
2015-12-24 05:10:04杨武,李志鲲,翟骁
脊柱外科杂志 2015年3期






【摘要】目的探讨青少年特发性脊柱侧凸(adolescent idiopathic scoliosis,AIS)矫形手术中使用不同内固定棒的效果。方法收集2011年1月~2013年8月本院收治的AIS患者临床资料(n=134)。根据手术中使用的内固定棒类型将患者分为钴铬棒(cobalt chromium, CoCr)组(n=33)和同直径的钛棒(titanium, Ti)组(n=101)。术前、术后及末次随访时拍摄脊柱X线片并测量冠状面主弯Cobb角、胸椎后凸角、胸腰段前凸角、腰椎前凸角,进行对比研究。结果CoCr组患者主弯角度术后为14.72°±5.01°,末次随访为16.12°±5.48°,末次随访主弯角度丢失1.40°±3.07°;胸椎后凸角术后为22.19°±5.44°,末次随访为21.27°±5.34°。Ti组患者主弯角度术后为17.37°±12.10°,末次随访为20.25°±9.56°,末次随访主弯角度丢失2.89°±4.27°;胸椎后凸角术后为18.02°±7.98°,末次随访为16.53°±6.93°。2组术后主弯角度、末次随访主弯角度、末次随访主弯角度丢失、术后胸椎后凸角、末次随访胸椎后凸角,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论在AIS矫形中,与钛棒相比,钴铬棒可在冠状面上提供更大的矫形力,更重要的是可以防止由于矫形引起的矢状面胸椎后凸角减少,维持较好的矢状面生理曲度。

【关键词】青少年; 胸椎; 脊柱侧凸; 脊柱融合术; 内固定器


【中图分类号】R 726.823



Research on application of CoCr rods in orthopedic surgery of adolescent idiopathic scoliosisYANGWu,LIZhi-kun,ZHAIXiao,SUNXiao-fei,ZHAOYing-chuan,CHENZi-qiang,BAIYu-shu,ZHUXiao-dong,LIMing.DepartmentofOrthopaedics,ChanghaiHospital,SecondMilitaryMedicalUniversity,Shanghai200433,China

Abstract【】ObjectiveA retrospective study based on the results of using different fixation rods in orthopedic surgery of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). MethodsFrom January 2011 to August 2013,134 AIS patients who underwent posterior orthomorphia operation were reviewed. Cobalt chromium (CoCr) group (33 patients) were treated with CoCr rods. Titanium (Ti) group (101 patients) were treated with Ti rods. The major curve Cobb’s angle, thoracic kyphosis, thoracolumbar lordosis, lumbar lordosis were measured preoperotive and postoperative and at final follw-up. Comparative study was performed on the above indicators. ResultsPostoperative major curve Cobb’s angle of CoCr group was 14.72°±5.01°, at final follow-up was 16.12°±5.48°, major curve loss of correction at final follow-up was 1.40°±3.07°. Postoperative thoracic kyphosis was 22.19°±5.44°, at final follow-up was 21.27°±5.34°. Postoperative major curve Cobb’s angle of Ti group was 17.37°±12.10°, at final follow-up was 20.25°±9.56°, major curve loss of correction final follow-up was 2.89°±4.27°. Postoperative thoracic kyphosis was 18.02°±7.98°, at final follow-up was 16.53°±6.93°. Significant difference (P<0.05) were observed in postoperative and final follow-up major curve Cobb’s angle, major curve loss of correction at final follow-up, postoperative and final follow-up thoracic kyphosis of the 2 groups. ConclusionIn orthopedic surgery of AIS, CoCr rods compares with Ti rods, can provide greater correction forces on the coronal plane. More importantly, it can prevent the induce of sagittal thoracic kyphosis due to the orthopaedic , and maintain a good sagittal curve.

