Teerapong Cheepchol
Factorytalk Co.,Ltd.,Thailand
Next 10 years in pharmaceutical manufacturing information technology
Teerapong Cheepchol*
Factorytalk Co.,Ltd.,Thailand
Article history:
Available online 23 November 2015
Pharmaceutical manufacturing
Information technology
Today the ASEAN Pharmaceutical manufacturing companies are still focusing on their local countries,with the exception ofafewlargeregionalswhoarealreadyandincreasinglylooking and capable to export to the outside markets such as Europe. This means that the majority of companies producing medicinal products to higher regulatory standards have less international experience/exposure in handling the GMP requirements demanded by PIC/s[1].In addition most of their processesaremanualwithlegacypractices,andmostlythedata andcontrolsareinpaperwithaveryhighamountofdatamade with pen and paper on numerous human reviews of documentation mainly to assess the data is complete but not for accuracy of the data at the time that action could be taken—dataintegrityonpaperhasbeenshowntobehighlyquestionable. At the same time of the greater regulatory pressure then local companies are also having to deal with higher competition and pressureonpricing.ThishasledfnallytoASEANpharmamanufactures to look for IT solutions[2]to solve both compliance and effciency issues,as also everyone sees that in the world outside the pharma manufacturing plants then technology has overtaken the region,and people with instant access to information and make data available for both clear communication and to enforce control in critical business processes.
The future of information and data now looks very different and is now already becoming a reality in the ASEAN Pharmaceutical industry!This talk will focus on the drivers for change and the key solutions that will allow the region to catch up with the Western Countries and Companies in terms of the IT solutions being used over the next 10 years.Tools that will be covered will include the requirements,needs and functions for the business for systems such as ERP,MES,LIMS and eQMS.The objective of this session will be to understand the scope of such systems and the key benefts that make them important,the lessons from current reference projects and the view to the future of such IT functionality.
[1]PIC/S Secretariat.PIC/S GMP GUIDE,
[2]Cheepchol T.IT Solutions,
*E-mail address:tch@factory-talk.com.
Peer review under responsibility of Shenyang Pharmaceutical University.
1818-0876/©2016 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.on behalf of Shenyang Pharmaceutical University.This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Asian Journal of Pharmacentical Sciences2016年1期