2016-02-26 22:21
首席财务官 2016年2期

istaJet CFO,Laela Pakpour Tabrizi

All of VistaJet's aircraft a wholly owned - barring a couple of leases purely for contingency - which gives the business "total control over quality, consistency, reliability, and delivery of its service". "We provide a service akin to luxury. Attention to detail is our modus operandi. This doesn't always mean extravagant spending", Tabrizi explains. Tabrizi says the 50-strong finance function has a dedicated procurement team which focuses on getting best value. But that doesn't mean scouring the globe in order to source beluga caviar."The bigger we are the more purchasing power we have with some of our suppliers. In this industry when it comes to buying fuel, having 56 aircraft gives us some negotiating power," Tabrizi says.

瑞士高端私人航空运营商VistaJet经营的飞机绝大多数为自有飞机,这使VistaJet对质量、一致性、可靠性和服务交付拥有全部的控制权。“VistaJet提供的服务类似于奢侈品,我们的经营处处体现出对细节的重视,但这并不等于过度开支。”CFO Laela Pakpour Tabrizi解释说,由50人组成的财务部门中有专门的采购团队来重点关注如何获得最佳价值。“我们越强大,在某些供应商那里的购买力越强。在航空业内,拥有56架飞机的VistaJet在购买燃料时,拥有很大的谈判权。”

SAP America's CFO,Arlen Shenkman

If you adopt technology and make it an integral part of your business, "you will gain a much deeper level of understanding to benefit your organization." That's the message delivered by SAP North America CFO Arlen Shenkman. SAP is a multinational software company that specializes in enterprise software used to manage business operations and customer relations. "The amount of data that businesses have should be enormous — if you aren't able to pull specific information or don't have visibility into a specific area within your company, this should be a red flag that you are behind in some way," Shenkman says. "The world is changing quickly and business model shifts are relevant to everyone," he adds. "Technology needs to be in a position to address this shift or you will get left behind."

“如果CFO能够主动采用新技术并将其变成业务不可分割的一部分,那么他会对所在的企业有更深的理解,并使企业从中受益。”SAP北美首席财务官Arlen Shenkman表示。谈到技术在财务部门中日益增加的作用,Shenkman认为,“企业拥有大量的数据,如果不能甄选出特定信息,或对企业内部某些特定部分缺乏认识,那么这很有可能就是CFO在某些方面落后的危险信号。世界处在快速变化之中,商业模式的变化与每个人息息相关。必须借助技术的力量来适应这种变化,否则就会落后。”

YES BANK CFO, Rajat Monga

At an industry level of banking sector level, steel and iron are influenced by currency dynamics and steel prices. The areas are an ongoing monitorable for the banking sector. The situation is in fact different with different banks. While there is stress in the sector, some companies are still performing good. But some companies do need some handholding to navigate this period of stress. The differentiated impact on banks is not going to be a short-lived phenomenon.

第五大私营部门银行YES BANK CFO Rajat Monga谈到钢铁信贷时表示,在银行业的行业层面上,钢铁信贷受到货币波动和钢铁价格的影响,因此要对这部分业务持续监控。“事实上,不同的银行具体情况不同。即便整个行业在面临压力,一些公司仍然表现不错。但有些公司确实需要采取一些措施来顶住这段时间的压力。各银行受到不同程度的影响,而且这种影响将长期存在。”
