进料速度的提升,脱壳虾肉的虾壳残留率呈上升趋势。当进料速度高于60 kg/h时,由于超出了设备的处理能力,残留率的上升幅度明显增加,从4%陡增至30%以上。

图3 进料速度对得肉率和虾壳残留率的影响Fig.3 Effects of feed rate on yield and residual rate

不同进料速度下脱壳虾肉的感官评价如图4所示。在不同进料速度下,虾肉的完整度均能达到比较理想的水平,差异不显著(P>0.05),洁净度次之。虾壳残留受进料速度的影响最为明显(P<0.05),尤其在脱壳速度大于60 kg/h以后,虾壳残留显著增加。主要表现为虾肉表面仍然带有整段的虾壳,无法通过人工进行快速分离,且带壳虾肉的数量明显增多,严重影响分检效率。这与图3中得肉率和虾壳残留率数值的变化趋势基本一致,说明试验所用的具有八组滚轴的磷虾脱壳设备额定处理能力约为60 kg/h。若要获得高品质磷虾肉,进料速度应控制在50 kg/h左右。

图4 进料速度对脱壳虾肉感官品质的影响Fig.4 Effects of feed rate on quality of shrimp


在前期试验的基础上,指定进料速度为50 kg/h,将捕捞上来的磷虾放置在加工间原料仓并保持一定时间,分别对捕捞后放置0、30、60、90、120 min后的磷虾进行脱壳试验,试验数据如图5所示。南极磷虾的得肉率和虾壳残留率均在合理的范围内浮动,不同放置时间下得肉率和虾壳残留率差异均不显著(P>0.05)。

不同放置时间下脱壳虾肉的感官评价如图6所示。不同放置时间下脱壳虾肉的完整度差异不显著(P>0.05),而虾壳残留率、饱满度和洁净度都有显著变化(P<0.05)。主要表现为虾肉逐渐由透明转为乳白色,虾肉的弹性及表面光滑度也明显下降。此外,由于油脂和可溶性蛋白的析出,使虾肉表面容易附着大量的微小气泡,难以有效滤除,明显影响脱壳磷虾肉的产品质量。总体而言,放置时间在120 min以内的磷虾均可用作脱壳磷虾肉的生产,可获得理想的得肉率和虾壳残留率。越新鲜的磷虾,脱壳后得到的磷虾肉感官品质越好。而放置时间超过120 min的磷虾由于容易产生虾肉酶解和氟元素转移的问题[2],不建议用于脱壳生产。

图5 放置时间对得肉率和虾壳残留率的影响Fig.5 Effects of storage time on yield and residual rate

图6 放置时间对脱壳虾肉感官品质的影响Fig.6 Effects of storage time on quality of shrimp


在前期试验的基础上,指定进料速度为50 kg/h,将捕捞上来的磷虾放置在船上−18℃冷库内进行速冻预冷,分别对预冷0、30、60、90 min后的磷虾流水解冻后进行脱壳试验,试验数据如图7所示。不同预冷时间下的得肉率和虾壳残留率差异不显著(P>0.05),南极磷虾的得肉率和虾壳残留率分别在24%和5%左右,与新鲜磷虾的脱壳效果相差不大,生产效果理想。

不同预冷时间下脱壳虾肉的感官评价如图8所示。完整度、饱满度等感官指标均无显著变化(P>0.05)、处于较稳定和理想的状态,说明对原料进行预冷具有保持脱壳虾肉品质、提升产品质量的作用。但由于预冷工序会增加劳动力及生产成本,实际生产中若能持续捕捞新鲜磷虾用于生产,则无需采用预冷工序。而当原料紧缺或无法连续捕捞时,对部分原料进行短时间预冷来加长品质保持时间则是保证产品质量的有效方法。由于磷虾的最佳加工时间为捕捞后2 h内,为了最大程度保证磷虾的加工质量,捕捞后放置或预冷时间均不宜过长。

图7 预冷时间对得肉率和虾壳残留率的影响Fig.7 Effects of pre-cooling on yield and residual rate

图8 预冷时间对脱壳虾肉品质的影响Fig.8 Effects of pre-cooling on quality of shrimp


根据船上脱壳设备的试验结果,选择进料速度为50 kg/h,在岸上用相同的工艺流程对长时间冷冻后的磷虾进行脱壳试验,解冻及脱壳过程中所用的水均为淡水,不容易产生气泡。平均得肉率为16.8%,虾壳残留率<1%,虾壳残留少、虾肉泛白略带红色。


