Khin Ohnmr Kying,Zw Min Ltt,KywZw Lin, Aung PyePhyo
aNo(2)Military Hospital(500-Bedded),Yangon,Myanmar
bUniversity of Pharmacy,Yangon,Myanmar
cDefence Services Medical Academy,Yangon,Myanmar
dMilitary Institute of Nursing and Paramedical Sciences,Yangon,Myanmar
The effect of pharmaceutical care in the elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Win Myat Mawa,*,Mi Mi Sawb,Theingi Kyawa, Khin Ohnmar Kyaingc,Zaw Min Lattd,KyawZaw Lind, Aung PyaePhyod
aNo(2)Military Hospital(500-Bedded),Yangon,Myanmar
bUniversity of Pharmacy,Yangon,Myanmar
cDefence Services Medical Academy,Yangon,Myanmar
dMilitary Institute of Nursing and Paramedical Sciences,Yangon,Myanmar
Article history:
Available online 25 November 2015
Pharmaceutical care
Type 2 diabetes mellitus
Quality of life
Clinical outcomes
Pharmaceutical care plays a crucial role in reducing mortality and morbidities of the patients.A hospital based quasiexperimental study was conducted with elderly patients with type 2 diabetes who attended at the diabetes clinic of No.(2) Military Hospital(500-Bedded)in Myanmar from April 2013 to February 2014.The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of pharmaceutical care in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.A total of 52 respondents enrolled in this study. The clinical outcomes and quality of life of patients before and eight months after intervention were assessed.Pharmaceutical care program was implemented as intervention.Of the total number of respondents,52 drug related problems were identifed.Biomedical measurements and quality of life scores of respondents were presented as the comparison between pre and post intervention measurements.In order to present comparative analysis of mean scores of outcome variables (biomedical measurements,quality of life)before and after intervention,paired t tests were used.According to results, capillary blood glucose,blood pressure,body mass index and waist circumference were signifcantly different(p<0.05).Postintervention mean of quality of life scores were signifcantly higher than that of pre-intervention mean scores at p level of 0.000.These fndings indicated that pharmaceutical care intervention could promote clinical outcomes and quality of life of elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.Hence,it is recommended that a better designed pharmaceutical care program and organizational structure of clinical pharmacy should be developed in hospitals.
The authors acknowledge Brigadier General Soe Win,Director,Directorate of Medical Service;Brigadier General Phone Myat, Commandant,Military Institute of Nursing and Paramedical Sciences;Brigadier General Sein Lin,Commandant,No.(2)Military Hospital(500-Bedded);and Professor Colonel KayThiHtun, Commander,Defence Services Obstetric Gynecological andChildren hospital for their kind permission and encouragement to do this research work.Thanks are also due to U Po Kya,President,Myanmar Pharmaceutical Association for the fnancial support.
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Peer review under responsibility of Shenyang Pharmaceutical University.
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Asian Journal of Pharmacentical Sciences2016年1期