Keywords【】Adolescent; Thoracic vertebrae; Scoliosis; Spinal fusion; Internal fixators

J Spinal Surg, 2015,13(3):129-134

近年来,节段性钩系统在青少年特发性脊柱侧凸(adolescent idiopathic scoliosis,AIS)矫形手术中逐渐被全椎弓根螺钉系统所取代,全椎弓根螺钉系统在理论上提供了更加强大的矫形力并且可以提高及维持三维矫形效果[1]。椎弓根螺钉系统具有生物力学优势,其像锚一样通过椎弓根螺钉固定,而椎弓根是整个椎体最坚硬的部分。已经有很多研究针对钩系统或钉钩混合系统与全椎弓根螺钉系统进行了对比,证实了全椎弓根螺钉系统具有强大的矫形力[1-3]。

目前,有很多金属材料被用于畸形的矫正,如不锈钢、超高强度不锈钢、钛合金(titanium,Ti)、钴铬合金(cobalt chromium,CoCr)等。关于Ti棒和不锈钢固定棒在畸形矫正中效果的研究已经有很多[4-5]。但是CoCr棒与Ti棒的对比研究较少。本研究的目的是比较在AIS矫形手术中,CoCr棒与Ti棒在矫正侧凸及维持矫形中的效果差异,现报告如下。



本研究收集了2011年1月~2013年8月本院骨科手术治疗的AIS患者临床资料(n=134),入选标准:①诊断为AIS患者,排除先天性脊柱侧凸、神经肌肉型脊柱侧凸、翻修手术患者,术前全脊柱MRI检查排除神经系统病变;②接受后路全椎弓根螺钉系统固定,内固定全部使用Expedium system(Depuy,Spine,USA);③由同组医师实行手术;④随访时间12~18个月。



术前所有患者拍摄全脊柱正侧位X线片、仰卧侧屈位X线片、悬吊牵引位X线片检查,评价患者侧凸类型、柔韧度,排除先天性畸形;所有患者行脊柱全长MRI检查,排除神经系统病变。手术方案制定及手术均由同一组医师完成。术中全程使用体感诱发电位监测[7]。均通过单纯后路,采用徒手技术置入全部椎弓根螺钉,置钉前使用球探检查钉道完整性,置钉完毕后常规术中透视检查螺钉位置。CoCr组患者双侧使用6 mmCoCr棒,Ti组患者双侧使用同直径的Ti棒,预弯成所需要的矢状面角度后置入,应用旋棒技术进行矫形和椎体去旋转。矫形完毕使用患者自体骨及生物植骨材料进行后路融合。手术完毕后常规行唤醒试验。







表1 2组患者术前柔韧性



CoCr组患者术后平均随访14.6个月,融合节段(11.2±1.3)个,平均手术时间3.1 h,平均出血量832 mL。Ti组患者术后平均随访15.4个月,融合节段(11.3±1.5)个,平均手术时间3.0 h,平均出血量818 mL。2组患者在年龄、冠状面角度、矢状面角度、仰卧侧屈位及悬吊牵引位柔韧性(见表1)、融合节段、手术时间、出血量随访时间上差异无统计学意义(P>0.05); 2组患者在侧凸分型构成比上差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。在术后随访过程中,所有患者未出现腰背部疼痛、固定器断裂、功能障碍等假关节形成症状。









表2 2组患者各项参数


a-d: Preoperative roentgenographs show major curve Cobb’s angle is 67°, and thoracic kyphosis is 25°, and lumbar lordosis is 40°. On traction radiograph, thoracic kyphosis e is 50°, and traction correction rate is 25.4%. On supine bending radiograph, thoracic kyphosis is 51°, and bending correction rate is 23.9%e,f: Postoperative roentgenographs show major curve Cobb’s angle is 25°,and thoracic kyphosis is 34°, and lumbar lordosis is 34°. CoCr rods were used in bilateral spine.The fusion level is up to T3g,h: Roentgenographs of final follow-up show major curve Cobb’s angle is 30°, and thoracic kyphosis is 31°, and lumbar lordosis is 38. Coronal and saggital balance are satisfied, and loss of correctionis is small

图1CoCr组Lenke Ⅲ型AIS病例影像学资料

Fig.1Radiologic data of Lenke Ⅲ tpye AIS case in CoCr group




CoCr是Co和Cr的合金,具有较高的强度和硬度,已经广泛应用于燃气轮机、种植牙和骨置入物等。Serhan等[4]通过对不同材质固定棒的生物力学研究表明,与Ti棒相比,CoCr棒能够在相对小的变形情况下提供更强的矫形力,并且具有更高的塑形变形性:在预弯30°,固定于研究装置15 min后,Ti棒仅有80.7%的塑性变形度,而CoCr棒有48.1%的塑性变形度。本研究也发现同一术者使用同样的技术,使用CoCr棒后术后主弯角度比使用相同直径的Ti棒更小(CoCr组为14.72°±5.01°,钛组为17.37±12.10°,P<0.05)。因此,CoCr棒强度和硬度可能在脊柱冠状面矫形效果中更具优势。








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[22]李惠玲,杜华丽,高明英,等. 3种整铸支架义齿常用金属的耐腐蚀性比较[J]. 华西口腔医学杂志, 2011, 29(5):481-484.

