
2016-03-21 12:38杨仁刚中国农业大学信息与电气工程学院北京100083渤海大学工学院锦州121013
农业工程学报 2016年2期

于 鹏,杨仁刚(1.中国农业大学信息与电气工程学院,北京100083;2.渤海大学工学院,锦州 121013)


(1.中国农业大学信息与电气工程学院,北京100083;2.渤海大学工学院,锦州 121013)



于鹏,杨仁刚. 基于欧氏距离最佳K均值聚类的超级电容组故障在线鉴别方法[J]. 农业工程学报,2016,32(2):186-192. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.02.027http://www.tcsae.org

Yu Peng, Yang Rengang. Online fault identification method for supercapacitor group of optimal K-means cluster based on Euclidean distance[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2016, 32(2): 186-192. (in Chinese with English abstract)doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.02.027http://www.tcsae.org

0 引 言



较为普遍的研究方法是采用参数估计法,利用在线测量信息估计超级电容单体的容值和串并联电阻。参数估计法又分为频域参数估计和时域参数估计。频域参数估计优点为可分辨参数在频率域的更多细节;缺点为测量较为复杂在线实施难度大[5]。时域参数估计则是通过测量信号与超级电容容值、串联和并联电阻参数的数学模型,采用数学估计的方法获得参数进而判断超级电容健康状况。Akram Eddahech[6]提出了一种基于遗忘因子的最小二乘回归计算超级电容内阻参数的方法,其优点为可以在线估计内阻参数,其缺点为选用模型不同将影响结果且其原理存在建模简化与最小二乘法所造成的误差。Shi Zhihao[7]设计了扩展卡尔曼观测器,通过观测器计算超级电容参数的估计值,包括电容值和串并联电阻,主要缺点是需要在充电电流中叠加信号,增加了系统成本。



1 电容模组状态最佳K均值聚类




图1 串联电容器等值电路Fig.1 Equivalent circuit of series capacitors






由此可见,相邻时刻电容器端电压测量值之差[ui( t)- ui( t-Δ t )]可以反映超级电容的电容量与内阻特征,即可作为检测第i个超级电容单体的状态变量。这里将检测第i个超级电容单体的状态变量定义为


式(4)矩阵A的行向量表征了相应单体电容值的状态,为了提取其特征值对矩阵An× m进行奇异值分解(singular value decomposition, SVD),有

式中Rn× n、Qm× m分别为正交阵,其列向量分别称为A阵的左、右奇异向量;Λn× m为A阵的奇异值对角阵。

奇异值对角阵Λn× m=diag,…,0… 0),其中,...为从大到小排列的矩阵特征值。,...为前n列对角元奇异值,满足≥≥ ...≥。

等式(5)两边右乘正交阵Qm× m,有

Rn× nΛn×m称为矩阵A在Qm× m上的投影,选取较大奇异值对应投影方向得到的投影变换,可以较好地保留原向量表示的信息[12]。因此,本文提取Rn× nΛn×m中对应的第1列向量作为n个超级电容串联模组端电压状态特征值,即模组状态样本特征向量

式中[x1, x2,..., xn]T为模组状态样本特征向量。







采用聚类方法检测失效超级电容器,首先应当将参数异常电容与参数正常电容区分开;其次要求参数能够区分异常电容与正常电容分入同组的情况。分组数不可过多,否则无法区分正常电容与异常电容。指标应在一定范围内可以调节以适应不同具体情况。根据这一概念,本文提出一种新的最佳K值聚类判定指标,称为欧氏距离(euclid distance,ED)指标。









2 电容模组故障状态在线鉴别方法


在每一个采样周期通过式(1)~式(6)获得模组状态样本特征向量X=[ x1, x2... xn]T,计算特征向量的方差σ2[22]。若方差σ2大于给定阈值ε,则特征向量中包含故障电容状态特征样本;反之则说明特征向量结果合格。


图2 故障状态在线鉴别方法流程Fig.2 Workflow of online fault state identification method

3 仿真试验



本文设计的超级电容模组试验系统为9个单体超级电容串联形成的储能系统,模组系统采用如图1所示经典模型,超级电容额定参数:电容c=10 F,串联电阻rs=0.1 Ω,并联电阻rp=27 kΩ。仿真试验按照随机误差生成电容数据,设计其中电容器c1、c3和c5为非健康状态的故障电容器,相应电容值的偏差大于20%,系统参数表1所示。

