
2015-12-19 02:41建筑设计徐甜甜DnA建筑事务所
世界建筑 2015年2期






1 外景/Exiterior views



2 外景/Exiterior views

Songyang County in southwest Zhejiang Province is well-known for its scenic landscape and over one hundred ancient villages. There are a considerable number of villages nearby Damushan green tea field, the major tourist attraction in Songyang. A series of public space and facilities are needed in Damushan to provide leisure and rest space for local villagers, tea farmers as well as tourists.

Bamboo pavilion is composed of a series of pavilions and platforms not only to meet different functional purpose, but also to respect local village context and the ecological environment of the tea fields. Two different square sizes are chosen for the pavilions’ footprint, 6.6m and 5.1m per side, to accommodate multiple forms of activities. The pitched roofs, angled at 30°, 45° and 60°, respond to the long stretches of the mountain ranges in the distance as a floating village.

Locally bamboo is used as construction material to create a light structure and is easy for construction. An integrated structure of roof system and wall system is made up of local bamboo with diameters 100mm-120mm. The bamboo beams form a structural triangle system at the four corners of each square unit that then become a larger system stable enough to support the roof across each 5.1m and 6.6m platform. At the top, the four sloping roof panels come together to form a skylight. The arrangement of the bamboo columns are determined by the structural stress and tension of the pavilion, with a gradient of density. The pattern is cohesive with the roof system, elongating the vertical lines of the pavilion. The roof grid system is composed of Lei Bamboo with 40-50mm diameter, different from the structural bamboo to respond to the horizontal lines of the tea fields. The raised platforms with bamboo floors, set above or below the tea tree tops, create open or enclosed public spaces among the tea fields. A pair of holes are drilled at the top portion of each bamboo column to drain excessive rain water and to blow as bamboo whistles when capturing the wind.

Three courtyards are formed by four bamboo pavilions and two platforms. The ground is paved with pebbles from the local streams. Fine-leaf vegetation is planted including Bambusa multiplex "Fernleaf" and Nandina domestica. The construction period of this bamboo pavilion is 8 weeks with a total cost of 150 000 RMB. It could become a prototype to be introduced into the entire Damushan Tea Fields to create new public space and facilities.

3 屋面格栅/Roof grille

4 屋面格栅/Roof grille

5 外景/Exiterior view







LIU Xiaodu: There must be a big reason for an architect who lives in a big city to go across the country to design a tiny structure like this bamboo pavilion. A pure and free building environment could be a sufficient enough reason. It is also very appropriate for a good sensed architect like XU Tiantian to deliver an idyllic design in a remote mountainous tea plantation, with a light, earthy and simple style. The pavilion has unique characteristics of both in and out of its rural context, ambiguously defined functions, and a seemingly familiar though strange image. It is way enough to carry these meanings for this small building. Although I normally intend to appreciate more the rural architecture that improve local living condition as to promote the reconstruction of the rural society, it is also meaningful to discuss pure architectural subject such as in this project.

DONG Wei: LU Yu, a famous scholar in Tang Dynasty specialized in tea study, once commented tea as "the good wood in Southern China." As good wood, tea is deemed with a certain cultural value. At the very beginning, tea and tea ceremony in China were endowed with humanistic characteristic, connecting tea closely with the life and even religious belief of intellectuals in ancient China. For example, WEI Yingwu wrote a poem about tea: "It is too pure to be polluted, a drink of it would clean your mind. To truly learn its soul and taste, you need to be relaxed and quiet." It is believed that people who drink tea regularly for a long time would behave outstandingly like one of those immortals.

Tea planting is a hard and skill-demanding agricultural work that requires a large amount of complicated and meticulous laboring. This work actually has nothing to do with the "tea culture". However, as we step into an era when culture is highlighted, this repeated daily labor becomes a type of cultural landscape. The Bamboo Pavilion in Songyang tea plantation in Zhejiang Province can be regarded as an example of construction based on labor and its products.

These bamboo pavilions that seem plain in appearance indeed exhibit delicate humanistic feelings in design. Located in a tea plantation along the hillside in Songyang, the pavilions are made of local bamboos.They are used as rest place for tea farmers to relax and to take a break from the intensive laboring. During tourism season, they become significant cultural landmarks that not only promote the local identity, but also allow visitors to appreciate the landscape in a more relaxed and convenient way.

6 剖面/Section

7 结构系统/Structural elements

项目信息/Credits and Data

主持建筑师/Principal Architect:徐甜甜/XU Tiantian

设计单位:DnA建筑事务所/DnA Design and Architecture

客户/Client:松阳县旅游发展有限公司/Songyang Tourism Development Co., Ltd.

施工单位/Construction Team:许超然,竹木建筑工程公司/XU Chaoran, Bamboo Wood Construction

项目团队/Project Team:张龙潇,黎林欣,胡蓦怀/ ZHANG Longxiao, LI Linxin, HU Mohuai

设计时间/Design Period:2014.09

建筑材料/Materials:毛竹,雷竹/Mao bamboo, Lei bamboo

摄影/Photos:周若谷/ZHOU Ruogu, Savoye photographer

Bamboo Tea Pavilion, Songyang, Zhejiang, China, 2014

Architects:XU Tiantian/DnA Design and Architecture

松阳:以科技为引领 推进产业转型林业增效