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[25]张伟, 朱晓东, 吴大江, 等. 置钉密度与Lenke 1型青少年特发性脊柱侧凸矫正率的相关性[J]. 中国矫形外科杂志, 2011, 19(7):558-561. PS, Lenke LG, Bridwell KH, et al.Pedicle screw instrumentation for adult idiopathic scoliosis: an improvement over hook/hybrid fixation[J].Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 2009, 34(8):852-857.

[11]Hwang SW, Samdani AF, Marks M, et al.Five-year clinical and radiographic outcomes using pedicle screw only constructs in the treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis[J].Eur Spine J, 2013, 22(6):1292-1299.

[12]Vora V, Crawford A, Babekhir N, et al.A pedicle screw construct gives an enhanced posterior correction of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis when compared with other constructs: myth or reality[J].Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 2007, 32(17):1869-1874.

[13]Quan GM, Gibson MJ.Correction of main thoracic adolescent idiopathic scoliosis using pedicle screw instrumentation: does higher implant density improve correction?[J].Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 2010, 35(5):562-567.

[14]Noshchenko A, Xianfeng Y, Armour GA, et al.Evaluation of spinal instrumentation rod bending characteristics for in-situ contouring[J].J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater, 2011, 98(1):192-200.

[15]Abul-Kasim K, Karlsson MK, Ohlin A.Increased rod stiffness improves the degree of deformity correction by segmental pedicle screw fixation in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis[J].Scoliosis, 2011, 6:13.

[16]Noshchenko A, Patel VV, Baldini T, et al.Thermomechanical effects of spine surgery rods composed of different metals and alloys[J].Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 2011, 36(11):870-878.

[17]Slivka M A, Fan Y K, Eck J C. The Effect of Contouring on Fatigue Strength of Spinal Rods: Is it Okay to Re-bend and Which Materials Are Best?[J]. Spine Deformity, 2013, 1(6):395-400.

[18]Hwang SW, Samdani AF, Tantorski M, et al.Cervical sagittal plane decompensation after surgery for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: an effect imparted by postoperative thoracic hypokyphosis[J].J Neurosurg Spine, 2011, 15(5):491-496.

[19]Canavese F, Turcot K, De Rosa V, et al.Cervical spine sagittal alignment variations following posterior spinal fusion and instrumentation for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis[J].Eur Spine J, 2011, 20(7):1141-1148.

[20]Ernstberger T, Heidrich G.Postfusion magnetic resonance imaging artifacts caused by a titanium, cobalt-chromium-molybdenum, and carbon intervertebral disc spacer[J].J Spinal Disord Tech, 2007, 20(2):154-159.

[21]Trammell TR, Flint K, Ramsey CJ.A comparison of MRI and CT imaging clarity of titanium alloy and titanium alloy with cobalt-chromium-alloy pedicle screw and rod implants in the lumbar spine[J].J Bone Joint Surg Am, 2012, 94(16):1479-1483.

[22]李惠玲,杜华丽,高明英,等. 3种整铸支架义齿常用金属的耐腐蚀性比较[J]. 华西口腔医学杂志, 2011, 29(5):481-484.

[23]Griffin CD, Buchanan RA, Lemons JE.In vitro electrochemical corrosion study of coupled surgical implant materials[J].J Biomed Mater Res, 1983, 17(3):489-500.

[24]Hicks JM, Singla A, Shen FH, et al.Complications of pedicle screw fixation in scoliosis surgery: a systematic review[J].Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 2010, 35(11):E465-470.

[25]张伟, 朱晓东, 吴大江, 等. 置钉密度与Lenke 1型青少年特发性脊柱侧凸矫正率的相关性[J]. 中国矫形外科杂志, 2011, 19(7):558-561.






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