表1 系统参数Table 1 Dataset of experiment system



聚类指标对比试验是在储能系统随机充放电工况下进行的,随机充放电工况通过随机事件发生器控制充电电源和放电电阻来实现,电容器端电压采样周期10 s、采样间隔1 s。


图3 电容器端电压Fig.3 Curves of capacitor’s voltage




图4 欧氏距离指标VED(k)曲线Fig.4 Curves of Euclidean distance Index




图5 现有有效性指标曲线Fig.5 Curves of existing efficient index



为了进一步验证本文故障电容器鉴别方法的有效性和合理性,对超级电容储能试验系统进行了多工况运行条件下故障电容器检测仿真试验。在储能系统充电、放电和随机充放电运行工况下完成了8组试验,其中第1组和第2组试验为不同电压初值的放电试验,其中第1组试验超级电容单体初始电压设置为1.8 V,第2组试验超级电容单体初始电压设置为2.5 V。第3和第4组为不同充电电流的充电试验,其中第3组试验充电电流设置为1 A,第4组试验充电电流设置为0.5 A。第5到第8组为随机充放电试验,为满足其随机充放电条件,设置其充电电流为0.1 A,放电电阻为10 Ω。


表2 电容序号与聚类表Table2 Dataset of capacitor numbers and clusters





4 结 论





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Online fault identification method for supercapacitor group of optimal K-means cluster based on Euclidean distance

Yu Peng1,2, Yang Rengang1※
(1. College of Informɑtion ɑnd Electricɑl Engineering, Chinɑ Agriculruɑl University, Beijing 100083, Chinɑ; 2. College of Engineering, Bohɑi University, Jinzhou 121013, Chinɑ)

Abstract:In order to keep the energy storage system which is based on supercapacitor group with series connection work reliably, the fault groups of supercapacitors are necessary to be identified. A fault state identification method of K-means cluster was presented in this paper. A Euclidean distance index was proposed to choose K value automatically. In this method,the voltage signal data are preprocessed to form the sample array. The singular value decomposition is applied to project out a shadow subset of the sample array. The K-means method is used to cluster the shadow subset for fault state identification. The fault subsets are detected in the cluster result. The largest cluster is identified as normal state and the others are abnormal state. The Euclidean distance index was proposed to decide the optimal K value automatically after enumeration of all possible K. This index is based on the Euclidean distance of pairwise data points and pairwise cluster centers. The minimize value of index is bonded to the optimal K value. Adjustable coefficients are used to improve the adaptability of this index. Based on the principle of K-means cluster method and Euclidean distance index, the fault state identification process was introduced. In this process, after sampling the voltage of supercapacitor cells, the difference voltage array is established to form the feature space. The singular value decomposition is used on the difference voltage array to form the sample subset. The variance of sample subset is compared to set limitation. If the variance overrides the limitation, K-means algorithm will be used to cluster the sample subset, and the Euclidean distance index will be used to decide the optimal K value. By counting the group amount of sample subset, the fault state capacitors can be distinguished. An experiment system was designed to verify the efficiency and validity of the method and index. The experiment environment was MATLAB-Simulink. Two experiments were carried out based on the experiment system. The first experiment was for the comparison of different indices. This experiment was set in randomly charging and discharging situation to approach the actual situations. The optimal K value was picked out from the enumerated values by searching the minimum value of Euclidean distance index. The result collections distinguished the normal and abnormal sets. As this result was the same with the given situation, the effective of Euclidean distance index was proved. The result showed that the proposed character vector exacting method correctly reflected the characteristics of supercapacitor state. Other existing indices were computed out. The comparison of efficiencies among different indices was made. The homogeneity-separation (HS), Calinski-Harabasz (CH) and Krzanowski-Lai (KL) index failed to identify the right group of this case. Hartigan index got the right result. But the Hartigan index also had its drawback in utilities, efficiency and complexity. The second experiment was designed to prove the correctness of the method and index in different working scenarios. In this experiment, 3 groups were set. The 1stgroup included 2 subsets of samples in which the capacitors were charged with different current, the 2ndgroup included 2 subsets of samples in which the capacitors were discharged with different starting voltage, and the 3rdgroup of data included 4 subset of samples in which the capacitors were charged and discharged randomly. The Euclidean distance index indicated that the 1stand the 2ndgroup got the results of 3 subsets. The largest subset was the normal set and the other 2 subsets were abnormal set. The Euclidean distance index showed that the 3rdgroup got the correct results of 2 subsets. All of the experiment groups got the expected result. The results showed that the fault state could be identified correctly through the dynamic cluster method according to the voltage signal of supercapacitor cell. The validity of Euclidean distance index to select the optimal K value of clusters for fault identification was proved. Two main conclusions were drawn in this paper. The first is that the fault state identification method based on K-means cluster can distinguish the normal and abnormal set of serial connected supercapacitors. The second is that the Euclidean distance index can select the optimal K value automatically. The fault identification method proposed in this paper has 2 advantages. The first advantage is that identification of capacitor parameters is avoided. The second advantage is that this method has low dependency on precise of acquisition data.

Keywords:fault detection; signal analysis; models; supercapacitor; dynamic cluster; validity index










适用于BDS-3 PPP的随机模型