Some brain “Fecte”关于大脑的几个真相

2016-03-18 08:58庄禾
中学生英语·中考指导版 2016年3期


Are you left-brained or right-brained? The correct answer is“neither”. In fact, there are many brain “facts” which we all get wrong.


1. Is a bigger brain a better brain?

No. After all, humans believe we’re the smartest animals on the planet, but elephant brains are three times larger than ours. And whale brains? Forget it. Intelligence isn’t about relative size, either. Human brains make up about 2 percent of our body mass. But tree shrew brains are a full 10 percent of their body mass. So when it comes to brains, size isn’t the most important thing.

1. 脑大更好吗?


2. Are people either left-brained or right-brained?

There are certain tasks that draw more on one side of your brain than the other, but everything you do uses both hemispheres. There’s no evidence that the right half of your brain is more creative, or that the left is more analytical. The only people who are truly left-brained or right-brained are those who have undergone a surgery in which half of the brain is removed. The patients often go on to live full lives with no cognitive troubles.

2. 人们不是右脑型就是左脑型吗?


3. Do we only use 10 percent of our brains?

Oh yeah? Which part are you using right now? The entire brain may not be active every second of every day, but if you want to breathe, sleep, and eat your food, you need the whole thing.

3. 我们的大脑只开发了10%吗?


4. Does getting older mean losing your mental edge?

Yes, certain cognitive functions like short-term memory, attention and language learning begin to decline with age, but other mental skills actually improve. Studies have shown that older people have larger vocabularies than younger people, and that they make better use of them. They are happier with their lives, and their relationships are more harmonious.

4. 年级越大,智力优势在退化吗?


5. Does classical music make you smarter?

Making yourself (or your baby) sit through classical music won’t do anything for your IQ. You can’t put cheese on it, and the only reason to enjoy it is that you (or your baby) actually like it.

5. 古典音乐能让人变聪明吗?


6. Will crossword puzzles keep you sharp?

Like classical music, crossword puzzles are terrific—but only if you actually enjoy them. People who have done puzzles all their lives have no particular cognitive advantage over anyone else.

6. 玩填字游戏能让人变聪明吗?


7. Are men naturally better than women at math?

Just like women are naturally better at washing the dishes, right? No. Come on. Study has shown that the gap in math and science test scores between girls and boys can be attributed not to natural ability, but to cultural messages. When a member of a group is exposed to negative stereotypes about that group, they perform poorly. We have to stop selling T-shirts to girls that say, “I’m too pretty to do math.” It’s hurting our math education.

7. 男人天生比女人数学好吗?


3. 字谜