【摘要】目的 探讨使用不同预处理方法对于医疗器械进行清洗效果的影响。方法 选取2013年9月至2015年9月在我科进行消毒的医疗器械600件,随机分为3组,每组各200件。预处理方法为A组采用流动水冲洗后放入清水中浸泡10min;B组直接用新鲜配制的多酶清洗液浸泡10min;C组用流动水冲洗后放入新鲜配制的多酶清洗液浸泡10min,比较三组目测、镜检以及隐血试验检测法的合格率。结果 A组、B组、C组3组目测法合格率分别为93.50%、95.50%、99.00%;8倍放大镜检测法3组合格率分别为92.00%、94.50%、98.50%;隐血试验法3组合格率分别为90.50%、92.50%、97.50%。C组合格率与其余两组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 回收的医疗器械流动水冲洗后放入新鲜配制的多酶清洗液浸泡进行预处理,对于提高器械清洗效果具有显著意义。
Abstract :Objective To investigate the effect of different pretreatment methods on the cleaning effect of medical instruments. Method 600 medical instruments were selected in our departmentfrom September 2012 to September 2014, Randomly divided into 3 groups, each group has 200. The pretreatment method for the A group by using the flow of water to wash the water into the water after soaking 10min; In the B group, the 10min was prepared by using the fresh prepared multi enzyme cleaning solution; The C group was treated with the flowing water and the fresh prepared multi enzyme cleaning solution was soaked by 10min, The qualified rate of three cleaning methods by visual examination and occult blood test. Result A group, B group, C group 3 visual inspection pass rate was 93.50%, 95.50%, 99.00%; The pass rate of 8 times the magnifying glass detection method was 92%, 94.50%, 98.50%; Occult blood test pass rates were 90.50%, 92.50%, 97.50%. The difference between the C group and the other two groups was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion The recovery of the medical device and the flow of water in the fresh preparation of the multi enzyme cleaning liquid immersion, for improving the cleaning effect of the device is significant.
Keywords :multi enzyme cleaning solution; occult blood test; cleaning effect
【中图分类号】R4 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1671-8801(2016)01-0005-02
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料2013年9月至2015年9月在我科进行消毒的医疗器械600件,其中包括齿类器械、管腔类器械、扩阴器、血管钳、组织钳、持针钳,每类器械100件,共计600件,随机分为三组,每组各200件。
1.2 清洗方法 A组采用流动水冲洗后放入清水中浸泡10min;B组直接用新鲜配制的多酶清洗液浸泡10min;C组用流动水冲洗后放入新鲜配制的多酶清洗液浸泡10min。预处理完成后,均放到自动清洗消毒器中,清洗消毒干燥完成后,取出器械进行检验。
1.3 检测标准[5] 目测法:器械表面、卡槽、管腔处均光洁,无残留血迹、无水印、无锈迹,任何一项不达标均视为不合格。镜检法:采用带光源的8倍放大镜仔细观察,标准与目测法相同。隐血试验检测法:采用隐血试剂专用测试纸进行检测,取试纸1条,分别滴加A剂,完全渗透后再滴入B剂,A剂和B剂比例为1:1,在待检测的手术器械表面及齿槽处反复擦拭,1min内试纸不变色即为阴性,出现不同程度紫色为阳性,视为不合格。