Halal pharmaceuticals and cosmeceuticals from the perspective of higher education

2016-03-17 06:55:55EddyYusufMohdShukriAbYajid

Eddy Yusuf,Mohd Shukri Ab Yajid

School of Pharmacy,Management and Science University,University Drive,Section 13,40100 Shah Alam, Malaysia

Halal pharmaceuticals and cosmeceuticals from the perspective of higher education

Eddy Yusuf*,Mohd Shukri Ab Yajid

School of Pharmacy,Management and Science University,University Drive,Section 13,40100 Shah Alam, Malaysia


Article history:

Available online 23 November 2015

Halal pharmaceuticals and


The halal industry

Moslem communities and


The world demands for halal products,covering foods,cosmetics,pharmaceuticals,services and other products,will continue to grow with the increase in global population,especially the Muslims.It is forecasted that in 2030,Muslim population will cover 27%of the global population.The halal industry is a new growth sector in the Malaysian manufacturing sector and is the fastest growing global business across the world.Increase in value of global halal commodity,with a huge market of USD 2.3 trillion(excluding banking)and is expected to grow each year.

It is expected that awareness of the need and importance of halal products and services have also increased.Our latest survey in fve Asian countries on the awareness of halal cosmetics usage showed that the level of awareness toward halal cosmetic products are considered quite high,where 79%of our respondents indicated that they are aware of the term halal cosmetic,and 88%of them showed that they are familiar with the halal logo in the product.The respondent ranking chooses the halal as the frst concern followed by quality,then brand and fnally price.

The major challenge faced by the halal industries is the shortage of knowledgeable work force that understands Syariah requirements and implementing this theoretical knowledge into actual industrial practice.Lack of understanding in terms of what exactly does halal mean and what are the requirements that must be fulflled for a product to be halal among manufacturers of products,service providers and consumers.They fail to associate halal,which is permissible,to toyyiban, which means wholesome,in the sense that the products must be safe,healthy,nutritious and hygienic.Understanding the principles and practices of halalan and toyyiban,with handson knowledge that meets industrial needs and demand,isnecessary to cater for the rapid expansion of the halal industries and to achieve compliance.

As a higher education institution,the Management and Science University(MSU),in collaboration with the halal industries and government agencies,is taking responsibility in developing the awareness of halal concept and producing the expertise in halal industry.The program is including the development of the halal training modules across the university, establishment of halal research center,and development of halal executive program.The holistic initiative of combining Syariah knowledge with technology will beneft the halal industries, education system,Moslem communities and consumers.


The authors acknowledge the President of MSU for his support and encouragement in carrying out this work.


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*E-mail address:eddy@msu.edu.my.

Peer review under responsibility of Shenyang Pharmaceutical University.


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