Citation:Tang RX.Effect of intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetonide and bevacizumab for macular edema after cataract surgeries.GuojiYankeZazhi(IntEyeSci) 2016;16(1):135-137
黄斑水肿(macular edema)是黄斑区的一类炎症反应,会逐渐引起患者的视力减退,病灶特点是眼底视网膜的黄斑区域发生炎症,有液体渗出,形成水肿引起中央区域增厚[1-2]。黄斑水肿不属于单独的一类疾病,多作为其他疾病的并发症发生,引起眼底黄斑水肿的原因是多方面的,首先视网膜中央静脉阻塞会直接引发黄斑水肿,其次多数的眼底病手术后黄斑水肿也有可能出现,例如白内障手术等,再次糖尿病、葡萄膜炎等也会并发黄斑水肿[3-4]。目前临床治疗黄斑水肿应用最多的药物是曲安奈德(Triamcinolone acetonide),它是一种肾上腺皮质激素药,抗炎效果强大而持久[5-6]。贝伐单抗(bevacizumab)作为血管内皮生长因子抗体,可以抑制肿瘤血管生成,近几年来也开始被应用于治疗黄斑水肿。本文通过比较白内障术后黄斑水肿患者玻璃体腔注射曲安奈德和贝伐单抗后的矫正视力、黄斑中央视网膜平均厚度、毛细血管造影结果和眼内压情况,评价这两种药物的有效性和安全性,为临床合理用药提高参考。
表2 两组患者手术前后的黄斑中央视网膜厚度 ±s,μm)
1.2方法所有患者术前患眼点左氧氟沙星或者环丙沙星滴眼液4次/d,共治疗3d,治疗时,所有手术均在手术室内进行,患眼消毒和局部麻醉后于鼻下(左眼)或颞下(右眼)角膜缘后 4mm处进针[7],曲安奈德组患者向玻璃体腔内缓慢注射4mg/0.1mL曲安奈德注射液,每2wk注射一次,共计6次;贝伐单抗组患者注射1.25mg/0.05mL贝伐单抗注射液,注射间隔为6wk,共计6次;注射完成后用无菌棉签压迫注射点3min。所有操作均由中级以上专业执业医师完成。所有患者术后随访9mo,分别在术后1、2、3、6、9mo检查患者的最佳矫正视力、眼压,光学相干断层扫描(OCT)检查患眼的黄斑中央视网膜厚度,并采用荧光素血管造影观察黄斑区域相关血管的渗漏情况。随访期间观察患者有无高眼压、青光眼、炎症等并发症发生。
统计学分析:所有数据录入SPSS 17.0软件,两组患者的黄斑中央视网膜厚度用均数±标准差表示,术后各时间点与术前的比较,采用配对t检验, 最佳矫正视力采用χ2检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
2.2 黄斑中央视网膜厚度两组患者术前、术后1~9mo的黄斑中央视网膜厚度见表2,经两因素重复测量方差分析发现,两组患者的黄斑中央视网膜厚度差异性小,无统计学意义(P>0.05)。各组术前和术后各时间点的黄斑中央视网膜厚度采用配对t检验,曲安奈德组术后各时间点与术前的黄斑中央视网膜厚度差异具有统计学意义(t=9.16,8.27,5.44,5.87,4.62,P<0.05),贝伐单抗组术后各时间点的斑中央视网膜厚度均比术前降低,差异具有统计学意义(t=8.11,5.12,4.16,3.27,2.88,P<0.05)。
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Effect of intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetonide and bevacizumab for macular edema after cataract surgeries
Rui-Xue Tang
Department of Ophthalmology, the People’s Hospital of Pingyi County, Pingyi 273300, Shandong Province, China
Correspondence to:Rui-Xue Tang. Department of Ophthalmology, the People’s Hospital of Pingyi County, Pingyi 273300, Shandong Province, China. sfl2014521@126.com
•AIM:To evaluate the efficacy of intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetonide and bevacizumab for macular edema after cataract surgeries, providing clinical reference for the safety and efficacy of treatments.
•METHODS:Ninety-two patients (92 eyes) diagnosed as macular edema were chosen for the study in the department of ophthalmology from March 2012 to March 2014 in our hospital. They were divided into two groups according to different intravitreal injection drugs, the triamcinolone acetonide group with 44 cases (44 eyes) and the bevacizumab group with 48 cases (48 eyes). They were followed up for 9mo after surgeries, and the best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), the mean central retinal thickness, macular capillary angiographic results and intraocular pressure(IOP) were compared between the two groups at the same time points.
•RESULTS:The BCVA of the two groups were both improved postoperatively, but there was no significant differences between the groups in the followed up for 9mo (P>0.05). By repeated measures analysis of variance, there was no significant difference on the central retinal macular thickness between the two groups (P>0.05). The differences on the central retinal macular thickness between the preoperative and each time point postoperative in the triamcinolone acetonide group were statistically significant (t=9.16,8.27,5.44,5.87,4.62,P<0.05), and the central retinal thickness at each time point postoperative was lower than that preoperative in the bevacizumab group, and the differences were statistically significant (t=8.11,5.12,4.16,3.27,2.88,P<0.05).Seven patients had increased IOP in the triamcinolone acetonide group, and became glaucoma, but there was no ocular abnormalities in the bevacizumab group.
•CONCLUSION:Triamcinolone acetonide and bevacizumab can improve visual acuity and capillary leakage in patients with macular edema, but bevacizumab which can not cause increased IOP, can prevent other complications, with more security.
KEYWORDS:•triamcinolone acetonide;bevacizumab;macular edema;corrected visual acuity
收稿日期:2015-08-25 修回日期: 2015-12-15