
2016-03-15 09:20:29唐飞佳
城市轨道交通研究 2016年7期

杨 柳 唐飞佳



杨 柳 唐飞佳



广州地铁; 轨旁ATP故障; 应对策略

Author′s address Guangzhou Metro Corporation,510030,Guangzhou,China



1 轨旁ATP故障影响分析


(1) 两起事件均发生在周末高峰期。在控车方面,石碁联锁区内有13列列车,其中7列列车需重投;新造联锁区内有9列列车,其中6列列车需重投。多列列车以URM(非限制人工驾驶)模式运行,存在一定的安全隐患,需安排人员重点盯控。

(2) 两起事件中列车在站台停车时间均较长。

(3) 在地下区段以URM模式运行,限制速度较低,对延误的影响较大,尤其是以URM模式长距离运行时,延误加深明显。

(4) 大面积信号故障往往伴随叠加故障,在此时,行调在进行全局控制期间,仍要对关键列车进行盯控,防止阻塞后续列车,影响行车效果。

2 轨旁ATP故障初期应对

2.1 轨旁ATP故障现象



(1) 故障区CTC列车产生紧急制动,出现转RM(限制人工驾驶)提示框,无线定位消失,HMI(人机界面)显示列车占用整个计轴区段(轨道区段显示为红色)。

(2) HMI、LOW(联锁工作站)、CLOW(中央联锁工作站)显示故障联锁区内的信号机灯头打叉消失(现场信号机亮灯)。

(3) LOW、CLOW显示屏蔽门编号(PSDXXX)出现闪烁,屏蔽门图标中间两横变白色,两边两横变红色。

表1 广州地铁4号线轨旁ATP故障对事件比分析

(4) HMI无法监控屏蔽门的开关门状态。

2.2 轨旁ATP故障初期行车命令发布


3 轨旁ATP故障期间应对策略

3.1 关键列车盯控

3.1.1 关键列车的判断


在轨旁ATP故障区域,以URM模式运行的列车需到ITC投入站重投。广州地铁4号线ITC投入站示意图如图1所示。由图1可见,广州地铁4号线正线ITC投入站分部不均匀,部分投入站之间间隔较远,其中新造站—大学城南站上行区间紧急列车制动列车需以URM模式运行6个区间才能到到车陂站进行重投。表1中的00710次列车即在该区间紧急制动,以URM模式运行至黄村站退出服务,列车晚点999 s。


以URM模式运行的列车在地下线路与高架线路上运行时的限速要求不同。具体情况见表2、表3和表4。由表中数据可知,URM模式下,列车在地间下区运行时延误程度更深,且地下区段有多个区间存在限速25 km/h运行的区域,这进一步加深了列车晚点的压力。

目前,东涌站—低涌站区间的1902、1901ABC计轴区段已设置信号限速,该区间正常运行时间约为4 min 10 s;非CTC级别下东涌站上行出站信号机(S1907)、低涌站下行出站信号机(X1804)、低涌站至东涌站下行区间信号机(X1901)无法开放。需提前取消信号限速开放绿灯或授权司机越红灯。


图1 广州地铁4号线正线ITC投入站示意图


表3 URM模式运行速度要求

表4 电话闭塞法组织行车速度要求

表5 新造联锁区和石碁联锁区轨旁ATP 故障时的重点盯控关键列车

3.1.2 关键列车盯控措施

(1) 专人盯控。控制中心值班主任安排一名行调负责对关键列车进行监控,减少列车在站停站时间。调度部值班人员到达控制室后,协助盯控。

(2) 提前准备进路。关键列车的进路需提前排列,原则上至少提前排列至前方站站台。进路排列完成后,要检查主进路要素是否具备,保证信号均能正常开放主信号。若轨旁ATP故障伴随信号机重复锁闭现象,需将进路取消后重新排列(若列车已到信号机前,则执行“开放信号”组织列车通过后进行重排)。遇信号机不能立即开放情况,及时采取授权越红灯等措施组织列车继续运行。

(3) 当列车在车站开出晚点超过400 s时,调度员电话提醒司机注意后续跟进列车运行情况。

(4) CCTV(闭路电视)监控。盯控行调调整该车停车站台CCTV,监控关键列车站台作业情况。如遇司机在站台作业时间较长时,应及时介入,要求司机关门动车。提前通知车站做好客流组织,避免乘客拥挤阻挡列车车门关闭。

(5) 安排URM监控员。行调在轨旁ATP故障发生后,及时给车站发布全呼命令,车站接受命令后安排人员到站台添乘URM列车,缓解URM列车限速延误压力。URM监控员需经过培训,取得URM列车监控资格。为避免URM列车在站台长时间等待监控员到位,URM列车司机在站台正常作业完毕后立即关门动车,无须等待,按照无URM监控员要求限速运行。对于关键列车的URM监控到位情况,行调及时进行核实,发现无监控员的,至少提前一站通知车站优先安排。

3.2 载客越站措施


图2 广州地铁4号线2014年各站日均客流量

从客运量考虑,除去换乘站及日均客运量超过5 000人次的车站,还有官洲站、海傍站、低涌站、东涌站、黄汽站、黄阁站和蕉门站7个车站。从周边环境考虑,海傍站周边有亚运城,黄汽站周边有丰田汽车城,蕉门站周边有南沙区政府及公交枢纽,在这些车站载客越站对乘客影响较大。


