
2016-02-05 12:57:50
山西青年 2016年12期

赵 寅

南昌市外国语学校,江西 南昌 330025




With the development of modern telecommunication technology,the world has never been as integrated as it is today in the human history.English,as the major language of the global communication,has been used in a lot of situations,especially in international business.It requires users to have a good command of language abilities,like speaking skill.In the traditional process of teaching spoken English,the teachers do not give students a real life situation to practice,and their teaching always leads to poor communicative ability of their students.

Peter Slade(2001)said that dramatic role-play has two basic forms:One is the performances of figure which means making actor himself or herself into another person directly.The other is to play different roles in indirect ways.According to this theory,role-play could be classified into four types as follow:

(1)Single-role play.Student will be given one role by teacher and he or she will play a role like shop assistant,doctor in certain situation.

(2)Double role-play.In this kind of type,teacher will assign roles to two students,and they will talk about one issue based on their roles.

(3)Group role-play.This requires more students to take part in and teachers’ organization ability.This is a good activity to train their ability in dealing with more complex environment.

(4)Doll role-playing.Dolls will be used to replace man in the activity.It gives more freedom to students and improves their creativity in language.

After informing students about all these classification,students can have a better understanding about the role-play.Besides,students know forms of role-play,their characters and their relation in the society.In this way,students can grasp features of role-play and thus have more interests in the next playing and speaking.From the previous information collection and classification of role-play,students now have a general picture of the role-play and how it works.Next,teachers should divide students into groups to play different roles.

When the teachers employ drama as the content of role-play training in oral English teaching,they should encourage students to be more creative in the role-play.Teachers should show students the roles and the situations in the role-play.So the use of background knowledge may help students achieve a better performance in role-play.For example,in the story of ‘Cinderella’,most high school students are familiar to this story.What they need to think about is how to design their performance and assign the role.They also need consider their play forms:single role-play(Cinderella’s monologue in the beginning of the story);double role-play(the dialogue between Cinderella and the Princess)and group role-play(the conversation in the ball).Moreover,students could also add some props and music to the play which will be more interesting and attractive.By using role-play in class,students can create their own language on their own.They could improvise some expression by themselves.This helps to reach the goal of role-play teaching,and build students’ abilities to create their own oral language to express their feelings,meanings in real life.

After the role play performance,the teachers should first point out the mistakes made by students.This can help them correct their language usage in the following activity.Also,the teachers and students could analyze the disadvantages and disadvantage in their plays.Students can express their opinions on other students performance,such as:“If I were your character,I would use expression like…”.In this way,teacher can ask students to switch their character in the activity and play again.So students could experience different roles and their social activities.Their interests of the role-play will be continued in this kind of exchanging of the roles.Also,the role-play activity should involve the students in real-life situations rather than just practicing in a fixed situation.

In addition,after the role-play activity,teacher can ask students to collect more information and use imagination to create a new story,such as ‘The latter story of The Million Pound Bank Note’ and present the story just as they did in role-play activity.In this way,students’ oral creation abilities and their imagination could be developed in a continuous way.It can also consolidate the students’ learning during the class and enhance the students’ interest after the class.

Abstract :Speaking is the corner stone of any language.Without the ability to communicate,students cannot say they master a language.In English teaching,spoken English is not always the priority in teachers’ minds.Traditionally,communicative ability has been long ignored by Chinese teacher because of the exam-oriented education system.In order to address this issue,role-play method has been employed in class activities.This is a method which students play a particular role in a certain situation.This paper aims to find a way to use this method to improve oral ability in senior high school.The paper first introduces reasons of using the role-play.And then it presents some advantages of this method.Next,it discusses the problems of the traditional English teaching approach.Finally,this paper demonstrates how to use role-play for the teaching of oral English.It concludes that role-play is an effective method to enhance students’ oral ability and arouse their interests in English.

Key words:Role-play;Oral English teaching;In senior high school




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