
2016-03-21 12:37:24谢焕雄胡志超颜建春刘敏基徐弘博农业部南京农业机械化研究所南京210014
农业工程学报 2016年2期

魏 海,谢焕雄,胡志超,颜建春,刘敏基,徐弘博(农业部南京农业机械化研究所,南京 210014)


(农业部南京农业机械化研究所,南京 210014)

摘要:针对现有气力输送设备对花生荚果输送损耗大、裂荚、破碎率高等问题,改进关键部件结构,在分离筒内壁安装硅胶缓冲板,改进锁气器。通过对比,改进后锁气器能更好适应荚果输送。根据花生荚果在输送过程中受力破损机理,选取分离筒内壁硅胶缓冲板厚度、风机转速、花生荚果含水率三因素,以白沙花生为原料进行气力输送正交优化试验,考察上述三因素对荚果生产效率、裂荚率、破碎率的影响。结果表明,硅胶缓冲板厚度对目标因素影响最大,风机转速次之,花生荚果含水率影响最小。当硅胶缓冲板厚度为5 mm,风机转速2 700 r/min,花生荚果含水率10%时输送效果最佳,裂荚、破碎率降低明显。该研究可为花生气力输送设备的结构优化提供参考。


魏海,谢焕雄,胡志超,颜建春,刘敏基,徐弘博. 花生荚果气力输送设备参数优化与试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2016,32(2):6-12.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.02.002http://www.tcsae.org

Wei Hai, Xie Huanxiong, Hu Zhichao, Yan Jianchun, Liu Minji, Xu Hongbo. Parameter optimization and test of pneumatic conveying equipment for peanut pods[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2016, 32(2): 6-12. (in Chinese with English abstract)doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.02.002 http://www.tcsae.org



0 引 言




1 气力输送装置及花生荚果损伤原因



表1 气力输送设备结构及性能参数表Table 1 Structure and performance parameter for pneumatic conveying

工作原理:打开控制开关,电机带动风机,通过变频调速器调节电机转速(调节范围0~3 100 r/min)及输送管内风速。负压气流经过吸嘴、输入管路将物料吸入,通过分离筒由过滤筛网筒将空气与物料分离,物料在分离筒壁旋转下降落入重力门,当达到设定质量时重力门打开,物料下落至风机出风口处,由正压气流通过输出管路压送到卸料器,卸料器将物料与空气二次分离后卸出。

图1 气力输送设备结构图Fig.1 Structure schematic of pneumatic conveying







通过试验对比白沙和4粒红2种花生品种,白沙荚果长度集中在30~35 mm,宽度为10~14 mm,厚度为11.3~14.0 mm,果壳厚度范围为0.5~1.3 mm,平均为0.94 mm;4粒红荚果长度集中在33.3~50.0 mm,宽度为12~14 mm,厚度为12~14 mm,果壳厚度范围为0.8~1.7 mm,平均为1.28 mm。为得出设备最优工作参数,选用颗粒表面曲线复杂、果壳较薄的白沙品种作为试验物料。





为降低荚果与筒壁之间撞击,在分离筒内壁粘贴硅胶缓冲板,既降低荚果进入筒内时产生的撞击力,也减少物料下落过程中与筒壁之间产生的摩擦。在转速2 700 r/min、荚果含水率40%的条件下进行试验。与未粘贴硅胶缓冲板相比,粘贴5 mm厚硅胶缓冲板,花生荚果裂荚率由15.33%降低至8.41%,降低了45%;破碎率由10.37%降低至4.83%,降低了53.5%,表明在分离筒内壁粘贴硅胶缓冲板可有效降低花生荚果破损,提高输送机作业性能。



图2 不同含水率对花生荚果受压能力的影响Fig.2  Influence of different moisture content on peanut pods compressive resistance





图3 重力门结构图Fig.3 Structure schematic of gravity door

表2 重力门结构及性能参数表Table 2 Structure and performance parameter for gravity door

2 试验方法




通过对比试验考察不同锁气器对不同含水率花生荚果裂荚、破碎率的影响。采用正交试验分析硅胶缓冲板厚度、风机转速和荚果含水率对裂荚、破碎及生产效率加权最优的试验参数组合。参考目前生产上采用的参数值,试验因素变化范围为:粘贴硅胶缓冲板厚度3~7 mm;风机转速3 100~2 700 r/min;含水率10%~40%。


试验前对花生进行清选,去除裂荚和破碎荚果后称质量,每批次试验用量100 kg;采用烘箱法测试花生荚果含水率;使用西门子6SE6420变频调速器和优利德UT371转速计调节测试风机转速。在试验过程中需要测定的参数有风机转速、气流速度和花生荚果输送生产率等。花生荚果气力输送参数表如表3所示。

试验测试过程:接通电源,将变频调速器调节至最小,缓慢调节频率,使电机转速逐渐加大,到达设定转速后让风机工作平稳;测定进、出料口风速;通过吸嘴将花生荚果吸入输送设备,同时用计时器计时,测定输送时间,完成试验后计算生产率(设备生产率2.5~3 t/h)。

表3 花生荚果气力输送参数表Table 3 Parameter for peanut pods pneumatic conveying

由表3可知,输送气速由风机转速控制,转速越高,气速越快。在设定的4个转速下,只有转速≥2 700 r/min时,实际生产率符合设备生产率2.5~3 t/h要求,满足正常生产需要。








表4 花生荚果气力输送试验因素水平表Table 4 Experimental scheme of peanut pods pneumatic conveying

3 试验结果及分析



表5 不同锁气器对不同含水率花生荚果裂荚率和破碎率的影响Table 5 Comparison of different air locks effect on dehiscence and broken rate of peanut pods with different moisture contents