3.3 驾驶模式转换优化

3.3.1 设备显示正常立即执行“ATP重解”


3.3.2 故障区域内预选CTC模式

(1) 轨旁ATP故障区域内紧急制动的列车,以RM模式动车即可,保持预选CTC模式;

(2) 故障区域内紧急制动重投列车,在重投站预选CTC模式;

(3) 进入轨旁ATP故障区域列车,在故障区域前一站预选ITC模式运行,进入故障区域在第一个到达站预选回CTC模式。

(4) 若出现短时两次轨旁ATP故障或其他需ITC维持运营情况,各次列车在故障区域预选ITC模式运行。

4 其他建议

(1) 针对RM模式运行速度过低(18 km/h)的情况,建议地铁公司联合车辆厂家研究列车能否增设RM 25、RM 60档位的工作。

(2) 对于无车载ATP保护的列车,在曲线半径小于400 m的线路上,以限速25 km/h运行的情况进行重新评估,适当提高列车运行速度,减轻列车进一步延误压力。

(3) 当新造联锁区发生轨旁ATP故障时,ITC列车可在车陂站上行线转换CTC模式时机。


[1] 林瑜筠.城市轨道交通信号[M ] .北京:中国铁道出版社,2011:231-232.

[2] 林瑜筠,魏艳,赵炜.城市轨道交通信号基础设备[M].北京:中国铁道出版社,2012:53.

[3] 张学兵,俞太亮.地铁列车运行调整策略选择和制约因素分析[J].现代城市轨道交通,2011(5):70.

(Continued from Special Commentary)

function-synthesis around the rail transit stations induces the regional population and the function distribution along the rail transit lines to turn from dispersion to high density aggregation. Meanwhile,a relatively independent sub-centre of city with distinctive features or a urban complex will be induced to form at the integrated transport hubs and important station areas,presenting a new type of urban agglomerations with multi-center and multi-core.Thirdly,the development trend of the rail transit integration of urban agglomerations has been presented.Namely,the urban transit highly merges together with the intercity transit and the trans-regional long-distance transit.The urban transport not only relies on metros,light rails and buses,but also highly depends on various transport modes,such as intercity railways,regional railways and suburban railways etc.The transport of urban center areas is dominated by metro.Passage clear and linkages within the urban agglomerations more rely on the intercity railways and the suburban railways that operate just like city buses.

Being acutely aware of the profound changes in urban development could help us to do the rail transit construction and the operation management work more actively and promisingly.Firstly,the objective laws of urban development should be earnestly followed.Those advanced concepts must firmly be established,such as,“constructing a metro is just constructing a city”,“metro construction′s leading urban development”and etc.,realizing the conceptual change of urban rail transit from pure transport services to supporting the urban development and enhancing the rail transportation practitioners′ initiative,the sense of duty and bearing responsibility.Secondly,the strength of the metro superstructure property development should be increased.Accurately grasp the relationship between the urbanization and the rail transportation integration of urban agglomerations.Around the sites and the axial lines of rail stations,the high-strength development with both compact and focus should be implemented.Guide industries,population and services to gather toward rail transit station sites,promote regional contact and industry upgrade,and lift the value and quality of the land around the rail transit station fields,making it become the main axial line and important stronghold of the regional development of economy and society.Thirdly,explore the sustainable development mode of “rail + property”.The property development around the metro station fields and along the metro lines should be implemented with rail transit enterprises as leading.Internalize the metro property development earnings and the commercial added-value formed directly because of metro′s opening into the rail transit enterprises′ income,making the metro enterprises turn from previously depending on blood-transfusion in finance into a self blood-making mechanism in finance.Those acquired property development profits could be used for compensating the capital lack in metro constructions and the metro-operating losses,constructing the sustainable development mode of “rail + property” of metro enterprises.Fourthly,the top layer design of the rail transit integration development of urban agglomerations must be done well.The high-level leadership mechanism and the coordination and communication mechanisms should be established within the urban agglomerations.Formulate the rail transit integration development strategy and the implementation plan.Make clear the construction objectives,the duty segregation and the safeguard measures.Fifthly,carry out the all-round cooperation of urban rail transportation integration development.Do well each city′s overall planning in advance.Make definite the lines′ docking mode and the station sites′ docking mode between cities.According to the industry characteristics of different cities,carry out differentiation and development of regional economy.Coordinate the implementation of rail transit projects.Adopt the PPP (Public-Private Partnership) mode to attract social capital to participate in the rail transit construction and operation management.

It could be expected that China′s urban agglomeration led by the rail transportation integration development will be an engine to drive future economic growth.Relying on the “rail + property ” mode will be more conducive to seize the commanding heights of development pattern of urban agglomerations in China.

(Translated by SUN Zheng)

Coping Strategies against Track Side ATP Fault on Guangzhou Metro Line 4

YANG Liu,TANG Feijia

When a track side ATP fault happens, all the trains in the interlocking area will take emergency breaking and run in degraded mode, that greatly threatens the normal operation. Based on the track side ATP fault on Guangzhou metro Line 4, the fault phenomenon and effects are comparatively analyzed. Then, the coping strategies against track side ATP fault are described, including traffic organization control link, skip schem and so on,to minimize the impact of track side ATP fault on train operation.

Guangzhou metro; track side automatic train protection (ATP) fault; coping strategy

U 231.6



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