3 结 论

1)试验所用的8滚轴组的磷虾挤压脱壳设备能有效地去除虾壳,进料速度在30~70 kg/h时新鲜南极磷虾的得肉率随着进料速度的提升而缓慢下降(P>0.05),当进料速度在50 kg/h以下时,得肉率相对比较稳定,保持在25%左右。随着进料速度的提升,脱壳虾肉的虾壳残留率呈上升趋势,当进料速度高于60 kg/h时,残留率上升幅度明显增加(P<0.05);

2)放置时间在120 min以内的磷虾均可用作脱壳磷虾肉的生产,得肉率最高约为25%,虾壳残留率<14%。越新鲜的磷虾,脱壳后得到的磷虾肉感官品质越好;

3)在0~90 min的预冷时间下,南极磷虾的得肉率和虾壳残留率分别在24%和5%左右,与新鲜磷虾的脱壳效果相差不大(P>0.05),生产效果理想。当原料紧缺或无法连续捕捞时,对部分原料进行短时间预冷来加长品质保持时间则是保证产品质量的有效方法;长时间冷冻后磷虾得肉率明显降低(P<0.05)。

4)推荐的生产条件为:进料速度60 kg/h,放置时间<120 min,预冷时间<90 min。放置时间尽可能短,原料虾充足时无需预冷。


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Appropriate shelling process parameters of Antarctic krill at initial stage of fishing

Zheng Xiaowei, Shen Jian
(Key Lɑborɑtory of Fishery Equipment ɑnd Engineering, Ministry of Agriculture, Fishery Mɑchinery ɑnd Instrument Reseɑrch Institute,Chinese Acɑdemy of Fishery Sciences, Nɑtionɑl R&D Brɑnch Center For Aquɑtic Product Processing Equipment, Shɑnghɑi 200092, Chinɑ)

Abstract:The Antarctic krill is a marine organism with a large number. It has great value of development and utilization. As a new protein resource, Antarctic krill will get more and more attention since the offshore fishery resources are dwindling. Although the Antarctic krill has a high value of nutrition, it is hard to process because of its high fluorine content and strong enzyme activity. The krill has to be processed within 2 h on the ship after fishing in order to maintain its quality. Shelling is one of the effective methods to improve the quality of krill product. In previous studies peeling method was researched in order to get integral meat of Antarctic krill. Parameters such as body length and body weight of Antarctic krill that was just caught up were also measured. And we know that the peeling process conditions got from the response surface for Antarctic krill had a certain value in use and the method could be used on the ship. So the shelling prototype was developed and tested on the ship. In order to verify the krill shelling equipment and improve the production process, the research focused on the impacts of feeding rate, storage time and pre-cooling on shelling yield and residual rate, which would provide the bases for the practical production. The production process was considered carefully. Feeding speed was controlled by manpower in order to put the krill into a trough evenly. Then the krill would be pumped to the shelling machine after evenly mixing with water. The shrimp was put on the gauze for 2 min to filter the water after shelling, and then residual shells in shrimp were removed by manpower. The last processes were weighing, packaging and frozen. Test equipment unit was designed as 8 groups of rollers with reciprocating rotation. Yield was one of the most important indices for the evaluation of equipment ability, and residual rate was the other. The product quality of shrimp meat needed to be judged by sensory evaluation. The sensory evaluation team was made up of 5 seafarers who had a lot of experience of krill production on board. The comprehensive point was based on the integrity of shrimp, shell residue, plumpness and cleanliness. The results showed that the yield was about 24% and the residual rate was about 5%, and the shelling equipment was reliable. The yield of shelling from fresh Antarctic krill reduced slowly with the increasing of the feeding speed. It was relatively stable when the feeding speed was under 50 kg/h. And the residual rate was on the rise with the increasing of the feeding speed. When the feeding speed was higher than 60 kg/h, the residual rate of shrimp shell increased significantly. The krill with the storage time of less than 120 min could be used for production. Freshness is the most important factor in the quality of shrimp meat. Pre-cooling is an effective way to maintain shrimp quality. Frozen shrimp is not recommended to be used because the yield of shrimp meat will become lower significantly.

Keywords:processing; quality control; fisheries; Antarctic krill; shelling; meat yield








doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.02.036 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.02.036http://www.tcsae.org

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