项目信息/Credits and Data
摄影/Photos: 孔德钟/KONG Dezhong
1 模型/Model
A House as a Garden
By extension and addition, a group of unrelated old buildings are renovated into a calligraphy museum – the Wei Yuan Garden, in which the Big is envisioned the Small.
The pitch-roof of the single-storey building is extended with one span on either side to accommodate the calligraphy exhibition. Roof trusses are so wrapped to turn the original crossaxis of space to connect it with the courtyard. Structure helps lower the viewpoint and create spatial ups and downs, in order to recall the spatial perspective once possessed in the Song Dynasty.
The rock-and-water layout, tree-planting and soil-cultivation are well designed in accordance with the principle of interiorexterior continuity, in the hope of expanding the spatial capacity (as the house) and offering sceneries (as the garden).
Wei Yuan Garden, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, 2014
Principal Architect: GE Ming
2 首层平面/Floor 0 plan
3 二层平面/Floor 1 plan
4.5 剖面/Sections
6 白厅/White hall
7 入口/Entrance
8 黑厅/Black hall