式中y2 j为花生荚果裂荚率指标第j号试验的评分值;y3 j为花生荚果破碎率指标第j号试验的评分值。




各项指标的综合加权评分结果如表6所示。将综合加权评分结果作为各次试验的结果进行方差分析,方差分析结果如表7所示:3个因素对气力输送花生荚果生产效率、裂荚率和破碎率影响程度顺序依次是A>B>C,即是否在分离筒内壁粘贴硅胶缓冲板对花生荚果输送效果的影响最大,风机转速次之,花生荚果含水率影响最小;由表6极差分析可知气力输送花生荚果效果最佳的组合方案是A2B3C3,即硅胶缓冲板为5 mm,风机转速2 700 r/min,花生荚果含水率10%时输送效果最佳。


根据正交试验结果,硅胶缓冲板为5 mm,风机转速2 700 r/min,花生荚果含水率10%时进行验证试验,每组试验随机取5个试样,重复3次取平均值,试验测得生产效率为89.42%、裂荚率为0.738%、破碎率为0.185%,通过综合加权评分得值为91.135%,试验结果明显优于正交试验结果90.115%,因此A2B3C3为最优组合。

表6 花生荚果气力输送正交试验结果Table 6 Results of orthogonal experiment of peanut pod pneumatic conveying

表7 花生荚果气力输送方差分析结果Table 7 Results of analysis of variance of peanut pods pneumatic conveying

4 结 论


2)对影响输送效果的关键结构参数和运动参数进行正交优化试验,输送结果表明:3个因素对花生荚果低损气力输送效果影响程度由大到小的顺序为硅胶缓冲板厚度、风机转速、荚果含水率;在硅胶缓冲板厚度为5 mm,风机转速为2 700 r/min,花生荚果含水率10%时,花生荚果气力输送损失最小。

3)与采用闭风器式锁气器、风机转速2 700 r/min、不粘贴硅胶缓冲板时,含水率10%的花生荚果输送效果相比,采用最优组合A2B3C3方案时,裂荚率从15.326%降低至0.738%,破碎率从10.375%降低至0.185%。


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Parameter optimization and test of pneumatic conveying equipment for peanut pods

Wei Hai, Xie Huanxiong※, Hu Zhichao, Yan Jianchun, Liu Minji, Xu Hongbo
(Nɑnjing Reseɑrch Institute of Agriculturɑl Mechɑnizɑtion, Ministry of ɑgriculture, Nɑnjing 210014, Chinɑ)

Abstract:As the internationally competitive oil crop and cash crop, peanuts have attracted great attention in China, and become an important export commodity and the key to the agricultural structure adjustment. Transportation equipment has directly affected the peanut quality after harvest and the degree of automation. Nowadays, people are increasingly concerned about food safety, and the quality risk of peanut pods during the process of conveying, such as dehiscence and break, has drawn more attention. Due to various factors, the peanut pods are easy to break in the process of conveying, which not only affects the later production, but also increases the risk of aflatoxin in the process of transportation and storage. Pneumatic conveying has great advantages for granular materials because of its simple structure, flexible operation and stable production efficiency and so on, which is widely used in the areas of agricultural product processing. Aiming at the problems of power loss, peanut pod’s dehiscence and break, crushing rate and unstable production efficiency, the structure and parameters of the existing pneumatic conveying equipment were improved and optimized. Besides, the experiments were conducted in main production areas of peanut. Through analyzing, the pod’s damage elements, including pod physical characteristics, fan speed,pod moisture content and air lock structure, were determined respectively. In the process of conveying, the impact of various forces on peanut pods would cause damage easily. To avoid these damages, the silicone buffer plate was installed on the wall of separate cylinder, which reduced the force between the material and the separate cylinder effectively. In order to adjust airflow velocity, the frequency conversion governor was installed on the conveyor equipment to control the fan speed, which could reduce the impact force to achieve the best conveying effect without the decrease of production efficiency and the break of peanut pods, when materials entered the equipment. By using WDW-200 type computer-controlled electronic universal testing machine, the compression capabilities of different peanut varieties were contrasted, and we selected white sand peanuts as the test materials, whose shells are coarse and thin. Then, we measured the moisture content of this kind of peanut in different drying periods. Afterwards, the rotate plank type air lock was designed to replace the original rotation type air lock,which would remain to be closed until the weight of peanut pods reached the set value. This kind of air lock could not only reduce the shear force to the pods when the gravity plate was opening and closing, but also avoid the squeezing action to the peanuts. At the same time, when the conveyed material quantity was unstable, the gravity door of the air lock could adjust the conveying quantity, which avoided the reduction of gas material mix proportion and the increase of peanut pod’s acceleration,and thus avoided the second break by relieving the strike of peanut pods in the unloader. According to the contrast test, the rotate plank type air lock caused a minor injury compared with the rotation type air lock. On this basis, pneumatic conveying orthogonal optimization test was conducted with the improved equipment. The influences of silicone buffer plate thickness, fan speed and peanut pod moisture content on productivity, dehiscence rate and broken rate were considered respectively. According to the comprehensively weighted evaluation and variance analysis, the results showed that the silicone buffer plate thickness had the most obvious influence, followed by the fan speed and peanut pod moisture content. When the thickness of silicone buffer plate was 5 mm, the fan speed was 2 700 r/min and the moisture content of peanut was 10%, the dehiscence and broken rate of peanut pods reached the minimum, which achieved the best conveying effect. This study can provide reliable evidence for structure optimization of pneumatic conveying equipment of peanuts.

Keywords:mechanization; optimization; crops; pneumatic conveying; peanut pods; reduce breakage; test analysis










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